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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 150
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I could run for you but I'm on a measly 580.

I wasn't aware people still used the 550Ti to this day.
Is today the day? Or did you have another heart-to-heart with your friend's online fursona?
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yeah, my rig is pretty old. still runs smoothly though.
this mouse i use though... is starting to have double click problems.
There was someone on sfur who had a sigaint email address on nsink 3 years ago - Who was it?
fuck off
No reason to buy anything unless it doesn't do what you need it to do.

Don't be a consumer whore faggot like OP
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Franku stealth.jpg
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I tried to shoot him, but my ahot hit a 7 year old standing next to him on accident.
These issues carry only as much weight as you allow them to.
You son of a bitch, that was you?
I was going to fuck that kid.
Fuck off.
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Hey Ethereal.
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To be fair, I never got rid of the body. Who's to say the necro charges wouldn't override the pedo charges.
What is wrong with you? You're allowing a fursona to dictate the path of your 19- year-old life.
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well sucks for you

i still get to fuck her dead body
That's a good point.

Shut the fuck up and mind your own business. You don't even know what you're talking about.

But I thought you only liked intact bodies.

How are you doing?
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quads speak the truth
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logged into wow for the first time in years, wow everything is so babyfied
yes unfortunately pics of intact necro dont exist

i already have to keep my cp and necro folder pgp-encrypted at all times, i dont want any more heat
I haven't played since the end of Cataclysm. It was shit then, and it probably still is.
Have you ever considered becoming a mortician? I thought about doing it before I even started liking necro stuff.
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I'm gonna lurk a bit and maybe post a little more, but if you don't mind giving me some examples I'm interested.

I heard hunters got shit on pretty hard.
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*tips fedora*
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A Muslim mortician is like a Jewish philanthropist.
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good enough
went hard during BC, then they started merging class abilities, and standardizing things. never again, but no regrets

also i will have you know, necrophilia is actually illegal in most states, stick with animals.
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I don't know what that means, but okay.

Good to hear.
wrath was meh, i quit halfway through cata. just wanted to see what it was like nowadays

Busy doing other stuff, would rather not go into it all. tl;dr BC was the pinnacle of WoW and it'll just never be that way again

*tips less than 15%*
I certainly do. You are exceptionally delusional if you are unaware of how much posting you do for attention. You couldn't stop doing so even if your life depended on it.

The worst part is that you turn help away. You even claim to be proud to be a burden on your household. You are a meme poster by choice, despite the high probability of becoming something better in life.
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Funny that you say that, I haven't found any laws that state it's illegal to fuck a dead animal. So that's two-for-one, and is legal.

I loved Wrath. I started playing towards the end of BC because my brother kept begging me to play. I finally got it for my birthday, and put hundreds if not thousands of hours into it, though I was a total noob. But I couldn't bear Cataclysm. I quit about 3 or 4 times before my brother begged me to come back.

I didn't even fucking say anything. Fuck off and mind your own business, I'm not replying again after this post.
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I want to know what hamburger music sounds like
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Hello Winter.
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animals no, but humans, yes.
theres alot of stupid laws around corpses.
Meh, I like animals more anyway.
We will stay in touch.

Being apathetic is boring. Don't sail off too far on the tides of ineptitude.
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Reminder that everyone posting here is a subhuman, increase the cuts you vermin
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For one to be subhuman, you first have to define what is human.
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you posted here
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Kill me boss.jpg
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That hurt me bad man.
Man, Max is fucking hot when he's crossdressing.
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I would like to unsubscribe from weird shit
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fucking brutal.jpg
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What happened here?
dude put his mixtape in liquid form but it was still too fire
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I don't believe you.gif
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shit was too fire
guy in white tries to kill guy on bed with gasoline
read about this a while back, a bunch of babies died in the fire
I see.

Yeah I'm reading about it right now. Pretty crazy.
something so satisfying about people being on fire like that
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ey bois
Kek, I guess so. I prefer watching mutilation rather than immolation though. It's more intricate whereas fire is very primal and destructive.
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primal and destructive is interesting
Quite so. But something about the technicality of cutting someone up, dead or alive. It's quite fascinating to me.
Coincidentally, I'm reading about morticians right now. I've also fantasized about dissection and autopsies many times.

I am a very strange individual with a fascination towards death.
Also, I want to see what you look like without the balaclava.
im sure you would.
>>70168302 I have that jacket somewhere.
you can't just ask a man to take of his balaclava
god damnit fags, I cant fap to this, show me blowjobs!
"Wew" indeed.

I already know your name, I want to see your face as well.

Well I fuckin did.
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well you cant
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I don't think I'm that drunk that I'll botch a post that bad, I dunno what the fuck happened here.
>>701683602 fuckin rude
Please. I bet you're really cute.

fite me
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Was that fucking Mercury?

Here ya go...
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yea i am but im still not about to completely doxx myself or show my face to everyone who asks
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1st date slut.jpg
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Why are blowjobs so underrated?
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You could just email me or something. Come on, we're friends. And it's not like I would show anyone. I have quite a few pics of namefags, and I never post them. Only I would see it.
Also, that knife is cool.
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Life in tunnels is hard.
maybe I will you buttnut
You will lose, fuccboi.
Артём! Gerald was looking for you.
that knife is cool
but no fuck u
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I will share a secret with you.
And don't make me stalk you. I already know your email, steam, and even your name. I will find you.
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shark fellatio.jpg
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That one goes to my 'ass collection'
oh wow you know things ive posted in threads before

and your secrets are probably just wierd stuff like how many dog toys you put in your ass
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Yes. I'm quite the sleuth.

And also yes.

I'm not just an edgelord, I am *the* edgelord.
if i want cringe like that ill just go to /trash/
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I can't lose, I'm to mightay mightay
ok chill out cheeky breeki cross dresser boy
I'll show you cringe, faggot.
Now show me your face or I'll cut you up and feed you to my dog before I fuck her.

You will LOSE.
no you cant make me
cut me up with what, your edginess?
don't think so fam.
You thought wrong, homo. I emanate so much edge that I can cut you just by looking at you.
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So fags, what is your method of stashing your porn?
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I'll put your weiner in my butt and we'll see who loses then fuccboi
Heya DuckTits, how are you?
You'd like that, wouldn't you, you faggot?
i stash my porn by not being 14 years old so i dont need to.

Anyway, how are you doing?
Doing great Dash.
aww thx man, ill try that out
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so would you you little bitch boy.
Good to hear.
pretty great
yea you should try it out
Damn right I would. I would have fun fucking your internal organs.
Like this.

That's good.
yea it is pretty good
You know what's even better?

You ;)
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yea im pretty fucking great, right?
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well that's a new one, I just kinda wanted you in my butt. But hey, I'll take the sweet embrace of death AND getting laid.

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Both are pretty great.

okay ;_:

Jesus Christ I'm bored as fuck.
buttsex and death are definitely pretty high on my list of things I enjoy. I dunno about together, but I'm sure there's worse ways to die.
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How about we find out?
yea me too
might try get a nap before legion launches later.
idk if ill be able to sleep
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forgot image
It's worth a shot.
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as long as I can be shitfaced drunk. Cause I'm already there.
nothing better to do while waiting.
or there is but i already did that the other day
Go ahead. Won't matter when you're dead.
And it would be more piss to drink after you die.
What would that be? Skullfucking a dead animal? I know that's what I like to do when I'm bored.
Man, I don't know what my deal is, but I am really fucking edgy today.
oh i thought you just posted on 4chan and pretended to be edgy when you were bored.

but nah i did horse dildo stuff, obviously.
you aren't
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I'm always edgy.
I'm getting edgy all the time.
But yeah, I figured that was what you mean.

What do you mean "you aren't"?
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am i doing this right
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whoa. Lewd.

I am the lewdest and the edgiest.
More gifs
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2016-08-29 07.43.28.jpg
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Give me your horse cock.
Come on man, we all know that's jay naylor art.
absoloutly not
i need it more
why are you edgy, did you eat anything today yet?
Hey guys is there a kik group for this
Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 150

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