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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 232
Thread images: 151
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im a grill btw
I'm a pangender transnigger. mind your pronouns...
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dont laugh its true im a girl
but im not attentionwhoring cos im gay
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Anything more like this?
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Now playing: "All Out of Love" by Air Supply
only if your penis is feminine... (everything under 8 inches)
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you know nothing about feminine penis
do you think we forgot? that we aren't the same people from the last thread.
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it's for you.gif
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idk who they are but they aren't me and they aren't even good at pretending. i'm going to bed now. later.
Doesn't anyone have more equine like stuff?
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ya know, i rarely see horses. it's true.
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nobody cares.png
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bump for s/fur
omg yes more of this stuff please
is there more of this character or w/e?
guys stop fighting just leave the girl alone pls what are you all gay? lmao
*tips fedora*
I'll still accept that actually... but I'd like female variants please.
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I don't see a girl here.
I think that's the only lewd of that character that exists. Even so, I think that may be an edit
Pity it doesn't have a more horse like cock
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I really like this one. Thanks
Guns are a cowards way out. I'll take my katana over that any day.
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eh some pull it off but usually looks kinda strange when most people draw it
non lewd is fine too. she's just too fucking cute.
haha this isn't exactly what I'd meant. But. I do enjoy this content to. Thanks op
My mommy said I have the get downs syndrome.
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I actually don't know what the legal says about swords around here.


Probably banned since 1945.
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I love this artist's work
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Sucks to be you.
The last sentence was a joke.
you're so mean to me. I hope you're happy!!!
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IMO the only thing worth having on that table is the spyderco para. such a good little tool in such an expensive fucking steel
It's my EDC. I fucking love it.
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The best kinds of gifs for a mobile user imo
am 12 pls no bully
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kill yourself.jpg
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ill cut u
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That's a fucking bitch knife. Get on my level.
People give me shit about taking my PC, 2 spare batteries and flashlight as EDC but you people take the cake
>muricans with knives
This is rather nice
one day.
File: 2016-08-25 09.55.27.jpg (384 KB, 1224x1632) Image search: [Google]
2016-08-25 09.55.27.jpg
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im already far abaove your level get a nice fixed blade not some meme shit then come back
ew muricans
I love this pic
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My EDC is my Spyderco Paramilitary2, Fenix TK-15C, hair bands (my mane gets really hot down here in the summer), some of those retarded magical rocks that my mom gave me, and my my cell phone and G-Shock watch. I also wear camo cargo pants and heavy boots.
>tacticool as fuck

You have a $20 glawk knife bruh. My knife was as much as the dildo right there.
*now my
I should sleep.
What animal?
still haven't thought of a name
I dunno some kinda dinosaur or something.
How about faggot?
>its expensive so its the best
no try mount it to a rifle as a bayonet and see how well you do.
there's a good ring to it
File: 20160911_021705.jpg (1 MB, 2560x1440) Image search: [Google]
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I'd like to see you do that with a fucking $20 piece of shit glawk knife. You don't even own any guns, you britcuck.
jesus christ are the bad dragon toys really that expenive? i've never seen a para military2 under $120 new

must be some good fuckin dildos
show benis
PM2 is $200 on their website, but of course I didn't get it for that much. Cw's horse cock was like $275 or something. Bad dragon toys are very expensive, but being the britcuck he is made it way more for shipping and import charges.
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so about that content..
This is a shitposting thread, fuck off.
have you looked into glock knives even slightly?
sure they are cheap but they are made very well and were originally designed to be a bayonet for the AUG
>le bad cos cheap
havent broken it yet and ive sure been trying.
opened any letters yet with your expensive knife?
or do you only use it for slitting your own wrists

havent you already seen it?
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Sounds about right.
But nah, I'm just kidding. It looks like a decent knife. I still want to get a Ka-Bar, but being the Jew I am I don't know if it's worth it. I've got other shit I want as well, and I'm still a NEET.
yeah i have, i just like to ask
And I have actually used my knife quite a bit. For cutting myself, yes, but also opening shit and working in the yard, and just fucking around in general. Need to sharpen it.
id get ka-bar too but tbh if you are jew.. why spend more? both made out of 1095 steel.
ive been pointing mine at people its pretty fun
Come on guys.... I miss the content.
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so.. about that content..
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.40 kek.png
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>cutting myself, also yardwork
good luck, anything made from S30V is a bitch to sharpen in my experience. but well worth it. have fun with that
File: burning up the dance floor.png (2 MB, 876x1234) Image search: [Google]
burning up the dance floor.png
2 MB, 876x1234
shitpost more furry porn.
because i like dick
>why spend more? both made out of 1095 steel.
Good point. I dunno, I just like it. But I don't really need more weapons right now anyway.

>ive been pointing mine at people its pretty fun
Kek, nice.

It's a Multipurpose knife. I now have an X-Acto knife to cut myself with. The blade is better.

I have no experience with sharpening blades, but I can figure it out.
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i would but i havent the folder. only the vulpix.. erm.. pics. and the gif. i came looking to build on a new one for once. but of course its derailed by a bunch of edgy faggots
I really like how the fur actually slightly covers the nipple. That detail is extremely rare.
File: 2016-08-26 08.23.24.jpg (2 MB, 2448x3264) Image search: [Google]
2016-08-26 08.23.24.jpg
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everyone do
i dont have money but when i do im gonna re-do the cooling system on my pc and maybe build another keyboard
File: stoke the fire.png (3 MB, 1120x1052) Image search: [Google]
stoke the fire.png
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I know. laughing at the emo man's tim taylor moment though.

"excellent for self muting, and cutting up pesky roots!"

I'll dump some octamous for you. and maybe a vulpix pick if I can find it.
Dope. The only thing I need to do is get some gaymen RAM, then I'm going to put all the old shit back together just for fun.

I don't get the reference, but that is quite amusing and accurate. It's a badass knife.
gotta start somewhere.
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anokarok 8 bit great fit.gif
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gonna blow atleast 400 on a custom loop with external radiator when i can
and probs like 200 or more on building an overkill keyboard
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another sword.jpg
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Nigga, are those a pair of V-Moda's in the back there?
Sick. I'm definitely going to set up an open loop system when I really have enough money. Also really want to get a Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate. I've had my eye on it for years, fucking love those blank keys.
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Posting this stuff is akin to tourrette's
You know it's stupid and wrong, you don't like it, but it's just this tic you think you have to let out
because you have such a radically low opinion of yourself, you think you have to do terrible things
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you can put blank keycaps on anything
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Horse cock friend!
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I want to hug him. I love cute goth boys, and the fact that he's a bat makes it so much better. And the purple, agh. So cute.

Well yeah, I know that, but if I've got enough money to blow on whatever then I might as well get some stupidly expensive shit.
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M-100's or Crossfade?

I have the M-100's myself, bought them back when they just came out.
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my color is best tho
that board is far from expensive
liking the lewd but damn the art is hard to get into
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Upon further inspection, you are correct. I could have sworn they wore more expensive than that. I don't know if they cut the price, or I'm just retarded, probably the latter.
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they are best
one of my boards is wirth over 600 and value is only going up since they dont make them anymore.
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does loli fur exist?
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Nuh-uh, although the pearling is pretty.
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>one of my boards is wirth over 600 and value is only going up since they dont make them anymore.
Is it that old-ass Model M or whatever that people love to obsess over?
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pics from my shit phone dont do it justice but trust me
its best color.
ofc not
just a kinda rare 60%
market isnt huge for them but yea they are odd and rare
and awesome
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Good taste man, Good taste.
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i have the best taste
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Seems pretty retarded, but whatever. I really don't get why people obsess over keyboards, and even Frankenstein their own, but there's a lot of cultures I don't get. Like the stance shit.
Then again, I also love to be a tacticool, edgy metalfag, so there's that.
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later homo.jpg
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Anyway, I should have been asleep hours ago. Night, fags.
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keyboards are interesting
easy to modify and work on. and a lot of parts you can get to customize them howver you like.
its kinda like stance shit for keyboards.
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good god the stuff in this thread is fucking terrible.
octamous isn't for everyone, but I dig the style.
That's from Djandora.
the jet ski certainly isn't.
I like this. Please post more
this to is really nicely done. Do you have more?
artist is MIA. has been for years.
Thankyou op. Will have a look for her? Art
The artist is Octamous. AKA kiln, nazerine, vsri, and magicscir. Their art has been deleted for various reasons, or locked away from view by the FA mods. Post any you can find in thread when possible!
probs killed themselves
There is a bit of proof they may have gone insane, and shut away most of their art before being carted off. They occasionally went crazy, and made some freaky art.
Why on earth would it be locked up or deleted etc? The stuff is awesome jealousy has no place in art
They argued with one of the power gunning mods, and got banned. They ban avoided, and the mod was there until recently being kicked. That was after FA's recent fuckup with security, and account reset though.

So in more topical english: The account isn't jst disabled, it's disabled, cannot be logged into (possibly), and we can't figure out how to contact octamous now to get that art which is locked up. So it's pretty much gone forever.
No way.... that's really shit. Got to be some way. No other mods could help?

I see your Virginity is well protected
good god
Thread replies: 232
Thread images: 151

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