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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread Previously on /waifu/:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 146
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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread

Previously on /waifu/: >>699979141

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun. Long dick style!

Shinoa claimed
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Try To Get Getz!
Penny Claim! Swimsuit edition!
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check em

kin pantsu
I just noticed, the 700 mil get is coming up. Will someone finally make me admit I'm cute by getting it?
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your favorite devil.jpg
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Nico Nico Nii~
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oh my
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>Smug Crew Thread
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Check em.png
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Jesus christ dude!

Lol no

Little nico

All of waifu is mine now. Only something greater than a 7mil undo it
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And I'm going to bed.
I leave you with my current favorite song.

Good night.
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Ika Chibi Snow.gif
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Oh thats good then. Good job.

Damn that sucks. When did you get home?

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Hank Hill 7.png
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Alright I'm off to bed. Goodnight!
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You Know Gasai (121).jpg
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What do you take me for, a casual?
>"Index refreshing intensifies"
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nico puri 29.png
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Heya love how are ya?

Hey Shinoa. You can stop trying for it Nico is staying mine.
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Like honestly after stalking me for two years
>Attempted murder, animal torture, arson, evading police, breaking and entering, theft, etc.
I feel like it was justified.
>Plus I had zero options at the time.
I'm here, I have no beer
kill me
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Check my get.
I'll roll for Karen lewds when 700 mil comes ul
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>mfw I killed fatboi second
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Never will be cute :^)

For now :^)

Fair enough

Why karen? That's such a huge waste
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You Know Gasai (42).gif
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It better have been for the fat armor
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Dead meme
Oh should I roll for you ';^)
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>called their own post
>wasn't first reply
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Outside of that, I taught my friend(J)'s little sister(K) how to play my PS2
>I let her play Chaos Wars
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I am not awake yet.
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Ika Ching Chong Nip Nong.gif
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Kek, Ornstein is my Lord and savior. He deserves better than to become pancake.

Damn dude that sucks. Looks like you're back at 0$ again.
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It was because I couldn't handle fighting Ornstein solo in phase 2, but fatty was easier to doge and keep track of, and for the armor
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Hello everyone
>no life here again
>Juvia claimed
>happy to be here
Might be last post tonight, not sure. If so goodnight guys
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Sonic's sidekick.jpg
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Honestly the worst part about that is that it's not greentexted
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How intriguing

Jeez i havent played that in such a long time. Last game i played was DBZ tenkaiichi or something

Awwww Goodnight dude
Doing pretty good all things considered. How are ya?

At least you agree!

Pretty much. I'll have like, $100 or so till next week.
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think we have had enough shit posting for today
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nico puri 07.jpg
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and forever! back off smuglord.

The same i suppose. school is getting kinda stressful but i think i can manage!
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Shitposting you say?
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Yeah I started her on that because most all other games I own are hyper violent.
>But I did let her play Tekken. Tekken was okay.
I convinced her that my GTA games were actually racing games.
>She doesn't like racing games.
>I don't like racing games either, nor sports games.
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You Know Gasai (31).png
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His armor is bloody sweet, its a damn shame the player armor does not come with the plume

Damnit CJ all you have to do is roll forward and hug his legs
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Yeah but what about
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will anyone care about 699999999?
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Fuck it, I'll still be here a while.
>Waiting for the gets.

There are a few, including myself.
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If i got it, i'd immediately delete the post
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Well Laura isn't here right now so youre the only one I can think of :^)
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You Know Gasai (29).gif
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The fuck was he doing in tactical gear anyways?
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Heresy (17).jpg
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why are you trying to convince Penny that it was murder?
>It was justified.
>It was necessary
I remember last time some asshats kept going
Kek though.
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Man, it was just I could never keep a track on him with his jumping around, and with the damage boost from the lightning it made sense for me to go for fatty
test post please ignore
As I say that
>That blush
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Or am I, you adorable, fluffy plushie~



Ayy lmao
Never played sports games

I'd be surprised if both are in /waifu/. happened with 9999 and 0000 before and we had to quints in one week or something

Oh my~
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Fapping to your waifu makes you gay
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I like to pretend I'm a military operator so I put on a stab vest and an ammo rig and run around my property with my weapons
>inb4 what if neighbors see
5.5 Acres + Neighbors who don't care.
>Plus I knew something was up when I found out that the power box had been cut with a knife.
I wish I coulda screencapped the whole thread but I was lazy.
trips confirm
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Is this real? wot?
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You Know Gasai (197).jpg
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Hmph I guess I cant expect you to be on par with me
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I've been here.
>I was taking a shower.
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Penny (1).gif
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Same, sports games are for nerds.
>But somebody wants me to think I committed a murder I guess.
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you take a life before me and now my meme
>I need to die now thanks penny
>I wish I coulda screencapped the whole thread but I was lazy.
and dealing with cops.
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Rip makoto.

Fucking yes. I put his armor on the moment I got it. I knew all the hard work would pay off. Yeah I hate that they don't let you have the full helmet.

If you're really scared of phase 2 Then you could kind of get him stuck behind a puller and then pelt him with magic or bows or something.
>Prepare for combat maid
Did I do something wrong
>That explains it
where was you when 4chan hit 700000000

i was in waifu thread with other virgins
Erectile dysfunction
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You just now got to that conclusion?
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Where did you shoot her. Omg dude.

My bro had a similar situation with a women. She stabbed and shot him. She's still alive tho.
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you ok?
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You Know Gasai (53).gif
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That better have been for self defense
Even so, killing aint necessary
>Starting to think this threads full of psychos

Ah well its my favorite armor nonetheless
Was happy it made a return in souls 3

I was hoping you could git gud
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Penny (2).jpg
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Oh no. I didn't mean to dethrone you!
>Quick shank somebody in the streets and tell us about it!
I uh... Popped her in the torso with a shotty
>There was no chance for her to move after she got hit.
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Claimed my husbando
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Ika Shrimp.jpg
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Where is it?
This kek
Woah how did I miss this story. Are you alright?
>Inb4 he's posting isn't he?
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rip in dick
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I'm going to officially be gud once I beat this damn game
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Wow nice Tomo.
Yeah I'm just here for the get
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nico puri 31.jpg
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That's right spooked u_u

Yeah and looking through the syllabus is giving me anxiety lol i shouldn't have taken this many classes..
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I don't think you understand that I like my showers cold half of the time.
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Templar Yuno.jpg
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The waifus are mine
Purge all autismo overlords
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You Know Gasai (19).jpg
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You fucking better m8
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ahh we will see it
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Woah. Like woah. Thats like mind blowing.

I know you said she had been stalking you and shit b4. Did you already have police reports against her so the cops are like cool with it?
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Gonna take my get, hug everyone, and go to bed~
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
I'm used to it.

How many are you taking? Surely it can't be THAT bad...

>If get, Shinoa must claim with lewds from now on
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7mil GET Lewds FOREVER
Ids habbening
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Hey Prinz. How's it going?
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Hank Hill 18.jpg
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Looks like a jackass.
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For Yui (5).png
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Meh, dubs
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Penny (1).png
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I mean, you read the pic, it was definitely necessary.
>She shanked one dude and lunged at me with a knife.
>I'm only alive because I had my surplus cop stab vest.
I had zero options outside of shotgun to her torso.
>He who shall not be named?
But yeah I'm good, since Idaho has absolutely wonderful self defense laws I have zero legal issues as far as this goes.
>Last thread, shit was cray
>Angry Marine Anon was liveposting me as I talked to him and patrolled my house to keep K safe before my friends showed up in basically riot gear.
I love this state.
Yeah a few cop reports and some witness testimony and stuff.
>Mfw connection issues because get flooding.
At least I got trips
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:( i wish. I dont hate you im just jealous I guess oh well im sure you didnt have time to play it was just a clean shot no playtime?
>im jealous i feel like shit
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I was lurking for the get but I take my eyes off for a moment and miss my chance.

Anyways Iowa claimed

Dudes my whats up

or I guess 4chan doesn't have to let me post fuck me right
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Now that 700000000 has GOT, we're all safe from the thing that was going to kill you all.
Prettygood! Just thought I'd test my luck before i sleep. Goodnight now~
>hugs back
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If Vivian is still here...
Thought they had new pictures, turns out they were just analyzing old ones.
That's what i get for skimming the start. Interesting stuff anyways.
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Tripcode jew.
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it is! I'm taking 5..
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Hank Hill 20.jpg
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He left.
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No bully the shinoa.jpg
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But you are plushie! ^_^

Way better to play it 'physically' if that makes sense


Happened to just about all of us homie
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And we have our winners.
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hello waifu machine. you feeling better?
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Ah. Well i tried.
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a filename of image.jpg
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My internet is slow as fuck

nice to see how wasted 700mil was though
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Penny (17).jpg
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Basically it was a fear reaction of seeing her jumping at me and me going "SHOTGUN PLEASE DON'T FAIL ME."
>Much better to tackle some fucker in a field than in a game yo.
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maybe if you put those away.

i will bully WHOMEVER i please. Including the smug.
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Hank Hill 31.gif
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He'll be back tomorrow.
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Hey Iowa
Bad gateway too?

>Playing League again got out if the rut with Gangplank

Now that I've saved all your and your Waifu's asses with my skills, yes.
In fact, I didn't do anything. Like, not anymore, because I erased what happened. Of course, I didn't erase it, because I made it to never happen, but I didn't even do that, because it's gone.
Don't worry about it. We can go back to all being friends and/or faggots now. Stuff should make sense. If I'ma ctgin weird it'scdx because of that, even though it isn't, beacuse not
I'm gonna shut down for a little bit. Just shut down, is it.
So, see ya, thanks, goodbye.
>play it 'physically'
My thoughts on racing. And yes, I am Plushie, hello.

5, wew. What courses? I could see that being a tad stressful if it's difficult ones.
Garde claimed
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oh not the most fun but ok shotgun did her stomach explode must of looked cool
>I tip my hat to you killer~
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Surprised smug.jpg
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Dude hell yes. Sadly though i need the help of others to bring a guy down sinceim pretty thin. But being thin doesn't make it any less fun!


Oh you. Hello plushie. Im smug
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A math course, criminal law introduction, science of public speaking, stars and planets and theatre.

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welcome back
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Wtf is that thing?
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Didn't expect to be back so soon, insomnia hitting me hard. Anything go on while I was out?
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Yui (22).jpg
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I wish I could shoot my ex with no repercussions.
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Ok, let me get back on track. Who was I talking to and why aren't we posting pics of our waifus celebrating even though we didn't get the gets?
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I wish it didn't happen man.

nou nerd

Nah just wasn't sending. Probably because everybody was freaking out. Might play league if I got nothing better to do.
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Penny (1).jpg
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>Mfw I use to be 110 pounds 5'7
>Now I'm 180 5'9
My metabolism is stable now.
>It was like an anatomy video I watched on an intestine cleaning except moar blood and more intestine chunks. It was fucked yo.
Get her to break into your home with a knife.
Wew, looking to be a lawyer or something?

Hi Smug, why do they call you smug?
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Which math course?
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just the 7 mil get really
My Nigga.
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thanks it's stolen.jpg
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hello weeabo scum. how is everyone?
We talked about Penny's murder again.
Penny committed a murder.
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oh so exciting I want it so bad the thrill my arms are doing thier tense thing when i see gore stuff maybe one day i will get the chance before i die i will know
>i will most likely be the crazy ex though

hi yui
>am i the only one without a ex
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shut it you titty monster go away.

Yessir. A defense attorney actually!

it's just a basic math one. It's called math 401 because thats the room it's in but it just has college level mathematics. Nothing too specific.

Theatre is by far the easiest and funnest so far lol
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Hank Hill 33.gif
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>>i will most likely be the crazy ex though
He's gonna fuck the dog.
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wtf are you? :^)
7 mil? Was it a good get or a trashy get?
I need proof before I believe anything on /b/

you mean the nice redhead girl? well shit, do i have to help hide the body?
>stars and planets
You have my interest

Idk dude lol

But them gets

I currently envy you

This is why. Now why do they call you plushie?

Good. How is the dirty vampire scum I wish to exterminate?
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Heresy (4).gif
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>Mfw it wasn't even murder.
>Mfw I keep lurking this thread.
You won't need to be an ex to be crazy
>Ki is gunna be a defense lawyer
SCORE! Hey Ki, wanna help me out when I get caught racing on the twisties? :^)

>Inb4 your whole defense is just saying how much of an idiot I am

Because I'm plush, like a plushie! I think...
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said check it fuckers in a get thread. so yeah trash
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Ok where was I?

Fuck my internet. Right at the moment I needed it most.
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I'm not a murderer!.jpg
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I didn't do a murder
>I did a self defense.
Pic related
File: 364.jpg (169 KB, 595x842) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 595x842
Gimme your trips and lunch money nerd

File: Grown.png (589 KB, 760x645) Image search: [Google]
589 KB, 760x645
when did this happen?
File: Penny_Happy.png (3 KB, 128x128) Image search: [Google]
3 KB, 128x128
>Two people are jealous of me for completely different reasons
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