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Would you marry outside of your race, /b/?

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Would you marry outside of your race, /b/?
yes as long as she is white
No because that's the type of degenerate behavior that leads to impurity and mixed babies that go on to become niggers
Of course

Pissing off all those racist faggots is just icing on the cake.
I want to produce Aryan short haired girls, with blonde, ginger or light brown hair, can be frizzy but non-nigger
I probably won't even marry inside my own race. My parents are racist and so am I so no.
My fiancée and I aren't from the same race
yea, but only if she is white like me
Of course, I'm gonna marry me a thick white woman.
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black women hardly ever look that good though
Which is why chasing after them is pointless, just go for an educated latina if you want some color.
Yeah the average hog beast white American woman is just sooooo desirable. If you aren't Jspanese you have no business judging another race's appearance
Probably not, gook so I believe whites need to stay white for humanity to have a chance, blacks don't have the IQ to be bilingual so my mulatto kids wont be able to talk to thier grand parents and hispanics are a tossup.

Maybe a island nigger but that's about as far from Asia as I'm willing to go.
Nope, but I would marry outside my species.
No, but then again I wouldn't marry within my race either.

I wish anime brown girls were real, 100% white/anime features, hair/eye color, hair type, etc, but with more skintones and none of the baggage
nah, i don't want to honestly. mexican-american here. been with girls of a different race and they were really nice and mostly great people (aside from the general craziness you get from women) but i just don't get the same connection i get with a woman from a similar background as mine.
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Niggers = no I have never seen a nigger woman looking enough to fuck
Mexican = FUCK YES /b/ro mexican girls got some of the best ass i ever seen
White = i'm white
asian = depends if eyes are piano wire open or like more half decent looking eyes. also depends if she fucking complete yellow or na
already did. White married to mexican. feels good bruv
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Im not shure I have a choice anymore.
I wouldn't marry I'm not a godfag
Only if I weren't white
Marrying the maid, kek
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White guy married to nigress here.

It's not that bad.
I actually just realized I don't have many pictures of us together.
>piano wire open
So accurate it hurts, honestly don't see how anyone could find it attractive otherwise. Looks so similar to downsyndrome.
I wonder why.
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You don't seem too thrilled...
Kek. Poor you.

I bet she has the most obnoxious negress farts.
I'm mixed race, raised by white, only used to being around white people. I only date white dudes.
German girls is a win for me, cute accent as well.
A black chav, no thanks
That bitch is at least 70% percent European. You do realize that, right?
Only Asian and white chicks.
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This day and age, I wouldn't recommend marrying at all, regardless if the woman shares your demographics or not.
Looks like her hair got caught in a vacuum anon. I still wouldn't fuck that nigger regardless tho. My Real porn folder is litterally filled with just mexican asian and white
We're all one race, so of course. Hack away fuckos
Yeah. I'd be willing to marry a black or asian girl. Indian and Mexican can fuck right off.
Thrilled? No. It is what it is. We've been together for 10 years and married for 5. Thr one good quality about her iis that she's whitewashed. You'd never be able to guess her race over the phone.

But....a lot of the stereotypes are there.
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We lizardkin must remain pure in order to lead you worthless humans to the future.
Raptor Jesus be praised!
my gf is asian with huge tits, slim and cute face. might marry her
>Would you marry
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I forgot pic
White and married to a mestiza (predominantly native), and my ex-wife was Asian, so I guess that's a yes.
>insulated pasty motherfuckers think they know what black girls look like.

Light skin doesn't mean mixed. If you spent anytime around black people you'd know this
As long as she's fun and got the same ideal body shape
I got a girl thats half asian half white. Is that ok for you naziboos?
Low IQ?
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Only picture I have on my phone of myself.

I got some homemade porn I want to convert to webm and post though
So finnish?
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HAHAHAHA You think bitches like that just wonder out of the Congo? You think she's pure african? Stupid ass mother fucker!!!
100% black people look like this, like it or not
Please don't
Thanks in advance
Lazy, for sure. Not really crazy, she's real soft spoken. But if you get her drunk, that "black girl accent" kicks in. Usually only if she gets excited.

Of course loves cooking fried chicken, greens, watermelon and orange/ grape soda.
No, her dad is european and white while her mother is chinese
Does she have an abnormally deep vagina?
The traits of the males in y family are insanely strong. They override everything. My father, my uncles, several of my cousins, and I all look nearly identical.

So it doesn't matter who I marry so long as she's chill.
depends on the standpoint i guess.
i'm sort of not white, and i dont mind tbh.
my skin colour is balkan brownish. like a latino in pale.
the only exception i'd made, would be super black people. like those from nigeria or ethiopia.
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots in here.
No, not abnormally. I'm a decent size, but I still have to get into a certain position to hit all the walls.
Your jaw is probably slack enough to fit my big ol' Dong
well since she's black you cant take pictures at night.
gf is black, so I would.
Married a Native American. Not from a tribe that gets money from the government. Only good thing is I don't have to worry about health insurance for Her or our son. Just have to drive forever to go to an IHS.
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Fuckn REKT
Do you ever think about putting a plastic bag over her head and holding there until she stops moving?
Asian M

Would marry white F
I can't even take pictures with her in the house without flash on.
Why you so racist?
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I did, yo.
Whenever we discover another humanoid race I will decide then. For now all I have to choose from is humans.
No shit Chan Ho.
Who the fuck you kiddin'?
>implying you'd let another man suck you off
Faggots confirmed.
yeah as long as i'm attracted to her I don't care
since i'm a sandnigger: yes please
Have you delved into how much she hates and fears her own people yet?
i wouldn't marry at all

marriage is for fucking idiots

You look like a fun math teacher

Unless you're the woman

In which case you look like a nigger
No, but I've come close to hitting her. Like I said, she's lazy. If I get on her case about it, and she starts getting out of hand and in my face, I've been known to literally pick her up and throw her on the bed or push her into the wall/ dresser.

Came real fucking close to hitting her.
Whether I'm a faggot or not isn't gonna matter to you much when my dick's bustin' through the back of your skull
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>If you aren't Jspanese you have no business judging another race's appearance
nigga im even hugless, cant even score with my own race let alone any other
What about half white?i know a half punja b girl from high school who squirted out three blued kids, two with white blonde hair. White enough for me. Fourth had black hair and brown eyes. Can't win them all.
Married a half-Korean. It's been great - 26 years
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I've known her for 17 years. She dislikes shitty people regardless of appearance, which includes ghetto niggers and rebel flag niggers alike.

Thanks mane. I seriously considered that, but decided to be a boring engineer instead.
This. Although I'd put asians above latinas. I don't care about ass, just want them big ol titties. Latinas are more likely to be irate bitches, asians are more likely to be submissive.
Yes, race mixing is just a natural progression. Preventing would be unnatural. It would be like trying to stop the Sun from rising and setting.
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It sounds like it's only a matter of time...
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You did it bro

Atleast one of us made it
Das it mang.
fuck yes. you're a fucking faggot if you don't appreciate women from all races.
Do you ever think about hitting her like this other dude?
I'm so desperate for someone to love and love me that I'd marry anyone.
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That's what I'm worried about. It's gonna happen, and I'm scared I'm gonna like it.
Where do I find this? I want to try a half-white half-asian.
Make babbied? She get recessive genes?
I'm in an interracial relationship too, glad it worked out for you, wishing you much luck /b/ro.
I'm white.

My grill is Chinese.

Love every bit of that slanted tight cooch
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True story.

I almost married a woman of Japanese descent. Her parents were 1st Gen immigrants that earned citizenship. We were all set to get engaged but she had to relocate for work and I couldn't follow because of mine.
>not japanese
positivity on my 4chan?
She's kinky as shit, so yes. I can't bruise her face, but everything else is a go for launch.

i honestly see nothing wrong here except her damn purple hair and nose rings, which are degenerate. fix it.
Lying scuzbag detected
How long you been with yours? Been with mine 3 years, can't fucking stand the bitch anymore. Chinks start out sweet and submissive, but they turn into control freaks after a while.
And you looked like such a nice latte sipping queer!
I really want to. Can't even get it up to women of my own race anymore.
(I'm white.)
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>being a massive weebshit

Nigga prease.

She may be a waiteress but she suck u long time son
she's good, shy around others after 5 years, I think she may be a aspie
>We were all set to get engaged but she had to relocate for work and I couldn't follow because of mine.
It doesn't sound like you were very serious if fucking work kept you apart.
Stay jealous freind
im white and my chick is Honduran and white mmmmmmmmmmmm
>she's good, shy around others after 5 years

I hear most Asians are shy
Already did. Been married to an Asian chick for 2 years.
Uno mas
off by one
I'm married to a 8/10 white bitch. I would never want your 12 year old boy bodied rice bitch
I like the hair, not so much the nose ring, but it grows on you.
y-you too
You never said you were Mexican. I understand now...
As long as they're not brown or black then sure.
You're lucky she stayed that way. I'm jealous.

It's true, they are. But once they start to feel comfortable around you (which can take a long fucking time), some of them can start to turn into control freaks. They're easy to put in their place, but it's still annoying as fuck.
Hey, you look like this dude I used to know!

he's dead now...
What? No I'm not Mexican. But I live near the border so I picked up on a lot.
yeah, I'd take cute asian chick any day.
Latinas are white imo but gotta love them too
mixed black sometimes works
decent black is a rare sight but if I found one and it would click I'd have no problem with the color
It'll really grow on you when it puts a big ol' gash down ya man-meat
No idea about most but she is also clingy as fuck.

If you are thinking about a asian be ready for someone calling and texting you all the fucking time.

>implying she looks 12
>implying you are really married to a 8/10

Yea I still get constant texts and calls at work tho, so that shows how obsessive they get over someone.
I'm probably going to marry the smallest latina girl I can get my hands on.

>I almost typed hire instead of marry haha
Va a cagar en mi pecho ?
I killed him and took his place, yo.

There can be only one.
>getting married

>nigger here
>Korean wife
"Race" is a social construct.
Yes and yes. I am implying those things.
Anything else you glorified child molester
>>>702831223 (OP)
>This day and age, I wouldn't recommend marrying at all, regardless if the woman shares your demographics or not.
That's why you do a civil union. That way she can't fuck you over in marrige court.
it's just that with asians you never know if she had her eyes done or maybe a nosejob or whole facial

same with latinas, tits and ass are most likely fake

I don't tolerate either so I'd have hard time with them
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But I'm not gay.
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>on 4chan pretending to have a hot wife

You aren't fooling anyone
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I'm gonna need you to inhale this...
pics or not real

And if you think that that's fine.
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>on 4chan pretending to have an Asian girlfriend

Nice try lil' Rum Tum Tugger
Short answer: no
Long answer: no because marriage is stupid. If I was open to the idea of marrying anyone, marrying outside my race would be totally cool. Because fuck all races.
I'm not the chink fucker nigger
White dude married to Indian chick here.
I'm a mix of mixed races, so i have no other choice, really.
No, Thanks, I'll stick to humans.
Yeah, it's hard to find a black girl who isn't annoying or raggedy though.
Ya don't say. . .
Yeah but I think that bitch has better be fit regardless of what race she is
You seem bitter anon
Are you actually in Africa in that pic? She looks great! Congrats!
This bro, sometimes they're almost there too, shame.
>chink fucker nigger

(Borat voice) I like yooooou...
Yes this. I married. Worst decision I ever made.
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I am...
Possible bait
But you guys must have some banging sex. Gotta love that contrast my nig
>Worst decision I ever made.
How do you imagine she feels about it?
An hero?

Kill your whole family and then an hero?
Did you not understand? Get that bitch in check!
Cunt detected
Most likely fake?
How many chicas you think can afford it?
You look like the abominable snowman.
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I have a Mexican gf. she's a sterotype but she's self loathing about her culture.
We're not gonna have kids because she's worried they'll look more like her, or have brown eyes (mine are green)
hes retarded.

some dudes live in denial cuz they know theyve got no chance with certain chicks.
How about sharp knees,anon? Can't bang with sharp knees?

Thank you for that hahahahaha
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Thank you, come again!
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He's also a liar...
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Fite me IRL
quints of retardation?
it's not possible

Also, probably a no to OP's question
do you wanna dance with the snowman?
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I'm Navajo/Mexican my girls Mexican tried finding Another Native but you can't help who you fall in love with.
I'm Navajo/Mexican my girls Mexican. I tried finding another Native But you can't help who you fall in love with.

Dude, cut back on the loco weed. We got it the first time.
No se, nunca estuve en America, pero mis amigos de Mexico dicen que hay muchas chicas asi y que esto es muy popular, creo que en Brazil la situacion esta muy parecida
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no, and I'm white.
Not to mention Native girls look like cromags
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Obviously. Most of the kids in this thread are 14, and have never touched a girl. Just want to sound edgy.
I married outside my species
>implying niggers do not exist in your universe
sounds great!
Yes but not negro
>almost married
>almost Japanese
almost almost congratulations
AIDS :-(
it's not too late for a murder suicide!

Was married to a Dominican girl, her family disowned her for marrying a "white boy." But after being married for about a year, she up and left. Left a note saying she was homesick.

It's been 2 years, she still hasn't come home. Technically still married, never received divorce papers or anything. Have no reason to look for her, went back to my normal life. Maybe she will come back or she probably never will, maybe she's dead or probably has spic babies running around by now.

Oh well, she'll be back someday. Till then just fucking Latinas in our bed and selling her clothes and some jewelry.
Anybody know where I can find some hot, wet abo bitches?
I have a headache after trying to understand all that messed up shit

Do you still wear your wedding ring?

I do at work and at family events. But everyone always asks where's my wife

>she works a lot at the office doing a lot of overtime plus she works a shift at the hospital.

And when I go to bars or blind dates I don't wear it.
You haven't told anyone she left?

That's embarrassing.
what? no ha
We're in North Georgia.
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I pretty much active avoid my own race.

Because they're qt

>two years and still not home

She's never coming back and if she does she's bringing her kids from her new family for you to feed. It's better you just disappear off the grid. Avoid alimony and all that headache. Or be a snake about it and serve her with divorce papers at your address, say you haven't been home. She disappeared etc. Time will go by and she will never show up for court thus granting your divorce case.


Yeah a little bit but I dunno anymore. Her co-workers and friends know where she is and "know her issues" but refuse to tell me. But my side doesn't know shit.

I was thinking of just up and moving away. I know where to find her in Dominican Republic. But I honestly don't feel like looking for her.
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Official /b/ discord
I don't put that much emphasis on race. All she has to do is not be a golddigging bitch.
i was not ready to feel anon. let your friends and family know and move on from the bitch. they're your family and will understand, not make fun of you.
Latina or Asian. No black women. Just not into them. At least in the states, over 50% of them are obese. Ick.

I'm sure there are hot black women, but they're probably locked down quickly, so you may as well just stay on the hunt for whites, latinas, and asians.
I'm dating a mixed girl, idk if that counts but she is gorgeous and I'm happy. Longest relationship so far and I might pop the question in a few months!
I am an argentinian and all my 4 lastnames are noble duchi and marche from Italy and France, it would be a dissapoint and shame to put a nigger at my height
>At least in the states, over 50% of them are obese
I don't have anything against Latinas, but a lot of them are pretty fat as well.
I'd be sweaty after doing the 400m, but sure I'd find it hard to do during the race.
Could you elaborate? I'm genuinely interested
I went through this anon. I'm a white dude that was with a Mexican woman for seven years. Her family never approved. For years they gave us shit. At family get-togethers they would constantly ask when she was going to leave me, and pressure her into dating men that they invited to these family gatherings. She would basically go to a wedding or birthday with her family and expect to be accosted by a new man her family picked out every time.

Eventually she gave in. Her parents started spreading rumors about me being an awful boyfriend and painted me as some giant asshole to her family. Keep in mind that during all this I gave her a home when her family kicked her out, drove her to her job when she had no car, vacationed with her at my parent's house in the mountains on holidays. Yet after all that I lost, because I was not the same race as her.

She got sick of her family cutting her down and basically disowning her, so she dropped me. Now she's with another Mexican man who is 9+ years older than we are, which is exactly what they want in their culture.

In my experience, it's never white parents with the issue. Almost always the black or latin parents never want you near their daughter unless you're their race.
This, don't know how japs do this, but they just get me
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>Why can't black women irl look like they do in anime?
Fuckin' vegans. Calling them hipsters would be an insult to hipsters.
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Is that Ana or Pharah? I can't tell.
I feel you, mate. I tried dating an Asian girl and IT WAS FUCKING HELL at this matter. Her parents wouldn't even greet me when I arrive and keep insulting me in Japanese in front of me (she told me they were doing this, since I can't speak Japanese), even though she protected me at all times. We broke up for other reasons, but kept contact and she tells me even to this day they bother her in this subject.
What? Are you supposed to look intimidating?
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I'm white she's Greek, what's the verdict on that, white or no?
It's a young Ana you fuck.
Ana. I saw people in here calling her black and she's actually more Arab than anything else.
My sister married a white dude. No one really cared. Cool guy and all. They are still together, but I don't talk to anyone in my family anyway, so I don't know what she is up to. She stayed close to my parents and everyone else in my family. I just don't need any of them anymore.
Same thing, I guess. Greeks are pretty stupid these days.
Nigger:HELL NO
Asian:only select few
Sand Nigger/indian:probably not
It's the dad. Asians are very insecure about their women.
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