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Drawthread: the Pre-Sequel!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 95
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Drawthread: the Pre-Sequel!
Hell yeah
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I'd appreciate any help identifying the artists to their respective drawings
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Taking requests!
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/r/ requesting anything of Eerie from Telemonster..
He's manly /and/ cute!
I'd prefer you try and draw him as close to the source material as possible.

See him in action here:
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do you think you could draw this person from the last thread?
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Requesting this character in a rave party
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ye i'll post in new thread

ehhh i'm sleepy but i wanna doodle~
how u anon?

oh god i wouldn't be able to do it
and see i told ya~
>Doesn't see the one I drew for you in there.
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Oh! I already did a lewd drawing!
Oh fuck! You don't happen to have anything else too? I love it.
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when artists.jpg
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Whoever drew me in the last thread has got me anatomically correct.

I have a 20" inch wide externalized clit
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I'm just a six eyed doggo.
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I think I'm finally done (been procrastinating honestly) any final thoughts fellas?
I must have asked for your draw name and never received it. I'm sorry. Which one is yours and what's your draw name?
I'm tired, it's annoying when you have a work meeting at your equivalent of 2am when you work that day
I am in misery until I hit a second wind of energy. I usually get one around 4am. :/

Doodle up a creepy looking dark souls enemy, if you know of any
epic video games
You're a pretty awesome doggo
Throw in da color
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eva (75).png
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for the anon who wanted a more up to date ref
this is the most up to date one i have~

why u need 6 eyes
and all them teeth
are you gonna bite me

oh GOD i'd die
i cherish sleep

i feel u man
lemme see if i can find any neat ones i like~
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You mean this, chris. i think it fits your character about right
>brown girl
all my hnnnng
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Requesting Esdeath shyly giving a handjob with a tearful expression
Guess it stays in the anonymous folder forever
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Thanks, my dude.
no thanks, i don't bite cute girls.
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I was hoping I could request some lewds of my character.
But which drawing is yours?
Thanks eva, that's perf
none in that imgur.
Oh damn, are you a morenita? You learn something everyday.

Those creepy hand spiders from ds3 are pretty neat.
my penis bump this.
>encouraging that autism
just lol
I feel like all these "draw my oc" requests are from the same small group of friends shitting out ocs just to have new requests every week.
stop policing and ignore
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hows everybody doing tonight?
I don't understand.
So what are you complaining about?
Could we see more of you?? Like full body stuff?
>cool pupper
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>cat purring
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I don't really have any friends who i can relate to on here...
That you never saved mine.
stop policing me
someone posted an autistic nigger oc with a tentacle and you complimented it.
stop encouraging autism
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Anyone draw my request of her?

I missed most of last thread
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hehehe ye~
i wanted to make her a lil lighter than that but i was lazy

d'aw thank u~
do u bite ugly people

anytime friend~

sure am
and eh all of the cool stuff in ds are all crazy detailed
i'm too shit to draw that stuff mang
Make some. We're all degenerate retards just like you.
I must have never been around for it's delivery. Do you have it saved?
Despite the fact i'm male

That clit looks wonderful, though i wish it was larger.

thanks hun, saved.
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I had a guy tell me he would draw this move in the last Fred, with Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools and Cammy from Street Fighter. I don't think he asked me for a name :S

guess I'm keeping my eyes open
Oh, so you're just a racist.
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How is tentacle friend?
How good is your eye sight?
Speak for yourself. I'm a normie
I mean I wouldn't mind that, but out of being anonymous, I can't socialize at all.
nigger aside it's still autistic
stop encouraging autism
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its one guy posting a ton of OCs of other artists so he can use it for "art trades"
Stick around
Are you the new Fud?
Wait, proof? I don't want to be an enabler of that sort of stuff.
make this faggots dream come true
he calls them all "his" character but they're all in various artstyles and by different people
kys randy
you have no authority here just like in real life
go jerk yourself off in the corner
You're so extra adorable when you blush
no idea who randy is
sorry for triggering you, liberal nigger lover tard lover
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Drawfags unite.png
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Finished it!

Hopefully I can show all the drawfags that are in this thing. Got really invested in making it look good and ended up taking forever on it
I just want to see her tits someone please do this
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Nah, draw it derpy and simplified in your style
Look at these no talent doodles of mine of some dead space stuff
You could do this, but better. You just gotta beliiieeeeeve~
I'll make another one.
Aw I love it! Saved~
So it's just one person doing the same request with multiple OC's? I don't mean to sound like a dick, but is there proof? I won't do it if it's just some guy stealing others oc's for art.
....I'm a normie too, I just want them to feel better.

Again, that's like 97% of the people on here, myself included.
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I feel like its the same person requesting all of these furry oc's
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Like this? (sorry for the lack of detail, too lazy for drawing the tentacles and sharper claws)
I can see in red tones and recognize a cute girl from 280 ft away.
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Sorry, it's the only one I have!
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I really need to get into it already

Oh trust me, after Fio and Wolf, this is a definite next!

>the true ultimate spacie
does this cool doggo have a name?
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Dang, that would have been nice to be a part of. But I'm past my era, so it makes sense

Cool cool
go post on /v/ you fucking faggot no one cares about your based nintendo here
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not true bruv.png
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I care.

Oh shit, drama? Where?

I used to do this with a different drawfag. Don't go down this path anon.

Just an anon but wow this is awesome
What's up with all the arms though? Are you guys in a gang now?
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That's really cool! Thanks man!
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veryyyy sleepy actually
i'm gonna head to bed~

i'm not the new fud
fud is the old eva


maybe next time~
i'm gonna head to bed

i wanna see u eat someone~

if they wanna love my pixels let it happen mang~

anyway i'm goin to bed
l8r nerds
Some of the images have blurred or removed signatures, check them in the archive. They always ask the same way.
Take care, Eva~
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i was gonna attempt more requests, but i guess alicia left, and i need to go myself.

night thread.
I love you
Later dork
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Glad you like it

Like I said mang, mabes next time u_u

For real? it...the arms form a heart

Glad ya leik eet

Welp, it was a fun draw, cool to meet all you newer drawfags. If anybody who's in that shows up could y'all show it to em for me?

Ah, I think you're right.
I'll scrap it, thanks for the heads up anon. Appreciate it.
No prob, that sort of stuff makes me uneasy.
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Yeah, eat someone.
Awwww okay good night babe
Same. I like to draw things, but someone taking art someone else made for their own profit just sucks.
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Actually, I've been thinking about doing that for a while. alot of people are suddenly droppin out of nowhere and less drawfags are being more active. I might soon drop out of this place tbh, I don't know yet tho
Are you sure it's that? I've shown the threads to a lot of my furfag friends and I know some of them requested shit, even ones that did take names off stuff so they wouldn't be found on tumblr and shit
>nim there twice
>swordbro but no yotsubro
>sticknig? valuff? who??
>no fud or blush
Yeah, thats some low down sus shit.
>that drawing
tumblr as fuck.
this is sweet! saved
Ignore that guy, he's a shitter.
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Hey, got any metroid stuff in your style?
wait who are you?
>even ones that did take names off stuff so they wouldn't be found on tumblr
Isn't that the whole point of this thing? They took names off and requested things, to just put back onto tumblr with no credit? I doubt they post it back to tumblr saying "A nice /b/ drawfag drew my OC for me!" Besides, taking the name and credit off a picture in the first place is bad enough.
It's okay if swordbro who is totally a drawfag does it, yotsubro draws his avatar, that means it's okay for him too.
Here's the attention you begged for.
Do go to /v/.
putting someone so unsightly and so unpleasant into anything is the problem
Dude, fucking sick work. Gj
Love how we all form a big heart!
Huh, didn't notice that the first time around. That's cool, dude.
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Now that's a save if I ever saw one
this tbh its too suspicious to trust
Nah I mean they took names off their refs. Never saw any post to their tumblr just post it to a chat say shit like "look what I got from the thread" sometimes saying the name and sometimes just that first shit
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do it.png
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You can call me Shadry.
Not that a cool name, but that's it.
another day sweeties, good night.
doggo needs to finish something.
hope that I see you guys tomorrow.
What of we created our own collectible trading cards with drawfriends in them?
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Don't do it, what would poor lina think?
This reminded me of that one anon that dropped by a few months back showing off his personally made tarot cards. Shit was cash.
Hanging around with my best friend cardbro
Hanging around with my best friend card
Hanging around with my best friend cardbro
Hanging around with my best friend card
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So, I'm going to fall asleep while pretending the pillow I'm spooning is actually hero.
cardfag was such a piece of shit
Why take the names off their ref's in the first place? Unless it's a different name, they already put their OC name in the filename. Unless it's their artist name as well, what's the point, and the big deal? As someone else said, there's been an influx of "Draw my furry oc" things happening, and it's odd that, if it's multiple people, had the same request, with a furry oc, and wanted to remove the OC name/artist name. Doesn't that seem odd to you?
I agree
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is there a request for me?
Oh yeah totally it's odd. I've only told two or three people. The ones I told have their oc's name as their url's, and give the filenames nicknames they have.
Always, draw me something like that.
fuck a nude boy with a strap on,
and stay clothed
what... clit?
Dude no
Think of your waifu. What would she think?
I think that's exactly why people are skeptical of it all. I do get keeping yourself private, but to go to such a length, and for multiple requests no less, is why people are having second thoughts about all the requests.
lol nevermind.

i have a cold so i can't think straight
A reflection off of a round object
the fact that she doesn't close her eyes at all during this gif ruins it for me
I hope that cold turns to pneumonia and kills you.
Is somebody doing this one for me?
3:30 am here 0_o
you're sweet bawble
*air kisses you*
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>Thought it was one big tiddy

I thought that artist said they couldn't do it?
dont forget the sheer number of different art styles between each image
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Thanks for the attention /b/ro! but yeah anyways, eh, I could always just post in both

Sorry my dude, altho I might be able to give it a shot. I'm done with my starfox marathon. I'll see what I can do

just some nigga with a shotgun

she's fine dude, no worries

>too lazy to draw
The guy/whoever said he had to step out for a bit, then doing it when he came back
can i have an edit with her wearing a bra?
While I don't doubt that they may have commission/got friend to draw a ref for them, if they're so obviously hiding their URL, it may as well be something they drew trying to keep themselves and their tumblr away from 4chan. The multiple art styles from "one" (or more) people is completely suspicious, like you pointed out.
love you bawble <3
This is slime. Good night doggo
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This fucking night
so weird that hes defending it so hard too
samefag, the stench is too strong. how pathetic
Archive didn't pick it up, but they said something like "Having a shit time drawing it, if I keep fucking it up I'll have to pass"
draw my fursona
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Draw my furry please.
your stuff is top tier, drawthrread wise, despite the medium, so we are blessed to have you here!
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So fucking hot.

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like this?
God i fucking jizzed
take reqs?
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welp heading to bed
Nice blowjob, thanks!
that is amazing! who is the artist?
Facial/creampie please!
His name is Zeefy, you can see him in the aco oc threads every so often or in the discord for it as well.
One eye on the dick, one eye on his face. A class act.
swing and a miss
Threads dead, no artists, no requests.
What a weird time to be here.
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Why does it feel like the last thing cooking takes a million years?
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All Apologies 1.png
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who? taking requests?
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I'm still up for stuff!
I am as well!
Anyone taking furry requests?
I might be, what's up?
Literally anything. Just furporn. I'm bored as hell here.
Requesting a sissy male Vulpix (nonanthro) presenting its hindquarters to the viewer, extremely embarrassed.
Draw her going balls deep!
Ye Galaxy Rider
I'll take some
I usually only take refs. I'm not super creative with off the fly things. I got a shemale mantis I can repost if you'd like?
Hey that's some good curvature, thanks Hannia
How about this, then?
Just make his dick the same green color of his tongue, if you're wanting to draw porn, that is. I don't care for porn all that much, but at least it gets lots of views on e621 and stuff and brings in new fans for the show.
I'm drunk.
Pin up girl in casual clothes
Shemale is fine, but I'm more fur than insect or scalie inclined. But I have no refs.
taking only extreme degenerate requests

will chose 1
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requesting a power suit inspired by Ridley's design
>I'm more fur than insect or scalie inclined.
Ah, I'll skip out on that then. No worries, I'll brainstorm while drawing:
If I can think of something I'll shout you.
Skunk girl with stinking, reaking feet, cunt and pits
girl dressed like a baby getting dicked
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1 MB, 1088x825
Something among these lines but with a character of your preference.
You could draw him doing a simple "presenting ass" pose. No one's done any good drawings of his ass.
Thread dead
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Photo Sep 01, 4 13 21 AM.png
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Requesting Esdeath sucking two dog cocks and crying
who made this? It's awesome
weak shit
not really degenerate, just dressup
this is pretty okay

leaving requests open for a little bit longer beforei pick
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phoneposting and taking request
a chick getting fucked by multiple dogs
Draw pregnant toddler getting another creampie from daddy, crying, while huge cock ramming her tiny pussy.
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Draw Alice fucked by that horse, balls deep, to the point of bulging her belly.
More references:
Oops, didn't post reply.
Working on it, forewarned though, apparently I suck tonight, it's going to take a while. I'm barely getting through the head.
This guayo? Sup homie
Fuck off and kill yourself Taith
Now that's the ticket, this is definitely my favorite so far.
Beast is complete legal and nondegenerate in most of the world anon, you grow up sheltered?
nope lel
that's Meerkay?
I also think I may just go with a dick pose. Sorry bout that.
Where are the draws man. I need shit to edit.
Come on, people.
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442 B, 160x146
Background like this one pls
Don't apologize, it's going to be awesome.
And I have all night, I'm staying up drinking like I said, so don't worry about time, either.
Thank you very much for having so much faith in me. I'll try and speed it up a little bit anyway though.
>Now that's the ticket
Make it POV, to make viewer to be her daddy.
you didn't say illegal, be specific faggot
You lie.
Dont worry you're gonna be her big strong daddy, gonna do a full render and color for this one. This may take a while.
Thread dead
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this constitutes as bullying
>Hello faggot police? Yes? OP is on the loose again.
Daumn, may make oiled/shiny skin?
shes gonna be sweaty and shiny, glimmers of cum and spit
I like this guy.
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I'm no bully. I'm nice.

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artist name?
Fuck you
Perfect, blonde?
Thread is dead
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They blocked my number

being a better person than me is bullying
Nice! I should add in a lightsaber!
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I smell degeneracy...
Get out. Thread needs to be dead.
A wild qt appears
I was going to go with redhead but blonde is fine
I don't have a name here, I sometimes draw on /d/ and /trash/
Aren't you a cute little thing, I like your character.
link to your work then? or a gallery? if you want requests like that you must have other nice thigns right?
>inb4 rukia
Your call.
eggs you know I love you but god do I hate that one bald spot you have
What I did to you anyway?
Are you also in the feels thread? ;-;
How do you know I am? I could be a potted plant for all you know.
I've drawn a picture of Rukia before, got a lot of requests for Bleach girls before.
I recently had to delete my tumblr due to a certain person dedicated to finding my personal information. I don't feel comfy sharing anything but what requests I do anymore so please give me some time and I'll sign the delivery.
Your name reaches far further than you realize.
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Why, and are you saying I could resurrect an entire thread all by my self??


hmm... you are interesting.


(and sidecuts can be hot, I just gotta get better at drawing them)
Getting there, last couple things.
Also, knot cock, or human?
Knot, please. Big, green knot.
Still it's nonsense, listening to some idiots throwing out shit about other people.
Made request, you like it or not and opinion about other people make by your own.
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I got about 8$. What poison can i get with that?
just let it alone taith he clearly isnt doing it for you
Still, his random hostility amused me.
Eggs, I want you to ride me while I squeeze that perfect ass.
Err it wasn't if you did it right or not
idk pardon my shit taste
Are you in America? Go down to walmart and buy Equate Maximum Strength Sleep-aid softgels.
AKA diphenhydramine.
The experience is like being on meth and painkillers at the same time.
It's very unpopular because the hallucinations can be scary for some.
>get defensive
your anger is pretty obvious
its gonna be okay taith dont worry the big mean man will go away sometime
File: Warwick.png (1 MB, 1215x717) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting Big bad Warwick getting fuck in his ass by lumber jack.
Didn't even made me raise an eyebrow, not to mention blood pressure. Just made me wonder why.
How are you today, eggs?
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maybe we could do that some time:)

All I'm saying is that I should be able to convince you, no offence taken~

I'm great! how are you Anon?
You tease. I would obviously be down, but you live on the other side of the world somewhere.
Do you ever skype cyber?
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I meant alcohol to drink but hey. I admire your will to help others.

You seem to be crying. Come have a drink. Sadly i only have 8$ so we gotta split the shot.
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Here you go.
Hope you like it.
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I don't do e-relationships. Not even casual ones for hot cyber sex...

Oh, thank you dear, but I was just referencing Lord Dominator. No tears, only make up~
It's not a relationship though. We're just getting each other off, that's all.
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You're a strange thing. But things become better with drinks. Enjoy. Watch out for the anons though. They ready to get ya.

Anyone else here in the bar? Seems pretty empty in here
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Dropping off some fur porn before bed, g'night bread <3
Thanks man! The expression on his face. So hot!... I also like his pose, it's very ambitious.
Glad you like it, I was having some troubles with his expression so it's nice that it turned out well. First time I've tried that pose as well, so it looks a bit wonky
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Oh the new gay furries weekly! Too bad i dont read it.

Bit harsh anon. Maybe you need a drink too
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you say that now... Take this and be at peace, Anon.

Aww, thank you!
It's just fine man.
You're improving, wtf.
You made me proud my child
Still around? Hopefully you won't fall asleep.
...I'll take it, but you know it'd be much more fun the other way... ;)

But you're a sweetheart, despite your perversions. I like to keep it that way. <3
Yeah I'm working. Nothing to worry about, just taking my time. Not going to sleep for a while.
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Thank you!
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>She totally is doing anon a few seats away from me. Just dont look. They can't see me if dont see them...why at the table..
No problem...its on the house..

Any requests? DrawBar is pretty empty.
Sorry for making a mess...
Aww jeez, you're spoiling me, eggs. Thank you <333

It's a good read, man
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think i have a flu, draw threads dead, no work tomorrow because called out, can't sleep. all I want are cute drawings
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>i didnt need that book anyway...

Ay no worries...the janitor will clean it up..

Sorry. Hard to read anything while two bodies rub together nearby.
oops thats from the fap folder, deleting it
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Darth Nihilus
god dammit this is really awesome why did you do this to my pic
Because it's what i do. Check Discord, nerd.
what cute drawings do you want?
Requesting a loli holding a balloon while on a turtle.
Can I get lewds of this drawfag? I promise, they said it's okay.

*wink wink*
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Anyone got the contact info of a good exorcist?
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I counter-requesting YOU draw lewds of your OC.
Come on man, you need to stop shying out of it.
Oh look, it's my sign for bedtime. Have a nice day, Pin~
You actually need one, or is that a joke?

Good morning, pink floof
request something
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howsit goin
okay goodbye
mornan mornan~!
Little blah but ok
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I just want some sexy time pics of my waifu, I'm not the original artist.
I will maybe see you next thread

..........I love you
teddy bear + excited looking girl
can't think right now
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>You actually need one, or is that a joke?
Y-you got one?
chi will never "draw" anything she doesnt want to when she can just spam other artists to do it
Don't tell me you was stupid enough to summon a succubus or create a demon with your mind by feeding it your energy.
There better be some doodles next thread, dammit. RIP this Thread.
Nah, just curious.

Fucking hot btw, damn. You should do eggs in lingerie just posing.
wow never thought I'd see a /x/enophile on here
But, anon, I'm a lazy fuck
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I don't know if I did anythiiing.

But hey, can't harm to do a little exorcism just to be on the safe side, right?

Thaaanks, I should~
if anything you could do a smudging. exorcism's p extreme. it's a last resort when all else fails.
Or I could make friends with the demon. Who am I to say what goes and what doesn't.

(but yeah, SAGE)
Are you messing around with a ouija board?
no, haven't done that since I was in my early teens.

It's mor about this... carnal desire
holy shit eggs did you make a fucking tulpa
Yo cyber anon again, I could help you with that.
nooo, that would only make it stronger!!
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eggs oh my god
...but it would be immensely fun.

...and I really want to see you cum for me~ ;)
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oh, well i hope it gets better
you never said anything about cams.. plus I'm not real, I'm just a program
Don't ew me you beautiful swine
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