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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 122
Thread images: 109
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Maximum Karen 3.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Himenokouji Akiko

You're damn right
>tfw some of my videos got blocked for copyright

Belgian public transport
I've told you about how bad it is
>I always confuse you for Akiko when you post that picture
That's because Rory submarine a cute

Halla Ayase. It's good to see you again
How is that sword coming along?

You're welcome

Oh my. Is this THE Sarisa?
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Ayase [8].jpg
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Ayase Claimed
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Head 15.jpg
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I am the fool.
>Maximum Karen 3
how many maxium karens do you have?
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>>700947251 (Sarisa)
Yep, just that. Slow, boring day so far.

>>700947241 (Sachi)
No u
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In a sense she is the good rival of Kalen,who has the same CV.
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Holy shit I just woke up at 4 pm
I have no clue what happened, but I'm here now
How's everyone doing,?
Its still the easiest job I have. And Im getting paid more than any other job I would get offered.
Every time I google search it it comes back to Rory over Akiko. Even though Im pretty sure its neither.
We're so spread out that landlines are dated as fuck and need a massive overhaul. Our relays are just as old and the best my modem does is 5 mbps. The best landline for residential use in my city (first to get the upgrades) is 10 mbps, unlimited for $60.
I do need to go back there. Preferably alone. Kept getting rushed through on the stuff I wanted to stay at. And their plane area is intense, yeah.
Nothing had me out of work. Just slow weeks before uni came back meant my mind wasnt prepared for the amount of work I had to do.
They were making a statement on the sex tourism trade. Basically calling it bullshit. And they do more than just that piercing. When I say their stage show is as good as the music, I mean theres very few bands that strap flamethrowers to their face for half a song.

>why do I always get popular at this time of day
Silly shitposters, we know you gotta go eventually.
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Levi get
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Sixty dollars US or sixty dollars AUS?
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KarenColle 7.png
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>>700946994 Nanoooo
oh! Where's that? Wiltshire? I couldn't find anything official about it
Do you like it there?

>>700947018 Renge Rango
I wanted to ask how you been this past month, I don't like discussing this stuff outside the thread tbh, that's why I never asked before.

>>700946906 Fool
Kek, I was waiting for the conversation to flip to something like this.
Sorry for your loss though, hopefully you can rebuild it if you want to at some point in the future.

>>700947241 Pinko
That's a good point

>>700947246 Nanooooo
kek, it happens. Nice to see you again nano

>>700947251 Sarisa
Window curtain just accidentally turned open, it's a wonderful looking day so far. Rainy and cloudy, and the bus has really high seating so I get to see everything from a nice view
Yeah I heard of it, not really a fan of it though, those fast paced games aren't really my thing. I'm very bad at combos and shit like that. The only one I ever KINDA got into was street fighter and even then I got stomped online

>>700947312 Furry Guy
Seeya dude

Jog my memory please, kek.
Rory submarine is indeed a cute, it's the purple eyes too.

Heyo, doing alright, how about you?

She's a great character, love her too.

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Yup, yup! This is Sarisa.

Oh my!

How are you, Akiko? You're right. She really does look adorable in that image. The ways she's playing with her fingers... too adorable!

Welp... let's make your day more exciting with a fascinating conversation!


What did you pack for lunch?
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No Nyanpas(You)
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Head 17.jpg
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I should correct myself now and say I've never had anything to lose.
>Cut out video of last minute
>Post on Jewtube

>Allahu Snackbar
Lol, I'll attempt to help the best I can if it does.
>Implying the movies are canon when all it is is shitty flash animations

Thank you, she's from Idolm@ster.
>Ayase a cute as well

Got a whole box of them yo.
Sounds like you've got quite the fun day ahead of you.

I love this music with a passion, so much so that it affects my driving when I'm on the road.

I'm the type that'll just stay up until they're practically asleep already. Then I'll drag myself to bed and fall asleep within a few minutes.
>Up till I pass out basically.

If only, I don't have dreams often, less good ones when I do.

Bongo a fun
>Dat fucking range

Hey there cutie, sleep well?
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Why did this come to mind?
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Oh where Kalen lives which I referred to is just Japan.

Two big characters of Nao Higashiyama are the good one.
How about this KONGO?
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>4 pm
Dit is de goeie Yuno
Alles goed vriend?
Niet veel gebeurd hier. Shitposters hadden het blijkbaar naar hun zin toen ik weg was om mijn herexamen af te leggen

Dead rats and other filth on the trains. Terrible organisation. Conductors fucking you over by choice. If you don't calculate 20+ mins delays in your trip you're gonna have a bad time. Even if it's on time there's a chance the train won't even take you that far. And the busses are almost just as bad
>purple eyes
Purple eyes a best

>Yup, yup! This is Sarisa.
Never heard of you
>She really does look adorable in that image
Yer damn right she does
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haruhi claimed
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They strap flamethrowers... to their FACE?

Holy cheese sticks!

Now that's dedication. I've heard of artists who would dance with animals on stage, and bite off the heads of bats, but flamethrowers on the face is a new level of hardcore.

My favorite band just wears regular street clothes and plays instruments. Kek

Oh, I love rainy and cloudy days like that. So peaceful. Such days can turn out really nice, or turn out very sad. Cloudy days can either make you think and dwell on depressing times, or simply cause you to relax and chill out.

I hope it's the later for you.

Street Fighter! Who was your favorite character? Also, what kind of games do you typically enjoy? Like, what are your favorite genres?
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Hey Karen good to hear
Well seeing as I just lost half my day I'm not sure what to do
You got any plans for the day?
>Calling me cute
Nice try but it won't work cutie.
And I'm not sure I slept for over 12 hours so I'm pretty drowsy
>Goede yuno
Voelt goed
Maar gelukkig niks gemist dus kek
Herexamen van wat? Hoe ging het?
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Sarisa (1).jpg
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>Never heard of you
Then how did you know I was THE Sarisa?

Anyways! How is your day going? Draw anything new, lately?
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Ahh okay
Honestly I feel that
Hopefully I don't get caught off guard by the same, Monday was just the first day of classes

Nice memes friend

A peanut butter and honey sandwich, some hot and spicy cheez-its, a banana, and a kräuter-bonbon

I don't much care where it's discussed, I've just had a hard time being active in thread as my schedule has gotten busier. I've been doing pretty well and mostly just chilling but with school starting back this week it's getting a bit more hectic. You?

You lucky duck
And yeah, it's gonna be a real fuckin party
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Homura (6).jpg
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Sour sauce.
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Hmm, by that do you mean that when you lost certain things you didn't consider them worthy of being called a loss?

I don't know about you but the funniest shit I've ever seen was someone uploading the full, actual one piece and naruto movies on pornhub because they wanted to avoid youtube's copyright claims, lmao.

Hm, I like all the kongous but I really do like Haruna and Kongou above the rest, they're very pretty and have nice hair. I don't know which one that is though.

Who's your favourite? Are you from Japan or do you only live there?
This is the first time I meet a japanese person if you are from there!

>Conductors fucking you over by choice.
I think this is the worst one out of those.
But holy fuck for real? They might stop before your stop? That's really really shitty. Public transportation here isn't great but it's nowhere near that bad.

I think it's a chilling out mode considering I'm just on a bus heading somewhere with wifi and a computer. Pretty good! When I reach my destination is going to be the depressing part, kek.
I really liked playing Abel. The french dude, his combos were really simple to use considering I only played on keyboard. Did you play too?
I like RTSs, like red alert and starcraft. I'm not too good at them but I find them plenty fun.
Warcraft 3 was my entire childhood. You like jrpgs right?

Well shit, not much to do but relax, right? Did you have anything you needed to do? Miss out on anything?
I'm on a bus heading to tripoli from beirut right now, just chatting people up and using this wifi

I feel you on that, glad to see you here again though. Brings back feels from when you used to do QOTT and shit kek
On a bus trip, gonna go register for classes tomorrow and do other shit that I don't want to do. Hopefully it all turns out well.
What're you studying again?
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Sarisa (40).jpg
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>A peanut butter and honey sandwich, some hot and spicy cheez-its, a banana, and a kräuter-bonbon
Mix of healthy and tasty, I see. Here''s hoping that fuels you for the rest of your day. And that everything goes well for you.

The sauce is here.

Homura. How are you? Doing anything neat, today?
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Have a cup of coffee,calming yourselves.
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I mean I've never had anything to lose.
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Ruby claimed
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Wew, 12 hours? Only natural you'd feel drowsy after that long! Got plans for the day?

Think it's like, 50 oreos or something!
>I also have a whole half a bucket of pretzels!
Get pumped up with eurobeat. It'll help you survive the sleeplessness!

Pfffft, I don't blame them. Youtubes copyright claims are fucking terrible. Most videos I see get them taken down for no real good reason.

Mornin Alice.
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AUS. As usual. So that would be about 40-45 USD.
Oh Rammstein go full ham.

Well, sorry guys, but its sleep time. Need to wake up kinda early. Have fun all you crazy diamonds.
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thanks i make them as spicy as possible
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Hey qt

Hello renge

Hello homura

I see you there, Karen

Also qt
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That's cheaper than in some places out here.
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Love Karen 31.png
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>mfw Homura-chan
Nee niets interessants gemist
>Herexamen van wat? Hoe ging het?
Herexamen perceptie.
>cursus van 300+ slides
>vreselijk fotografisch geheugen
>studeren doet bijna fysiek pijn
>beslis om mijn geluk op meerkeuzevragen te zetten
>examen is enkel meerkeuzevragen

>how did you know I was THE Sarisa?
implying I did
>Draw anything new, lately?
Nah, still working on that Akiko and ohayou's
Now that my theory exams are through I'll have way more time to work on them

>I think this is the worst one out of those.
Yea, when they catch you with a minor offense they can choose to ignore, give a warning or slap on the wrist OR fine you for 25-75 bucks. Conductors who give fines for first-time offenses are considered assholes by pretty much everyone
>holy fuck for real?
belgium is known for it's terrible transport

Halla Alice
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Alice eating 4.png
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Hello, hello to you both. How are you doing today?
Bully-chan ~
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I'm Japanon.
I have my several waivus…I can't decide on the only one.

I will search for good pictures of sisters of Kongou type so that you can distinguish them
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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That's not good.
The insane Dr. Magarficus was trying to develop teleportation equipment, but there was an accident.
The Waifu above this post and the Waifu below this post have combined into one being. (Think fusion dance from Dragon Ball Z, but it works like that old horror movie The Fly.)
Shit. Now what do we do?
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Sarisa (22).jpg
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>When I reach my destination is going to be the depressing part
Oh? May I ask why?

I do like Street Fighter! But I'm no good. Favorite character was Chun-Li. Never used Abel much.

I seem to recall you mentioning owning Red Alert 2. I always heard that's one of the best RTS games ever. Highly addictive, I'm told.

And I love JRPGs. My all-time favorite vidya game is a JRPG called Breath of Fire 3. It's about dragons.
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Homura (219).jpg
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Howdy, I'm doing rather good but no, nothing interesting to do today. Don't even have driving practice so I will just pick up a game or a show.

Also trying to get in touch with a friend of mine that has been 'disappeared' ever since he started working.

What about you?
Well I was at a friend and i have a dog at home that needs walking
Also my brother is coming over for a quick visit so I need to go home fast
Morning Alice, you cutie.
This is other ruby?
Well see Karen's answer
Hey there, missed you yesterday
Ah hell yeah, it's Rory!

And akiko is here also, cool

Fran might be able to fix it
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MtG player.

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Smoke DMT and trip balls. Nothing else we CAN do.
>several waifus
Holy shit always lucky
>300 slides
Fucking rip, die shit is echt kut
Maar meet keuze is ez dus je hebt het gehaald?
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Ika Black Chibi Eat.gif
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Yo people.
Pretty well, all things considered. Should probably be trying to sleep right now, but fuck it. As long as I'm asleep by noon, I'll be good.

>Need to get home fast
Play this, don't touch the brakes at all on the way home unless going for sik drifts.

Going to attempt to lay down soon. Arm is finally peeling from the sunburn though, so that's a thing.
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Sarisa (2).png
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Goodnight! Sleep tight.

>theory exams
How did those turn out fr you? Theory sounds like a cool subject. Learn anything interesting?

What game or show might you pick up? Any ideas, yet?

Ugh. I hate when friends disappear. And it's always the really good friends who seem to do so.

I'm just playing Brawlhalla. It's a fighting game on Steam like Smash. Ever heard of it?
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Good Morning /waifu/!

Remember Blonde Lives Matter.
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ダウンロード (1).jpg
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wife→wives …I associated this with what I written.

This pics shows all of Kongou type fleets.
From left side,Kongou,Hiei,Kirishima,Haruna.
Sorry for too rough pic.
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Red Dress Alice.jpg
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Hello, what are you up to today?
Yuno that you're the cutie here ;o
Hello Ika, how are you doing?
My brother went back home this morning, so I'll probably take a nap now that I have my own bed back
>Chain lives matter more
I think you forgot that I don't have a car
I need to bike all the fucking way in this insanely hot weather
>Also no music listening device
Just kill me
Hey cute and mad lover of blonde!
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Head 20.jpg
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God is love.
We should create a hashtag for this.

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Haruna a best.
Haruna > Kirishima > Hiei > Kongou

Game will be most likely Dwarf Fortress, trying to get into it. Could play Terraria or Dark Souls 3 though. Show will be KnK.

It's kinda fair in the end, I disappeared myself from a lot of people. But this is one of the last persons I still consider as a friend so I don't want to lose him.

I've only read that name from people playing it, does it have unique characters?
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Excited Karen 19.gif
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There's always something to lose, your life is the most extreme case, you can lose your computer, your paintings, your pets.

Yep yep, and some youtubers use it as some dumb ""weapon"" to strike other people's videos down.
I don't want to be that guy, but youtube used to be better :c


How'd you find me!? Hi Fran, what's up?

Shit dude, that's frustrating, did you ever get fined for this shit at any point?
Also translate that greentext for me please c:
I want to know
Shiri-tai desu

Perfectly fine, how about you?

Very nice to meet you Japanon, do you have a name or should I call you Japanon? Or Nano?

Hey blue dude

Real life stuff, I have to take care of documents, wait in lines, pretend I like certain people, etc etc.
Then comes the moving into dorms and getting settled....

>Breath of Fire 3
>It's about dragons
you don't say :^)

Chun li has some nice thighs though, did you use a controller?

Hiya Ika

Heyo Shino, they sure do

Aha no he means that he is angry at you for having more than one waifu, it is a thing here to make fun of people like that.
Don't let it bother you though, do whatever you want.
I like Kongou the most, then Haruna, then Kirishima then Hiei
What is life like in Japan? Do you like it? I never got to speak to a japanese person before.
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I was kinda busy, sorry bae

Yes, that's me

Hello ika, what have you been up to?

No lives matter
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Agitated Karen 19.jpg
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>Haruna > Kirishima > Hiei > Kongou
>Kongou at the bottom
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Alice 5.jpg
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I'm not doing too bad, just waiting for something remotely interesting to happen. Literally anything would be good right now
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Confused Karen 9.jpg
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Someone sat next to me on the bus and saw Danny Devito in a private chat with a Karen background.
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Homura (62).jpg
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Fan service and a good voice actor is not enough to save a terrible character.
It's a Squid. Hi Squid.

He took your bed while he was there? Fuck that, anyone that comes over and stays with me either gets the couch, air mattress, or a foam mattress, but they are not getting my bed.

>Pedal bike
>In heat
>With no music
It's an abstract kind of hell for you. One of the early 90s, only you don't have a boom box strapped to your back to blast punk rock.

Oh, I completely agree. It used to be the best, now it's just kinda.... eh. Only reason it's still so big, is because there's nothing really better out there.

Go play Warships. :^)
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IDK Karen 7.jpg
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Well since you aren't running a harem it's okay I guess. You should try to find your one and only
Kongou is top tier

Beware. I live.

>always lucky
Kek ja man, altijd. Compenseert voor mijn lage intelligentie
>tfw 4 legendaries op een rij in Overwatch
>dus je hebt het gehaald?
Ja ik denk dat ik het wel goed heb gedaan. Gelijk 50% van de vragen waren letterlijk kleuterschool niveau
>wat krijg je als je rood licht op een blauw vlak shijnt?
Universiteit level vragen
Het enige waar ik wat schrik voor heb is de giscorrectie die echt genadeloos is.

Ika Ika

Some went okay, some less so. This one was pretty easy.
>Learn anything interesting?
I guess?

Finished my exams. Gonna go to the store, work on art, play overwatch and maybe get a bit drunk later.
You got plans?

>did you ever get fined for this shit at any point?
Yes I have. A 75 fine for a minor offense
Remember that one time I got fined and had to ration my food for weeks? I was pretty pissed about it
>translate that greentext for me please
here goes
>Perception exam
>300+ slides learning material
>have photographic memory
>studying almost physically hurts
>decide to put all my chances on multiple-choice questions
>exam is all multiple choice
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Hi alice!
I was going to claim that # but the fucking Porch monkeys stole it for something
Blonde wall of replys HNNNNNGGGGGGG.
>No lives matter
I saw a shirt that said that, It had Jason voorhee's mask on it. How you doing little fran?
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Nobody really has this much autism, do they??
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Yeah, I'm with you on the shit I don't want to do. I'm doing healthcare, radiology. I plan to start that up again in due time, I'm just saving up good questions and giving the old standbys a moment's rest. Seeing your wallposts is refreshing.

Thank you, thank you. I can only hope so as well.

Damn dude, send some of that goodness my way. And post some and I'll listen to it.

Can I get a sample of those extra spicy memes I've heard about?

Hey Fran, how's it hanging?
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Head 21.jpg
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My dog Sam, I had him for half my life, 13 years. We had to put him down. I don't see it as losing him, though I was completely devastated, and still get very upset if I really think about him.
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Jesus i forgot a pic i need coffee
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I have my sources

Not much, the only real plan I have for today is a doctor's appointment

Oh shit! SPOOKED

Hello loli butt lover
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In the end all boats are waifubait anyway but Kongous are the worst and dirtiest ones.
>Yes, if you're fine with Haruna, I'll be your partner any time.
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Oh shit, they even stole the hashtag? SMH TBH FAM.
Hey what up Alice. I'm just going to school is all. Really tired because I got like 4 hours of sleep today.

Yo what's up Karen. 4g shit so slow responses.

Just miniscule amounts of sleep and a full day of school

Itsa me squid! Hey makoto.

Akiko ko

>Fuck 4g I'm just gonna Sig
I claim Nick
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Fucking sad virgins. I'm glad I never got into anime and lost my virginity at 15 and have a fun life. Pathetic weaboos
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Well, my room is too small to store my computer. So the couch that people would sleep on is in the room with my computer.
I opted for staying up to ridiculous times rather than having my own bed
Watch anime, post in /waifu/, hope something happens. Mostly just waiting for summer to end so I can go back to school.
What you up to Shino?
>tea is better
Hello cutie, how are you doing?
Hello Leila
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You guys do realize everybody cringes when they see these threads?
Whassup bitches
>also claimed
It's okay bby, just be here tonight, my sleep schedule just got dicked so I won't be sleeping soon
>Abstract kind of hell
Pretty sure it's just hell in general
Also thats a bad idea unless I want more package causing me to sweat more causing me to die more
Sorry even kort antwoordje moet zo weg
Je weet wat ze zeggen mensen met veel geluk in spellen hebben geen geluk in liefdesleven
Maar ik moet zeggen dat die vragen best hardcore zijn je moet echt een genie zijn

>Gotta go now guys
>Not everyone thinks it's that funny I woke up this late
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>Dwarf Fortress
Wew! I hear that game is complex. Quite the learning curve I am told. Won any games, yet? Or are you just getting the hang of it?

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your friend comes around. Keep the faith.

It does! It has lots of unique characters. Brawlahlla is awesome, and it's also free. If you like games like Smash, I recommend. It has grinding, too. Like, you win coins from matches to unlock goodies with.

Pretending you like certain people is the hardest part. Always feel like I'm lying to myself in those situations.
Just smile and agree with them. It be ok.

And I definitely use a controller for fighting games. Couldn't play them otherwise. You like first-person shooters?
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>he watches anime
>he's older than 13
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>waiting for summer to end so I can go back to school.
Yea, I miss uni too.

>veel geluk in spellen hebben geen geluk in liefdesleven
Wel 2D is niet echt dus dat moet wel waar zijn
Tot later Yuno
bby come give me a hot cosby! potato nigger.
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Haruna is good but I don't think Kongou is bad,the foolness of the shit European blonde she a little has though.

I sometimes turn up here actually,when I take Nano,Tomoka,or Madoka.

The life in Japan is not extraordinary one.
Hey it's you guys again. Welcome back.
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>he thinks he's dating a cartoon
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That depends, what will I get in exchange for say, half.
Alright, now be awoken to the true music of the DORIFTO SAMURAI!

Sleep well enough with your 5 hours?

Jeez, you sound like me 3 years ago. I've learned to tell people to get the fuck off my bed since then.
>How late is ridiculous times to you?

Hey, the 90s were a hell of a time, with water bottle holders on 7 speed street bikes. A boombox to play the radio was not that crazy to see!
>Later cutie~
I should get a shirt like that

Had some amazing lamb ribs last night
I'm good, just have a doctor appointment today


You should try to sleep more, it's important for your health
Got it sempai!

Will do

I'm also trying to get into dwarf fortress, I'm a little intimidated by its complexity though

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Hello Alice(?) how are you ?
Collects stuffed animals and she is in her 30s.
Thanks for the (you).
You're cat doesn't count.
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I'm picking up all sorts of awful nicknames this week...
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When she saw your post she seems to have got mad,spoken ill of by you Admiral
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>big bad bullies tease us for being cool and watching anime
>we are obviously alpha males with hot waifus
>release cascade of horrendous liquid feces into my adult cloth diaper
>mom brings me chicken nuggets down to basement
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alice With Bunny.png
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>tfw still 2 more weeks for college to start
>tfw I want to die every day
Well, I been trying to getr myself up earlier because school will be starting soon. However I accidentally found myself up to 330 the past couple nights. Usually I try to be off my computer now by 12:30 and asleep by 1
>Yes Alice
I'm not doing too bad. Listening to some music and gonna watch some anime in a bit
Loli-butt lover doesn't seem like a bad one to me..
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Hello Alice! How's it going for you today?

You can get this dick
Cause, y'know
I'd fuck it

Ahh, what for? I've just got work and class.
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Oh, are you a neet?
Also it's gotten too big for anyone to switch over to something like dailymotion or whatever, it's so big other tube sites can't even come close to competing.
>75 fine for minor offense
Fuck that guy, really fuck that guy, some people don't have that kind of fucking money to spare what the fuck
>almost physically hurts
dats a good one, I love it.
Go get your coffee my dude, morning been good for you? I'm on a bus from Beirut to Tripoli and there's a wifi here that I bought for a dollar and a half
I know I do
>Seeing your wallposts is refreshing
I do it for Trump.
Old standby's? What do you mean?
The papers before you get in college are fucking annoying though, make sure to not forget everything, triple check those documents!
I would say that counts as losing him, don't you? What would you classify it as?
Also, I wanted to ask. How would you define a soul? Do you think animals have souls? Non-humans I mean.
Hopefully the doctor isn't Fran, kek.
What's the appointment for?
But they're so cute
Haruna is alright, at least...
Haruna is alright.
Kek, where you at?
Kek I think that bit comes naturally to me. Being a computerfag and staying in my room all day means I don't have much in common with most people around these countries. At best I'll find someone who plays games or watches naruto or one-piece.
I do enjoy most games that can catch my attention, I'm a simple person. I like action or a compelling story worth playin through. Shooters are pretty enjoyable in that regard, lots of instant action.
Oh alright, good to know about you.
I'll keep an eye out for you whenever I'm on then, just make sure to say hello!
You don't like living in Japan? But you have all the anime stores!
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Sad Karen 13.png
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>tfw you run out of lines
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Happy Karen 16.png
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Hi hi, are you the same guy as the one that posted the turbine gore picture? You got another interesting one like that?
>not having a QT3.14 Gf/wife who also enjoys the same anime as you and using the common interest to bond. Plus cosplay sex.
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I can't wait till the mods send you newfag virgin weaboos back to /a/ where you can hug box with your other eternal virgins
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While it's not inaccurate, i'd rather not be known for my fondness for butts.
Hello Karen. What's up?
Oh well. What's up, Fran?
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Ika Chibi Happy.gif
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Nope, I got 4 hours instead. I unintentionally ended up napping so I couldn't sleep.

Yeah, that's why I took a 3-4 hourish nap before having to sleep. Obviously a bad move on my part.

I'm on a bus to the college. Its about a 30 minute ride.
>not /c/

How new do you have to be?
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Homura (27).jpg
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That's a really nice pic, I'm having trouble reading her emotions.

>Won any games, yet? Or are you just getting the hang of it?
I didn't even start playing it yet, I downloaded it and started reading a playthrough that is also explaining some things. This is basically how I feel looking at the game:

>I hope your friend comes around. Keep the faith.
Don't worry too much about it, if he does distance himself from me it will also be his problem, I'm well aware that I've done a lot for him too.

Sounds like fun even though it's not the kind of game I feel like playing right now, I assume you can play with online with friends and all that jazz?

Kongou is too much of a slut for me to like her. My top 3 favourite ships are Yuubari, Murakumo and Ryuujou.
But it's hard to make tops like these since there are SO MANY ships I love, it feels bad to not include them all.
Other examples I really like are Zuihou, Ryuuhou and Akebono.
Any thoughts on them?

Now that's a good claim.

>life in Japan is not extraordinary one
Life in Europe isn't that good either, welcome to the thread anyway!

You WILL lose, there's no way to avoid that. But as long as you read guides it should be fine, or at least that's what I was told.
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You guys are fucking creeps
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