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Raifu claiming thread. Rules: >Claim your Raifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 151
Raifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Raifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Raifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per shooter
>Galil a best
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No stripped firearms
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Loadings must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Liberals is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in VALHALLA
>Most importantly, shoot straight
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TheWonderfulNui (76).jpg
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Eru Claim
Its absolute fun!
Meanwhile I'm gonna jump into Rainbow Six Siege.
>I got it recently and it seems fun.
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>word waifu isnt anywhere in the op
Nobody will find this unless they search for "claiming" or look trough catalog.
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TheWonderfulNui (162).jpg
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Oh, you're the Kirino i spoke to, yes? how's it going?
Miho claimed
So many losers
I'm a Jew, what did you expect
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Its linked to old thread, but yeah people will probably want to be able to find it. Such is life
>pic related
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Claimed I'm a massive faggot
QOTT:What is your favorite gun?
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And someone will make one because they couldnt find this
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Claimed forever
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I'm the only Kirino that's ever been here, from what I know at least.

Going well, got home and ready to just relax. Probably play some games later. Yourself?
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well gnight guys
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>Actually fav gun is a 552 Commando.
>Great gun, absolutely dreamtastic.
>But love Eru-chan more than Sig-chan.
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I don't really give a fuck you know?Its 1 AM so who really cares man.
Cute waifu
Good night psikh tovarish
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Chelsea (39).jpg
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>Skipping meals all day long edition
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Real niggas.
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Kirino367 .png
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Thank you, Galil is pretty cute as well.

That's probably not healthy.
Why are you skipping meals?
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images (2).jpg
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That's bad for you!
>Then again, so is heavy lifting on 4 hours of sleep and non nutritional meals, but that's my business not yours
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Syndra [71].jpg
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Feeling better?
No one cares nigger
Its not 1am everywhere
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TheWonderfulNui (47).gif
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Ah, that's nice.

I'm doing well, not up too much though.
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Sleepy Eru.png
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Gonna go to bed, class tomorrow at 8:30.
It's 1 AM in America, and if you aren't American, you can get the fuck out
Good night Dr.L
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A little.
How'd you sleep?
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what a faggot
I am from america. We have more than one timezone retard.
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Paranoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around
(so come on)

Another promise, another seed
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(so come on)

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
(so come on)

Interchanging mind control
Come, let the revolution take its toll
If you could flick the switch and open your third eye
You'd see that we should never be afraid to die
(so come on)

Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
(so come on)

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
(so come on)

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
(so come on)

Hey, hey, hey, hey
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thanks it's stolen.jpg
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It's really not, and because I've been out since i woke up really. I'll probably head next door and grab some microwave mac so I don't starve.

I know!
Why in the dicks would you do that?!
>Asks the one who stayed up 120 hours for a motorcycle.
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>this xenophobia
I'm a brit
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Fine i guess, slept a little longer because of the day off wich was nice.
Did you find anything to do?
Thats not fair, mate. Galil has been my raifu for laifu.
Fuck you
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everyone know brits aren't real people. eat shit.
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I think you missed.
Playing overwatch with some friends.
This game sure can make me salty sometimes.
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Bottle Openrr.gif
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Not in my America
Has guns Americans only, nogunz britbongistanians not allowed
Don't lie to me
Right, you live in Cuckmerica
Dear Galil,

I hope this letter finds you well. Already winter's winds are chasing summer away. It has come to my attention, due to the design similarities between you and AK-47, that while you look like a cat and have catlike features, you are not in fact a cat. I apologize in advance should you accidentally be named as such in the future.

However, strictly speaking, this would make you a fox-variant at best, and incapable of ever being "best fox." Please accept my condolences.


Ibuki Suika
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Mega Milk Claimed
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Ohayo 3.png
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Hello cute.

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You mean the United States?
Plus britain made the OG states
She's a cat tho
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Sounds fun.
I only tryed the beta and it kept freezing as soon as i got near any other player.
I should probably try it again to see if it was a bug or just my computer.
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I don't have a raifu
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Ohayo 7.png
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I'm greeting you, you cutie!
But I'm not cute!
So you would be greeting yourself!
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Ohayo 4.png
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>Those legs beg to differ, cutie
Goodnight, my chickadees
>that butt begs to differ, cutie
What's this? A Waifu thread?

You Thought you could hide from me?
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I know you always call me Spooky Booki ... b-but I don't know who you are ...
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Hows the missus?
She's doing well, fast asleep, How are you?
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Lots of things are happening and Im trying to keep up.
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Such as?
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It's alright. The game is a lot like league where it's either fun or very not fun, with rather seldom time in between.

We are in the stream again if u want to join.
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Everyone else's Waifu is trash.
Night cutie!

Drats, the covers been blown!

That's okay, you don't need to know. All you need to know, is I autistically yell out SPOOKY BOOKI irl every time you pop up.

It's a Rory!
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An MRI yesterday, a surgery coming up with date to be decided in October, a visit to the doctor in between, my entire weekend booked by work and chilling with friends, and trying to fulfil commitments to the unit in MWO. Not to mention students being back at uni means that my workload basically tripled daily.
It is!
An MRI and surgery for what?
>Work load tripled
Could triple it again with those whoolies...

>Also, ne ne, Rory! Guess what I'm buying tomorrow!
I'm back! Taiga claim!
Well hello there Velvet! So nice to see other RWBY fans in here! <3
>Miror B level
>Mexican Music Starts Playing
Saber claim
>Haven't lost lane once as Diana
Based champ
They found a mass in my large bowel. Not cancerous, but its a problem and they're either going to remove the whole large bowel or just the section. The MRI was to check the small bowel to see which one would work. Ill find out on the 21st for real, this is just speculation based on what Ive been told.
Your new babby? Babby and the beast.
>better paint that beast red
What's up yoou?
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Syndra [159].png
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Does it also include polish kids who spend more time typing than playing the game?
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Asia Argento claimed
Watching the stream.
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clams are shit but claims aren't thats why i have here to claim hikage

so how has everyones day/night been
>Babby and the Beast
>Mfw Rory even makes puns about my vehicles

But yep, I'll upload a pic of it in a second. Gunna keep it white since my Weeb dreams are a white RX7 FC just like Ryosukes.
>Although mine's a convertible rather than a coupe, unfortunately. But the price is so much lower, I can't possibly say no.
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>Still not trips
You should just give up you're not worthy of commanding this King
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Omg, I so love that picture <3
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wanton faggotry
But y?
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hello saber
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Well you'll probably have to bring your own...
Also they have voice chat built in, so... He'd have to argue with the enemy team.
Looks real clean. How much?
Its practically an obligatrory pic at this point.
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Sarisa (41).jpg
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Sarisa claimed

>That feel when I search for waifu on /b/
>Don't see it because it's under raifu
>Makes new thread
>No responses
>"Where is everyone?"

I'm an idiot.
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I enjoy it, but I try to stick to competitive mode. Not because I'm good or take it too seriously, but it tends to place you with people who're your skill level, which weeds out the Polski typers and really young kids.

I'm about to find out what playing it while on Ambien is like.

Slightly adorable.
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Syndra [188].jpg
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No thanks, they can stay in that hell.
>voice chat
Cant wait to hear squeaky voices and ear raping micraphones
$1.7k + price of a new clutch
Compared to the $3.5k+ prices for non-convertibles, AND the fact for ALL of them I'd have to drive up to fucking LA, I can't turn this down.
It's got it's small little problems, but none of them are deal breaking. Seats and the roof need to be redone, subs need to be added in, and in general it needs a good clean, but otherwise it's in perfect running order.

Blame FoxGun for that.
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Slightly? Come on, she's da cutest!
no your not, i got lucky, it was at the front when i got on, but galil was trying to be funny
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Yeah i have it disabled. Lol.
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Mutes are pretty easy, and I've only run into people to mute once.

Oh, you mean the cat?

She's a cute, but not -the- cute.
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Oh my
Not with those numbers
>Why are you trying so hard :^)
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Oh my what?
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Makes sence.
Rarely there is a ge with voice chat that you cant disable.
If only there was a way to see how many of my temates i have had fo mute in lol.
What is it?
Just taking bacl my property.
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Syndra [100].jpg
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Fuck phone keyboard.
It's about waffle.
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>Almost quads
Damn shame too just short of my requirements.
>You'll never get me
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Yeah. I kind of ignore LoL's chat. Granted i haven't played it in... since this season's changes.
Don't know the new items and objective tweaks, but i used to play at platinum.
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The ambien is kicking in. I'm going to need to require assistance, oka.?
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don't be a faggot, take the whole bottle.
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Syndra [62].png
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I still dont know few new things myself.
I used to grind accounts to plat and sell them. Unfortunately doing that i left my account untouched for a while.
That sounds like a pretty aggravating way to make money though.
It's for worok tomorrow. And doesn't feel good ...
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Syndra [110].jpg
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More repetitive than anything, but hey its still money.
Maybe in a couple years
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Well. Still here.
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I suppose. I don't know, that game has a way of getting me angry enough to stop playing. Never could grind very well.
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Not really. Mech warrioring.
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Syndra [64].jpg
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Come on now, have some hope in me.
Made me stop for a few months, i only started to play more regularly few months ago.
I'm not going to be a sex slave you can try all you want

>Rank 4 Diana already on a 5 game won streak playing her mid
>Goodnight /waifu
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Syndra [79].jpg
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Damn anon, how could you say something like that.
I know you want to.
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I sometimes wish i still played. It's a good time sink. I feel like if i tried to get back into it now though, i wouldn't like it.
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Syndra [95].jpg
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I mean, thats all luck.
Get one shity game and you dont want to play anymore.
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It's ~3am in NA on a school night.

Of course it's going to be slow.
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True. It's always a bummer to have a hard fought victory in your lane just to get totally steamrolled by the other lanes.
That was always what got to me, at least.
Oh? We're a pair now?
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You dont have to be.
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I'm also talking about the lack of shit poster and spammers.
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chen chibi.jpg
147 KB, 800x672

They're always here.


Waiting for the best moment to strike.
Hello guys, since i am going to edit some stuff later i will tell you what i am doing.

I am editing music so it is pleasant for headphone listening, i made some but i will make more.

Test if you like, and request if so, tell me if you guys want an special one.

It must be an instrumental track.

Here is my YouTube playlist.

Wear some headphones and enjoy i guess.
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Not everyone is as odd as you
They are rather missing tonight...
>Perhaps this goes to show a little something about why they spam...

You're up too, you have no right to talk!
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Syndra [241].jpg
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One more WT game and i can finally stop being a russian tank playing scum.

I think that goes for everyone.
I mostly get annoyed when allies decide to come for help even though you pinged and said that you cannot engage.
lurking 24/7
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Yup, always a classic.
Especially when it's mid lane, and then their lane partner just follows them and gets 4 kills or some crap like that because the jungler just -has- to play along.
could it be because of the OP?
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Chen 13.jpg
302 KB, 727x730


Nothing intresting happens in here, really.
Is a big waste of time, except if you're obsessed with useless information about dull things on the internet. Like, communities history or so.
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I dont know.
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Maybe. But can you blame them for filtering Galil?
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I mostly just have this place open and do other things and glance at it once in a while.
Gonna go sleep like I told 'her' I would a little bit ago. G'night
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Because Waifu isn't in the catalog, it's a Raifu thread so nobody has a clue it's here besides us.
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Homura (260).png
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Stop making threads without 'Waifu' on the OP. It makes it harder to find the thread on the catalog.
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Hmm. I think you do.
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before I go

Use the thread finder, baka
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Sleep well.


Nobody comes here besides us in the first place. Even if new people come, they still left soon.


You can always just search for "claiming", it would've been much easier to do instead of being butthut about some thread on 4chan.
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I usually just skim the catalog and find the thread by looking for anime girls and a long winded OP.

I haven't searched "waifu" in the catalog since the threads went 24/7
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>image dump to cap when people are talking

We're still here. I'm currently just preoccupied at the moment. We haven't forgot about you no life having retards.
The irony in this post is hilarious.
Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 151

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