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Drawthread wtf i hate drawthreads now edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 117
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wtf i hate drawthreads now edition
If you're taking requests:

Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.

With you in it.
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Masquerain
Requesting vore.... Tuba vore...
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Pin-senpai still not here ;-;
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Sup threaderu, what's shakin'?
I wanna wear a skirt today but I cant
She was here for awhile. She went to bed a couple of hours ago.
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This westen spy not knowing to squat like a real slav
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Here you go bud, you need your dose.
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Requesting something fallout related. Anything really. I'm pretty damned hype for nuka world ATM.
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>what do you think about this greg
>western spy
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giphy (1).gif
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Draw Moot
those terrorists are a little short

...are you indoctrinating children?
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To drink or not to drink.png
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I have 2 kickstarts, it's 3:39am, and I'm only a little tired. Should I drink them?
Absorb them through your urethra
No, save them for when you start nodding.
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Put them in a pillow, cut the pillow in half, rip them out, and chug. Much quicker energy than just sipping like a ninny.
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RIP fake slavs
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>That triangle building

Is that New York?
what the fuck is going on
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dick straw.png
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I only chug them. I should shotgun both of them in quick succession.
Now use your newfound energy to punch Hitler's head against a brick wall
fuck you greg
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In Russia, squat do you!


You disgust me more than Meerkay.


You could always donate them to me. :y

>gibe da soda pls
>Awe, stop. really. :3
You, Bim and that pleasant Os girl! And you all have such nice looking art! I'm a sucker for cute and adorable, even moreso when they're also lewd, but that's not a necessity...
>itt: nerds
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So, Gregorij, why are we looking at explosions in the company of hight challenged guys?
Are you ending the world?
Is the guy who requested Rocko here?
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My soul has rocketed out of my body and is on it's way to explore the stars.
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Meant to post the gif
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Taking requests.

You talkin' bout lil' ol me?

Nice penor
Sexily enjoy a hamburger that would rival a Carl's Jr ad.
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requesting a giant head Swordbro with Mundy or some other drawfag kneeling before him
Can you draw a whale with a really big, insincere looking smile, offering a hug to a small shark please?
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I kinda want to make a new avatar but I'm way too lost in the drugs.
Tanking requests, cute stuff please
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a meer version of this
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requesting cool pant cat
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>height challenged

theyre children you dip
All because someone called you a jew and said "fuck you"?
Being cute whilst punching Hitler in the face

Bonus points if you can still cuddle your robot bear thing while doing it
Cyborg-ize the pokémon Minun
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Requesting a variant of this with swordbro and getting a delivery
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cool pant cate
thank you
i dunno, grog seemed off even before then
>He understands finds. He just wants to be a dick.
How many times do I have to say that I have legit complaints about Fiona and I'm not doing it for attention or to be a dick? Fuck you.
cool pant cate
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Okay, that's cool I guess - can we build a swimming pool over there then?

Also, found three hours of Django Reinhardt!
>Still talking about Fiona

Let it go m8

Nobody cares anymore
ignore her, she says stuff under anon and just goes "ur doing it because ur life sux and ur lonelee XDD". Rarthorn does the same shit.
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Meer is a cute
Almost rival to Pin
show butt
post your avatar and the song you're listening to
I know. Thread 404'd before I could post.

Wouldn't surprise me
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got the whole discography on shuffle
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Hey! I'm working on your request but I'll have to brb!

Will do these in a bit!

Awe, hush you. Thanks!
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Just the pants? Pff, I can do better!
Here's cool suit cat! He smokes catnip and just don't care.
thats the real shit, thanks!
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Thanks. You wanna touch it?
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Requesting your avatars most tragic moment
loss of family, loss of a friend, rejection, something deep and emotional that scarred them for life.
Looks closely to him, actually.
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Perfect music for the moment!
>the kids


How about later.

Will do later.
they're kinda cute for kid terrorists
admit it, youre gonna fuck the jew in that pool
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fuck you greg
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you about?
you must be so proud of yourself
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You're welcome Anon :)
Ooo, maybe a really good café and a climbing wall for larks!
Oh wouldn't you love to see that - sorry, no fucky.
>coffee wasted
truly horrifying
>sorry, no fucky

>Dr. Burg
>father of 2
>swordbros only hope
You have my attention.
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I was going to say maggot-infested poop, but your name came up first. ;3


See you, Cowbo.




I want to give doggo mundy some succ
Meer? Berrickles? Must I put you in the corner of friendship?
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Bye bye arm.png
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Sounds good to me.
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>not the death of erik
how inconsiderate of you

I'm around but it's been a long day so I'm just fuckin' around now
you wouldn't be the first, my dude
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>not the death of Erik
it's more tragic that he promised me a return last week and we're still waiting patiently after his long vacation
ill start up a thing in a minute
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gas the drawthreads
pericherri pokedex now
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Free coffee forever
>those dead bodies on the streets
>atomic explosion
>most buildings getting raped

fuck you greg
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>and it wont be fucking mcdonalds brand either
swordbro no
he just a babby
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Heya Kris. Long no see!

I am on the market now, may disappear any moment.
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Order up~


Hisssssss! >:U

Well gang, I'm outtie for the night. Later gaters.
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That sounds nice, though - I hope you're leaving the pretty landmarks intact. You know, the Eiffel tower, the Mckintosh buildings, the Round Tower, golden gate bridge, Big Ben etc.
Wall street though... pff, atomize the bugger.
Later Berryums <3
Eyo Shi!
Wear 3 hats, two on head, one on dong
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greg fuck.png
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>i forgot to tell them to not blow up the important shit
wtf i hate greg now
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I feel the kickstarts coming on, so I'm gonna try to sleep before it gets too bad. This should be fun. See you guys when/if I ever wake up.
we all know you want that dick

admit it you caffeine-addicted bystander
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It's later now.

I thought I smelt stale cheetos and old mountain dew.
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ey bb
Keep your coffee intake down man!
Also, sleep tight.
This is wonderful. Thank you.
Still taking lewd requests?
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Draw me snuggling Pin please
All the hats are on his head :^)
Meer surely taking lewd requests.
/r/ this diapered Gatomon's leg cuffed to a pole, and her REALLY needing to potty, her trying so very hard (and kinda failing) to hold it all in?
Suddenly reality has forced me away without enough time to draw a goodbye greggy


May I request your OC being double penetrated?
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Seeya later Greg, thanks for playing :P
wtf i hate reality now
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Draw Bum in skimpy sport outfit please.
That tracksuit isn't skimpy enough for you?
You taking reqs?
waking up in the morning to realize you failed to die in your sleep.
What the fuck man?
What the fuck?
You need to atone for this sin by drawing the most adorable doggo ever.
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Tried but can't do that. Sorry.

So when're you and the jew gonna fuck
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The beach volley "uniform" barely leaves any room for name, nationality and number. Have you seen these women? Fresh!
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Thank you!
Counter-requesting him being anally vored by Amethyst next.
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Hell no.
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I never take lewds silly, trips or nah.

Counter-counter-requesting Pearl unbirthing Kris
/r/ The two furry drawfags smooching.
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diapers are shit fetish, geddit?
Not even lewd commissions?
Requesting your OC dancing
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Commissions maybe. I sheckle.
1 sheckle doesn't seem expensive.
>encouraging stuck-up drawfags
You're the reason why this place constantly goes to shit.
lel caught me. Prices vary.
Once I get some money together, I'll send you an ask on your Tumblr. What is your OC's name, BTW?
>Getting butthurt at someone getting more commissions than you
>An anon who actually thinks we just come here for shits and giggles and not to get better and harness our talent

Either way is shitty.
File: meer14.png (154 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Awe thanks dude! Her name's Meerkay. I only do lewds sometimes so this'll be fun.
Is this the cringe thread?
I will admit that you have a very nice, cutesy style.
>Not to get better and harness our talent
This is bullshit and we both know it. You fucks only come ere for the sake of attention with shitty doodles with the bare minimum of effort, since people will lap up at anything you'll throw at them.
Yes welcome alboard
i come here for fun, i couldn't care less about the attention
>An anon who actually thinks we just come here for shits and giggles and not to get better and harness our talent
i would hope that you do come here for shits and giggles, at least just a little bit
nobody cares about talent here
Sure buddy, sure...
Here's your (You)
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Righto - the graveyard shift is over, seeya in the next one.
Take care Meer, don't let the bedbugs bite!
i hardly get any attention actually, you think i'd keep coming back if all i wanted was attention?
>nobody cares about talent here
Say that again when you notice shittier drawfags gets next to none requests, retard.
It's normal for human beings to socialise, as we are a social animal.
Giving and receiving attention is part of this exchange, we want to get it, and we want to give it. That is, if we're socially adept.
Those without social skills may experience anger and frustration witnessing those who exercise those skills successfully.
These people will lash out, but you already knew this. We see this behavior all the time on /b/.
Yes.and i can tell youre still trying to lie through your teeth.
I've come here for a while now and because of this I've gotten better at my art and am able to make a stable and comfortable living off of it. Just saying that most of us come here to make shitty bare minimum doodles is insulting since we make this a blood sport and grind through drama and hate to get to a point where we can be happy with our talents. Sure, people suck when they start coming and some never get better. The important part is they tried and had a good time doing it.

Tl;dr This is insulting and you're ungrateful.

You're right. It's mainly to be social a bit and warm up.
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How's it going team.
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Thank you very much! It tends to fluctuate but I try to keep it consistent.

Night Bim~
Tough luck pal, also nice backpedalling there.
They don't really like your shitscribbles but rather feel pity over it and just throw some bucks thanks to that.
Love you too!
>getting this triggered over people wanting to do business
So you just want every artist to work for free & never earn money? You're greedy AND hostile.
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Any other requests?

leave him alone, he's just a self-entitled /b/tard with nothing better to do.
It's almost like this guy Wants to work for years of his life but never want any compensation for it. Truly a compassionate and caring individual to just want to give away his time like that!
>when trying to earn money from autismal idiots that has no idea what good quality is
>that is actually not being greedy
>ur rude and this and that

Just telling the truth, I'm so sorry for trampling on your very sensitive feefees.
Call me when you have a counterargument outside of just empty name-calling, 'kay?
I never thought of it this way!
Of course, he will repair our cars and do the plumbing free of charge, because he cares!
Are you having a good day, sweetheart? Did you forget to take you medication today?
>comparing noble living to a effortless drawing
You're just embarrassing yourself.
I think he's a bit off today. He probably wants changed.
Haven't you been sleeping well lately?
You seem to care so much about things that really shouldn't take up any of your time.
so you must know me personally, i guess
how many fingers am i holding up?

i'm garbage and i still get a fair amount of requests lol

>he actually cares about quality on /b/
>he actually cares about what people blow their money on
but ok anon, i digress. post a drawing you would consider appropriate for the thread. not necessarily yours, just what you consider quality
>Insults every drawfag because it's not up to your standards
>Calls them stuck up when they won't work for free
>Resorts to aggressive tactics & denies being an entitled mooch
>b-because they're shit!
>th-they are! their drawings suck!
>i-i'm not entitled!
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oh boy
>pick drawfag
>bask in (you)s
Every time
Like clockwork
Please enlighten me on how some of the drawfags here don't exactly live up to your standards.

Because surely he's not actually expecting us to pay him for work that he sweated for.

That "effortless drawing" is commercials, cartoons, storyboards for t shows and movies, character designs for games, etc. being just a tiny speck of hope. If I can rent an apartment, buy a car and able to buy myself nice things for ACTUAL MONEY because I came to draw here. Thanks for trying~

That's what I'm thinking.


All drawfags were insulted in this instance.
Sidhe's art is shit

Prove me wrong
eh, he's ok i guess
I didn't know you liked to eat Thai
That's irrelevant about the discussion at hand.
Nice try to sidetrack.
Because you have a Skype group with drawfags to request you shit under anon lol
You aren't the first, sorry to break it to you.
Enjoy that hugbox.
Not obligated to.
>wanting to be recognized for LACK of effort
HAH look guys we've got a conspiracy theorist here! Can you confirm?
>Because you have a Skype group with drawfags to request you shit under anon lol
they don't lol
keep trying
>Not obligated to
>i'll just keep bitching about muh /b/ quality without providing a point of standard

because it happened one time so it happens all the time!
What discussion? There's no discussion, there's just you being as abusive as possible, and when called to that fact (again) you deflect.
There's just you being a cunt, that's all.
Nazi Communist Jew spy here

I can confirm truth told 100% just be stepping into this van full of evidence
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Sup honey suckle?
The fact that you call this a discussion is laughable.
There's no discussion, you're just baiting, being an asshole for no real reason and people are biting the bait.
Enjoy your (You)s, I'm sure they mean a lot to you.
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glad you enjoyed it
I eat lots of things
>Refuses to define his standards of 'good' art
>Continues to act like a tryhard
>needing any knowledge over drawing when it's all quirky and wacky without any effort at all
It doesn't really sound to far fetched not every drawfag is a good boy who dindu nuffin
>LACK of effort
>he still won't provide an example of effort
But can he prove that shit drawfags just get requests from other drawfags under anon?
It's the only way he knows how to socialise.
Being noisy, desperate for attention, which he gets. The thing being negative attention is better than no attention. I pity the poor kid.
>he still won't provide an example of effort
Probably not
Son, please come upstairs, I made tendies
>how to ruin everything in a few posts
>written by anon #701085421
slap my ass?
>That's irrelevant about the discussion at hand
lmao he thinks this nigga was serious
are you of the autisms
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hay hay

good mornan errybody
This is why we can't have nice things
hi gal
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how strange, everytime someone leaves the thread someone else is appearing again
hoi peen
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or we could have loli rape like the good old days instead.
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I love the smell of hatred in the mornings.

You guys wanna share a cup of coffee with me?

Hey, Pin. Welcome to the shit show. Cup of coffee?
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oh wow
you expect this shit on /b/?
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1 MB, 776x1119
>don't understand /ic/ merc wip meme
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3 KB, 125x125
this is gold
never been on /ic/, hasn't really interested me
what happened?
File: pinis.png (68 KB, 500x501) Image search: [Google]
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it's cos we're all the same person anon
no coffee for me thanks. ill take some tea if you got it
been really into tea lately...
We can't all keep up with every meme on every board Anon. I know you learned about it just five minutes ago and can therefore now belittle anyone who has yet to learn...
I suggest going there to harness your tal- Oh, wait...
The shitposting anon admitted to having the autismus
earl gray is my favorite. or green tea
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>it's cos we're all the same person anon
TRIPZ of Truthiness!
fucking kek
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can you draw pin like dis now pls
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i dig green tea; got a box of it at work.
im just startin out. for the longest i really fucking hated tea. guess im old now.
i would never lie to you bb
iunno whats hotter
the drinks or the dames
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Same, it's refreshing to see so much life.
Ok. Wat u giving me here?
>it's cos we're all the same person anon
i truly believe that you are drawing 3 to 4 different stilistics, if not more
but that would also mean you are rapidly fast on drawing and changing your stilistic in an instand
that would be awesome
ur not old, ur only the same amount of years as the last 2 numbers of my post
not Pin,
but technically the only difference is the eye colors.
>dat flipper

sup... shark guy
idk, do you have a name?
what's happening yo, welcome to the shitfest

ban her
but I want it in pin style!
and pin doesnt have white skin
yeah, you didn't know?
Pin = EHG = Bim = Meer
I know this from my skype group where we do conspiracies to confuse Anon.

Who am I? I'm Spider-Man!
> pin doesnt have white skin
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I fucking see you there mr skeletal
*unzips ass and slaps sensually*
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yeh yeh
>pin is literally drawn as a nubby gremlin
ahahhaahh okay
you triggered fuck
ive been doing this for a real long time bb
its possible
no im like 60000 years old man
aw im flattered
pin is tan
Meer vs. Nim, street fight style!
hi pin. i dont care about you. but hows ehg?
What don't you do?
w-wow... n-not that hard mundy-chan.
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....n-no you dont
very cute thank you
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Me too! I can draw!
>nubby gremlin
>cool tea
you dumbed him? the faggot that you call boyfriend. hows life been treating him?
draw some freaky pokemon hentai stuff
they're married fam
already? geez...
File: yo.png (58 KB, 485x464) Image search: [Google]
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hi bread

taking a few requests
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also, still taking requests
actually it's been a while, dude
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not pin,
she have this color according to Tumblr, but i don't consider canonical sincerely
the black guy that dicks you occasionally
oh you cheeky bastard....
Marriage, that thing you do when you hate someone so much you want to watch them slowly die of old age
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Alright! I've got Pomegranate white tea, Chamomile, Rose...

Do you like yours black?

You caught us, we are all one sentient being.

How do you take yours?


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156 KB, 719x671
The truth emerges?
It's morning time I'm talkin coffee and good shit, I ain't tryna hear all dis about tea an shit, u, got, me, fuked, up woman.
god... i feel old and shiz now. guess il be leaving.
Yo baby daddy
request you draw pin as a char from a movie you like
Mr. Smiles! That's just misanthropic without compare.
You're not even a being, you're the internet become sentient! Admit it, you're A.I.!
no anal? then what the hell are you meant to do on the first date?
Requesting pin as butler for anon (not maid outfit, a butler one)
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I did my best.
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he's good
uuuu huhuhu~
surprise me! im new to this whole tea garbage
kiss her on the cheek and hug her
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yeh okay. guess da movie.
now she got it? jeez.
127 hours?
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I would prefer to think of myself as bitterly experienced... but who am I trying to kid.

Well, times certainly have changed it seems.
Kek, clever drawing. Thumbs up
schindlers list
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ahahha nope
The fall
Well, that's very tumblr-y indeed.
I miss black sperm
Someone please draw Garfield dabbing
...despicable me?
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ding ding!
good job!
ahah no~
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Fool! U don't even know where coffee comes from! U SUC-
Yes, black is fine, with a sugar or something ples.
that one movie? you know the one im tlaking about.
swanky lmao
Mudogger! Howdy!
Also, dickhat.
What is your name, soldier?
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after yesterdays vodka session, i could need some what ever gets rid of my headache
so tea or coffey? whats better?
Take heed of beauty, my dear friend.
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kiss a toad on the head goodnight and tuck him into bed
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oh dang you so smart
ty ty
you need soda
and greasy food

you actually need water but i always feel better after drinking soda when i have a hangover

anymore requests?
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Ah, I'm Flip
been here before but hiding behind another dumb name
thank you. i know im smart. you goddamn fluff ball
I meant dabbing as in the dance move but this is still art tbh
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Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Settle down, now.

Rose tea it is, then.

Illumadrawi confirmed.

And here we go! Tell me if it's too strong.
chris then?
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It only gets harder from here if you catch my cold
don't fucking lie to me, you boney fuck
3 sugars, one coffee. I have a very sweet tooth.

Welp, it's late so I should probably head to bed. see you all later.
o-oh. mundy-chan. you're so hot.....this is getting kinda weird.
draw Sheena from Contra Hard Corps!
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I would never lie to you.. except all those other times... and earlier in thread... Il send you a copy of Labyrinth in reparations.

Also heading off to bed.. complete coincidence i am sure. "Cough"

night thread.
can you draw gremlin pin? like gremlin you catch what im trying to say right.
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Nice to meet you Flip, I am Sh/SHI. Just another paperdrawfag around here. How are you doing?
Saving my own life from overheating. It's a burning inferno outside, jeez.
How are you though?
I gotta love your way of structurizing your sentances.
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not as chris no
do i know you ?

At the DMV and the beaucracy is getting me down

Requesting motivational Pin
full of plot holes and spelling errors?

off to bed now though, talk to you tomorrow

umm no? im an anon. how would you know me?we can be friends if you want.
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Oh hell no u got me fucked up u Lil midget, do I look like a garbage ass tea leaf? Naw son
She started it.
>too hot
I shall.
Gnight mundy.
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