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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 151
That would cause some serious damage if he went even halfway in. I like it
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do NOT hurt the shota :(
anonanim is a precool artist too
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Hurting the shota is the best kind of love you can offer a shota.
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Shotas are for cuddles!
oh ye, longish hair also makes for best shota
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absolutely incorrect.

absolutely correct.
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What about force kissing?
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Clearly you need to take a page out of Donovan's book, if he hadn't raped Guts as a shota, he never would have become the strong adult that killed 100 men by himself.
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oh yeah that shit's cute

sorry i don't read tongan poetry
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best position, but what a lousy top, not going balls deep when he blows his load, would not bottom for / 10
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Love force kissing
i edited the black guy in this image to be white :V
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big hero 10.jpg
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KilluGon is the best
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hey if you guys ever want images edited just ask me because i have tons of experience with photoshop, compare that edited image to this original one.
im guessing you just brushed over the hair and changed channels /dodged the colour?
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i also managed to uncircumcise link, because cut shota is the worst shota.
idk his dick looks weird in it
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No real offense but the tip looks like it should be cut. Or at least the tip should be showing in a uncensored version.
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i mean basing it off my dick you wouldn't be able to see the tip, assuming he wasn't fully erect.
intact dick looks like >>702923404
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i do have one you know, gimme a sec to see if i can make it look better.
Why are you posting fish in a shota thread?
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why did the posting suddenly stop?
nerd was learning what a normal dick looked like
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i mean it's better i guess, i'm definitely no artist.
i know the feels

I couldnt draw for shit
well? not going to bitch that it's still wrong?
I've never really understood why this happened, but this picture makes me think it can't be the only time it's happened, when I was young I had a sleepover one night with one of my friends, he was sleeping at my place, and we were messing around on the computer, at the time that was like a shitty windows 98 with a 56k dial up modem, I have no idea how we got on the subjects, but I had pubes, and he didn't, so he claims, he didn't show me, but I showed him that I had them, and he asked me to jerk off, and we went to and I jerked it while he watched, and he was so impressed that I actually ejaculated, and I always thought that was super weird, but this picture makes me feel like that can't be a unique case
idk it still looks weird and I dont think lobbing another dick onto it will help
i mean i was happy with the first version, looked like a normal semi-erect dick to me.
think the cut dick wouldve looked better since it actually fit
i refuse to jerk off to cut shota.
thats rough man
i just hate cut dicks in general, they're gross.
dicks a dick
and uncut dicks are better dicks. cut shota dicks just look weird, i like my shota soft and cute.
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Cut or uncut is fine, a cute boy shouldn't be disqualified based on his foreskin
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wrong. uncut is subjectively and objectively better.
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Something can't be both subjectively and objectively better Anon.

I'm cut myself, because I was born in 'murrica and furthermore in to a catholic family, and take it from me, I wish I was uncut, I think circumcision is something that should never be done unless a medical condition requires it
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>posting traps in a shota thread
worse than posting fish in a shota thread
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>Something can't be both subjectively and objectively better Anon.
are you sure? i think it can be.

and no shit most people would rather be uncut, i ain't blaming anyone for being cut, i'm blaming the people that did it to them. nothing you could have done to stop it.
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Just saying, the dick being cut or uncut shouldn't be the deciding factor in your choice of partner, the dick is like 1% of the body, the body could be amazing, ideal, perfect in your eyes, are you saying that the dick being cut would make you not want to be with them? And there's personality to consider too. Just saying, almost all people that are cut didn't choose to be cut, and most of the ones that did choose to be, needed to be, it's incredibly unfair to discriminate against something that people had no control over
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i mean i probably would bang a cut person irl, yes. but this is about a shota image where i can literally just edit them to be uncut. easy fix eh?
Little boys sure are sexy, huh?
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animated ones, yes.

Officer, pls.
yea but its also not fair to yourself or the other person to stick with somebody even though you're not sexually attracted to them
you really wouldn't be sexually attracted to someone based on whether they have or don't have their foreskin even though they look almost the same when hard?

Ones like this > >>702926260 No not so much.

Ones like this > >>702926191 or >>702923904

Hell yeah. They're ambiguously young (Yes, it's normal to see youth as attractive as it's a sign of fertility, it's biological... and no I dont mean kids, that shits weird and gross).

Because they're cartoons you can essentially make their age whatever you want. I like the youngish, twink like look to them because that's what's hot to me.
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yeah actually, i don't think you know how much i love cute uncut cocks.

heh both of the ones you like are by me, glad to know there are others with good taste.
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4_u then for good taste
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fuck, where you from?

Texas. Unfortunately.
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literally the wrong continent, damn.
how do you get so smooth?
Where in Texas?

Fuck, Im straight but I'd probably fuck your arse after a few drinks.
why are you in a shota thread
I'm not accusing you of anything, just an honest question, if you are really straight, why are you even in this thread?

Probably uses an epillator, it's the best way

Europe I'm guessing?


Veet and vitamin E lotion


Near Dallas. Don't wanna get more specific. Don't wanna get my ass kicked.





I was scrolling through the threads and caught the end of the comments,

I don't even like shota.

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nah australia. you got kik or something?
I am straght to but i like the shotacon. Ia am a freak i know -_-
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you anon, it isn't gay if you're fucking a smooth femboy, so you're ok
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so you're bi is what you're saying? nothing wrong with liking some cute boys.
oh hey me too

I don't but it's not the first time I've been asked. The fuck even is that? lol
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yes faggotry we've been over this a million times, you're from cucksland. and no, you can't come to melbourne and beat my ass.
Nah, I'm not bi, it'd be neat if I was, I'd get the best of both worlds.

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messaging app, you should get it. good for talking with cuties from 4chan.
melbourne is the tumblr of australia
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you're bi. you can't like shota / boy butt and not be a little bit gay. welcome to the best of both worlds.
also go to bed fgt

also dont ge pissy with me

I cant tell people apart
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yeah you said that last time too
cant argue with consistency
nah, i don't like real porn with mens. Only likes shotacon (shota x shota or shota controlling a adult)no cp. Sorry for my english

How is aus for gay guys?

Funny thing is I got an offer to go there as an exchange student but turned it down.

Texas is like... "lock your doors and keep it to yourself". Doesnt help I sound like a woman... I do over the phone type jobs and get called ma'am a lot. I hate my life man.
Being straight in a shota thread must suck ;)
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Just ignore the guys calling you bi, there's nothing gay about liking a smooth, firm, slim, boy butt, it's a historical fact.
I think the next vote is for legalizing gay marriage

which I guess it cool?
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i'm the opposite, i used to find guys attractive now i mainly find shota attractive. not many cute older guys.

lmao tru

i mean you won't get killed or anything for being gay, and there's a prominent gay scene in every major city.
Instead of kicking ass how bout you beat my meat while i eat your ass ;)
put a name on and just have it as

'other aus fgt'

and there you go, problem solved

also go 2 sleep
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so are you getting kik or what you fag

that's gay.
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Holy fuck you're in denial
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not happening mr. ASIS
Says the one posting gay shota yea i know its gay how bout you ? ;)
then dont be suprised when i reply to anyone who says theyre from australia
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well considering you probably don't live in australia it ain't happening
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There's no way you're 22 in that picture.
Source. google image search gives me nothing
Well you're right that is pretty gay
i second
Please, may I have some sauce?
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it's an edited clip from some hentai video, try saucenao.
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>Boyfriend has a circumcise fetish
>Just want to do as much stuff with my dick as humanly possible
Kind of glad my parents did it just for him.
your boyfriend is a weirdo and you're a cuck for letting him make you feel like being cut is good.
>muricans actually believing being cut is good

kek <---
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it's hilarious isn't it
You on Reddit?
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>Not liking Mitsui Jun
You won the worse taste award!
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I had to do nothing and he is all over my cock. I think I'm perfectly happy where I am. Just the slight of my scar makes him rock hard and ready to cum.
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terrible art.
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your boyfriend's still pretty weird dude.
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And you are a terrible person!
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with good taste in shota at least.

those are meh cocks at best.
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Yes but he's my weird dude
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Quit being a prude. Let them be happy.

>This guy lives differently than I, therefore he's wrong.
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just seems like a demeaning thing to fetishise to me.
melbourne guy
im going to sleep

you suk, get name
Anyone else wants to lick the smegma off from under those foreskins?
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no fuck you, faggotry.
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we have no room to judge anyones fetishes.
get name
where is this from?
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i do and i will.

night homo
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Keep an open mind. Your stubbornness is uglier than any physical feature.
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Granted, just made me think of the caption with your post.
Also, neat, confirmed that reiji-bitch is indeed melb-anon form so long ago.
God, you're a sloot.
back to lurking from where I belong
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actually we do.
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Anyone have any NagiKarma?
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You guys are shameful to this community. I've been posting shota threads for years and years and never do I come across posters like you. If you have stark opinions that you'll never even consider changing, then don't open your mouths to try and change other people.

Again, stubbornness.
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sorry i dont speak arabic

i'm allowed to have opinions you know
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To be a closed minded person, while having a fetish of little boys, just doesn't compute. Your bias is too heavy.
God what good are you in a shota thread if you don't know the names of characters? Nagisa and Karma
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I never said you couldn't have an opinion. I'm saying that if you yourself refuse to change your opinion, then don't try and change other people's opinions.

The only side you are comfortable seeing is your own..? How's that fair to anybody in your life that you'll ever encounter? Life is beautiful and full of unique experiences, like shotacon.

Stay humble, don't grow complacent
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did seifag leave?
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can you translate this into english for me please i don't speak vietnamese

hey people are into some weird shit but i'm just saying fetishising someone for being cut is kinda weird.
It is in english you faggot, that's their names
where in aus? adl here

The original anime series HunterxHunter
Don't ask me what episode
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huh? i'm not fluent in suomi.
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melbourne. the best city.



but i do
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probably some SHIT state though.
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Still here, just catching up on household tasks, so mostly lurking today.
There certainly are a lot of OPINIONS being tossed about today.

and though the optimistic, waxing poetically anon has a few points,
" I've been posting shota threads for years and years and never do I come across posters like you."
you never?
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he's just a lying faggot also reiji best boy
>Near Dallas.
no shit man, outside of little rock here. u ever make it up this direction?
I`ve never had smegma. I even went 2 weeks without washing myself, fapping atleast 3 times a day and nothing. Personally I think its just a jewish hoax to get more idiots to remove a sensitive part of their dicks because.. w/e reasons retards have to mutilate their kids.
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literally this. but american goyims are too mad to admit their dicks are mutilated because of religion.
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high HD resolution there, anon.
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only the best for you, bby.
gotta love forskin. ive licked a few, how about you?
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It's sad that Gon is the eager one, but after recent events before he left the main cast, he'd be more likely to be beaten with a stick than fucked, and anyone reading the manga would fuck Killua then beat Gon
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i mean i can lick my own, but other than that no.
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You rang?
wow, you must be soft. Once I managed to reach the tip of my dick with my tounge. So close but yet so far..
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i don't get it
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nah i'm just flexible as fuck, can get like half my dick in my mouth.
Finnish fag here, just happened to pop into this thread at the right time
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How does it feel? Is it worth the effort?
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source please? :)))
Oh boy, here we go
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why are they all doing that same stupid face?

oh yeah i remember you

it's alright, can't get enough in my mouth for it to actually feel like a blowjob though

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is there a translation for this because i feel like it would be funnier if i spoke moon runes
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would be illegal ;)

that's a thin dick
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i wont tell, if you dont ;3
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Sadly not everyone is lucky enough to have a huge perfectly sized dick.
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The Lucky Little Boy 1001.jpg
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i will.

idk mine is only a bit thicker than average and that still looks like a thin-ass dick.
How do i deal with the problem that REAL young bois (<13) arent cute at all?

I mean, i would never touch one, i just like the drawn cuteness.
anyone got sauce?

We need more research material.
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ignore them? teen shota is the best anyway.

he's 22 and he stopped posting.
Someone post a shota taking a super huge dick
Why would it be illegal?
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>i will.
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also checked

lmao paedofags btfo
Meh, reported for underage anyway.
Why is cut shota bad?
nah, just the images i have from then are.

because cut dicks are weird, especially on cute little soft shota.
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How's this?
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fucking thigh-dick is always posted in shota threads and it makes me laugh every time

also im out of images of best boy :(
File: BoyNextDoor01.jpg (2 MB, 1657x1024) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1657x1024
File: 5.jpg (319 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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why would you have cp saved on your pc?
File: a96222d4d36763867b54c297a9e581c3.jpg (230 KB, 1041x1478) Image search: [Google]
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That's not a thigh-dick though, Po-Ju just draws his shotas with massive cocks.
File: 53824920_p5_master1200.jpg (354 KB, 995x900) Image search: [Google]
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because there's no proof of when it was taken and i could just be lying right now

nope it's thigh-dick/
File: 1469874464657.jpg (455 KB, 799x1367) Image search: [Google]
455 KB, 799x1367
nope it's a long dick
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here's a helpful diagram to prove it truly is thigh-dick.
Here's a helpful panel to prove it truly is a long dick.
who do you think i am? i cant access that shit.
Well you should get on it, you're missing out.
i've tried. nothing i do works. my account is a few months old, i played their stupid game, and still nothing.
I just use that plug-in.
It needed a bit of tweaking recently but have had no problems otherwise.
Seen that pic before. That isn't you anon.
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