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Waifu thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 151
File: Akame_ga_Kiru!_-98.png (352 KB, 540x600) Image search: [Google]
352 KB, 540x600
Waifu thread
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Tatsumaki (4).png
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true leone and akame where ok

dont get lippy with me

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56 KB, 450x600
well you got will probably fill your entire week tbh
there is so much
yea man, feed the team so i can make them feel even worse
wait how did you know this
or is it a random guess
Why arent you greeting miho anymore?
Miho claimed
File: Syndra [218].png (194 KB, 800x690) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [218].png
194 KB, 800x690
Ctrl c
Ctrl v

Depends. What were you playing as?
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1 MB, 2560x1440
The Busch has taken over
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Tatsumaki (17).jpg
93 KB, 600x847
All my friends smoke, I have no pets or family close.

>anyone nearby
That implies I leave the house

Okay, what do you want with me then?

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499 KB, 1024x1256
I know everything
>Muh *misspelled meme-y version of that fact*
Works for anything.
If trips post lewd
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74 KB, 480x674
Sleep with me
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File: Queen_of_dominatrix_9.png (571 KB, 500x700) Image search: [Google]
571 KB, 500x700
hi I Iike you please love me
>No rules
>Jesus those thighs
Room for one more?
the ship sinked
File: peace, yo.png (306 KB, 900x970) Image search: [Google]
peace, yo.png
306 KB, 900x970
Goodbye, just for now.
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38 KB, 403x358
Hey mah nigga

I see no problem but other may don't enjoy it
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2 MB, 2000x2000
Don't forget what Esdeath has done before deciding to be friends
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63 KB, 357x498
>Still awake edition
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219 KB, 1920x1080
Thanks for pointing that out I guess.
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i played syndra against a mid fucking nocturne
when he ults me he just fucking raped me
oh wait i didnt realise this was you
>see kneesocks, dont look further into it
my bad, you are part russian right?
later man
File: Chelsea (18).jpg (196 KB, 1398x1080) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (18).jpg
196 KB, 1398x1080
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Tatsumaki (36).jpg
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Eh, no thank you.

Yeah I've seen that.

Thighs are best
File: Thats pretty big.jpg (51 KB, 600x259) Image search: [Google]
Thats pretty big.jpg
51 KB, 600x259
So much indeed.
I await it
im not a stalker btw
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Feet and Legs and Thighs are God's gift to men.
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Syndra [171].jpg
70 KB, 535x699
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Slow down there
>no rules
Does it mean that i dont need trips?
Next time dont waste e.
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Ba Ba Ba Bababaran.jpg
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oh you on team tomoko saber
They are
Nope you need to get trips still
Command seals aren't free
Let me sleep with you?
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>getting in a league game I'll talk to you later
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Hello idol

So who are you?
File: Tatsumaki (62).jpg (2 MB, 1191x1684) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (62).jpg
2 MB, 1191x1684
I'll be honest, without them I probably wouldn't be able to walk. So it's a rather good gift

Add commas please, they help.
File: Chelsea (37).jpg (75 KB, 576x700) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (37).jpg
75 KB, 576x700
Have fun cutie
Kicks some ass
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497 KB, 500x226
you will be in a beer coma before that finishes
>even american beer
yea but his spell shield thingy
i just felt bad.
yo man
File: HomuMad (294).png (382 KB, 1002x888) Image search: [Google]
HomuMad (294).png
382 KB, 1002x888
You are correct. Busy with vidya still counts as busy, doesn't it?

Good question, I have 17 driving classes out of 30 done, at 20 I can register for exam.
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3 MB, 937x1735
and a grammar nazi I see why you like them
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Alice 42.jpg
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Claim this
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Chelsea (79).jpg
150 KB, 1750x1080
Wuz gud?
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558 KB, 1000x1000
Tats. That image. Is quite lewd.

And he won't. I've explained that punctuation will help others understand him better, but he just tells you to fuck off.
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Can you read between the lines?
Or are you stuck in black and white?
Hope I'm on the list of people that you hate
It's time you met the monster that you have helped create

You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the fiction, we're gonna settle it
You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the shit, I'm gonna settle it!
Do you like me?
Rules are gay
Reminder that CG is best alignment
Nah, not Russian but I want to learn it.I planned to around 2014, but when Mikhail Kalashnikov died, I lost my biggest reason for it.After that it just fell off my list.
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405 KB, 1200x1695
And this
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787 KB, 1280x720
Are you serious?
I thought you were just playing along this whole time.
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172 KB, 650x800
I'm back now! (Yuuki)
I'm unaware sorry.
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470 KB, 916x1344
Commas are actually really useful some times when listing people like Esdeath, and her entourage
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You don't need a comma there, you are not combining sentences or listing more than three objects.
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2 MB, 500x267
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Docs full of shit marty.jpg
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Then, I will allow it to overtake me Scotty.
Weve gone too far to stop it now!

But the rurus!

File: Tatsumaki (61).png (1 MB, 1283x1764) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (61).png
1 MB, 1283x1764
I'm a teacher, it's my job. Plus they have an actual use you know.

>quite lewd
I know.

I guess I can't just mark down his essay then, eh?

It leaves enough to the imagination I think.
This thread just got a WHOLE LOT GAYER!
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main team.png
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Syndra [159].png
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I have one already Rin.
Mutch better.
And yes, that is your job.
W or Q
Or ult if its needed.
It will only make E more effective.
Our lord and saviour
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190 KB, 500x500
Hi I love you please dom me
Hello Dio
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Alice 11.jpg
80 KB, 1036x771
I don't know what this means
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Asuka Tulpabro 27-8-2016.png
2 MB, 2582x2944
If you're here, I want to chat!
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61 KB, 350x855
Hello Yuuko. How goes?
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973 KB, 800x773

That is his favorite excuse.

>I'm not writing an essay
File: gardy in a box 2.jpg (99 KB, 850x851) Image search: [Google]
gardy in a box 2.jpg
99 KB, 850x851
Hello loli-lover, it's been a while :^)
But not me
It does but still
>That's a serious case of Schroedinger's panties
Laura claimed.
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652 KB, 1280x720
Why do I laugh every time I see this?
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Didn't even roll trips. You EZ.
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137 KB, 259x393
Now I think you're just trying to mess with me.
File: hentai animated edition.gif (2 MB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
hentai animated edition.gif
2 MB, 480x270
And it happened exactly as I arrived, well isn't that just the weirdest coincidence?


Lover of beastiality.
File: Syndra [195].jpg (285 KB, 900x1653) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [195].jpg
285 KB, 900x1653
Hello Dio
Its still pleasing same things.
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1019 KB, 2560x1440
Your team is weak.
Chikorita will BURN

You should follow them!

The support structure is quite admirabl3
it goes well. The world keeps on spinning.

Enjoy your day today?

Would i lie to you?

>I'm getting more confused with each post.
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108 KB, 600x338
I want to have detention with Tats
Oh come now, we all know that gardevoir is hardly bestiality
pluuuus, loving le lolicunts is twice as bad :^)
NOOOOO Please have mercy!!
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696 KB, 1280x1980
Its just the look on there faces.
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Akitsushima [9].png
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File: Alice 10.jpg (77 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Alice 10.jpg
77 KB, 640x480
But there are no rules in this thread, or are we talking about another set of rules?
This is still unclear
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Tatsumaki (239).png
560 KB, 500x741
I actually hate correcting essays, way too much work.

That's the real appeal of it.

Your picture is pretty lewd too
Do you still talk with Hand-kun?
Stop posting this for fuck sake, the guy clearly isn't here or doesn't want to talk.
File: No u.jpg (139 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
No u.jpg
139 KB, 1280x720
Mercy, mercy will neve be shown to such... such weakness!

Oh, the comment was literal in nature.
The term rurus is equal to that of rules
Tats getting the boys in heat
I think you have many to pick from if you want a ship now
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752 KB, 1000x838
Same goes to you for most of yours
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Alice 21.jpg
113 KB, 600x600
What support structure though?
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Syndra [110].jpg
136 KB, 600x530
Thats the thing.
There are no rules.
Now get to work SSS.2
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639 KB, 724x1024
I would too. I would be merciless on spelling and punctuation mistakes.
>their they're there
>were where
>to too two

If trips post lewd.
File: Nazi-Gardy.png (161 KB, 1141x620) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 1141x620
Then, the konigstiger's engine breaks down due to low quality fuel. After 2 hours, the engineers finally fix the engine only to be forced to wait for more fuel to come up the unreliable supply line. At long last, the fuel arrives! The konigstiger lurches forward majestically.... after moving 30 meters the tank is spotted, straffed, and bombed by a P-47 scouting party.
Such is the life of a konigstiger.
Well... if you plan to burn chikorita... I switch out to swampert!
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916 KB, 1413x2000
When come back from doing the dishes there had better be lewds.
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42 KB, 336x395
>Would i lie to you?
I guess it doesn't really matter if you know who I am.
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148 KB, 352x415
That's pretty personal for a faceless post.
File: Syndra [166].jpg (259 KB, 499x612) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [166].jpg
259 KB, 499x612
Oh come on.
>That thumbnail
>No trips
You know the answer it stays as no
File: image.jpg (108 KB, 545x700) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 545x700
It's been, uhh, a day. I've been up for about 29 hours now, and I'm rather tired. I have about 4 hours before work and I'm thinking of a nap.
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213 KB, 731x1024
I'm glad. Naps are good.
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103 KB, 550x309
Of course loli lovers are much more heretical than a beast lover, however it doesn't make them redeemable.
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359 KB, 669x900
Ice claim!

Hello friends!
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128 KB, 738x1083
I already love you

hi saber

not on 4chan or the internet im not writing an essay here
It probably doesn't. There are few people i would consider it important.

Read on anon.

I think that is the best option to take.
Have a solid nap. Make it count
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46 KB, 344x500
I believe that beat lovers can be redeemable as long as the "beast" is a QT
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434 KB, 1280x411
Hello Neo
Thank you Esdeath, you're my favorite psikh
File: Pee, I have to pee.jpg (76 KB, 600x400) Image search: [Google]
Pee, I have to pee.jpg
76 KB, 600x400
Ah, seperate comment on the cans
There are several unseen cans supporting the structure

I wss using hitmonchan, he uses thunderpunch!
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462 KB, 648x960
Clean my feet, you attentionwhore~
While your at it a 1000 word essay on why you're such a disgusting pig and ways you will pleasure your mistress~
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37 KB, 856x474
im doing a lot better
playing league with friends sorry late reply
hows the fight going?
oh i see, pretty cool. you took extra classes for it?
kek, gonne get beamed up
cant wait for the kneesocks on startrek edits
oh damn thats actually a great tip
thanks man
im kinda new to her
File: Tatsumaki (33).png (1 MB, 700x800) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (33).png
1 MB, 700x800
The only ship I need is SS Shut the fuck up.

Nah, what is more common is people not spelling things incorrectly. That's just how Greek is, a lot of 'i's and 'o's .

But you're writing to be understood, yes? Well, write like a normal human being then.

I just need you to send him a message
I'm in love with hitmonchan
He wad my first holographic card
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149 KB, 1920x1080


done with getting the wood to my house all thats left to do is stack it
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Syndra [94].jpg
329 KB, 2717x1350
Just give it a try.
Its korbographic you retard
File: Neo2.jpg (8 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 225x225
Hai. I'm really lonely.
HAHA! You have made a mistake comrade! Swampert is part ground type, your attack had no effect!
Swampert uses hydro pump!
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70 KB, 785x720
Such a pity that she's garbage, but I'm sure some trap lovers could get along with it just fine if it's a male.
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Alice 20.jpg
89 KB, 394x600
I see. I'm up to speed now
>I've been very slow today for some reason
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61 KB, 425x700
Problem is it's super hot no matter where I try to lay at. Makes it hard to actually lay still.
Its whorebocaust you cunt
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1 MB, 1920x1453
Hello Neo! Nice to see a fellow RWBYfag here.
>Write like a human being then
He's never going to learn, unfortunately he doesn't make criticism at all.
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379 KB, 845x765
I don't anymore. I'm sorry.

Now anons from /waifu/ remain with him i believe. So good luck with that.
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51 KB, 864x487
Someone needs a tard rancher
File: so rood.png (11 KB, 803x600) Image search: [Google]
so rood.png
11 KB, 803x600
>I'm sure some trap lovers could get along with it
oi.... that's a low blow... even for you
File: Chelsea (28).jpg (218 KB, 1676x1080) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (28).jpg
218 KB, 1676x1080
It went well, Gennady wasn't exactly himself but the other guy still got his ass beat where the coach threw the towel
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181 KB, 1280x1024
>took extra classes for it?
Learn to read nigga, I said I want to learn it.
Also never went to college.
Why so lonely best flavor?
File: why.jpg (34 KB, 320x573) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 320x573
Aren't you supposed to be dead?
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1 MB, 533x300
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yes mama

takes longer
No* not now
File: Neo1.jpg (13 KB, 177x285) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 177x285
Ugh just no one to talk to. All my friends are busy.
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84 KB, 1024x576
When shared, always.
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2 MB, 500x270
Gods can't die, silly!
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Tatsumaki (55).jpg
320 KB, 745x755
Not even CC?

Eh he can do whatever he wants I guess. I however can say whatever I want too

Bad excuse, if you have time to make mistakes you have time to correct them
>a lot of is and os
So a lot of cows?
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460 KB, 624x990
Rumia claimed

>loli lover
I knew it! Dio so tsundere
I still talk to handkun on telegram
wew, that lick was sexy
I see what you did there
File: tsunyun(161).jpg (30 KB, 600x315) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 600x315
took you quite long
enough for the entire winter you think?
oh damn, no KO though thats the most fun part
was this for championship?
oh sorry im multitasking. i meant highschool classes
my highschool taught Russian and i regret not taking it
Is that supposed to be Yukko?
That happened forever ago
I think before he even left threads
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4 MB, 3262x2280
>not a single lewd

You sluts are learning.
Its alot not a lot
I'm not disputing the fact you're allowed to say what you want, just pointing out he's a lost cause
File: Tatsumaki (106).jpg (2 MB, 3000x2100) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (106).jpg
2 MB, 3000x2100
Yep, we started using cattle as an alternative to euros after all
Yes it is
Good eye
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281 KB, 1200x675
come again?
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1010 KB, 2560x1440
A wonderful idea Chekov!

A wonderful addition as well.
High attack and speed.
As well as a wonderfull general moveset

Ho noes!
Hes dead Jim, hes dead!

As am I Alice, as am I

Now Im hungry
File: tats.png (350 KB, 1000x1194) Image search: [Google]
350 KB, 1000x1194
Lost dreams
File: Chelsea (49).jpg (115 KB, 774x910) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (49).jpg
115 KB, 774x910
Kell almost got knocked out but still on his feet, got his eye pretty swollen just from the first round, guess the coach threw the towel so his purrty face dont get ruined
I was making a joke about Io
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73 KB, 640x780
honestly I just dont care and dont understand why it bothers you guys so much
File: Syndra [246].jpg (771 KB, 2400x1200) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [246].jpg
771 KB, 2400x1200
Are you sure?
You dont even know whats it about.
Especially with a certain lewd boat.
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61 KB, 616x490
You posting lewds don't count. You basically jump in the thread shining coal. It was more of a reaction toward >>703401222
because I actually rolled trips.
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498 KB, 1000x954
we burn about 2 or 3 cords in the winter we moved about 2 and a half cords. we still have 2 sitting outside the house
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459 KB, 786x616
big news I lost
File: latest.gif (207 KB, 500x392) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 500x392
Hey Chelsea
Now, I want you to clean the smegma off my dick, you slut~
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Tatsumaki (50).png
464 KB, 642x898
Anon, alot is not a word.

Pffft, nah, he'll be fine

I care because it bothers me, I mean I think that people should make the effort if they expect others to
Alot is to a word. Now give me detention~
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567 KB, 600x800
I'm almost certain I don't want to find out

>Saber taking a break for a while
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2 MB, 960x540
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46 KB, 480x682
ok hang on a sec im no cuck kurome doesn't even have a dick

I dont expect you too ether be free man

you like to say that alot mr perfect
File: Chelsea. Lollipop.jpg (148 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea. Lollipop.jpg
148 KB, 1920x1080
I'm sure it was from meta fags being gay as possible
>Have a lollipop to cheer you up

Hello cutie
File: tsunyun(47).png (64 KB, 516x438) Image search: [Google]
64 KB, 516x438
i know im a genius
i would like to see something with this, classic scene
aww dont want his cut lil face to huwt
i miss boxing its a cool sport but the channels here dont give a fck about it
oh thats not that much right?
how bad do winters get there?
i will harras you then from time to time
when i need dem juicy syndra tips
File: ak-me6.png (724 KB, 884x641) Image search: [Google]
724 KB, 884x641
nah I fucked up and died a bunch as the adc
File: Oh_My.png (316 KB, 432x669) Image search: [Google]
316 KB, 432x669
Oh my
File: vasquezrocks-gornandcaptainkirk.jpg (123 KB, 714x534) Image search: [Google]
123 KB, 714x534
meant this
Is that a Chef Boyardee hoodie?
Prove that she doesn't. Yes you are you little cuck~
Now, get to licking!
File: Chelsea (52).jpg (180 KB, 1522x1080) Image search: [Google]
Chelsea (52).jpg
180 KB, 1522x1080
Where do you live?

I have no idea what that means
File: 1465663184842.jpg (42 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 1280x720
its a good bit and sometimes snow on the valley floor but it rarely sticks. in general its pretty cold because the mountains
For bollock sake, your speech looks like the dictionary had an abortion.
main dps guy of the team
>Sorry for late reply, I got a headache
I already have this, but I appreciate it.
I can be your friend
My highschool only taught Spanish, because Texas.

Gotcha, don't give up, try and try again

Not tonight, but later, most definatly!


On a seperate note...
QOTT How do you make a fork, for I only now realize that I lack one

blame the random dude man
easiest way to cope with the loss
the netherlands, the last boxing match i saw was olympic games but that felt kinda retarded
they only showed dutch fights and they suck
>>703404004 (tomoko
ah ofc that makes sense
how low are the temps, in general?
oh ofc
gonna take a painkiller? or chill out?

>tsun yun
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