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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>703657163 The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 151
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CV [85].jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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Taco Punch.png
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Don't take my generosity and kindness as a given or a weakness, Esdese.
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It was super hot?
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a file name.jpg
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Yuuki (125).jpg
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Still here
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Chelsea (33).jpg
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My folks are oldschool so they love to make fun of me
>Dad sees pile of dakis
>lol nerd
>Mom sees pile of dakis
>You gon have an orgy with those?
Jesus christ
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I wont I rewarded you with that story didnt I?
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>>703664406 [chelsea]
no aniki in zero though :(
>>703664785 [yuno]
I know what it means haha. godspeed young dutch
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Claiming Felix
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must be fun kek
any albums worth to share?
i mean ones i would like?
oh my hahah that is hilarious
i didnt get the refference since i watched it in dutch
i guess we are totally different when it comes to games then
>love rts and am pretty good at them
>suck insane amounts of dicks on fps

Gonna focus on homework so prepare for slow answers
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Yuuki (62).png
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Same thing here. Any time a package comes in the mail they're like
>is that a new doll?
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Syndra [167].jpg
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So why dont you want to be one?
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Claiming Felix
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Yuuki (94).jpg
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Spongebob is one of my favorite cartoons of all time, the first 3 seasons are pure gold.
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CV [104].png
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Cabt believe i drank half a bottle of white liquor already
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no probrem desu~
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Escort Service.png
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Much cuter image.
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Spooky Demon.jpg
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It was actually disgusting and scary.
>And unrealistic, a rapier can't cut off limbs, even a normal sword couldn't do that
I love your parents
Also privyet?
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>you try to hold esdeath down but she is stronger and lifts you off. she press you to the floor you wimpier in pain as she digs her nails into your wrists. she moans with pleasure and starts freezing your arms. she rips your arms off after they are weakened by the ice. she gets off you and cuts your legs off with her sword, you lie on the round in immense pain crying like a baby. she lowers her self onto you and puts her ass cheeks around your motha nd her pussy lips over your nose. you are forced to lie thier bleeding out while suffocating on her wet pussy juice and smelly farts, the end.

wow who saved this one, Also never do whatever was done to make this happen again!
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Happy Eru.png
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You don't need a super good PC, just a decent one. I hope there's a Galil mod for Siege too, but in Insurgency, its a good Terrorist weapon.
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>I pre came while writing it :<

It wont happen again galil

I think her sadist pics are better
Because fuck you
Don't forget to use a condom
Sorry, Anon. I like girls who act cute and girly. Not manly and sadistic.
Fuck Death Grips.
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Cool, Im not looking to drop six gorillion dollars on a PC
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Chelsea (82).jpg
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ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why is my husbando not there? >:/

When I watch TWD with them they're like "Y u no bring ur girlfirned?"

>Asuna's outfit
Now thats just cute

Good lord man

My folks are based af lol
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we stood our ground against the Germans before
it may only have lasted for 5 days
but thats a different matter
yea its amazing, it still holds up as the funniest cartoon i have ever seen
i cant distinquish the seasons though. I like em all
that image is great
but what would have been a problem?
i mean i love these and all
but could i ask why? is it boredom or do you enjoy shooping random images with random shit?
Galil m'boy
hows life?
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Syndra [271].png
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So thats a yes?
Good lord indeed cutie
Solid boredom.
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Chelsea (57).jpg
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How u down that shit so fast?
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Maid in heaven.jpg
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>Best fox claimed

I'm pretty sure my extension cords are safe now
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I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it yet.
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srry anon
was just wondering
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My word
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happy drying.jpg
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This. Most anons that listen to Death Grips are edgy ass teens that think they know what /mu/ is all about.
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I'm good with guzzling~
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Kek. But yeah, lotta fun, especially when you play with friends because you come up with shit like "ALLAHU AKBAR" by tossing C4 on their back as a glitch.
A Trips guy!
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Got em.png
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Death Grips > Hard Noise
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Yuuki (109).jpg
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Because good lord, maybe we're not complete autismos? I hate talking about that stuff with my parents. Just use some common fucking sense. And yeah, Yuuki in Asuna's outfit is great!

I can usually tell just because the writing and art look different. Anything before the first movie is awesome, everything after is meh
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Chelsea (15).jpg
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You'll have something to guzzle later~
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Idk but there are a lot of cool new guys
>no cool big bro tho
that's pretty good
What did I miss?
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your slow replys you said you would be slow to reply
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Syndra [189].jpg
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Its 4 or something years old.
Dont get mad now, you wanted it.
I just hope I don't choke~
Not your fault.
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Chelsea (36).jpg
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10/10 would take responsibility

I dont really like to talk about it either, its a little discomforting..

Fuck those guys, I want my handsome bro!
Shut the fuck up Shiro.
Fake ._.
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Chelsea (12).jpg
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You got this~
>It will be a mouthfull
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Filthy Degenerates
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another file name.jpg
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Now that's rude.
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yea i guess it looked kinda different. didnt notice a difference in humor though that might be me
is it? we went to the battle on bikes and canons from the 19th century kek
oh right i said that
im not feeling schooly atm
i think i will just watch KLK
i can do these last assignments on the train
why arent you gaming or something if you are bored?
watch a movie idk
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Yuuki (73).jpg
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Yep, I just stay away from it.

I don't think it's as funny, or maybe the humor was as witty

Gotta hop off, getting too distracted by the thread.
Why aren't you two chaning steams and have your fun ERPing in there?
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Escort Service.png
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I'm pretty drunk, cutie.
I'm guessing it will be warm~?
>you migjt have some guzzling to do as well~
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Chelsea (37).jpg
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We almost never talk about it so we gud
Is not. Being this edgy as you are, yes, that's fucking rude.
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aw sucks
later dude
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Take the ERP to steam
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Chelsea (32).jpg
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pretty picture.jpg
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god damn it

Why would that matter?
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flower hat!.jpg
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If you find my personality rude, you could just ignore me. And I'd say I'm not edgy anymore, but hey, your opinion.
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yeah I could use some more Bulat too
>make Incursio great again
it's ok you gave your best~
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Really? The more you know, I suppose.
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3 MB, 1600x2276
this thread needs more me
No, you're only stupid now.
No, you're only stupid now.
Come on now, you know it's funny.
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It'll be thick and creamy~
>I'm sure you'll like it~
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thx cutie, we only lost two major cities during the proces and surrenered
then proceeded to rat out all the jews, makes me proud
>bikini time already?
then post my friend
Post lewds and I will worship you
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Chelsea (63).jpg
76 KB, 740x806
>You'll never be trained under Bro's wing and get Incursio passed onto you
They're flirting
No ERP yet
Take this shit to trash, cancer fags.
Didn't expect Syndra to be this cancer, jeez.
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Chelsea (7).jpg
102 KB, 650x748
Mmmm I love me some root beer float!
>I wanna cum in your mouth baby

Yup, flirting
Hardly a difference if it's "it'll be thick and creamy~~~~ I think you'll like it~~~~"
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I cant think of anything to say

Already played a lot of games this morning.

Currently burnt out. So I figured I'd mess with you guys a bit.
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>more like dinner time
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only way out.png
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Why doesn't anybody pay attention to me
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im a murderah.png
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Chelsea (6).jpg
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Sh sh shhh, it's okay he's in a better place.. rest well bro
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I dont get this one can someone explain??
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yea its kinda different today
no one is giving you any shit
>that pic
dont make me cry akame
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Silly Yuno~
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Me calling you a bitch :^)
>Nice art btw love that style
hey mi liu
sleep well?

You're cancer.
You're a heretic.
Fuck off, Houka.
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Chelsea (17).jpg
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Left yourself wide open with that statement lol
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cum rag.png
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A lil ^.^ the neighbor's dog kept barking and keeping me up. How are you?
And here we go having you try to hide what you've said before
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not complaining kek what are you doing now anyway

do you get this yuno? like why people memed it i dont get it

Why can't Saber fags stop being so cancerous?
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Honestly, i could easily believe people posting pics of Esdeath and shitposting

One person does it almost every day
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I dont get it though why is it a meme
Esdeath is Sachi, by the way, thinking he is trolling or something.
He said it on Shinoa's stream.
Stop trying to pretend like you didn't fucking say that. You were getting bullied all night. It's not the first time you've said shit like that.
Because it's cringe worthy as fuck.
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getting ready for bed
gonna watch some KLK on mobile so i will be gone from thread in a minute
>the shitstrom beings
Esdeath's been here twice as long as Sachi though.
>Shinoa's stream
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1 MB, 1440x2230
My parents haven't fed me in days
The holy trinity of shitposters.
The stars have aligned.
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I know I did it yes but im asking why its saved like my other storys

cringe is such a stupid concept ive never gotten it
>also why is it cringe
Tell their names.
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Miho claimed
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Going to sleep?
I know Mi Liu is here but I don't give a shit about thread anymore
Mi Liu ( The persona master )
and Chen
This summer. One person. Known by many names.
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Because it's evidence of your psychological instability
>Mi Liu

Stopped reading right there
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Escort Service.png
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oh snip.jpg
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Hi pantsu, I mean how are you?
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goodnight yuno

it is? you dont hate being made fun of?

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Dont get into any trubble.
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I don't shitpost anymore.
If you legit can't tell when Mi Liu is posting with another persona you're literally as retarded as him
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When doesn't that happen though
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Escort Service.png
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I'm sure i will. Have a good night.
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I'm also klonata
bad doggos >.>
I'm alright, probably going to sleep soon maybe
if you can't tell when im pretending to be Mi Liu posting with another persona you're literally as retarded as mi liu
Miho is the biggest manwhore/slut of this thread. I can clearly understand why Tats didn't wanted to be shipped with him anymore.
Retarded Miho.
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258 KB, 480x852
sorry for leaving you at a dire time like this

>goodnight rest of /waifu/
even if it is basically one person
>Not putting the hand coming from Yukari's portal

nighto nighto
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im fine goodnight
s t o p
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Getting mad at being made fun of is fine and understandable. Getting to the point of wanting to kill others is extreme. Were trying to make you see what you're doing is wrong, but everytime we do you cry wolf and have your tard wranglers calm you down.
You got me there
>Mother fucker :^)
File: Chelsea (7).png (2 MB, 945x1337) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (7).png
2 MB, 945x1337
Good night
n o u
>Shinoa's stream
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Escort Service.png
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Determined Karen 13.jpg
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someone fucked up
it's Shino's stream, not Shinoa's
you didn't need to pop in but ok
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036 - 16NiNth.jpg
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I'm not even posting and you guys are so retarded you think I am
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why would pissing me off make me see the supposed error of my ways? also if someone gets on my nerves I want them dead I dont get how you cant see that?
>also stop using insult in your replys
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best smile.jpg
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Chibi Karen 15.png
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I join whenever I want fam
shitty trip you aren't a fucking goldfish and you aren't contributing content in a stylistic manner.
i'm just saying there isn't anything unusual happening
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>It's perfectly normal to want to kill people who annoy you on the internet

Said no one ever
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Escort Service.png
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Like this? I don't understand. Not a big 2hu guy here.
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Happy Karen 55.gif
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Guilty as charged tbh, I'm pretty sad.

Yo, how're you doing?

Just popping in to say hi to people and have a chat
You're my goldfish
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Shut your god, I made that tripcode son
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i see
The portals are the purple openings
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or gob, same thing really
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chibi (20).jpg
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I'm pretty well, listening to some music, pretty good music at that. Should go for my run soon. How about you?
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Sad Karen 8.jpg
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Come back.
I meant where the scissor blades are

>Captcha is signs
>Fucking Germans

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I dont get it why not
it's not normal
Sorry was loojing up pics on gelbooru and i just had to fap
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Is your trip "/Gold/" because you're blond?
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fuck yeah six arcanines.png
1 MB, 2262x972
It's not, and you need to realize this. It's understandable to feel angry, but not feel like you should murder someone.
>how to avoid annoying people online

>Step 1: Press the red "X" in the top right of the screen

Congratulations, you did it

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an hero.png
1 MB, 1440x2237
Good night

At least you get to sleep
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Escort Service.png
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Oh, oh I see.
It's posts like these that make us cringe
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its not why dont you want to kill people you hate with a passion?

I just dont understand I just dont

no when someone makes me mad I cant let them get away I need to show them I hate them and argue I just cant ignore it

god stop using the word cringe the concept makes no sense
>I don't get why wanting to kill people isn't normal
Yes that's the way
File: Happy Karen 94.jpg (460 KB, 775x850) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 94.jpg
460 KB, 775x850
Sounds good dude. Listening to some music as well, gonna go read something in a bit once I get bored.

Kek, what did you find?

That and the goldfish thing.

Alright man, whatever makes you happy.
File: Queen_of_dominatrix_1.png (286 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
286 KB, 640x360
people who you hate ya I want them dead
>everyone wants to kill they just suppress it better than me
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this is a bit lewd.jpg
62 KB, 600x454
There you go, now take this and have fun
I'm starting to relate to you more and more
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143 KB, 358x272
When are you going to stop pretending for attention
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474 KB, 1280x720
>didn't get replied to
wow rood
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Well, where did you get the name Goldfish from?
How tho? I can't really think of anything to add.
Or just do what everyone else here does, call them a faggot and move on

pls don't be derogatory my man, makes things complicated

bye though
Make it rain
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if you dont believe im telling the truth just becasue you dont get it then ignore me

cant what they said buzzes in my brain
>the bees
File: Escort Service.png (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Escort Service.png
1 MB, 1280x720
I so would a sleepy-chan. Also Fuwa was best girl.
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Because, having murderous intentions is bad.
Ah, what you listening too?
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Determined Karen 40.jpg
103 KB, 1105x1055

By being a pretty forgetful guy, someone told me I have the memory of a goldfish and I was like "Hey but Goldfish are pretty cute!"

I'm not, just sad that you dropped me like that. I'll hopefully see you around at some point.
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RIP QB.jpg
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That's a cute heart you got there.
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Homura (2).png
205 KB, 704x761
Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways.
Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
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Fuwa best girl by far

File: Chelsea (51).jpg (170 KB, 1468x1080) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (51).jpg
170 KB, 1468x1080
Runescape grinding making me sleepy

Time to lay down
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