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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>700654054 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 151
File: Hoppo (6).jpg (393 KB, 551x816) Image search: [Google]
Hoppo (6).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (19).png
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Syndra [159].png
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Aya claimed.
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I like this pic
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3 MB, 1294x1516
Oh shit that sucks
>Will I not be able to talk to you for a week?
It will force you to do some outside stuff though
That's what you get for installing mods.
Now you just need to remove them and play normally
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741 KB, 626x885
But i've finished it 5 times without mods.
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2 MB, 960x540
Well of course.
I'm pretty good. Just hungry after my nap. How about you?
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So, you come out of blue with a namesync.

Who are you? Where are you from? I mean, thread or another chan.
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Jesus is it that much fun?
What mod did you add?
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> stuff outside
no never and most likely I dont have a smartphone so im most likely not going to see you guys for a week after this week im back to school so god knows when ill be here after that
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Janice from von gotha
and twenty as well.

Your all weebo faggots
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Sick. But better than yesterday.

I make my own threads sometimes. But these threads actually.

Oblivion Lost. It adds a couple new areas and NPCs move between said areas. I'm playing it on Hell difficulty.
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Syndra [62].png
2 MB, 3000x3280
Hello Shizuboat.
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Their a pair I claim them both as they won't get enough cock from weebo virgins.
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I never sern you around, fuck off
Damn dude perhaps it's time for one then
Me, and some more people, are gonna miss you man
Well good luck with school in that case
Oh damn sounds like a fun mod but how does it stop you from buying?
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Go back to /a/ you mentally ill motherfucking retards.
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spooky dracula.jpg
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why game.png
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The economy in the mod is fucked beyond compare and finding artifacts to sell for a good amount of rubles is fucking impossible.
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no ill be back after i get my internet back just have to figure out my scheduled. you guys are going to get more stories since im being forced to socialize again and I never social correctly
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still here
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Hi tomoko!
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witty file name 5.jpg
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How are you today?
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hello eyebrows
Fuck off where you came from
You only speak to cancer
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Juri !
You died after the game released your waifu
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Why aren't these threads on /a/?
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I'm glad you're happy to be bullying me
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That's kinda weird isn't it? If it only adds map
Also I gotta come clean, I might not be the yuno you think I am
I'm sure you'll do fine man
I just mean I'll miss you this week
You're fun to talk to
Why arent you on /lgbt/ ?
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What're you up to? More boats?
Well of course. It's one of my favorite things to do.
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morning yuno
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What do you mean? I mean, I dont mind but still. Also, do you have a steam?
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I am well thank you
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Hello other purple game woman
It's always boats.
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But "eine" is the female form.
"Schau Blondi, ein Schwuchtel" would be the correct german form.
Or just "ein Faggot" would be okay too
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Hey tomoko, sleep good?
Shoulders and stuff Still hurting?
I mean you started talking to like we've talked before and I'm not sure if we have
I do but I can't access it because my pc broke
Yea dude
So decide for me should I eat a sandwich for dinner or cook a meal which is a hassle
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I am well. How about yourself?
Yuuko, it's been a little while. You could say that.. I've been so happy that she finally returned that I've been practicing non stop when I'm off work, like today. Euphoric would be an understatement, but how have you been?
How've you been doing lately? It's good to see you Syndra.
Hello tea master

Hello chara. How are things?

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i dont know what to say about this
more or less. yeah my left shoulder does not feel great. how ware you?
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Best claim.

Ich hör aber häufig "eine" in Kombination mit "Schwuchtel".
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chibi (7).jpg
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I'm fine, just kicking back with some rice and anime. Way to go full weeb, me.
Hello Yuuko, how are you?
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31 KB, 680x403
Wonderful, thanks

Oh Hello Juri, been a long time since I've seen you. How are you?

Ist auch korrekt. Aber "Eine Faggot" klingt einfach nur schrecklich und ist ein Widerspruch in sich selbst
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I'm not sure either. I just try to be as friendly to people as I can.
Reluctant Akeno clocking in...
holy fuck i just sataned
this is not a good sign
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sandwich with ham its easier
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Good to hear.

I'm fine. Went about my days as normal.
Wasted all my money today at the dmv and insurance place. Such is life.
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Oh well that sucks, but you're not worried about it right?
I'm okay kinda hungry but really lazy
Oh well I guess, just never mind then
Why did you want my steam?
You're right thx
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Greetings Satan

Always happy to help

I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean
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Just to talk to ya i guess.
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What does anything truly mean?
Best squid claimed.
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im a miracle worker
iz suppose to mean i gambled my waifu on doubles
got akeno from hsdxd
life is hurting my feels
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Summon 23.jpg
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it should be fine. not really hungry enough i guess
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1 MB, 1016x1500
aaah... okay...

>23 picture of waifu coming right now
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2 MB, 995x1171
Uhg. Always boats.
Do you have a favorite boat?
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Now kiss
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Ahoy! How's it going today?

Wohl wahr, wenigstens da sind wir uns einig.
Holy shit, lol.
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your dogfu is shit
nice feet tho
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Syndra [106].jpg
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>something something kkk
I have been fine, starting to slowly put everything back on track after a summer.
What about you?
Actually, im not sure anymore.
Shoukaku i guess
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Get out now
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Feet or gtfo.

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12112 - 12.jpg
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Doesn't seem fun.
It goes fine, just watching some anime, should go on the treadmill soon. How about you?
You're not dead.
Elbia is better dogfu
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nigger face.jpg
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Saw this posted the other day and it was pretty funny
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191 KB, 416x438
>Hör gerade Nachrichten
>Österreichs Anzeigen wegen sexueller Belästigung haben sich verdoppelt
>Bis Ende Juli 868 Anzeigen
It's kinda fun.
Apparently i'm registered under a false address to save money. The more you know.
Finish plastic sex dolls yet?
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1013 KB, 426x239
Sorry m8

I am indeed not dead
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She's pretty cute. Not hugely fond of her outfit, but otherwise i can dig it.
Also, obligatory white hair joke.
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fresh fruit offer.jpg
307 KB, 1280x853
Its a guy
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Nothing wrong with that. If those are things you enjoy then that's all that matters.
Greetings Chara. I suppose it's been a little while, I neglected the threads and a few other things in favor of practicing and training as competition is only a month away. Everyone else has 6+ months with their main, but Juri has only been out for 3 weeks.

It's nice to see you, how are things?
The wait finally ended. I honestly couldn't explain to you how happy I was. How happy I still am.

Ah, that's a bit unfortunate. I'm guessing you're looking to get a ride, or perhaps making payments on one. I can only imagine the rates.
>st.MP>st. LK>>V>V+KKK
>The commands have changed quite a bit
Good to see you're doing well, or at least on the right track. I've been working as usual and practicing when I'm off, they released Juri a month and my vacation time is coming in after Wednesday so things are pretty great.
>Haven't been this happy since 2010
>People have already dropped her because of her difficulty and tech
>it's only been 3 weeks
>Destroying people on ranked
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chibi (9).png
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Got four episodes left, still isn't getting any better. The romance feels very forced. You got any plans for the rest of the day?
Quite true.
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Good afternoon. What's going down?
The artist said its a guy
Someone is bullying my feetfu
they either deleted it or it's a shoop, lol
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Welcome back, Shino. How was the meeting?
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So I passed out for another hour again. This time I dreamt about hamsters.
>Friendly reminder that female hamsters > male hamsters.
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foxy mouth.png
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fuck im bored.jpg
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New car BS

I'm glad your using your time to have fun. You work a lot you deserve it.

Just work a little later.
Is it still sad?
File: shiro_0433.jpg (3 MB, 2480x3507) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2480x3507
Still that cyborg stuff?
Also what's stopping you from running while watching?

Immer diese kriminellen Österreicher...
Da weiß wieder keiner, woher das kommt.

It's okay, that gif with the "yo" was just too 14 year old for me to handle.

Ah yes, I was about to ask.
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she has nice feet.

Good how are you? Boats bullys etc?
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sponge is dead.jpg
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I don't know what to live for anymore.
idgaf about you, it still has nice feet
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Things are going great. I finally have a job (only on saturday though) and I'm moving out in... I'm guessing two months.

It's great to hear that now you can wreck their shit with your main.

Irgendwie muss man ja Spaß haben in den Bergen. Gibt nichts schöneres als Geschlechtsverkehr in den Alpen.
Das Stöhnen ist durch das ganze Tal zu hören
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If dubs you must post waifu feet
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1 MB, 1052x1240
I'm pretty good.
But of course. What else would i be doing?
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Why are there transgender furries now?
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thank you olive nigger
she is a strong and independent woman who don't need no man
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actually yandere-chan.jpg
131 KB, 1024x576
When did I every say it was sad? It tries to be, but it's just a flop.
Still the cyborg thing, yea. That's not a horrible idea, gotta let my body digest food I ate a little bit ago though. My mobile is usually fucking shit with streaming though.
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censored feet
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Never got the whole foot fetish thing.

Kinda a shit tier fetish if you ask me
She is going to spill that fucking wine everywhere! She needs to not be so careless.
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Well no one did so fuck off.
File: dem feet.jpg (68 KB, 703x322) Image search: [Google]
dem feet.jpg
68 KB, 703x322
Fetishes generally develop from childhood, it's unlikely for a person to have control over it.
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>Super adorable
>Genius hacker
>Playful and funny
>Would be a totally loyal lover
>Talks in a super cute manner

Ein is clearly best waifu
File: Syndra [246].jpg (771 KB, 2400x1200) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [246].jpg
771 KB, 2400x1200
Have you found your boat?
Good to see that everything is going great
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I made this for u
in all honesty, where do you think this one came from?

very very good choice
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1002 KB, 1000x1000
Extra loli looking, but it's the most footfag friendly.
Don't have nor need a boat.
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Rumia claimed
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It's so bad it's sad. It's being said in a meta way.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, I just don't see the appeal of feet.

You say that like I don't have any fetishes of my own
File: shiro_0435.jpg (2 MB, 1414x2000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1414x2000
Den Touristen erzählt man ja immer, das wäre das ominöse "Alpenhorn".
Kek, als ob wirklich jemand so ein unhandliches Ding basteln würde.

Seriously though, how old are you?

Don't you have a way of getting an actual screen in front of your treadmill? Mobile sounds like a hassle...
Earliest waifu that I can think of. Would love to be mentally abused by her.
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298 KB, 660x963
Litchi or jasmine?

Also claiming
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4 MB, 1094x730
God damn pedophiles.
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crush fetish better?
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21 my nigga
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>loli feet
I wonder why is Mai so retarded lol
Rape fetish is best fetish
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153 KB, 1920x1080
Fuck off Mai
File: Feet.jpg (373 KB, 700x950) Image search: [Google]
373 KB, 700x950
About to ask what?

>If dubs post feet.
Yes sir!

This tbh.
>I could voice my opinion on the matter, but I didn't have it copied down from when I explained it to Sachii.
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Shoukaku [49].jpg
158 KB, 591x611
Yes you do.
So thats what you were in for?
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i think we manage fairly well
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Personally, I got a thing for dominance and knee high socks
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>likes knee high socks
>doesn't like feet

I don't understand YOU.
except when this shit happens
File: Happy Yuuko - 13.jpg (58 KB, 948x534) Image search: [Google]
Happy Yuuko - 13.jpg
58 KB, 948x534
Good morning, guys.
File: beautiful red eyes.png (411 KB, 495x750) Image search: [Google]
beautiful red eyes.png
411 KB, 495x750
That's possible.
The way my treadmill is posistioned, no. I usually will just listen to music.
The fact that you/someone took the time to make that gif and put all the recognizable waifus of these threads, just so you can call them pedophiles astounds me.
Alles Lügen. Hab noch nie so ein Teil gesehen außer im Fernsehen in der Werbung.
Sind alles nur Vergewaltiger und glückliche Opfer
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feet by themselves.png
172 KB, 640x420
You're a weirdo.
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another file name.jpg
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How are you today?
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1 MB, 500x280
It's not the feet that get me, it's the legs man
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That shit's poison to your brain. It's like crack, but more addictive.
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At current, if i had to pick one, it'd be Yayoi, i guess? I dunno. She's ok.
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File: gonna_have_a_fran_time.png (205 KB, 345x1045) Image search: [Google]
205 KB, 345x1045

Haven't seen you in quite a while

Hey there akiko
Are you actually that unknowledgeable?
File: toolewd.jpg (6 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 300x168
Yeah, right...
File: tumblr_mn2ihm2JgG1r32sydo1_500.gif (987 KB, 500x466) Image search: [Google]
987 KB, 500x466
Oh that's fine I guess
You can still link it and I'll add you but I won't be on much
>I want my pc back
Yea thanks
It was pretty good.
Eh I just ate some, which explains the late answers
So any plans for the day?

>Sorry guys I cant eat and use my phone
>I know I suck
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246 KB, 850x1201
Just getting weirder and weirder.

Maybe one day you will see the light.
>loli joke
She is ok i guess
>>White hair joke
I haven't seen that show in YEARS. :(
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