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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>700574353 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 148
File: SDHime (1).jpg (485 KB, 800x1000) Image search: [Google]
SDHime (1).jpg
485 KB, 800x1000
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (32).png
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Naps are a good idea
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Thank you
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And cleaning house against other scrubs as a hyper carry, like Kayle

>Loli akiko a qt

Same actually

I'm calling bullshit

Such a good idea
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Short naps are a good idea
File: Alice 4.jpg (44 KB, 244x325) Image search: [Google]
Alice 4.jpg
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Hello again Kyouko, how are you?

What are you cuties up to?

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Claiming Felix
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It's not bullshit, I'm talking about the game still.
>Like I'd bet 20mil irl, fuck that
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chillin 2.gif
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It's me.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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still here
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2 MB, 960x540
Hi my slutty maid.
What's up?
Esdeath stepping on your cock with bare, sweaty feet while she pats your head and sucks on your tongue is the spiciest thing ever.
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Homura (235).jpg
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You're already thanking me for claiming such a top tier waifu. She deserves all your love.

I haven't watched the 4th and 5th Akito movie yet though.
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17 KB, 525x295
>spend all day masturbating to chinese cartoons
>never had a job
>never had a gf besides waifu pillow
>sleep till 10 pm
>wake up and waddle through the maze of piss jugs
>bang my head against the door of the basement until mommy inserts my chicken nuggets through the doggy door
>clam my waifu in the 24/7 threads to assert my eternal virginity
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
141 KB, 789x608
Whoopsies what's this falling out of my pocket
Wowwie my gosh it's a URL don't touch it
Don't believe this fool, they are a deciever
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Haruna claimed

I does seem to be a common occurrence.
Oh... I might have to check those out then.
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Kyouko (3).png
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I'm good, what about you?
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sad fran.png
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Oh, right....

Why can't you bully me?

Am crii

Too late man
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12112 - 12.jpg
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Hello guys
>no life
>Juvia claimed
>good to you guys again
Saber claim
I like that image
Found a pixiv artist that had a bit Amatsu can't remember if he had Haruna
Still on league? I might hop on.
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hello there
hi Alice~
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I thought i told you this already?
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Yume faggots
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03 - lU20jsI.jpg
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Doll&Maria 13.jpg
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Doll claimed.

>>700584795 (Mizore)
Kinda a bit like civ then? May have to look into it.

Ah I was close then.

>>700584903 (Bote)
Sorry it has to be this way friend...

>>700585092 (Fran)
Ah I see, restaurant standard for a lot of things. May have to try some recipes then.

>>700585216 (Bells)
Ah one of those moments. Can either be real relaxing or pretty depressing. Glad it's looking up though.
I'm good, just saying fuck you to my body and continuing to stay awake. You up to much?



We're not exactly the brightest sparks it seems.
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Head 1.jpg
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And you know it's only fair,
When you close your eyes who's there?
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80 KB, 562x700
bad memes are a good idea
aliceu bby~
Hello my happy bully
Last time i checked some unorigional joke about a ceiling was up
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another file name.jpg
485 KB, 1280x960
Your waifu could never feel love for you.
File: Haruna(8).jpg (43 KB, 480x708) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 480x708
Hello person with slightly scary eyes... kek
Oh? Thanks Saber!
Story of my life... kek.
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Blue Alice.jpg
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I'm doing okay. I miss Nazrin though ._.
Akame~ How are you doing cutie?
Hello Shizuru!
Hello cutie, I don't think I've seen you before
What are you up to cutiebullymaid-chan?
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311 KB, 767x735
You should.They get even better.
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*mom enters the basement, eyes watering from the stench of the tub of lard she created*

Mom- "Just ignore them or damage control the thread like we talked about sweetie, but don't you think it's time to grow out of this and get a girlfriend"

Waifu virgin- "mommy mommy look! My girlfriend looks just like my pillow, and the bullies finally left us alone, go back upstairs and make me another batch of pizza rolls, oh and leave your credit card I need more anime dolls and pillows"

*mom drops credit card on desk just to get out of the putrid disgusting lair that her worthless offspring calls home*

Virgin neckbeard- "my waifu loves me so much"
*produces a mass of warm wet feces composed of frozen chicken nuggets and pizza rolls into adult diaper*
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evil shiro (5).jpg
100 KB, 900x506
Sorry, I'll cover them up. How are you today Haruna?
Might play another, what your name on discord?

Pls bully

Do you own a grill?
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1 MB, 850x1199
Goodluck in your search
Let's hope you find some really good stuff

No please.. There has to be another way!
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39 KB, 480x480
I'm bad at remembering not to feed you that line.
Well what're you up to, then?
Hi Alice. What's up?
Hush you.
Why do you even want me to bully you?
Are you in to that kind of thing?
File: Cute Yuuko - 1.jpg (30 KB, 225x350) Image search: [Google]
Cute Yuuko - 1.jpg
30 KB, 225x350
>implying my waifu doesn't love me
weeaboo virgins 1 - shitposters 0
>Using *
The autism it took to write this. Bravo.
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It'd be an honor for someone to be bullied by you.
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>>700586630 Isla is to good for this world I have come to terms with my waifu never having the same feelings for me as I have for her I don't need some normie tier waifu pointing that out to me
damage controling THIS hard
Where did you disappear to?
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dank memes for edgy teens
No I'm not defending the thread, just callin you an autist. Which by definition mean that you calling me out for "damage control" is damage control. But hey I don't expect you to understand, you're autisitic.
File: loliAkiko5.png (1 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1920x1080
Akiko claimed

Just go Veigar, Nasus or proxy Singed and make sure no one has fun
>Loli akiko a qt

Halla Alice

Finally a non-trash tier waifu

>either be real relaxing or pretty depressing
It was the depressing kind. I ate a bunch of cherries and now I'm better
>saying fuck you to my body and continuing to stay awake
Do as I did and stay up until you start hallucinating
>You up to much?
Just Ow and working on that Akiko art of mine.
File: Haruna(3).jpg (2 MB, 1447x2046) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1447x2046
Nah its all good. Im doing well, still on my quest to get Haruna in KanColle. Got a Kongou today. Getting closer... How about you?
I certainly hope so. Thanks.
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317 KB, 484x700
Doing alright. Watching some races. What about you?
File: Smug Yuuko - 6.jpg (15 KB, 340x370) Image search: [Google]
Smug Yuuko - 6.jpg
15 KB, 340x370
Food, torrenting some stuff, reading some weeaboo stuff...
Did you miss me? (・ω・)
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Kyouko (30).jpg
931 KB, 1000x1200
~~why do you ask?

~~you into bullying sloots till they crii

Yay elitism!


The best kind
Or full AD Darius. That is hella fun
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When did my bullying reach celebrity status? I'm confused.
No problem
Revolver"Revolver Ocelot"Ocelot
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>copying everything the means bullies saId except for a few words to impress your anime club pals
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55 KB, 1314x286

*mom enters the basement, eyes watering from the stench of the tub of lard she created*

Mom- "Just ignore them or damage control the thread like we talked about sweetie, but don't you think it's time to grow out of this and get a girlfriend"

Shitposting virgin- "mommy mommy look! the bullies finally left us alone, go back upstairs and make me another batch of pizza rolls, oh and leave your credit card I need another 4chan pass"

*mom drops credit card on desk just to get out of the putrid disgusting lair that her worthless offspring calls home*

*shitposter produces a mass of warm wet feces composed of frozen chicken nuggets and pizza rolls into adult diaper*
File: evil shiro (4).jpg (379 KB, 1920x1200) Image search: [Google]
evil shiro (4).jpg
379 KB, 1920x1200
>normie tier
Your waifu is from some melodramatic horse shit anime, doesn't get much more normal than that. I doubt you even love her.
I've been fine, just a boring day as usual.
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Homura (67).png
1 MB, 800x1227
Do they? That's great to know, I want to see how Lelouch plotline climaxes in it and how will he and Akito cross paths. I did love the first three parts. It might be slightly 'different' than R1 and R2 but I didn't really want more of that. The world of CG is very unique and it was a shame that the original story happened entirely in Japan.

At some point I decided that I should wait for the last movie to be subbed and then marathon the entire thing in chronological order but never got the patience to do it.

I didn't mind the 3D sequences at all, I thought it was actually very well done despite the somewhat low framerate.
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Embarrassed Yuuko - 11.png
165 KB, 437x416
absolute qt
File: Head 2.jpg (62 KB, 268x614) Image search: [Google]
Head 2.jpg
62 KB, 268x614
Nobody missed you.
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122 KB, 400x376

Anything to be popular fufufufu~
Swaggity switty
I'm comin' for the titty
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257 KB, 328x509
Just watching animu right now
back to being a pedo already?
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58 KB, 1024x576
>Guy goats about being banned for shitposting.
Is that a good thing though?
>Oh man I really stuck it to them, I was trolling so hard a mod stopped me! Zozzle.
And the threads still go on.
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chibi (13).png
58 KB, 250x462
Ever since you started bullying everyone.
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I tap two ocean and cast Redirect.
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Alice 7.jpg
59 KB, 636x476
Reading some more manga tonight. Thinking about nothing in particular and feeling down
>It's that time of night again
loliAkiko is indeed a cutie. Loli is without a doubt the cutest thing in this thread
>cow tits will get mad at this
Is it in the stream? Anything decent?
>See my reply to Shizuru
File: Doll Comic (Pt 3).jpg (262 KB, 957x1355) Image search: [Google]
Doll Comic (Pt 3).jpg
262 KB, 957x1355
>Real love

Likewise. I tend to do stupid shit on a regular basis.

It's dusty but there. Will have to give it a wipe down first.

I'm sorry...
Amatsu looks real cute in that pic.

I need Mugicoptor in my life.

Ah that sucks. At least you got some cherries though. That's the reason I don't do this, don't wanna be visited by cloud demons. Akiko art? Can I see or is it not done?
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File: Head 3.jpg (60 KB, 310x543) Image search: [Google]
Head 3.jpg
60 KB, 310x543
I'm not an elitist. I'm not popular, and I want to keep it that way.
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Happy Yuuko - 15.gif
874 KB, 800x451
Well, you noticed I was gone, so I'll just assume you missed me dearly. What a sweetheart~.

u will never b poplar btw qt (・ω・)

rudeposting is not allowed, rude memer
File: image.jpg (821 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
821 KB, 1920x1080
>vine compilation
>harambe in thumbnail
don't know if I should watch this

>the best kind
you've seen the light
File: smile.jpg (39 KB, 197x209) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 197x209
What is the number after it?

We just have to try!

No problem with that, you can find the basics of what to do online
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2 MB, 375x375
Neat. Add me too.
File: Head 4.jpg (86 KB, 613x634) Image search: [Google]
Head 4.jpg
86 KB, 613x634
I do a lot of things that aren't allowed.
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76 KB, 1200x675
Well no. I bully people for mutual fun, crying (barring some fringe cases) isn't fun.
And i bully sluts, not sloots.
Being told i'm a bully and then dealing with requests to bully, apparently.
>Confused rattles
I don't bully everyone. I only bully a couple of people...
Ah yeah, know how that goes. Got any nice music to put or something? Sometimes helps my mood when i'm like that.
4583 my bad
>being so buttmad you refuse to click your mean mean bullies post number
>going this long without losing your virginity
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File: Leila11.jpg (78 KB, 560x700) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 560x700
I want to talk about it but there are too many spoilers and im afraid to give it all away.

Im sorry but i need to go now. Goodnight
File: YO!.jpg (109 KB, 585x484) Image search: [Google]
109 KB, 585x484
>vine compilation
>harmbe in thumbnail
those fucking videos are in all of my recommended videos and it's making me suicidal

Ooh, like what?
Do you have a weird fascination with those head statue things? Fun stuff!
File: DSC_0271.jpg (388 KB, 1440x1933) Image search: [Google]
388 KB, 1440x1933
Really anything that can win lane and snowball really hard. Yasuo and fizz would also be great if you don't mind being degenerate cancer


Loli Akiko is fucking adorable. I like her adult forme more as a waifu though

Yeah, but now I'm out of cherries and that is sad again. Tis a cruel world
>Can I see or is it not done?
Digital version isn't done yet and will take me quite a while to finish.
Pic related is the hand drawn template
File: 394.png (1 MB, 1280x1489) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x1489
No problem

G-god.. Mercy!
That's her secret, she's always cute
File: sachii225.png (490 KB, 452x661) Image search: [Google]
490 KB, 452x661
SAO season 4
do it for the dank memes :^)
i request you bully me
>2 hour special
File: armored up.png (905 KB, 900x1163) Image search: [Google]
armored up.png
905 KB, 900x1163
Are you sure about that?
Lol, u got me anon.
>I mean, new fag ;*
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32 KB, 612x380
File: Head 5.jpg (75 KB, 513x591) Image search: [Google]
Head 5.jpg
75 KB, 513x591
I made these, or rather, they made themselves through me. They are mine in so far as I possess them and I hear them chattering in mine ears.
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Confused Yuuko - 7.png
152 KB, 500x397
>2 actual hours of cancer memes
oh my fuck do people actually watch these videos
File: madaraki-sisters.png (131 KB, 372x397) Image search: [Google]
131 KB, 372x397
All other maymays are to normie tier for me

Aw, no fun

Not getting anything

Just add #8196 to my league name

That's the plan, I do like the hyper Kayle carry though
File: Haruna(4).jpg (716 KB, 880x1156) Image search: [Google]
716 KB, 880x1156
I know those feels.
I forgot, do you play KanColle?
File: Mai107.jpg (510 KB, 990x1359) Image search: [Google]
510 KB, 990x1359
I honestly once watched a 1 hour vine compilation without skipping, It took a part of me with it.
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219 KB, 556x646
Goodnight beautiful people
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249 KB, 1920x1080
How did you do that

do it for harambe
File: Fran_Eyes_Help.jpg (127 KB, 570x656) Image search: [Google]
127 KB, 570x656
No wait, it's Twiggy in discord, not Twig
Hush you slutty maid.
Fairly sure? Guess that depends on how liberal you are with the word bully though.
What do you want from me then?
To tell you you're a slutty zombie who's prone to accidentally posting lewds?
File: image.jpg (39 KB, 500x300) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 500x300
Hi I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my waifu thread. I post here with my virgins, and my man babies. Everyone in here is fat, and stinky. One thing I've learned after 21 threads, you never know WHAT level of autism is gonna come through that thread.
I sat and then didn't move
Oh, that's kinda... insane.
Whatever floats your boat, I guess!

Selamat malam, friendo.

absolute madman
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Kyouko (31).png
535 KB, 700x1000
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105 KB, 1280x720
Being exist = bullying. Enough bully talk though, how are you today Shizuru?
File: Head 6.jpg (74 KB, 547x604) Image search: [Google]
Head 6.jpg
74 KB, 547x604
I'm not insane. I'm normal.
Spicy new maymay.
oh goodie
File: Doll 248.png (460 KB, 586x875) Image search: [Google]
Doll 248.png
460 KB, 586x875
Alright then, I'll give it a shot sometime, look out for housefires/explosions in the news.

>2 hours
Feature length meme.

Guessing it's too late to get some more? Cry the tears of a cherryless man.
It's looking good. The get up from anything?

Only the dead can know peace.
That pic further confirms it!

Why tho.

damage control af
File: Alice Grinning.jpg (228 KB, 1932x1228) Image search: [Google]
Alice Grinning.jpg
228 KB, 1932x1228
I missed this reply, please no hate me Akame bby ;-;
>What races?
Yeah, I got some music playing right now. Someone posted it in the thread the other day
Two forms? WEW
Eh, think I'll pass on that
File: fasdgsadf.jpg (12 KB, 213x131) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 213x131
Hell's even behind those heads?
File: sachii239.gif (741 KB, 371x491) Image search: [Google]
741 KB, 371x491
and you survived?
dicks out
bully me harder
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69 KB, 500x637
File: Homura (2).png (940 KB, 1280x803) Image search: [Google]
Homura (2).png
940 KB, 1280x803
No worries, I wish I could speed it up and just watch it to discuss it with you, but I have trouble getting motivation to put time into a show even if I love it.

Sleep tight Leila!
File: I_dew_my_waifu.png (71 KB, 259x236) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 259x236
I'm not sure


Don't even know where you live
it's so clear now

for harambe
File: Head 7.jpg (46 KB, 189x603) Image search: [Google]
Head 7.jpg
46 KB, 189x603
More heads and a can of milk tea I was drinking when I was taking the pictures.
File: Upset Yuuko - 11.png (201 KB, 434x469) Image search: [Google]
Upset Yuuko - 11.png
201 KB, 434x469
If it makes you happy, go for it.

>someone in the world sat for half a day and watched shitty vines
oh my goodness
night nighto
File: Syndra [159].png (893 KB, 1024x1292) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [159].png
893 KB, 1024x1292
Im tempted to watch the whole thing.
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8 KB, 213x131
And what's behind those heads?
Can you stick those heads on your ass and GTFO?
This thread is about anime.
File: Head 8.jpg (61 KB, 285x622) Image search: [Google]
Head 8.jpg
61 KB, 285x622
I'll never be happy.
We should get Shino to stream it.
File: Doll 186.png (292 KB, 768x1024) Image search: [Google]
Doll 186.png
292 KB, 768x1024
That's half a fucking day on memes. Is this a trial of power?

Heya Makoto.

UK, but I'm sure it'll be world news.
Probably a wall. Do you not know how rooms are generally set up?
Do the heads have personalities?
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62 KB, 500x750
I'm pretty good. Just a little tired. How about you?
That's good. Well i hope you cheer up soon. I know it sucks feeling like that sometimes.
I don't want to.
I just want to call you my slutty maid.
Well that's not much help.
File: 1471578713663.jpg (153 KB, 923x599) Image search: [Google]
153 KB, 923x599
>This thread is about anime.
>This reaction image has more to do with anime than this thread
File: ak-me96.png (240 KB, 400x566) Image search: [Google]
240 KB, 400x566
I was watching the King of the Corn race and catching up with FormulaD's last stage
>I'll let it slide this time
File: Head 9.jpg (104 KB, 900x805) Image search: [Google]
Head 9.jpg
104 KB, 900x805
I thought it was a circlejerk thread.

The rest of the room.
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How? How in the hell is that damage control. Seriously you can only have an idiot talk so long, leave. Well shit post fine without you, retard if you're in the discord group, leave, or well figure put which one you are an ban you. You've got no finesse. You're ruining this shit!
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Is Kayle really that hard a carry? Anyway, dont think carry, think frustration. Pick a champ that can either spook 100-0 them or kill them in a way where they had the feeling there was nothing they could have done to prevent it.

>Cry the tears of a cherryless man
I am dude
At least I can go for a run tomorrow and get some more from the store
>The get up from anything?
It's the fem version leather armour from Skyrim

>Two forms
Yeah man
Little loli Akiko and adult waifu Akiko
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Head 10.jpg
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I'm not sure. They're different, but I don't know. It's like whispers, a sea of whispers.
What do i get for watching it all?
ok then bb
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Syndra [218].png
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beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
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Watching Plastic Memories, heading to sleep quite soon. I can already feel my debilitating anxiety building for school tomorrow.
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Upset Yuuko - 4.jpg
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How many heads do you have?
What do you mean they talk to you?
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What's in the rest of the room.
>What do i get for watching it all?
Not a girlfriend.
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Hiya Doll. How are ya?
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Contrast Alice.jpg
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It's pretty much a nightly thing at this point
I have no idea what that is
>If you hate me I will kill myself
Loli-Akiko is much cuter
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I really wanna know, are you guys serious about this shit?! I thought I was trolling trolls but do you guys really have emotional attachment to Chinese cartoons? I will leave these threads if so
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>I will leave these threads if so
Nobody gives a shit.
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ocean man take me by the hand
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I try to, but it never lets me play

I don't want to be that much in peace!
Just a little bit..
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Head 11.jpg
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I have 27 of them currently. I mean they whisper to me.

My plaster molds, My painting wall, my painting tables, a folding chair, my desk that I made from a piece of wood and a couple of milk crates.
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Nah it's alright I figured no one in here would be watching this.
>hate you?
Not a chance my friend
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damage control lol
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3 MB, 1294x1516
Turns out I can't sleep on the couch
Well let's post on the thread then
Whats up everyone
yes i do. she is the love of my life. my mom even bought me a pillow ith her precious body on it, please leave us alone so we can post our wives anon kun :3
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Doll 24.jpg
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There's always that. What time is it for you?
Thought it was familiar. Any reason you chose that?

>What do I get
The power to summon any meme at will.

I'm good, albeit tired. Yourself?


Maybe a snooze will be enough then. Better snooze hard though!
You know it.
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Half and half. And in the middle we just chat and shoot the shit while people shit post around us.
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No motivation.gif
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haha damn daniel
anything else?
I don't want one anyway
89 cent bote
i already have that
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Head 12.jpg
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I also have an easel, some wood, some t-squares, a few canvases not put away, etc.
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Post your waifu then faggot.
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Syndra [246].jpg
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Another cancer on your cancer
But that's only if you call now.
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Wondering what to do about this tire and work tonight. Probably going to end up getting a ride.
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Sell any of your art? Or just a hobby?
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I've never cringed this hard in my life
>This level of samefagging

Holy shit you're pathetic, are you 15?
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Ooooor I can simply be here and/or play vidya instead

70 cent invisible maid (and heretic)
>inb4 dmg controll!!1!!1!
>Cringing at obvious b8
Take a screen cap and post it to /r/4chan.
no pacman drugs are bad
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0 outta 10, wouldn't recommend.jpg
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When did Adam Sandler get a Youtube channel?
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hello yuno
>tfw the mean big boy bullies keep teasing you for watching anime and being a virgin
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They're both cute as fuck

It's 4:40 am
>Any reason you chose that?
Well grills in armour are pretty hot, and I just thought it looked good and suited her the best. I'd imagine her as an archer
post screencap
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Head 13.jpg
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I've sold some in the past. I want to be able to live just off the sales of my work. It's by no means a hobby.
Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 148

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