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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>703178820 >Claim

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Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>703178820

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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still here
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fran surgery.png
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We suicide?
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Lies kid, theyre all lies.jpg
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Not dead either
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>tell her I hate being tall
>normal shit really howcome
>doesnt match my personality
>she says Ill like it when my wife is shorter and says something else I dont remember
no no my love you where supposed to say I feel the same way I hate being short and that all she wanted was to be a toughter girl gahhh my love why
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Well, a qt guy sat next to me in in my Biomed class and I was to autistic to even introduce myself...

RIP dude

So my assassins failed!
You cannot kill that which is already dead
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wait does that mean she doesnt like me? casue of the wife thing what am I doing anyway she says I should be tall im going crazy make it all stop
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I thought you weren't dead yet?

Who were you talking to?

I was mostly saying about how you didn't want to be tall
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the girl who is interested in me why cant she be taller why should I try she even im trying to hint that im sub how do I do it
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Well. Shotposters going full ham.
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Hi guys
What's up?
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Down to business.jpg
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I am both, not just the one!
>my logic contains no flaws
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I dont see any shit poster ma`am. Just some friends and me.
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First, do you share any interests? Maybe anime or a class?

Try asking her to study together or something.

Why wouldn't they?

I think Fran will just help me make you completely alive, then I'll murder you
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My legs hurt.jpg
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Oh no, my flawless logic had a flaw!
Lord, why?
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well im wondering if I should move on as the level of height difference is to much. and I lied and said I dont like anime casue she doesnt she likes sports so I said I like sports
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yeah, fuck that guy. making it hard to enjoy my daily posting.
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No logic can be perfect my friend

You fucked up man

Do you actually like sports?
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fucked up? how I did well makeing her like me and no sports suck
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A name of files.jpg
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Why do people bother spamming these threads, it's pretty obvious they won't go away
I just enjoy posting my folder.
thats it.
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Wheres Kneesocks.jpg
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Na man, noose guy is pretty chill.
Keeps the thread bumped too
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Alice 28.jpg
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They're just HANGING around :D
But you lied, she likes who she thinks you are, which isn't exactly you

I'd suggest coming clean and saying you don't really like sports, or if she is super qt, trying to like sports.

It's really not that hard to find her
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that was a nice pun.
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but you gotta lie to get her and then revial it all later when she is locked in
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It seems to be unable to be helped.
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Then she will just leave

People don't like being lied to
I for one welcome our noose supplying overlords
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esdeath friend i dont think thats a good idea. what if some told you they were dom but when it came down to it they were sub?
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Alice 19.jpg
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If I had a Carlos picture I'd have used that instead, sadly I do not though.
hello there friend, Im glad to have you.
its ok, everyone will understand.
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Screw all this nerdy crap.jpg
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Nope, shes all technicolor and shit
sorry, forgot the pic.
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sigh but the hot ones dont like anime and vidya I am a pathological liar so im going to slip up at some point

ohhhhh Id be out ok I get it but I still need her
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Do you still have that sexual identity ocd? what is it again? The only reason i ask is it sounds like your set on womenz.

also how you doing?
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If you have to lie to someone for them to like you, you're already screwed
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>sexual ocd
that sounds pretty dumb.
Well, time to go

Nah, Im planing on a swan dive 17 stories down


Find an average girl who does like anime!

Or introduce her to the world of anime
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Just imagine that Esdeath can always be just one of the normal posters, pretending to be autistic, but he actually is.
Can an average woman come to love anime?I suspect that they will just insult it…
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>average woman loving anime
yeah, good luck with that. no way a roastie can do that.
The best waifu.
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it pops back in every no and again but is much better. I see clear atm and know I am straight.

uhhu most people blow it off like you but its a thng ocd can attack anything

not if I truly love them

I might I have 4 hour break so im going to look for a better love

why does everyone keep calling me autistic?
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no, when she finds out you've been lying, she'll likely leave

and she'll find out
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Friendly reminder that he showed his friend this and was proud of what he did
>stop replying to him
>its the attention he wants
>you stupid fucks
We know he's shitposting, but it's fun to see how far he'll take it
I can't figure out what's happening on this thread now,plz summarize what are discussed and tell me,guys
what is this shit? I aint reading that, too long.
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gahh love has so many rules

yes the attention of course you can think whatever you like kek >>703195263 yes its all trolling...
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I'm not sure wheter you'll like it or not, but I'm just showing it to you.
He got the smell of a mutual friend who happens to be a girl on his hand after stalking her and jacked to it.
what? I mean, I guess at least he`s a nice guy, maybe?
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Lost my fucking golden grenade launcher for a golden crossbow, grinded so hard to get it back with no success.


Also other Taiga anon is absent, claiming.
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How slow this thread is!post more
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im bad at multi tasking
i will try to look at thread more
sure, Im trying to help
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Hello what did you do with this thread opened too
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i am trying to get into csgo
im really bad but i want to play with friends so i am doing my best
what you doing?
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>Claim and sleep
Night /waifu/
No. Hes a confirmed sociopath.
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night night qt
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Sounds interesting. Different to what I normally listen to but Ill give it a fairer listen when I dont have to be up in 6 hours for work
thats a shame. he seemed like a nice dude. maybe he`s just shy.
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why is everyone so hung up on that
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chen 21.gif
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Oh, good luck.
I like that.
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I see I prepare to sleep
Good night
I think the clerk uniform in 765 pro is too excellent and sensational to work there without thinking of the clerk,especially Kotori-san
No. Hes really just a 20 year old serial killer waiting to happen if he doesn't realise that his therapist is wrong and he should immediately get a new one. Just as a start.
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you are on early
oh okay
night then
I guess he knows the ropes.
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im not confirmed yet and im a nice guy to people I like

im on break my friend
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oh okay
you doing okay?
Thats an utterly changing thing though. You may meet them irl and find out they are nothing like on thread because they dont have a screen yo protect them or what others think of them.
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Claiming Felix

Woke up about 10 minutes ago
umm I dont what to say anymore. I just want to be nice. eveyone deserves a chance in my opinion.
thats another good pun.
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well to prepare something is not always to do actually it,lol
I still mean to keep on waking
He has had several. Every time he digs himself deeper.
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i guess thats true, i just thought you meant you were leaving
anything planned for the upcomming weekend?
but I`ve just met him. I want to belive in him.

Who cares?
He just lacks attention.
By talking about him, you're giving it to him.
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>they dont have a screen yo protect them or what others think of them.
What this yo means
Trips says that you can. But he wont change because he believes he is normal. He paid his shrink to tell him so.
>catching and killing squirrels
>alienating friends
All not normal.
Use yo imagination
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>Quick lyric post
It’s a long way back it’s a long way back
And nobody wants to see you
And it’s a lonely day when they'll make you pay
And I can’t stop it when you want to

And it’s lonely life
You’ve wasted everyone you wanted
If you call my name in the middle of the night
That’s the best way of putting up a fight
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>anything planned for the upcomming weekend?
No I don't have such things
In my land it is 0:30 now so it's time I slept,right?
Im being honest about him. See how Im not giving him the attention. Just laying down all his shit.
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>Person who texted me as a wrong number yesterday texted me again this morning
>Assumed they had the wrong number
>They said they "want to get to know me"
>Asked if I liked guys or girls
Am I about to be Chris Hansoned?

He does it for attention.
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ah sucks, just be a neet then i guess?
well if you want to, not gonna stop you
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mf youtsba.jpg
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>killing squirrels
Direct attention. Im not acknowledging him. Im not praising him. Im not directly addressing him. Im not interacting with him.
Tell them to fuck off, and that 2D > 3D
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I am legit spooked mang.
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Get to know him he might be a qt
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Well,it's true that I am just gonna do nothing,but I'm not a neet…
If I was I would already be in bed
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>using emoticons

Just block that human trash.
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not a neet? you are doing something wrong my friend
just go through with it
everyone needs a good dicking from time to time
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Lol, if they go towards that way, I will. And it seems they are.


Can one block texts these days?

>everyone needs a good dicking from time to time

That's just you, Yuno.
why is using emoticons bad?
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giving them is fine too
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sounds like a person with problems. might be a nice guy though, so you can hook up if you want to.
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Manage your blocked phone numbers and contacts

To see the phone numbers and contacts that you've blocked from Phone, FaceTime, or Messages:

Go to Settings > Messages > Blocked.
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>something wrong
W,w,what!?wrong!?What do you mean by that!?I got worried!
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Passed first semester of my course. Halfway to being a certified music person guy.
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What kind of music guy?
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you have weekend and nothing to do
and you are not spending it behind your PC with all the blinds closed watching anime or gaming
do i need to spell it out for you?
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I don't wanna!

I dunno, I've got enough on my plate as is man. I won't outright be a dick, but I'm a bit skeptical here.

Huh...well fuck. I'll have to use this feature at some point. Thanks Chen.


>Asking my gender now
This sucker is legit doin me a frighten.
>And they screwed up my attempt at sleep
If I'm not asleep soon, I'm going to stay up all night, I can tell.
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i knew it was you for some reason
>hence the dicking part
dont worry it will be fine, if you dont want to continue then stop but if you are interested in the real stuff who cares nothing really scary that can happen its only your phone number
you know, dont go for it if you dont feel comfortable with it dude. I wont say I know this from experience but going out with a random who just messed up the phone number is a bit risky if you ask me.
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sorry just got another girls number

>yes give me all the yous

im not smart enough to make this shit up
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That's a good question. I'd prefer production, but any kind of audio engineering job opportunities offered will be taken up straight away.

As for genres, I'm trying a few different options. I'm not confident in the creative aspect yet.

What's up?
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whoops forgot the pic, sorry.

Don't worry about it.
Just don't get trolled, it just may be someone who wanna fucks with your feelings.

Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151

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