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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>700813912 The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 136
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AA [3] [LowR].jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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Chen 13.jpg
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What a poopy day, and it's only 1.
Anyways, time to run.
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Kyouko (8).png
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then what am i meant to tell you
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Oh my goodness. I though he was a normal guy
Where do you get these Chens desu
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Alice 4.jpg
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Hello everyone
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no jut one of my many story's I told at one point
>ive done other things along this line but we dont need another comp

I got into waifu when I feel for esdeath and needed people to talk too

I am I just have some quirks dont listen to them
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Internet Explorer (6).png
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Miia claimed
Best snek waifu reporting in
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Nothing. Just lazing around. Don't have anything to do today really. You?
Don't care.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Claiming Felix
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I am Oswald of Carim, the pardoner.

Cometh thou to confess heresy, or to accuse? For indeed all sin is my domain.
Hey guys
Sorry to abandon thread last time got into a train and WiFi suck in there
So how's everyone doing
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Doll 64.jpg
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Doll claimed.

>>700821686 Anon

>>700821525 Makoto
Gotta get that efficiency rating up. You have the day off today right?

Heya Alice!
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Penny (3).jpg
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>>700821570 (Doll)
I can get away with most emulators, FTL, Spelunky, and sometimes I can play Unturned if nobody is around
Why are you only shitposting?
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aliceu bb
Go do things
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Dunno. ?


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Heresy (23).jpg
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Hail, brother.
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Terrible owner!
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just some fetishes my dude nothing to worry about I still love you
>never did catch a squirrel someone smashed my trap
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Confused karen.jpg
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I just came here for a ......... oh never mind
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Syndra [62].png
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Cirno claim

GET-Master Baka-Senpai
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Can it be?
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Internet Explorer (34).jpg
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Is QOTD still a thing or am i three moths late?
if no then QOTD time
what is everyone listening to for me it's
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fuck, oh well.

Apparently my best EVER was quints.
I, sadly, do not remember it, though.

But the response style is definitely mine.
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Abstract Shit Nigga 5.jpg
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I don't know if I'm smart or not but I know I'm lazy, I didn't take my SAT2 exam in time and they might not let me in because of that.

Fucking hell, really? I miht have to give it a try then...

I confess that I am a fly ass nigga

Yo tenshi, what's up?

kek, hey shino
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Red Dress Alice.jpg
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Hi Doll, what are you up to?
Chino~~~ How are you doing?
>Have we met before?>>700822390
Cirno is a Dubs wizard ;-;
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Wait I can't post pics
Well no thread for me then
>Tfw bad day

>Chino~~~ How are you doing?
>Have we met before?

Is just Sachii being retarded
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I don't want to.
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We might have.

Where do you feel you recognize me from?
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>Unironic Coldplay.

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Good, confidence in one's self is always a helpful trait to have.
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No ns so idk but I know
rory claimed
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but im just pretending to be retarded
well i want you to
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who me? kek
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15 - 1.gif
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>I still love you
just no crushing plz
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Syndra [207].png
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v^ Im just watching ^v
Too bad.

Damn, you're such an edgelord.
You must be really bored to follow this shitshow
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Doll 230.jpg
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You're set mate. Just add Darkest Dungeon and I could be there forever.

>Request absolution

>1 off
Hey Syndra, how's things?

Don't like actual tomatoes, tomato products are alright with me though.

Like the art


Nothing much, probably gonna play overwatch. Yourself?

See above. Lazy day then?
It's not so bad. Same as always
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Are you not going to listen to your slutty maid?
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This one was my very first quints.

I'm pretty happy about it. I helped OP be STRONGer than the Influence.
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Yep, it'll go up when the laundry is done and I have some shorts to wear. Too hot right now.

How's it going?

Appropriate for tank warfare, no?

Do it!
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>I dont crush things im the submissive I like watching

and no need to worry I wont
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I don't feel like doing anything today.
Maid is mean.
>It's not so bad
You had higher Standards in my mind
>Same as always
That's why you shouldn't be here, yet you are
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Good i guess
I'm not syndra. Just relax or leave.
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Maid is never mean
Especially to its sweet bully
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Abstract Shit Nigga 4.jpg
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kek I thought you posted as me sometimes?

Glad to have it, what about you?

That one is really pretty too, have another of mine, I don't have too many.
Doll's design is really cool. Bloodborne overall is cool as fuck, I wish I had the skill to play it.

How big is the download?
Syndra is here because he has no social life. He is that weird kid that's always quiet in real life, yet he thinks he is judging and observing.
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Penny (1).gif
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I think I could get away with that too
>But Darkest Dungeon frustrates me a bit, kek.
I also might be able to get away with Stonehearth which is super fun. But such is life.
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I see...

What has thou come to confess?
Do not be nervous, all sin is my domain.
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Omnomnom 12.png
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This is about to get good
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You started talking to me tho Mai

And you are here because?
I don't really care what he is like irl so could you go annoy the others?
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Syndra [181].jpg
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I am.
Fine i guess.
Just watching whats going on and listening to music.
I was thinking of playing something but nothing seems interesting.
What about you?
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I would like to confess
o-ok then
how was your day?
Meh. Not feeling well today. Might just lurk for a while.
>muh Mai scapegoat
listen, Mai is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
There's no need to come here and complain mai.
Not dying to anything today?

Not TOO terribly big. I'd be more concerned if your computer can handle it if anything.
ohh boi im already scared
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I indeed have confidence, for I personally believe that even the most sinful of heretics can be restored, but that is simply my personal beleifs.

Hmm... so thou has committed heresy?
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hey Tomo what's up?
You guys are aware that Mai, Mi Liu and Chen is only one person, right?
Mai is an idea
Are you even the same spammers from a few months ago?
I thought you were tbh
You have a QT waifu btw
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someone else was like posting as karen at night tho and starting a bunch of shit. That was not me.
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Homura (54).png
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No, it's all just an idea.
but it's night tomoko-anon
The one and only.
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nothing really. thinking about playing total war
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Contrast Alice.jpg
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Sachi you heretic!
That was my formatting fail. That was directed at Chino
I'm very confused now
Trying to get a GOG version of Neverwinter to work with my pals
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good how is you snek?

yes confessor

hey akame nice quads
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Claiming best spooder
Last time you were two guys
>Same Post times

Anyway you're pretty much part of the Club now
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Abstract Shit Nigga 7.jpg
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>thinking you exist
Funny meme, fun police guy man.

That's my favourite pic thanks for posting it again kek, I love her expression.
My computer can handle it I think, it's a decent one.

That's a good view to have, and I hope you're not just talking about waifu heresy.
Everyone has good inside them, yes?

Oh fuck, I didn't know about that
The people that know me can tell the difference either way.
I need to fap... really bad...
can someone provide a good lewd?
I'm stealing your waifu
listen, MI Liu is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
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ok bb
don't worry about it
i'm just posting maids
listen, Chen is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
Everyone is trapped
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Doll&Hunter 30.jpg
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I've already bitched once about the heat, but I hate it so much. Take a cold shower maybe?

I think we could all use days like that.

Nice, I'll move on to some more eldritchy stuff.
I know, love the design of all the bloodborne characters. You don't need that much to play it really, just throw yourself at the wall and eventually you'll stick.

I always kill the crestfallen knight because I'm always tired of his stupid shit.

Any music in particulars caught your interest?
If you have the money for it why don't you look for something new to play?
I'm pretty good. About to hop on overwatch myself for a bit I think.

Morning Tomo, sleep well?

Swear I heatd of that before. That's the MMO right?
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Looks like a cool game. Is it any similar to Crusader Kings? I know people who play that.
Thank you! I wish I could say the same if I knew who you were..
wew I didn't notice
>What do I win?
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oh ok.
listen, that guy who pretends to be Chen, Mai and MI Liu is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
listen, Mai+Chen+Mi Liu is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
That's what you elitists want us to think
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Homura (44).png
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You're a fun police officer yourself, stop making that joke.
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Qt from Finland?
I ask this because she has been claimed a lot lately
Hey tomoko
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a zaku II
listen, Mai, Chen and Mi liu are all the same guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
listen, Mai ( who is Chen and Mi Liu) is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
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Play napoleon Total war
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she looks tangled
11:50 am. yeah fine. dentist go well?
i have no idea but its an rts. im playing the warhammer one
morning yuno
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I didn't see you answer.

How exactly did you get into /waifu/? Was it the failure to get together with that one girl?
Or something else?
my nigga
any plans for today?
Always a pleasure.
And in that case, grab it and try it out. Note, it's more about positioning and planning out how to beat the enemy team with positioning and having your guns facing the correct way when the enemy does appear.

Nah, as soon as the dryer is done, shorts will fix all.
>Really though, fuck the heat 12 ways over.
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going to play the warhammer one.
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Abstract Shit Nigga 6.jpg
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You make me want to try playing the game again.
I tried dark souls 3 from a friend's account and I didn't get the gameplay at all. Just the mindset wasn't right I think.
On the tutorial boss I kept trying to keep my distance, didn't know I could just run up and spam attacks on him. A lot of things felt dumb to me but you know, to each his own yeah?
Still though, Doll is SUPER fucking cool.
And I do love that theme, I know everyone jumps on the lovecraftian bandwagon but I really do like it.
Did you ever play Darkest Dungeon?
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fam play Hearts of Iron 4
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As it is tradition, checked.

Very well, to what extent has thou committed acts of heresy?

Indeed, I believe so, that all living things can admit to any sins they may have, but as of right now, I deal with heresy.

Oh, I see, well then do not fret, I can remove any sin, after all, it was only that asshole, many have killed him, even I am guilty of that sin.
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Agitated Karen 13.gif
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>stop making that joke.
Hi Chen ( Mai, Mi Liu)
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Git Gud
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How do cheer up from bad day, /waifu/?
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I post as Chen
And Mi Liu.
Because there is only one person.
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Maid Alice.jpg
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>have a maid
Nope, it's an RPG
>you're cute though
What are you up to?
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Internet Explorer (23).jpg
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it's fun as hell
play as greenskins first
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Amazed Karen 16.jpg
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I will I will, good to know.
You've tried all three games? Warships is definitely the best by a lot?
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>Internet Explorer
Pleb confirmed
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that's sick
>where'd you get that seriously?
The closest game I've played is Age of Empire I think. Man it's been a while. Have fun!
I'll check it out
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Chen and Mai are the same person.
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ive played it for 10 hours as the humans so far
i will. still going to post
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Syndra [218].png
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No, not realy. I just go with whatever catches my eye.
I was thinking of replaying Terraria just to see how fast i can go through it, so maybe i'll do that.
I should really check if i can run it
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Internet Explorer (14).png
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i named them internet explorer back in the old /waifu/ days to get recognised easier
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Upset Yuuko - 28.png
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Damn, you got here just seconds before I did.
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In my opinion it is. Tanks is fun, but not forgiving in the slightest.

>Driving the BT-7
>Got the highest engine upgrade I can get
>Was so fast, I literally got all the way into their base before I realized it
>Was promptly blown the fuck up by the whole enemy team
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Internet Explorer (44).jpg
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i got addicted to that game
greenskins are duble the fun
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Dream Squad 5.jpg
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You, reading this right now, do not exist.

A lot more was done than I expected, but I'm sure its for the best. Dentist was real funny too, although he's still a sadist for choosing dentistry.
Total war's pretty cool.

Do it man, I'll root for you!
Ds3 is a bit off for me too. I generally prefer bloodbornes style of combat over ds's as it's more agressive. Hard to get used to blocking again. I get what you mean, especially in its second phase, you'd think it'd be easier to stay away.
Yep, and the dlc stuff adds so much to her and the story.
It's a nice style if done right, it can be a little cliche though.
>Darkest Dungeon
Don't get me started, it's my jam man.

Thanks Confessor, Velka would be proud.

Fuck so close. Any good?

Shorts fix everything!
>Way ahead of you. We need to kill the sun.
You doing much?
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well I hated on anime for the longest time saying waifus and weebs are faggots and then I looked into it and liked it my obsessive nature had me interested in every anime girl I saw found esdeath and saw her dominatrix and femdom perfection and feel for her then I came here looking for people to talk to
>but yes my need for females lead me to waifus

nope just lie around going back to my new house soon so I wont have internet

ok this is hard to say...I...drank milk from the carton

my friend made the pic for me on our stream
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