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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>702147958 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151
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actually kagami.png
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>702147958

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Claiming, pizza was delicious. How's everyone?
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Oh, I never told you did I?
I'm taking a weight training class this year. So yea, that's a thing.
I am well, need to go for my run soon.
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Sounds like a plan
>cutting season
what is that
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thats hot tbh
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>>702158580 (Smugger)
I had tons of fun, cause my boss left for the day so I got to screw around, and a ton of my IT kids came in and we all played some WarHammer40k and I absolutely destroyed them with my Nazi Space Marines. ^^

>Penny Claim
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still playing league so wont be much conversation for me
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What kind of pizza?
>not implying cp
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Gotta give it a few seconds.
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Papa johns?

Good homie. Playing bf1


Aw shit nigga! How's that so far?

Cutting season is a really strict dieting where you see the basic bodybuilding, healthy eating lifestyle. All organic stuff, no junk food, etc
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Fuckin rekt! Lol sounds like a blast but all that in a high school?


Just wait for a minute dude
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I should probably go run after eating that

Pepperoni pizza and a cheesy bread

Yep, got a 50% off code because the Braves decided to be good last night lol. How is it? I haven't installed it yet
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a bit evil.jpg
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It's fine, haven't been there too much to get a real taste of it. I have the build for weight lifting and have always liked it so yea.
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Doll claimed.
Waking up sleepier.
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>Surprisingly 40k isn't hard to run on the school mandated laptops
>and Lan parties aren't hard to start.
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You should head to class if you need to.

Basic but good
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hello shinoa~ how are you?
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It's you!
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Nothing wrong with basic. I'm a simple man, I'll just about any type of pizza (except Hawaiian.)
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i see you
how did it go?
whats up doll
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This is not how I wanted to show up, btw.
>Now it's gone, thank god.
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It's not that bad Laura.
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Lucky! It's a lot like battlefront looks but a battlefield play of course. I can't explain it well. It's one of those things you have to try to understand

Get dem fucking gainz dude!


Cause everyone in school is practically lan lol. But its the Warhammer that intrigued me

Pretty fine my dude. Chillin and playing some bf1. You?

Doing well?

Kek poor you~
Cute blush too

Im simply amazed at this
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Sounds good to me.
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It went well I think. I should hear about it next week.
I'm alright. Is bf1 fun?
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Doll 16.png
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That it is! As far as I can tell. What's up?

Nothing much, kinda in between sleep and awake at the moment. Yourself?

Smug mug, how's it hanging?
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how are you qt kyouko

hey buddy
Yeah i have been doing alright?
doing smug?
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Kyouko (22).jpg
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I'm good, playing some League with friends.

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Ephesians 6; 12.png
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Mmhmm. Tell me how it comes out

I like it so far

Pretty good my dude. Playing bf1 atm. Just woke up from nap?
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Penny (8).png
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Its not too complex to get Dawn Of War going with a LAN Party
>A few of them had to do some customization so I had a practice game.
Its a lot of fun, especially when you play Tau in the second round for fun.
>Tau is a bitch in DoW.
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That sounds horrible smug. I like ice cream and chips too much to go for that kind of regiment
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hey shino
Does it feel fresh or too similar to previous battlefields?
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It's just that I've had quite a long day today. But look on the bright side, I finally got my new computer today!
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nice, i hope they will take you in
did the place seem nice enough?
you up to anyhting?
oh sucks, you woke up?
im kinda gaming the shit out of my laptop
I want to play it if I have the time. Installing it now!
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Washing dishes, about to cook dinner. watching some anime with cc and doll. bored man.

Probably gonna play some league later as well.

we playing tonight?
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beautiful red eyes.png
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Should go for my run soon. How about you?
That's great man! Works as expected?
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Yeah it's a chill place. I don't know if I'll have enough hours to live off this. If it's not the case I'll keep looking for something but I'll have more time for that. Might play League
yes we are. I'm ready whenever
claim hikage

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I've got a question for you guys. Has your waifu impacted your life/have you changed because of your waifu?

Ever since Mami became my waifu almost a year ago I've made some changes to mine. I'm becoming a more pleasant person by swearing less, I'm expanding my tea pallet outside of basic black tea, and I've been baking more.
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Ahh shit, downloaded that but have yet to play it.
Yeah I think. I'm in a daze at the moment.

Yep, may down some more medicine, but it's getting better I think.
I can imagine going without it for so long. What you on now?

Just lounging in bed, feel like I'm gonna doze any minute though.
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Fine. Was curious when you'd come back. heard you were b& for a bit

I only played halo on lan at school. Teacher kicked me out and called it a time out for 10 minutes cause the others hated how i get 1st easily. This was around the last days of 10th grade

Kettle chips are amazing! Ice cream? Hmmmm Gelato maybe or frozen yogurt


Fresh since beta. New maps, guns. But same old gameplay lol


Rip! Maybe tonight?

Not really

Oh i like it so far

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i hope you get it man,
hope i will see you later
hey there
still being stupid?
damn is it that bad?
yea it sucks, im still on league but i remember why i needed the break again. such a toxic place
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Nice, I think the biggest thing we ever did was set up a 15 person Prop Hunt game.
>I don't even remember how I finally got it to run.
>I think I made a steam emulator.
Don't know if it'll install that quickly, but hopefully before it ends!
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My life practically revolves around Shiro nowadays. I run daily now, try pushing myself more out of my comfort zone more, she helped me out of depression, I'm a more positive person too. Probably a lot more things I can't think of.
You could get out of bed to prevent that.
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Why the squiggle.jpg
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Kettle cooked is where its at man. BBQ kettle is a deal breaker for me. Yogurt is pretty okay but its not the same as some mint chocolate chip ice cream
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Yeah that was to be expected. I guess the classes are similar to their previous versions too?
are you gonna play league with us?
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Everybody with the same waifus, no originality
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That's really great to hear, Shiro-anon. I went through depression as well, so I'm pleased to hear she got you out of it.
Bitch who?
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I'm already in class

>stealthily typing like no one has ever seen before
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Hello people.

>mint chocolate chip ice cream
Good taste as usual I see.
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Link me to the stream please, I have yet to replace my bookmarks.

Yep! Works like a charm!
>Probably because I've used a model like this one in the past.

I haven't done much on this so far, so no games or other applications that I had on my old one.
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Doing well i hope

All the guys and a few girls in class played it. Teacher said we were learning distance of bullets and timing of impacts should a VP walk in

Give or take 30 min if your connection is weak like my xbone lol

JalapeƱo, dood. Gotta take you to tuti fruti then


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Doll 194.jpg
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I guess I pay more attention to detail considering how long I fucked about in the dream thanks to her. Kinda transfered to other games and then things.

Are the planes still as fun? That's what I wanna know.
Does you saying that mean I'm asleep?!

It'll be fine once these go down.
I don't mind it, find it more funny than anything. You could always mute all, you get what you need from pings anyway.

Well its 1:20 in the morning so I'm kinda meant to be here.

A MAK-10!

and smh you were so good everyone got jeelly even the teacher, who even gets jelly only rule we had is everyone goes for the banshee rider in free for all and only teams of 2 in tdm and you can only work with one team together

not really, one eye wants to close the other one doesn't might take a nap soon

what about you, you up to anything

i think only like 2 waifus are taken by like 2 people each
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i have seen a few jinx claims
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Yep, unfortunately I have to install Origin to play this

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You know it friendo, only the top tier tastes in these parts. Bad news, i may have a job soon. Rip me

I hate the taste of jalepenos, but i can tear up the chips, its wierd. Im down, im always a fan of frozen treats. Wheres it at?
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I prefer Cookies and Cream. How are you today?
I suppose. Usually waking up is followed by getting out of bed though.
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Do you have squadmates or play on your own?
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>"Uh, how would we explain this to the admins."
>"We're seeing what we need to block!"
>"Smart thinkin."
We're smart people ;>
>Plus we've never been caught before.
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hello shiro.
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Alice eating 4.png
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This is true, I am a bit thirsty. I can get up for that and appease the routine.

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bask in her kawaii-ness.gif
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What ya up to?
That doesn't look edible.
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How's the Beta going?

I can't compete with the names Dollop, they're too clever. How ya doing?

Hi Yuuki, what's up?

Damn straight my man, nothing less. It's bittersweet, no more lounging, but the mons are coming your way. Good to hear though. What are you doing?

Cookies and Cream is decent. I'm pretty good, sore but good. You?
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Well that sure is an interesting and helpful change. Hope that skill transfers to your career/studies.
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We have bacon in the shop again. I still got fucking rolled at breakfast though.
>mfw 17 construction workers all walk in and want breakfast
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Not much, playing Day of Defeat. You?
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Had your attempt yet?
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nothing just ate some food
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flower hat!.jpg
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I am well, need to go for my run soon.
What'd ya have? I had some pizza rolls a while ago, now just needing to go for my run.
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back to the usual.jpg
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True, and its gonna be a little more than the last job so it should be good. Theres nothing i want to buy right now though so thats kinda disappointing.
Im just hanging out and having a lazy day, you?
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Haven't flown one yet

Blood gulch, tanks and banshees was amazing. Snipers is when everyone hides

Aw :(
I got it on my xbone

Same here. Some dishes goes so well with it though. I only know one in houston :/

Play on my own ;_;


Pretty grand. I love the landship

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ramen noodles. have fun on the run
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Alice 16.jpg
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It's an apple with a shaped peel
I like rice
MAMI! Where you been bby :(
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Forget kebab. We need to remove fucking meatball first. God damn wagon-burners are obsessed with the fucking things. Not sure about where you live, but where I'm from, injuns have an unnatural love of greasy, fatty, tomato-filled food. Like, beyond a normal human enjoyment. It seems to be all they eat.
50% completed hype!
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Doll 192.png
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Well I hope they're MAKIng you smile. Pretty good, downed some medicine and dozing off a bit. Yourself?

Thanks man, think it will.

>17 construction workers
All that asscracks gonna kill ya.

Work yourself up for it man.

I don't think I can call what I did in the other battlefields flying, more of a controlled falling.
Dammit not again.
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What flavour of ramen are you eating?
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Penny (3).jpg
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Yeah ^^
>Meanwhile I think I'm gonna play some SIEGE!~
Kek. Whats gud nigga?
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chibi (9).png
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I will.
Ah. How are you today Alice?
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It goes well with anything I like rice too
Yes. In a myriad of ways, for better or worse
I bet THAT'S a slur you haven't heard in a while. Dirty fucking chicken-eating, spear-chucking, language-mangling feather-niggers.
>mfw my 4-hour shift extended into a 9
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it was chicken
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My apologies Trips Guy, will commemorate these trips in your honor.

That sounds familiar. Just sitting around, was thinking of icing my legs.

How many miles?

Sweet my man, always an improvement. Within the upcoming paydays you'll be getting, you'll find something. Same here, but I meant what type of work heh.

Haven't heard much about it, outside from a few opinions, none good for that matter.

You're hopes have been met in that case. Feeling a bit under the weather? Sitting here, listening to music. Was gonna ice my legs.
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That's kinda why I stopped playing bf3. I didn't enjoy it anymore when my friends stopped playing it
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pleaste let me know when you are gonna play
yea i know
i am mostly just tired thats why i over react
sorry my man
my head is a mess atm
you are prob asleep
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Read >>702162806 before you leave.


Lazy days are best days.

Hey Akiko
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Daily reminder that there are no forests on earth.
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I'm down to play right now. Add me
>New Player 1257
How's the NA ping treating you by the way?
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It's a class based WWII shooter made by Valve. Think TF2 but in WWII. I did back exercises today, finally figured out how to really work out those muscles.
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Alice 24.jpg
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I'm not doing too bad. Pretty tired, had another poor night of sleep. You?
Rice doesn't go so good with apple pie though
I suppose I try to be more understanding of how people feel. Especially the loneliness that everyone feels. I try to be nicer too, but that also an impact cause by /waifu/ as much as it was from my waifu
Hello Laura. Doing better today?
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Lmao. Did you akbar most of the time? Cause i feel ya

You and your siege

Really? I find it fun

I enjoyed bf4 all on my own
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Heya Alice
You again !
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Penny (4).jpg
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Shiet, I hate work extensions
>Unless I'm having fun.
Siege is teh best
>To me its better than every other FPS I've ever played.
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A shitty low amount that I feel kinda embarassed to say.
I saw. Glad the computer works, you seemed quite excited for it.
I'm also tired. I'm good, just need to go for a run soon.
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a decent smile.png
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Wait you put the chips in dishes? What kind? That actually sounds pretty good
Ouch, then thats only a meet up place for me

Long time no see

True, but i gotta be careful. Im a good saver, but when i start having a good amount of money i want to make huge purchases.
Oh gotcha, unloading trucks

This is a good lazy day, lots of snacking involved
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Unfortunately no
Haven't done so for the past three nights now
Was unexpectedly busy with some random outings

How are we this eve anyway?

That I shall
I'll use that get as my ultimate motivation for my next attempt!

No need to apologise, you should be proud of that get.
That is also a generous offer, and I thank ye kindly for it.

How you doing anyway?
I want to masturbait to your waifu
Do it anon
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Claiming Felix
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I almost thought everyone of you had forgotten about me
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How do 40k? Trying to get into table tops. But Noone to play with.
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Doll 64.jpg
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You had me at feather-niggers.

Good, I aim to please. Yeah have done for the past few days, think it's starting to clear up a bit though. Ooo what music? Why are you icing your legs? Its hot where you are?


Ah okay. Why not have a lie down then if you're tired?

That you are. What's up man?

Yep, isis front liner here no matter which team I was on kek. Always fun to hear people who could fly screaming when I got a jet.

Ayo Mugen, that it has. Good on ya getting a new job by the way.

Go for it! (Or don't cuz, yaknow)
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I see how it is
Do you play it on pc or consoles?
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Of course not, you're lovely.
i will then
how could i ever forget about you sweetie <3
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Oh goodness, I haven't been in these threads in like two months. I've been really busy with work in the summer, visited family abroad, and now college. Went to a convention last weekend as well, so that was cool.
Chicken is my favourite!
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? !
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Alice 17.jpg
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How are you doing tonight Akiko
You're tired but intend to go for a run? That seems like a bad idea
It's technically anything! You didn't specify it needed to be a tasty meal <3
Welcome back then! How was the convention?
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Penny (1).jpg
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40k is SUPER expensive to get started, its much easier to start by learning from one of the vidya games, outside of that an army costs quite a bit, especially depending on who you play.
>Then theres dice
It costs a lot but its a lot of fun, I learned a lot of what I needed to get started from a warhammer 40k general on >>>/tg/

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Nothing much. Maybe comfort on a lonely night, because I have a ludicrously vivid imagination and can will my nervous system into feeling or hearing things that aren't there, provided I've experienced them before.
Yeah. But in all seriousness, Mi'kmaq people have a collective fucking hankering for meatball sandwiches. It's fucking WEIRD. Near 90% of the times one of them comes to my store in the mall, it's a meatball sandwich they crave. If it ain't that, it's a pizza, a coldcut combo, or, rarely, a steak. Then again, the Asians all seem to love either tuna of roast beef, and dumb white sluts love veggie, ham, and our chicken-based sandwiches. Old people love veggies and coldcuts. Middle-aged men, especially blue collar folk, LIVE for steak, chicken-bacon, chicken teriyaki, and sometimes prime rib. Oh, and Arabs? Also love tuna and roast beef. Being that I live in a city near a university, I serve a very... Diverse set of people.
Kek. I pulled that outta my ass.
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Either smart or lucky. Neat all the same
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Am I a QT?

I'm pretty fine.
And ya?

(Ā“ . .Ģ« . `)

Ł©(Īµ )Ū¶

It's good to be remembered
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another file name.jpg
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I'm always tired. I love running, don't want to take a day off.
Yeah, lurking the general is confusing as fuck and all they do is talk about orks and lore I don't understand.
How expensive?
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I'll try again.jpg
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tanks are always annoying though, snipers were managable we had snipers on both sides so it was pretty even, banshees was because it was 16 people lobbies and teams of 2 so 8 teams meaning alot of spawns in open areas or near close

not yet just messaging friends while just on here, i cant fall asleep. might fall asleep like in 10 min for like an hour

why's your head in a mess, tired?

hi youko

pulling stuff out of ones own ass is impressive, you a magician
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Let me know if you catch anything

Halla Doll

I'm doing alright. Been playing brawlhalla for the first time earlier tonight. Been lurking the thread for the past few days, not really posting. I didn't expect to get noticed like this

>How expensive?
you're a super qt
whats that face? :o
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I guess so

I'm sneaky too
>Probs too late to even mention class or anything
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>Tasty meal
>Low-tier pie
What about the mighty sugar pie?
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Smug Anime 444.png
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>Not remembering every single post on /waifu/ vividly
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you get a new pc or something?

I thought you forgot about me since u never talk to ole shino anymore. i criiiing.
It's finished. I want to play but I have homework ;_;
Who is this?

Good job

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I need a ballpark.
Or another game to play.
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Doll&Maria 7.jpg
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3c 33 (hex to text)

Downloaded it but still need to play that.

It gave me a giggle anyway.

I'm tired and a bit woozy, but pretty good other than that. You up to much.
>and yes you are, very much so
Cause its like, super tactical, man

No jalapeƱos lol

No no. Im sure they have tuti fruti where you live. You pay by ounces

Lmao your friends must've had a blast with you. I'm decent at planes but grest at copters

Console cause laptop won't be able to l play unless i want -6 fps


Know whats really annoying? How tje vehicles won't respawn since its practically indestructible. I love playing the waiting game in a tank. Someone gets close, BOOM and go back looking like a regular idled tank

Homework first dude. You know that!

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affection showing commence.jpg
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Ah yes. I love hugs.
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>TF2 but WW2
Sounds like a lot of fun. You did eh? Let me in on that secret.


So far I've only heard negative opinions, need to play it myself but I actually don't even want to. Haven't felt the need to play many games lately honestly.

Under 1 mile then I'm guessing?

I'm the complete opposite, frugal with everything. Then again I don't always have the most so I take what I can get. Sounds like some heavy lifting, would totally do it.

The luck comes around every now and then. Don't mention it, you've suffered enough.

I'm well doing pretty good, thanks. Just a little sore from exercising. Yourself?

You could spray and pray and you'd still be on target. Bummer, glad to hear though. Got a slight sore throat myself. A little bit of M83,

Sore from running, calf has been aching.
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Let's Do It Here And Now.jpg
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So as yer.

It should a cute face but some symbols weren't validated. ;-;

Sorry, sorry
;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
I'll drop by tomorrow if the stream stills up.

Did a lot of shit today?

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Oh I'm afraid I must go for it!
Can't have three days without an attempt
The very thought of it alone gives me the shivers
I usually go for two miles. Again, I don't really like talking about this.

I'm at work right now, so posting when I can.
Con was great! Bigger than last year, but still low-key. But my cosplay got more praise there than the last two big cons I went to.
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