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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 214
Thread images: 151
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wyla sexy pose.png
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000 Moon.png
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Back to back dubs.
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octamous leashed maid.jpg
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The Real MVP.png
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Excellent dubs.
Here comes some more
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>are you sure you're okay, you seem off
Christ there's no escape
Fuck off
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I started the thread, I'll fuck off when I want to
Fuck off
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Which dubs to listen to!?
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well this thread started now
i dont want to care for babies
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Ayy someone else catching on.
Keep fighting the good fight.
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tim allen sounds go here
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Why do you think I make those grunting noises?
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octamous art wanted.jpg
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ah. later man.
I thought it was a meme.
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ill lurk for now
mebe post every once in a while
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Fuck off
No it's literally just been me coming in here telling a couple vain wankers like these to fuck off.

One day they might actually fuck off to an irc or something that suits them better than an anonymous image board.
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Shit, hey moony
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Hey Charles. How goes?
You do realize if they fucked off, then there would hardly be anyone to post content in these threads, right?
They have, why they come here, I'll never know.
We have Dash, 8, Filenames, Mous, and a few others.

The rest can go circlejerk in the irc
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To be fair, I rarely post so that doesn't apply to me.
There really isn't much that can be done. At least, not anything that would be more effective than ignoring them. I'm assuming since you know those names, then you would know how to filter them by tripcode.
Great, because frankly if I wanted to look at this content I'd go to one of the many furry image sites.

I don't have a problem with the content, I have a problem with them making this their little clubhouse, circlejerking each other and using third party extensions to identify each other or starter images. Especially when people just post starter images and don't fucking say anything you anti-social fucks.
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1 MB, 1600x933
Eh, fine I guess. These past two weeks have been really weird for me.

I'm somewhere between anxious and depressed but bored out of my mind. It's weird. I talked to my parents and they're super concerned for me but there's just nothing happening in school right now. It's like once I'm not freaking out, it's abnormal for me and then they get concerned.

I mean there are the things I won't tell them but those are things I don't really talk about with anyone.

It's just all so fucking weird right now.

How are you doing? It's been a while.

> why they come here, I'll never know.
Probably because we started here and made that irc.
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Ain't me. All I do is post stronk
>they're shitting up my /b/
They've been doing this forever. It's not going to change.
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There are a lot of doubles ITT
I can't right now since I'm on mobile, but on PC they are filtered.
>What is satire
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I've been diddled again
You're fine in many ways.
Haven't been doing this forever, how long have you been around?

>shitting up /b/
/b/ has always been shit. I'd just like to see less of the same shit.

I'd also like to see less people making /b/ their social gathering.
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Six dubs and one trips so far
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2 MB, 2040x1545
That sucks. Hope it gets better soon.
Same old for me, mostly. Nothing new or interesting going on unfortunately, but it's not going too bad at least.
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Thanks man, I hope so. It's just really weird for me right now. I was really bummed to see my parents leave me at school again but now I'm just really apathetic and unemotional.

Well, if it isn't going bad I'd say that's pretty good man.
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if dubs pdfilia must be made legal
Anyone got them tall girls? Not fucking Giantess or like super fat. Just tall.
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does anyone have anything on gif related?
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Damn... I'm 7'1"...
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Dofus: The Treasures of Kerub, according to google
I forget, have you actually provided a timestamp on anything yet?
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You are a monster for height... Im 5'5 and average... I weigh probably as much as you do
That's tall anon. Let's fug.
Also giantess is retarded tall. Like 10 or some shit.
Draka won't because its all an act all meant for rp nothing else
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Dude, if you weigh as much as I do at your height, you've gotta be a hamplanet, because I weigh 247lbs.
Thought so. The best actors never break character.
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I want to boop her nose.
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I should probably add an entry for you in the collage manifest.
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I wanna boop your dick.
Or not.
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1 MB, 905x1280

As for me, this is my intro pic.
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4 MB, 1920x2560
This sandnigger pedo
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You're working on another one right now?
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>pic related
What's that supposed to mean?
I know but I meant more along the lines of r34 stuff, I couldn't find them if they existed
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Well that's probably because that .gif is a clip from the show. It's not a fan made thing

Can't help you with Rule 34, sorry.
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You're one of the few people left who still uses starter images.

I've never seen you around.

This taco nigger kike.

No, I only said 'manifest'. I keep a text file containing all major namefags, their tripcodes, subject lines, and their current status on the collage.

Adding someone to the manifest is as simple as having their name, tripcode (if any) and their starter pic.

Actually making the collage is a whole nother story.
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Nigga please, tacos are for beaners. like files I eat pisto
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>Not I, says the anon
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I don't use NS, but I'm very active in the ride
suffuru help me
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Please show me your abs. I love you.
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71 KB, 1280x800

Oh, hey Dash.
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Ohhhh okay. I guess that makes more sense, and is a lot easier to manage.

Trying to keep a collage up to date would be a pain in the ass
File: midi-1.png (956 KB, 1308x1800) Image search: [Google]
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Little late tonight I see
Fuck off

Hey Midi.

Fuck off
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55 KB, 476x522
Welcome back

is it still night if the sun is already in the sky?
File: I Give Butt.jpg (132 KB, 1280x888) Image search: [Google]
I Give Butt.jpg
132 KB, 1280x888
Awww plz no </3
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1 MB, 1500x938
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So why are you adding me?
Because I love your butt.
You hurt my feelings.
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Clever Smirky Smirk.jpg
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Nyet! Was joke, da?
File: maxim fox.jpg (460 KB, 724x1000) Image search: [Google]
maxim fox.jpg
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That's a terrible picture.
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230 KB, 850x690

Sup Double Dash
Admiral Fluffstuff
and everyone else.


In a few places, yup
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There is a World of Tanks icon mod called Pogs contour icons.

Basically someone made icons for every tank in the game (at least 200 tanks), with very specific data on each tank's armor specifications, gun characteristics and such. pic rel

I don't know how he pulled it off and manages to keep it updated every time a new update is released.

Starter images. Namesink is a prerequisite to be in it however. Though I could just have you listed as "nose-boop anon" with that pic beside it.
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File: Neil Tyson.jpg (537 KB, 3000x3600) Image search: [Google]
Neil Tyson.jpg
537 KB, 3000x3600
You're a terrible picture!
No. Meanie.

How are you?
File: spoils of war.png (510 KB, 683x951) Image search: [Google]
spoils of war.png
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oh no, my feefees are wounded.
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How you doing?

Time and effort probably.

Maybe he has a program to scrape the stats and compile them
File: Am Sads, Dash.jpg (2 MB, 1685x2400) Image search: [Google]
Am Sads, Dash.jpg
2 MB, 1685x2400
Forgive me!
File: dat_kat_by_scorpdk-da107f1.jpg (108 KB, 762x1048) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 762x1048
What's going on?
File: Kiss My Butt.png (2 MB, 1280x1792) Image search: [Google]
Kiss My Butt.png
2 MB, 1280x1792
Yeah I totes won dis
I'll consider it.

Nothing, I'm just bored.
File: l.jpg (181 KB, 895x802) Image search: [Google]
181 KB, 895x802

S..alright. Just feels like the weekend went by way too fast. Cest la vie I suppose. Got to DJ a bit and celebrate a friends b-day party... so ultimately, not awful. Just short.
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Fancy Pants.png
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Please reconsider to yes! <3
Cool dude. Better than nothing I guess.
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985 KB, 1016x1280
Yeah dude I feel that
I wish I had a program that could take something like a comma- and newline-delimited file and turn it into a .png with all the names and tripcodes and starter pics there.

Such a program probably exists, at least for professional use, I just don't know what it's called.
Okay. You are forgiven.
>MS Paint
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184 KB, 1280x960
So how about you two... and everyone else included. How was your weekend?


Did you shave and put on the socks?
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133 KB, 287x519
Nor do I, but if I find out, I'll tell you

Apathetic. A lot of things, kind of just weird. I went a little more in depth earlier but I think I just really don't care any more.

Having a hard time waking up in the morning and motivating myself
Life has been so dark lately I'm being dragged down by monster hiding in my own shadow.
why is the clit hood on the back end
It was a'ight. Smoked weed for the first time, and got wayyy higher than I meant to. Did it again yesterday, and it was better. Probably going to do it again tonight cause I'm bored as fuck and have nothing better to do.

Nope. Didn't feel like it.
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335 KB, 929x1000

Not as much snu snu as I would've liked to have...
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170 KB, 815x1000
How do I shot anatomy?
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Better find out before I die.

The probability of you finding out is almost zero any way.

It's not like you give a shit about image generation.
I'll give you snu snu if you show me your abs.
File: North And Soutn.jpg (143 KB, 1143x1500) Image search: [Google]
North And Soutn.jpg
143 KB, 1143x1500
Aww, sadness! You contributed to the world's sorrow!
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1 MB, 2550x3300
/r/ing some raccoons. Also, heya everyone.
That's a red panda, silly
The world's fucked anyway. I didn't and couldn't make any kind of difference.

Hey Mighty.
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231 KB, 1125x1280
Hibikitai heya.
I could probably make that program mysel
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489 KB, 796x549
No, not really but a piece of sortware like that is pretty powerful and sometimes even I can find a use for it myself.

if I find it, I will tell you.

Hey man
>New Sabaton album
How did I not know about this? Man, I fucking live under a rock.
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1 MB, 3003x1924
Not sure if you're trolling or not, but I'm -pretty sure- she's not.
File: Shrek.png (935 KB, 951x1303) Image search: [Google]
935 KB, 951x1303
Oh yes you could! Just do as Hitler did.
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808 KB, 796x1086
The best thing you can do is try. It's easy to let things wear you down to apathy. The best motivator I can find is knowing how happy I'll be when I look back on what I'm doing now. Filling your life with moments where you know you'll look back positively is always a good place to start.

It's always nice, but I've kinda fallen out of the green. Beer is so much easier.

Tomorrow is a new day... rife for snu snu
Nah. I'm nobody. And that's okay because I don't want to be anybody.
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1 MB, 600x877
I wish I could get alcohol.
>tfw only 19
Shit sucks.
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Without having like a million options for fonts and spacing and shit, it would look quite barebone.

Pic related is the most recent version of the collage, and even it is old as fuck. Refer to it if you want to figure out what kind of end result I'm looking for. It doesn't need to include a background or header, I'm only interested in automating the creation of the gist of it; ie; the part with all the names and pics. The rest are just finishing touches I can and should do manually.

If you really want to develop a program for this, I won't stop you, but include me in your development, I'm sure I'll give feedback actively.

You can be my lover.
I'm sorry that your laws are retarded
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That sounds like a good place to start. Just gotta figure out how. It feels like a cycle man, up and down and right now it just feels down
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I was about to ask why that mattered.
Then I remembered not everyone lives in Canada.
My condolences.
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No. The only guys I like are cute, white femboys. You are none of the above. Sorry.

Me too.

Your condolences are appreciated.
I'm pretty tired right now,
we'll talk about this the next time I'm here.
HUH so this what """""""""""""""autism"""""""""""""" looks like
If you're in the 559 area, I'd buy you some.
A lot of people are complaining about it, but I don't see why.

Sounds great imo

Seeing them live along with Amon Amarth in late Sep
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555 KB, 500x601
Alright guys, I'm gonna go.

I need some sleep
Wrong side of the country, m8. 770 here.

Cool man. I'll have to check it out.

Sleep well, Charles.
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Or you could just go with boop, that's what everyone else calls me.
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2 MB, 1148x1511
That's a pretty old roster
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You lie. </3
Whelp it is pouring rain right now.
How's the weather for you guys?
>dislikes grape soda

Honestly they should just let those people solve their own problems Palestinians, Israel,
Syria can`t Mossad the Assad with Russia helping him just leave those continents alone.
fix stuff here in the United States
Trump was on the right track of trying to ask for protection from other countries then he fucked up by saying combating ISIS who the hell cares what happens in europe.
That is why we are Building the ANTI DEFIMINATION FREE SPEECH LEAGUE
where you can call someone a faggot, a nigger a kike, a spic, a honkey, or sand nigger.
aboloshing the hate crime law that is just senseless.
You can Join Now
ur gay

Good, I didn't want <3 anyway.

Dark. Because it's midnight.

Found the nigger.
File: 6ykKNMRl6ek1MddRpTUbCfMog22sa.png (3 MB, 1668x1584) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1668x1584
G'night Charles
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I'd have to indicate that you post as anon somehow still.


At least it's not as shitty-looking as the gfur collage, which, IIRC is just all their starter images thrown together like rojak and their names shittily ms-paint'd onto them.
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I feel like they just keep getting better and better.

but I'm biased, they've been a favorite band of mine and a mainstay on all my playlists for years now. I'm bitterly disappointed in myself for missing them when they rolled through my town opening for Nightwish.
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Hey man, if you can get weed, you can get alcohol. Sometimes you just have to ask.

The best thing is to understand you're down and not to get yourself down by being down and instead look forward to being happy and then planning on how you can make yourself that way. The smallest steps can often be the easiest and the most meaningful.
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gota hav dat purple drnk u no it
Huh it's only 6:40pm here
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Rain is great.

Every scintillatingly-nostalgic memory of mine features rain.

Some as early as my first time watching Cardcaptor Sakura on TV back in '99. Some as recent as playing the dinner party quest on Skyrim in '14.
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598 KB, 500x553

Night guys
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I didn't try to get weed. My friend gave it to me because he didn't want it after someone gave it to him. Neither of us really care about any kind of drugs which is why I had it for a year before smoking it. I don't know how to get anything.
Actually, I think I do know one guy, an old friend of mine. I'll have to find a way to contact him.


I live on the U.S. east coast.
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Night, Hector.
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Based on the fact I grew up in one of the rainiest places in NA I am more than used to rain.

Makes sense, I'm in Hawaii
yee boiiiiiii
Kys nigger

I was gonna comment on how it seems like a rule that *straight* fur topics start out with lesbians, but then I noticed the one on the left is a trap.

dat buldge
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Nah brah, I'm here to plague the Earth for many more years and there's nothing you can do about it
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As long as you aren't some ghetto nigger then you're a'ight. I have no problem with cool black people, but I live around enough ghetto niggers as is.
File: roster.jpg (1 MB, 1980x2256) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1980x2256
This is the oldest one I could find... though I know I have older
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File: mightypoohead.png (1 MB, 2000x1734) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2000x1734
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469 KB, 1619x1000
I ain't some ghetto ass nigga. I live in the ass end of nowhere, I'd get shot or hung. I'm so white, I'm white
File: LDZqEll.png (695 KB, 900x923) Image search: [Google]
695 KB, 900x923
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That sona/draven thou
fucking faggot
Then that makes two of us. The only people around this country-ass place are ghetto niggers and rednecks.
If it's something like that I could easily whip up a collage in a matter of 2 or 3 hours.

But I'm an autist so graphic design is something I find value in.

Besides, graphic design is one of sfur's hallmarks. Without graphic design we are no better than the homo barbarians in gfur.
>Used to post pictures of my chaos chosen from Warhammer back in the day to troll a few dudes.

I've lost all my old pictures
FFFUCCKKKK YESSSSSS!!!!! I needed that~ shhitttttt.
...The fuck?
I was replying to the thread not you. It just came out for some reason. My phone is fucking retarded.
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