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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>701296627 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Well give me a hint then
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I suppose she can be spooky. But I love her.
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Bully bully bully!
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Is that a no?
You're worried about it getting wet?
That's... going to happen.
It's a swimsuit. Or most of one.
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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"You're in too deep with the memes, Anon." says your Waifu, giving you a glare that seems borderline hostile.
Her simple words convey so much meaning. They seem awfully profound to you; the way what she said sounds more like a command than a statement only excites the sound waves further as they penetrate your ears, refusing to mix with the sounds of your giggling at memes, instead completely overpowering those small noises and crushing the meager spirit of your laughter.
The air became warm, and your stomach cold. Time stopped. She made you feel so much with an 8-word sentence, and only now did you start thinking about the song In Too Deep by Sum 41.
However, the sum of your Waifu's patience isn't 41, in fact, judging by her expression, it is much closer to 0. She's clearly waiting for you to say something, and is opening her mouth to do so in your place. You feel like you took that drug in Dredd, where time slows down, except you weren't falling off a building, you were just watching your Waifu pry open her merciless jaws, and you could see every particle of moisture that hopped around her mouth as she did so, and you could hear every crackle of saliva, the curling of her tongue, the ancient prayers of Egyptians, the beating of your own heart, the beating of your own soul, and the innards of alien minds from other realities. What the hell kind of thing, what terrifying, scathing remark could she muster up next? There was no way you could let her say another word about memes, for if you allowed any more words to be spoken, they were sure to either kill you, drive you mad, both, or something that can't even be expressed in writing. Your palms are sweating. Your mind is crunching into itself, and fuck does that even mean? This room is becoming your grave both quickly and slowly, for time has no concept as your head and heart pound, and every truth given by any living thing is crawling around in your brain.
How do you respond?
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In our dreams...
In the extreme. You never hear about it when a civilian prevents or ends a shooting, never hear about it when being armed saves someone's life. These leftist faggots just love to leave out long emergency response times and general incompetence and fuckery. And I say this shit as a liberal.
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someone honestly has to tell me why everyone has turned into a sadistic psycho now a days
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If dubs, post feet.
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That's pretty far, well you'll probably kill him before he can reach you
Sounds broken to me
It's okay dude I understand
Oh okay, I'm a bit less of a fan of that
But I'm not here to throw my medicine bullcrap over everyone's faces
Did you finish mirai Nikki?
Just some bloody meat cleavers and intestines
But he is the only one here who uses morphine afterwards so I sorta need him
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Kek, I need them for music I can't burn them
Tru. So whats up yo?
I bet it's Hand.
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It's information manipulation to an extreme level.
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still here


i dont think it hurt him that much
it is odd. i dont recall a name every being mentioned either
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It helps me though. I'm almost finished with it, on episode 20.
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I'm sure >>>/s4s/ would love your story.
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Hopefully work picks up soon. This is just horrible

>Ive eaten 3 hash browns and thinking of eating a second pancake
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Teach me? Or no?
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And someone needs to tell me why has everyone turned in to a weak male cuck like you
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Love Karen 27.jpg
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Because I want to know, please

Karen is a sweet, innocent and pure soul who would never lie, don't accuse me of such a thing.
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One day she will get a name. Just need to be patient.
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Life is a meme, love. Everything around us is, by definition, a meme, even language. Its not a matter of being too, deep, and besides, we both know I'm a memeologist, its my job to study them!
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Trying this again.

>>701301427 (Karen)
I'm not leaving for the night anytime soon, I'm just going to multitask. Plus if I don't use pictures for a while, other conversations will last a bit longer.

>>701301626 (Shizuru)
I grew up around lots of rude people, but I didn't turn out like them.

>>701301830 (Shino)
Read >>701296853 (Karen)

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Eat it faggot, you won't!
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"Call an ambulance. The stuff is hitting hard"
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Alice 28.jpg
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What's wrong cutie? :(
>sorry I went afk
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Thats too lewd.
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you are insane you no that to know someone is clearly bothered and just keep going how do you the fact that you live is disgusting what did I do to you? do you need to be this way to feel good? do you feel good walking around knowing you hurt someone?
No. Go to sleep.
I'll be on for a bit, then I'll leave.

Holy shit it's my last day in my parent's house, then I'm off to living in a dorm

Do it man, what do you have to loose?

That looks very uncomfortable

Is finger still rip?

Loli boat butt lover!

Hey renge

Ay shiro
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the last one her mother was in was the time she gave Tomoko money and she spent it on lunch right?
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i see you!

Well he should tell me then

What should I do for you to tell me?

I get into the fetal position and wait till it stops.
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Exciting. Roommate?

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>you are insane you no that to know someone is clearly bothered and just keep going how do you the fact that you live is disgusting what did I do to you? do you need to be this way to feel good? do you feel good walking around knowing you hurt someone?



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>implying I wasn't a sadistic bastard to begin with
Shit all. Wanting guns more everyday. Trying to lose weight. The usual crap.
Essentially! They're not LYING, per-say, but they're certainly not telling the whole truth. The media doesn't talk about the positive side of gun ownership because sport shooters, fudds, home-defense and stopping shooters aren't exciting/tear-jerking/scary enough to be entertaining. The government likes it because it's convenient for them.
>"That looks uncomfortable."
That's the point. Who doesn't like watching them squirm~?
is it better knowing that you are a cuck who likes it when a weaker human being crushes them
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Heyo Fran, how's it going?


Wow what a faggot
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Hello Fran. How are you?
Oh crap, what actually is the strongest weapon? Is there like a damage graph or you just try them out and see what kills faster?
I know they do but there's a lot more to it than that.
Oh shit well good luck then I got hit with some serious feels after the end
>Mostly because it was over
You don't seems to get what cuck means
Is that a cutie?
Doesn't even picture of female gentiles look uncomfortable to you?
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Well that's a good thing at least. Glad you turned out better than your surroundings. That kind of thing is kind of rare.
Got it. You're too pure to explain the birds and the boats to me.
Hello slanderous Fran. How're you?
I think so. We have seen even less of WataDad.

The life of a salaryman.

>WataDad has even less time in the manga but managed to get a voice before Komiyama.

Why does it bother you so much?
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I mean its more like boats and admirals.
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>>701302809 [yuno]
Oh it's a great doc then
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>you won't
Words you should have learned to regret

Hello beautiful, what's going on?

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I'm intoxicated
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I have to cook it first.
A pancake that could go to a serve. If we do all day breakfast today.
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Because I'd like to see who I'm thanking for looking out for me.
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Hi Karen!
>Good god I stil feel tired.



And why is that?
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100% how do you not get that look he still is going he cant stop because he is crazy>>701303818

um im still here I prefer waifus company I need to get it out and arguments the only way I know is akame here aswell?
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talk to me please
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I'll take this insult as a compliment.
Don't worry, it will all make sense.
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Euphemisms aside, teach me the boat sex!
>Rattle rattle
Hello Renge. What's up? Drunk?
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I don't think I'll get that. It's quite forgettable when about all of the diary holders have such simple personalities, it's insulting. It's still enjoyable though, just not good. I doubt I'm going to give it higher than a 6/10.
Watching some Mirai Nikki. How about you?
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yeah my man I was just saying take it easy until you feel like getting on league
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Yeah, he seems cool. Another outdoorsy person

~~I'd rather be the one squirming~~

I'm fine, just spooked and nervous

Just sorta wierd

Is this (You know) or my sempai?



So just eat it!
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eyes 2.gif
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just go to sleep already
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You torture animals and are a self labeled "Sadist."

You'll get no sympathy from me.

Sucks to have a dose of your own medicine, doesn't it?
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Alice 27.jpg
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How come cutie?
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anything automatic or a rifle are really strong usually.
i can only think of that one time.
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affection showing commence.jpg
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You'll be good man.
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Why are you tired? I forgot.
I'm going to sleep myself soon.
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I'm already getting drunk, the chances of the dongening part 2 are getting higher as we speak

Nyanpasu, what's up Rory?

Playing some civ v with a couple dudes. How's the show?


Probably because I drank alcohol
Oh? Any particular reason?
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Yes.. sort of, except they're white and not the right fabric.
But it's not a huge problem I guess..
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You're not allowed to call Renge 'cutie'.
Enjoy, I've heard it's quite good. It's enjoyable, not very good though.
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Characters who got a voice BEFORE Komiyama:

Kii-chan's mother
Dickey-chan's Friend
PE Teacher
All of her Class mates
A OVA Original Character

Komiayama Fags on Suicide Watch
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Alice 17.jpg
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Is there a reason for the drinking? Or just having fun
Why not :( everyone is my cutie here
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Being currently bored at work.
No all day breakfast. I might just eat it.
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Because, my shipmate.
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Yea, plus he is called annakin so I can't not like the guy
>He might have killed some children but meh
So it is!
Had a good sleep?
Oh okay, well I can't really help you ignore those guys so that's on you
Plus I answer pretty slow so apologies
You up to anything?
I understand I won't kill you for it
But I dunno it just really spoke to me for some reason, I realise it had its flaws but the first time hearing the into I was already in love with it I can't be unbiased about it
Look at filenames
>Woke up about an hour ago
Oh that's kinda lame
Well are they at least hard to craft?
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Love Karen 21.jpg
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Good night everyone.

I will now, good night dude, thanks.
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Probably, I have been to summer camp a lot, so I guess I could take care of myself

I'm moving to college tomorrow

Exactly, go for it

I thought you would still be asleep

Pls don't bully
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Just woke up. I'm always tired just waking up.

Oh fuck no, don't you dare! I'll like, not look this time!

It is not, I'm not cute!
Ehhh, it was so-so at best. Really need to take a shower.
Don't wake up
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When an admiral and a boat like each other..
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you zapped away some of my anger by confusing me with that straw pol

im not a sadist technically a masochist actually the more you hurt me the more I want to hurt others so try being nice

I just want you to talk to me and im fine just lieing here
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he's the chosen one
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I held an enfield yesterday and I REALLY want it now
>Tfw no money yet
But the nice part is I can get it soon probably.
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I feel ya on the can't be unbiased part. I fucking love Non Non Biyori. The first OP is gold. And I mean, Minene, Yuno, and Yukiteru all are pretty good characters, but other than that, it's pretty not good character wise.
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Well, I'm off to watch some anime.

Hopefully I die in my sleep tonight.
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o good hi
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Night Karen.

>teach me the boat sex!
Why are you in such a hurry.

>just one boat
Please stick to the facts.
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I just want to cuddle her
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Just for fun and also because life is mostly ass and it's a lot more pleasant when you have a buzz going

When's your shift up?

I guess the enjoyable part is what matters, right?

Hey there Tsuzu, what's up?

Sounds like a pretty solid time to me

You can't ignore my girth :^)
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I wonder how long these guys are gonna hang out with us today.
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Hohohoho! Cheer up, mai waifu! Have the nice present and the good time nostalgia feeling! The best!

>I rip off my clothes so fast it makes a sonic boom
>The schanz is erect and the waifu is bent over
>I go to town on my waifu's booty in the butt, and the anus

Ooooooohhhh yeeeeeeeaaaahhh! (in the voice of Darth Vader having the powreful ograsm)

>I edgeaculate with majesty and power
>The rich seamin shoots into my waifu's brain and drowns her bad mood
>I defecate regally and grunt with masculine power

Ahhhh! It is good to be the king! The schwanz king! ^,^
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Its easier to explain with just one.
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animal abusing psychopath, go back to the fluffy thread you fucking scum
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Ahh i see. Well not much to do about that one.
I feel like this isn't going to be a productive conversation... But carry on.
Hurry? I've been looking forward to this all day.
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That's right, isn't it~?

QOTT: Yourself aside, who has best waifu?
>tossup between Galil, Yuno and whoever inevitably claims Revy
The Enfield is a nice rifle. Effective out to 500m, will take any dogshit ammo you feed it as long as it's .303 Brit, lightweight for a battle rifle, and the fastest bolt action known to man. It has this neat little thing where you don't have to move your face and change your sight picture every time you cycle it.
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You're also my cutie, is that unacceptable?
Mako <3
I feel the same way, but my liver seems to be bad
Don't make me post it.
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Go ahead man

Yeah, I can't wait to start classes

I'll be less spooked tomorrow hopefully
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Yea some asshole was running his engine outside
I slept enough today though I'll survive
Eh it's probably because of the heat, I know it bothers me a lot when I try to sleep
Take a cold one, it's really good for waking up and good for the skin
Well that's what I'm doing
Anything particular you wanna talk about?
I just hope he doesn't accidentally forgets his lightsaber isn't his scalpel again
>I wont be getting that leg back
Well I guess we can agree on that
Tbh I quite disliked Deus, not only his art was weird he was kinda meh for a god to me

>This new spammer is cracking me up
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what's good
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The closest thing I can get to a real answer to the question is Kyoko.
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Not always.
Already a Revy claimer. Emi.
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The Schwanz reign
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Syndra [187].png
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They have sex.
The end.
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I told you to rub it's stern and then shoot it!

You ain't Gary mother giving Oak, I very well can!


>Cold showers

>Be back, gunna go take that shower now.
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Kyouko (161).jpg
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Penny (1).jpg
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Yeah basically that
>MMM boi its tasty.
Felt really good, good wood too.
>gave me wood tbh.
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O my! My me! Self is mine! O me and O him! 25! 6! Fucker Fear! Youngster Yellow!
Yes, he is true! No! True it is be for it! O he a fucker! O he young! More death than anyone! It's a symbolism! Have him not live, have him have. Regular death. Suffered worse. Think as more!
O, it's Fear!
O, it's a plague!
It taunts! Yes it does, and the assault on pride is the most torturous aspect of this cursed eon of agony! How can you feel? How would you even?! Yellow is fear, and know that! He isn't me! He isn't blue! I've been long as long yet he's been long as short. Just as true being love for love while love for hate, but other side!
Get him away!
Is it A?
Is it a remnant?!!
Make a puzzle!
Form with effort and mind!
I love corners!
They bring me, and I've done wrong. Kill.

oh fuck, oh shit, oh damn, oh hell, oh man, oh boy, oh god, oh lord oh frick, oh crap, oh darn, oh heck, oh snap, oh yeah, oh no.
O, he's the smoothest!
O, he slips!
O, he slithers, and O, he goes about, sliding like a worm!
Imagine zero.
Imagine atoms!
How can he smooth?
How ca-
he is mad taste how mad
listen to him swear like this he is a vulgar one
hate to break it to you, but you're fucking retarded
Thread replies: 164
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