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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>702464587 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 207
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Last claim for me. How's everyone?
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Penny (2).jpg
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Penny Claim ^^
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Hello friends.
>no life
>Juvia claimed
Last post tonight so I'll leave you with something a bit more lewd.
Holy shit bro
So-so, thinking of hopping on Warships soon.

Now that's one of the funnier reasons I heard for some inane kinda thing... but... that means they also don't like crinkle cut, and that is unforgivable!
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Everything is okay, just woke up after a good sleep. How about you? I take it that you're fine, noticing the roleplaying.


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World of Warships? I have it installed but rarely play it
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Crinkle cut is some gud shit.
>These backwards ass savages.
But its okay because there are a bunch of dudes who love crinkle cut.
>I like my fries thicc usually. But I don't discriminate
>I live in Idaho, and honor all forms of potato.
well would you look at that.
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I get the final word, senpai

I am not cute
What? I'm not roleplayin nothin. I use * in my roleplays, and have not used any in my time within /waifu/!
And ya, a tad bored, but good otherwise.

Yep. There's an event going on for more Arpeggio ships, and I want them a lot!

It's pretty much purely microwaved fries I can't stand. Everything else I will eat, or at least give a shot.
>Except In n Out fries
>They're not inedible
>But FUCK they are SO GOD DAMN DRY!
>Could act as a water absorbent I bet

Night cutie~
>I'm not cute!
But you are cute
And I'm not!
I only have a few of the American cruisers lol. I want to get one of the tier 3 destroyers
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Hi, Cutie!
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>>702476508 Yuuki
It's just Diplomacy, but our waifus take over yurop. We need 7 total, I figured it'd add some fun drama. The response time is 2 days for each move/phase, so you don't have to be an addict to play.

Moreover, Emperor of Waifus is a good title, and it would be justified here.
Anyway, just go to playdiplomacy dotto com and register, then search waifu wars. Password is:

I haven't gotten any spam email from them yet.

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I usually go to Five Guys when I want some REALLY good fries.
They make some gud fries.
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What exactly are you claiming? Porn? Wat.
that's a boy though.

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Hey there, what's good?
It's been a while Penny, how are you?
Except that you are!

Other way around!

You on the NA server?
>If so, get to Tier 4, and grind your ass off for a limited event Tier 5 Battleship
I know I am!

Generally FG burgers fill me up, but the best fries around here BY FAR are the ones at the local Foster Freeze. Crinkle cut, and not fried till you order. You literally sit there, and can watch them cook from a few feet away, so you know they're fresh as fuck.
What mean
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Penny (10).png
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Pretty good, enjoying my victory of Tau over Space Marines. Also playing some Soul Calibur 3
>Its fun.
How bout you?
Aw yea, and from a state that produces a SHIT ton of potatoes, its a great way to see local business improve.
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I may partake, I'll make the account tomorrow though

I am on NA. I don't have time for WoWS though between school and work
>and WoW
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Except that I'm not!

I'm not mean.
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That's fine. Let's encourage other waifus to fight!
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Sounds fun indeed.
I was meant to go to sleep about a hour ago, but that obviously wasn't going to happen, so now I'm just playing some MH3U untill I pass out.
>could be better.
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Sweets are pretty good.

Not much going on here, just looking into an error i made with brawl.

What have you been up to?
Gotta say, I've been wanting to make me some good mashed potatoes and corn for a while. Think I'll make some Monday when my friend comes over.
>Boil em up
>Add salt, pepper, bit of milk and butter, and a little mayo
>Throw in a can of corn
Best mashed potatoes around, no lie.

Ah, RIP time.

Except that you are!


You win, senpai
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>Mfw I wanna level my other units but this one guy is cheap as shit
Gonna have to bust out my OP main.
>Cheap ass stage rules, like Guard Break.
Aw yiss, some good ol fashioned mashed potaterz are the best thing to have for dinner with some chicken or steak
I fuckin love cooking.
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Fuck i forgot my picture
Thank you Kitten~

Cooking him a cheese cake to go with it... and by that, I mean I'm gunna get like, 8 blocks of varying cheeses, and smacking them together with cheeze whiz.
Ah, fellow Smash player I see. What went wrong?
And I've been up to the usual NEET bullshit and Hearthstone, lots of Hearthstone.
I know next to nothing about Space Marines, but even I know that's dirty play.
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Setting up BrawlEX, first the screen would freeze and when i fixed the problem with that the characters no longer show up on the select screen.
>Not even Mario

You play smash as well? who do you main for each game?
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Wew. Sounds Tasty.
I wanna bake a lot of snack foods right about now.
Like cupcakes n shit.
>tfw no cupcakes
Hm? Oh no the Guard Break is from Soul Calibur 3, spesh marines are back in a few hours ago of Warhammer 40k Soulstorm.
>Plus you don't level units in 40k.
Although, the nice part about Guard Break is that it helps me master the reflect skill, and with that I'm gonna BITCHSLAP MY ENEMY WITH MY SHIELD.
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I claim Pot of Greed
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Welcome back to Hell.
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Yui (6).jpg
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Well, here's to hoping you can get it working soon.
>Not even Mario
Why is the world so cruel?
Funnily enough, I've only played 4, and maining Greninja, who doesn't want to be a frog ninja?
Guess that shows my extent of knowledge, however my point still stands.
>Go out there and bitchslap every person come across.
Welcome back.
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You're welcome senpai

But I'm gonna tease you more later tonight in private~
I want cupcakes. Penny, we need to make some cupcakes!

Are you?

You, tease me?
And how do you plan to tease the master~?
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I'll figure something out, senpai~
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>Mfw I went full ham and just Lanced him to death.
>I was mad.
Aw yiss, gonna get some baking going on in this bitch!
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As i said i'm looking into where i made an error that made it do that.

That's odd, my favorite would be brawl, though that's mostly due to how much you can do with it through mods but smash 4 seems to be getting closer to that.

I main most of the Kirby characters and Ganondorf, i mostly use Dedede though.
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Of course I am! I can't sleep and I gotta work in 5 hours, yatta!
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Kek. You did the right thing.
>I'm 100% sure he deserved it.
I'd love to mess around with Brawl, but I own neither the console, or a good enough PC.
Honestly I barely saw those characters played, buuut as long as it's not Shulk then it's all good.
We shall see~

I always get called weird for my taste in cake type though.
>I like a white/vanilla cake with chocolate frosting

Woo! Who needs sleep anyways?
Man these threads are so fucking sad lol
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Morning Syndra
There it is! FINALLY!
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Penny (15).jpg
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He did, cheap bastard.
>Mfw guard break and using all the cheap combos
>I did what I had to do.
>He needed to feel the pain.
I like Vanilla/Chocolate, I really like Vanilla/Vanilla, and I love Red Velvet. Mmmboi.
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We shall~
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Ya got a top quality waifu there!
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Thanks! Yours is too
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welp, No man's sky was a waste of time.

>complaining about things being sad
try again
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Wow, that's a bummer, i assume you only have the 3ds version then.

I like Shulk as well but i barely use him.
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Thx! :D
Ikr! That's such a lame ass game!
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Kek, got him good.
>tfw this monster is setting you on fire with every attack and it's a 24/7 stop, drop and roll drill.
Yeah, 3DS only, but I can't complain, still a lot fun to play.
And although it has been a while since I have played, I can never forget how OP he felt.
I get odd looks for not just picking chocolate/chocolate or vanilla/vanilla.
>Truth be told, I've only had good red velvet a few times.

>But now there's a WoWs event going on.
I can't say for sure if it's lame or not. It crashes on startup. Should've pirated it before i bought it.
What kind of event?
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Good thing I didn't buy it because I always wait for the first reviews/gameplay to come out.
>It didn't look that great even before then
I just love smacking hoes with my shield.
>I also love the screams of pain they make after I beat them
>Suffer for challenging me.
Good red velvet is only made by good bakers.
>Like me.
>I make a gr8 red velvet.
Choc/Vanilla is great but Vanilla/Choc is my favourite.
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Yui (75).jpg
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>I just love smacking hoes with my shield.
It's something we all take pleasure in.
>I just love smacking hoes with my shield.
Y-you're scaring me.
>No man's sky was a waste of time.
What did you expect?
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Not sure how one would play it on 3ds, i tried but it was unfitting.

I never thought Shulk was OP, i actually found him kinda slow and this is coming from a guy who uses Ganondorf and Dedede a lot.
Being such a sad virgin shut in that you can't even realize how cringeworthy this weaboo shit it, so you call criticism bait.

Top kek, go make out with your body pillow
Recently, I've been playing the 1990 version of King's Quest and it's so goddamn difficult! I named my save file "Hard ass game"
Melee > Brawl
Shit ton of free flags, free money, and a free limited time ship if you complete all the missions.

Vanilla/choc as in cake/frosting?
>You're a baker?

Hello cute.
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Taiga fuckin trop cute.png
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Naaaah Brawl > Melee
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You can call it criticism as much as you want, but its still bait, you're fishing for replies faggot.
I bet none of you have ever kissed a girl

Pillows don't count
Virginity confirmed
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Smash 64 > Everything else
Does your mom count?
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step 1: Close your eyes
step 2: Sleep
try it
i knew it was shit, but i decided to see if it really was
i only just bought it though, i had no part of the hype. still dissapointed
>ur sad
>thats my crtizm
Sounds like blizzards trying to maintain an audience.
>tried LoL the other day with my guest pass
>found litreally no other players for miles
idk if it was just the server or what.
once, it was over 10 years ago, but i kissed a girl none-the-less
Yeah, any living breathing female counts. Too bad you beta males have no concept of a healthy sex or social life. Fucking Chinese cartoon watching faggots, post this shit on /a/.
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Get Project M then.
I like that one mostly for it's charm.

Kirby had a better voice in that game though.
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>virginity confirmed
Keep fishin bro.
Damage Control.
Does my mom count?
My childhood friend?
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Well, that was an adventure
I guarantee you've never felt the warmth of an actual woman in your bed, or the warmth of a human vagina. Fucking sad man kek, keep posting your fish pictures because you know I'm right
I felt my moms vagina when i was born
Blizzard? No, I mean Wargaming! Warships!
>LoL guest pass
The hell is that?
>any breathing female
Bruh, if ya go for a female dog, I wish you luck
Damage control
>not being cellibent
>or the warmth of a human vagina.
>warmth of a human vagina
>human vagina

Did i find an ayy lmao?
Being so autistic and butt mad that you refuse to click your big bad bully's post number

My sides have left orbit, you are some sad strange little men
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Yui (56).png
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On the other hand, the WiiU controller is just..bleh.
Maybe he was, I just remember getting my ass kicked time and time again.

I know it was short, but it's time for me to go. Later everyone.
What happened?
>i kissed a girl
>hurhur dmg ctrl fg
>But now there's a WoWs event going on.
mistakes happen. A guest pass is basically a pass that lets you play up to level 20. I got with my copy of Overwatch.
>sad men
>posts of 4chan
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Guys can we just ignore this guy and post our waifus? So what if we are autistic virgins, the most important rule is have fun!
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Sleep time.
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I never really played much Kirby, mainly Pikachu Link and Luigi.
I like Melee for it's tech, and I like Sm4sh because of it's huge roster, and it's fun to play, obviously.

Brawl was fun too, I liked the Story mode. The cinematics were really cool to watch.

>human vagina
What are you?
>LoL isn't League of Legends?
You are very confusing Robit.

Night Kokokoko.
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>Human vagina
Nigga I was born.
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I just failed at life. Welp that's what that poor fellow there think! >>702482748
I see you virgin weaboo man babies are

T r i g g e r e d
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I must be tired. i mean't WoW guest pass.
my adrenaline is rushing, my heart is pumping and i'm tearing up. You sir are the better epic trollz. i give a commendation to you sir
Hurrr damage control
Why don't you faggots take your meme somewhere else and leave our threads alone?
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I use the gamecube controller on Wii U, i could be wrong about Shulk but it felt that way to me.

Goodnight, Yui anon!
Kirby seems to play way different in each smash game he's in.

As i stated i would have to say brawl is my favorite due to how much you could do with it.
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because memes are cool
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Trollz must be vanquished!
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Mizore happened
Man these threads stink of eternal virginity and beta male syndrome
You must be new here
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Because faggots like you get upset and feed them.
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Not exactly. Blurs the line in between.

>But to put it simply
Ok bb
wanna talk about it?
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I've noticed that as well.
Brawl was good, a darker look at everything, I was actually kinda surprised how dark it was.

I've never modded a console game, kinda scared to mess it up somehow.
>TFW I will never play Project M
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Still can't see the panties.jpg
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it's only 7pm here. i still need to have dinner and fap.
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Syndra [62].png
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Fap, then eat "dinner" if you know what I mean. :^)

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I thought there was a hackless method for Project M or something, at least i believe that's one of the many reasons it became so popular.
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Wait, you're not Jenny.

> +10 worry points

> +15 style points
i don't like the taste of my own cum
wait, you thought that was me?
Nigger thats 4chan in a nutshell.
Its pretty easy to get pm, not really much you could fuck up
No i'm better
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>i have jealousy problems
>cheats on shipmate
all of my wats
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I'm getting mixed information, some people say you can't get it on Australian PAL Wii's, and then some people say you can. I really don't know what to trust.
Hanako is actually a manslut. You weren't aware
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He is also underrage, by the way.
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Whelp, I've got no more advice to give. Sorry.
i could try
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fucking jiggalos
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Oh, you can but you would have to mod it and get an NTSC ISO from somewhere reliable and then Project M.

So in other words you can but it's not easy, you could try Dolphin i suppose.
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> +15 panic points

Yeah, me too

> -20 good guy points

> -35 good guy points

> no points
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>Send help, I have become memes

Wew there.


Mind if you stop being so retarded? Go back to your telegram and ERP as much as you want, you're filling the thread with cancer
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its fucking sachii
idfag if i get -20 good guy points
There isn't a hackless pal patch sadly

You would have to go the homebrew route
Still not much you can fuck up on but you would have to get a ntsc iso and a iso loader
fook off m8
oh, that's fine. but in all seriousness, what the fuck happened?
what can i mix it with?
i see you faggot
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all of my this
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Dis bitch
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TheWonderfulNui (14).gif
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How's it going, Yuno?
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Fuck, sounds complicated.

I would try an Emulator, but my PC isn't the greatest. Emulators are pretty intensive no?

Damn. I might try soon then. They're selling Wii's for like 60$ in town. I might go pick up a couple for fucking around with.
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Well, I guess I'm here until anytime between 7 and 11 AM.
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Cummy Yummy yeah.jpg
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they mainly depend on the console in question. What are your specs? i once got EPSXE running on an old win98 machine.
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Hmmm, yogurt?

And what time is it now?

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No you don't
I'm okay
What's up
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TheWonderfulNui (202).jpg
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Depends, you never know until you try, mine can run N64 games just fine but Dolphin is rather slow on it.
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NOW i can see the panties.jpg
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something that works as dinner
oh. what the fuck am i seeing then?
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>That filename
Also how does a robot taste?
4:10 (kek)
Not much, I was talking to Penny on telegram for a few hours (from like 12:30 until 4) now I'm just here, listening to music.
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TheWonderfulNui (93).png
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I'm fine, listening to music and brawl stuff as usual but kinda itchy.

Any plans for later?
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>I did it for the memes


Heyo friendo
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oh nice

Dolphin really isn't that intensive
My crap pc can run most wii games fine
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On a laptop.
i5 and an 820m.

I've had some bad luck emulating PS2 games in the past, but maybe it was just the games I was trying to run. It shouldn't be that bad right?

You're right. Yeah, I'm all good with N64 games. I'll give it a shot tomorrow maybe.
What mods have you installed on your Brawl?
>not replying to me
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.........pasta with alfredo.

Hmmm, could be worse I guess.


Ah, right as I posted, sorry.
I'll be definitely trying it then, do you know your specs so I can get a rough idea?
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I dunno
It's your imagination
Sweet, that's a pretty long conversation
What did you talk about?
And what are you listening to?
Kinda itchy? What do you mean?
And not really, just being a faggot and waiting for the day to end
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no I'm not sachi you fucking whore
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Have a (You), friend

>What's up?

I ain't got no worries

>the realisation that I've fucked up hasn't hit me yet

Ok. Who are you?
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Guys, I need to ask y'all what's your favorite game is!
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>Go back to your telegram and ERP as much as you want
Maybe doing it here is way more fun.
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She is human grill.png
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i have an 840m and I7. You shouldn't have too much trouble. just don't try playing in anything higher than the original console resolution. alot of games i try tend to crap out when i do that.
i'll try it then.
i need sleep then.
i dunno, metallic.
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ui_an (5).png
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>unrecognizable filename
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jesus christ, fuckboi
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First it was traps, then about me not trusting doctors, then a bunch of random shit and finally J (K's older brother) and his writing.
I'm alternating between American Capitalist and War Is The Answer.Might switch to some 21 Pilots in a little.
Borderlands 2 maybe?Or Civ 5.Or maybe Left 4 Dead 2.
I meant how can she taste not how she tastes.
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TheWonderfulNui (109).jpg
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Quite a few, Galacta Knight skin for Meta Knight, Ridley with moveset over Pit, Satsuki Kiryuin skin for Marth, Waluigi mod also for Pit, Tabuu for Dorf, and stages like Deku Palace or Dreamland 64. and BrawlEX for extra characters, (the one i'm having a little trouble with) I also got a ton of music off of smashcustommusic.

That's all i remember at the moment.
Why would that be? did it not go well?
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I'm very dense, sorry

>what's up?

hey stop impersonating me you whore
Can't really compare since you're on a laptop

A i5 should be able to at least run it semi decently i think?
worth just trying anyway since its not really that hard to set up
the sky
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changes from time to time. mostly Persona 3 or Half life 1.
i have no clue. just another mystery of life
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Can't sleep, cute stuff?
Goodluck, if you try again.

Oh alright. I wasn't planning on going for crazy graphics. Maybe lower to make sure I get smooth frame rates.

Wow, that's a lot more than I anticipated. Are you going to try and do a make over or a total conversion sort of thing? So far you seem do be doing quite well.
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Halo CE

>could never really get tired of it

Again, sorry.
Yeah, I should be getting a desktop sooner or later. I'm keen.
Well, I can run MGS V on everything low no problem, I'm just worried about optimisation
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I'm sorry.
What's up?
Nice, didn't expect anything else of you
No guns though I'm worried about you
Don't know any of those bands
What genre is it?
It just started
And no
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Nice game there!
Those are fine too *o*
I never really played Halo except for 1 and 3.
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We talked about guns a little, but the subject changed to soda.
First two are albums by Five Finger Death Punch, third one is a mainstream "indie pop rock "musical duo"".
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TheWonderfulNui (73).png
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>Are you going to try and do a make over or a total conversion sort of thing?

What would you mean by that? if you mean for characters i got BrawlEX so i could have more with unique movesets without replacing anybody, for skins like Satsuki i'm just using CBliss adding more costume slots to characters already there.
You don't seem quite as happy as usual which worries me, just tired i assume then? wait did you lose your computer again? i see you're back to the old filenames.
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nothing really. I wasted money or no man's buy and now i regret it. just playing Mount and blade in the background. How are you?
yeah, you should fine then. unless nintendo pulled an N64 on the gamecube it should be smooth.
yours? may i ask?
Yeah desktops perform much better
Shouldn't really have any problems then, dolphin is pretty well optimised
I'll never understand you Americans.
Oh okay didn't realise that sorry. Never heard that sort of music before
I'll give a listen later when I'm on the computer
Tired and just over feeling of fucked
I am not ready for college to begin again, tbh there is something else but this isnt my personal blog so I'm not going all out
Nah I'm just mobile fagging because I'm having breakfast
When you said this I realised I can just move files from my pc to my micro SD
I'll do it later
You bought it on steam? You can refund it if you don't like it
I'm just having breakfast and am killing time

>Tsun yun
Twilight Princess and Tales of Graces F! And I'm a huge fan of the Uncharted series.

Shut the fuck up, Ruri.
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