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Drawthread: Sunday drama edition.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 72
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Drawthread: Sunday drama edition.
Needs more wolves
What drama's cooking today fellas?
Perhaps if every single character on this thread was raped by wolves, both parts of the argument would be happy?
Rapist Wolves Sunday sounds better than Sunday drama edition.
Requesting a tan blonde with J-cup tits and muscle tone, getting lots of dick and cum
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gimme stuff to try to doodle quickly
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Fiona Wolf Gangbang.png
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Anybody know who drew this piece of awesomeness?
That could work, pretty much we just have to wait for the summer fag to go to sleep
I miss pin
My computer save every image because it's retarded so I can compare the art work
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my sexy leg.jpg
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Requesting a draw of my sexy leg
Take a log of shit in your wide open mouth from a guy's ass
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Can you draw Non Ghost hanging out with you character
Orangy raping a slot machine's lever in a casino.
Clean your ears with a giant Q-Tip.
i want some more simple things to draw
It's a pretty leg I feel like I just opened a battle station thread and one of those sissy traps forgot to shave his leg
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yo what up
i'll take some quick requests
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Can someone draw Romelia in a leg spread pose, with dry crispy piss stained fur around the regions from this pic?
milf hannia teaching a young anon how to masturbate
Stop dude
dafuq kinda requests are these

also, I think I'll pass..
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>fuck off retard
buy me honeypop on steam and i might honey
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>dafuq kinda requests are these
fetish requests
the fuck is honeypop
It was 777 themed, appropriate for 777 trips.

How about Orangy crying in front of a slot machine because she lost all her coins?
No worries another time but in till than would you like me to draw you as a ghost? I'm not amazing yet, but I will put my heart in to it
The style feels familiar to a certain drawfags but I could be wrong.
Oh well.
gib hug bby
For the people who post on these draw threads there is two that hair like that and one who draws penis similar to the nut sack
Glad someone else saw that
i summon Stompy to see it
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If I streamed some vidya would you guys come watch or join me?
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Yeah, me.
I have.
artist name?
i need it to save in my folders
Yayyyyyyyyyyyy Lina do are you drawing any Gremlin style today?
Stompy saw it last thread and was saddened.
It is as if you guys want to drive artists away.
You drew Fiona getting raped by wolves?
you save every fucking drawfag's art?
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No, someone else did, because of 1 anon that requested it for 4 fucking days straight.
yeh boi
proof please
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look this is a lewd of Fiona
the original artist never did it
i need archive this art, cuz every art is exclusive
Okay its,Comrade gambino
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fuc you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
be proud about that.
I'll take it.
Thank you
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Woof 2.jpg
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With a leg like that, what do you think i am anon?

always thought about going trap but on the other hand I'm also about to join the Queen's royal guard
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Here's a screenshot from a few days ago
Kek, is the artist going to take credit or hide under anon. I like to name the shit I save.
And it especially annoys me, because it's super good, I like it, it's the context of "hey, this artist doesn't want it done, so i'll do it" that irritates me.
If it was just normal, not lewd art I would save and praise it, and show people, but I cant, rather I feel insulted.
Yea you don't want to start doing that if your going to join they would ask you about your smooth legs
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Wasn't having rule 34 of your OC considered an honor not so many years ago? It was sort of an achievement. A level up in OC relevance. Especially on /b/.

Even if it did not fit the character, I remember it being something that was taken with a pound of humor an a little bit of salt. Sometimes it was something to even be proud of.

What have we become?
Where did things go wrong?

Make /b/ pervy again 2016
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May I request Nano giving titfuck?
wtf...any more?
>It is as if you guys want to drive artists away.
Exactly, this is why we can never have nice things.
fuck u only good nano is shinonome nano
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hab sloppy hug


Sure! Whatever is better for da requesterino!

fight me bitch
I'm guessing ham is lurking
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woops, i meant huniepop. my bad bub.

hey baka-chan

if you have good music, yes

can i cop a feel? pretty please smug-san.

draw norman reedus drinking juice
Personal preference,
I don't want it done, if it was going to happen i'd rather not be there.
thanks, waifu
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"this is ridiculous"
Would you allow me to draw you as a ghost nothing bad or anything Non Ghost here just so I can brighten your day
the fuck is huniepop
I think I might know, but i'd rather not falsely accuse someone based on a whim.
It's fucking Chris you retarded summerfags
Yeah, go nuts, I like fanart, just not lewds.
Well if you have plans for that character having rule 34's of them around isn't really a good idea.
I'm happy now you just made my day I love your gremlin design
wear a pants
>that terrorist get
Because baby you blow me away~ <3
how do you feel about it?
then don't post your character especially on /b/
I don't do lewds it will take me a few
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Don't worry about it Stompy.
If you have a character you feel protective about, just don't post it on /b/.
Create a character that's fun to draw and not in any other way important for future projects.

I have a very limited number of characters that see the light on /b/ - the rest I simply kept away.
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give me a simple request
eat breakfast
If that's true find Bakhtawar from Aladdin fag
I don't like it, good art, but I don't like it.
It's the troll factor, it would happen regardless.
People fed this 1 repeated requester and it was to spite me. Well, 2 were.
Ahhhh fucking Chris I'm such a summer fag
Penrose triangle.
Anyone else want a ghost?
Hello Stompy. Listen, I know you're very anti-lewd about your character, Fiona. It's kinda ironic how I was talking to your friend a few days back regarding this very situation. Don't let this get you down. Look at it this way. Somebody else liked your character enough to spend their own personal time to make lewd fanart of you. I know you didn't like it, but hey, it's just a sign that you've 'made it'. Be proud of your artistic skills & keep your head up, Stompy!
I know that considering this place's toxic reputation, I just said having it around isn't a good idea is all. But yea, they shouldn't have posted it here of all places especially if it was an important character.

So you're telling me what I said is not true? And you've given me one piece of supposed evidence to prove your point? Kek.
Yeah what are you looking for and if you can give me a rough date?
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I tried I really did guys but it's just too fire for me
I can't tell if this is just a statement or sarcasm.

What the fuck happened to "lurk moar"? Summer gets worse and worse every year.
It worked right
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buy me dinner first.png
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you are gaining points.
do eet
Could be both
>>699475212 it organized? any pech lewds?
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Yeah, one should think that a fellow artist wouldn't be backstabby - unfortunately you will find that some have no compulsions in that regard. It's unfortunate because one would assume the sensitive nature of the creative would also give them basic empathy and/or respect for others work.

But relax, this too shall pass.
>tfw will never get spite porn of your character
If I may ask, are you trying to offer a commission in exchange for the gamer Hunie Pop?
kiss a loli inappropriately and get her flustered
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post your character.
requesting alien scat
nigga thas the mos kawaii triange id ever fucken saw
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I want to write something but I can't decide what. I could do 911 transcripts or emergency broadcasts or a news network hijacking or a Skype transcript but I just don't know.
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>>699475129 thanks.
>>699476009 I'm done bitching about it.
I know this feeling.
Nah, too embarrassing. There's a reason I posted as anon.
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Not the artist, but i'm gonna drop this here.
I suppose, but ultimately it varies depending on the situation. Sometimes it can be a good thing and sometimes it can really harm ones reputation.
Would it cheer you up if I offered to buy you a cheap game on Steam?
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Still takin requests
Nah, don't do that.
Plus, I don't need people knowing my steam rn.
so you DO want to drive the artists away?
Talk about throwing salt on the wound anon, kek
Time for the fappening, round 2. Still want to know who drew this!
>caring about reputation
>on 4chan

KOLORZ this is gettin' INSANE!!!
Which drawfag?
you suck
yeah, I'm out.
All right, no problem.
>Still want to know who drew this!
Someone's feeling naughty (knotty).
By date and maybe
what fucking artists are left? Bim graces us with their presence but that's literally it.
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jesus christ people just give me some advice here, which do i do
Maybe we'd have more without the assholery.
Come back with thicker skin next time, you shit. Nobody is responsible for your feelings and this is the last place to find people that'll cater to them.
Bim, Nim, Tomo, Skittles, Kai, Pech, Pin, EHG, Quinn, Tates, Veng.
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so much beauty for me!
show butt
Try 911 transcripts. Drunk people tend to give the best performances when calling 911.
show request
I said ARTISTS, and I already mentioned Bim
What are you talking about?
A beagle, do a beagle please.

Do it for me, the great Beagle guy
You guys fucking suck must you drive all the artists away.
We're trying to find the artist of the Fiona wolf porn currently.
Yeah, I'm out too thanks to your attitude.
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haha i dont draw anymore

i wanna do a spooky one, though. should i have a drunk guy call in and talk about something spooky?

i dont draw anymore

well i can tell you who it isn't if that helps
Like I said I'd rather not make false accusations until i'm 100% sure.
Peace nigga.
>Drawfagging isn't art, says the salty anon
It's usually best to just drop it when this comes up, the people who say shit like that are only here to stir up shit.
Now I remember who you are. You're Hazel! That actually sounds like a decent idea.
show me ONE THING that those idiots have done that would even remotely qualify as art. Bim doesn't count, they're the best and I'm grateful every time they're here
>haha i dont draw anymore
never said anything about drawing
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ooohhh you made me even more happier for liking it!!!

heuheuheuhe Glad you noticed muh terrorist get

so what's going on here with all those lewds?
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he was an original individual.jpg
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PSA: Don't fucking respond to "M-MUH ART" or "shitscribblers aren't drawfags" bait
Very true words, but goddamn is it also some tough love. Not saying these threads should be hugboxes, because about 2 months ago they were pretty chill with minor salt, but they weren't this septic.
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just google it you fucking dweeb

let's fucking go lin i will fuck you up good

now we can escalate this further or stop there but i don't think you can stop my hands big guy

no i'm not, but if you wanna give me cash i'll suck your dick


draw your fav mon
>26 â–¶
>Like I said I'd rather not make false accusations until i'm 100% sure.
I am aware, can you state whom you think it is via an unrelated post?
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i'll draw stuff or something
weepy voiced killer,nightstalker, the charla nash incident are all great 911 transcript inspirations
spread butthole
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it me! so okay we have a drunk guy calling 911. what should he be calling about? something ambiguous, like a weird sound or lights, or something concrete like a figure in the woods?

im not sure what you want me to do...? i'll put a beagle in my next installment of my series how about that

i actually did a short story based of Charla Nash and Bud Dwyer! It's called The Burning House, I don't remember if I have it online anymore
Lewds are love, lewds are life
can someone draw me a good picture of Clinkz?
>so what's going on here with all those lewds?
don't worry about it
you just keep being cute
Kek, what?
Are you implying reputation won't affect people outside of 4chan?
Also when tf did I say I cared.
dat boi
Anon pls, post your character.
What was your tumblr?
I should never have admitted that on the discord.
A figure in the woods sounds good. He should ramble on about it, until he finally says that it's a pink elephant. I like your art, sucks you draw anymore.
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Think I might lurk till all the hostile anons leave, cause ain't no requests comin in
I wasn't talking about the beagle
could you dump like any random day like yesterday or day before or whenever? please!
loli rape
just checking
Your 4chan rep isn't going to bleed off into the real world unless you were extremely reckless, thus you should not care about it enough to even reference it. That's all I'm implying.
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Hide lina, hide! Before they get you too!

>allahu akbar
Is this a Monty Python outtake?
Is this the artist?
Swordbro really isn't a drawfag, and I would break your hand if I ever met you. Nothing more severe than that, I'm not a Chris.
It's a guy anyway
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lavahotpocket, but its dead and the only other one i have is for work stuff

okay but
but what if he was talking about like a sound coming out of the sky during a storm and then he was like oh hey theres some guy walking in the rain haha what a doofus and then

well then im lost, what am i doing for you?

haha hey that was pretty funny i liked how they all were bobbing around like owls

you know the whole 'guys in suits' thing could be really unsettling but it's been done to death. i think what would freak me out more is being in the middle of nowhere at night and theres suddenly just a bunch of dudes in hazmat suits wait maybe thats what i should write about
what's your name, friendo? I'd like your style
i'm hazel but i dont draw anymore :///
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the second call is good
this is great too
You haven't seen the absolute cesspool that this place is very capable of becoming. This is fucking light shit man. If she can't handle that, then as much as I slightly like seeing her and other new, naive artists around, they're better off staying gone. Bim was very right on the money when she said the thing she said about using low investment characters on /b/.
Why not?
I thought you were the vt## guy.
Would be pretty cool if that 'guy' started picking a fight with the drunk. I was wondering, do you want me to help you write some of these transcripts? I've written short stories before in both high school & college.
spread butthole
i love both of these but they dont really "scare" me, per-say. the first just kind of bums me out, like he really wanted to be caught

the what?? and for a lot of reasons, the biggest being issues with my drivers

I'm actually a professional writer, both on Reddit and off, and I just have too many ideas and wanted someone to tell me which to do. But thank you!
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requests, no lewds
...joking lewds are ok
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UWOTM8? im gonna fuk u up so gud u gonna get rekt m8 u gonna cri everitiem u see me, im mlgpro360 u can't handle this KAWAII UGU DESU NE. THIS IS FOR ANON KUN, I MISS HIS BEAUTIFUL HAIR


O-okay, anon-chan!

f0k I almost got dem quints
All right, no problem, Hazel!
>a professional writer, both on Reddit
How does this work?
May you list more of these reasons?
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Here you go I hope you like it, I'll keep working on it
Unless you plan on making a web comic with that character which I was referring to, then it could *possibly* affect it. But yes, you'd be right.
i was gonna grow both my breasts but i left-tit behind
I want to see Fiona getting gangbanged by these wolves now. She needs more wolf cock in her holes.
I've been here since 08, I've seen it all and then some. I'm taking about the drawthreads. Not /b/ as a whole, stupid.
And yeah, bim was on point with that. Shouldn't come here with something you treat akin to a child when everyone just wants to jizz on it.
If you don't mind me asking. Why did you stop drawing and what would it take to make you draw again?
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Someone draw my waifu, I don't care if she's getting fucked or something.
Ill look for the for the pictures you ask give me a minute
nah you're waifu ugly
Yeah, lewds...

Also, can you draw a beagle?

Do it for me, the great beagle guy!
Lina and Peach are cuter, though.
most of my free time is spent cultivating the world i built in my NoSleep series, which i dont update nearly as often as i should because im a lazy piece of shit. i also sell my work to a podcast!

uuuuhhh well my drivers wont work, my cat mostly ate the power cord to the tablet, im a shit artist and id rather focus on my writing which is what im better at anyway, and my boyfriend is so much better than me that it makes me nervous to even try ;;

uuuh i dont know, a large sum of money?? or upvotes on reddit and reblogs on tumblr because i need all the exposure i can get
Post your character gahddammit.
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Is this the one your looking for
pech best kill rest
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yeah they don't scare me either, i just think they're very interesting
have u seen the conjuring 2? it was disappointing
Thanks! (I would refrain from using marker, unless you have a huge sheet of paper, just a tip.)
spread butthole
danke, any others?
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Os color request.png
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H-hello! Os here.
I'm sorry, but I unfortunately can't hang out with everyone today.
I came by to drop the colored drawing anon requested. I hope it's okay!
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I won't stop you.
Who's your waifu?
Thats why I made a new character for these threads. Only problem is that I ended up falling in love with the character and working her into my story. Luckly she's not the main character though.
Yeah I fucked up I grabbed the wrong marker so I was going to re draw it
I don't know who those are, they're not related too my waifu
i did, and it was. to be honest, the last horror movie that impressed me was either Mama or Sinister, and i ONLY say sinister because the soundtrack absolutely made that movie. it was so spectacularly unsettling. and the idea was cool until they started shoving sequels at us
Wow that's super cool! I always get jealous when I see people living off of their creative outlet, I wish I could do the same but the market for musicians is, I believe, quite a bit rougher.
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Her name is Enkidu, she's the youtube mascot for a YouTuber
Even that amount can be simply mitigated by indifference. The artist of steven universe drew a lot of edd ed 'n eddy porn before SU became a thing. The protagonist of ghost in a shell started off as a pin up character for the artist. Indifference doesn't solve a lot of problems, but it certainly solves this one.

>"this place"
>assumes I'm talking about all of /b/
Well, with that logic, I'm surprised you didn't assume I was talking about the entire fucking universe. I know you're not this stupid. If you were here for samgasm, tubavore spam, maki, indra, hell even angelite, you'd know that this place can get really fucking hostile and bitter really fucking fast, then switch right back to normal in the blink of an eye.
believe me, i don't live off of it. but its not really about the money right now. until i grow up a little more and my voice develops im not good enough to publish, so im not expecting to make anything.
Oh look the butthurt cuck fag is back again.
How about a beagle?
holy shit wait, are you telling me that fucking BlooChicken is drawing SU??????
Which one?
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except that im a drawfag whos legit pissed about how awful these threads are
i was told it scared the socks off of people but all i got was budget elvis and babadook
mama was good!!! it gave me a decent frighten
Wake up m8!
Can you draw yourself playing some videogames ?
Well it's a shame you don't draw anymore. But I understand how it is when you have to pay the bills.
then draw something you dickstain
lookd real nice
she does loli voices

Mama was honestly one of my faves. you know what movie was awful but for some reason i loved? fucking Unfriended. that movie was AWFUL and yet i love it

yeah, it kinda blows. i dont have SAI anymore either so
If the creator says something is art, it is by definition.
Hello, Os. Check your e-mail then!
Sorry man, you're just as much at fault than they are then. You can be the change you want to see in this thread. This isn't a team sport. It literally only takes one person to make a draw thread good.
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>tfw you always cave to peer pressure
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I found this one I have to organize this thing better its going to take me days
post face
comrade here, the threads arnt shit, they just arnt filled with people that are of a very high skill level, they still have talent, abilty and skill, just not that much and they come here looking to improve their skill with requests
Mind sharing? I'm all for stories and such.

Kek, you make an excellent point there, can't argue with that.
haha hell no im not gonna waste my time

look i shit my pants it's post-modern art tho so you have to like it

except that any time someone good shows up all of you fucking idiots decide collectively that you'd rather pander to the terrible drawfags because they dont intimidate you as much and also they might camwhore for you if you ask nice
oho thanks again
*slaps ass* sorry... i just really had to do that mang

Babadook was and amazing movie about grief, Mama sucked, the short of Mama was better
>claims to be a drawfag
>refuses to post proof
>cries more than a kid at Wal-mart who was denied candy
But Babadook was way better written, acted, directed and phased than Mama tho. Except I still think Mama was scarier. Not that any of them was truly scary tho. By Guillermo del Toro standards I think Mama was probably his worst work so far.

Also I hope some day in the future you'll draw again at least once in a while.
i never saw unfriended but i heard it was terrible
however i did see ouija and it was one of the worst movies i've ever seen
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Been there, done that, everyone though I was Swordbro and got super butthurt. 7/10 would probably do again


Ah, well I wish you luck in reaching that goal! Seeing other people go after things like that inspires me a bit more to chase my dream, but we'll see haha.
Don't you still get the non-spite porn occasionally tho? Why spite porn would be better than fan porn?
Wait, which SU artist?
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Sure, hab dis beagle!
I'd rather not post paragraph of story plot here.
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im so fucking tired of alll of you bitches im out thses threads forever! angry drawfag
Except that's FUCKING WRONG.

Babadook was the laziest, least likable movie I've ever seen. The characters inspired absolutely no confidence or even the slightest shred of any kind of trait that would help me empathize with them. The scares were minimal, with the exception of two very good ones, and were lackluster. It felt, to me, like it was a drama masquerading as a horror comedy. And believe me, I tried to like it. But the acting was garbage, the characters sucked, the scares were boring and flat, and above all IT WASN'T A FUCKING HORROR MOVIE, SO WHY WAS IT BILLED AS ONE?

What made Mama amazing was that not only was it a story about this family torn apart and having to rebuild itself, but the ending was shattering. There were no villains, only people motivated by a grief that runs through the heart of humanity as a whole. It was beautiful and the scares were phenomenal.

This shit is what I do for a living, I write and analyze horror, and I could go on and on about it but in the end it's all subjective. I fucking hate kids and everything about them, so it's entirely possible that that alone ruined Babadook for me.
Are you taking real girl lewd request?
ok. bye anon.
What was samgasm, maki, indra and angelite?
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not animu but here.

Holy shit, is so CUTE!!

Thank you very much! ^^

The great Beagle guy is pleased
Unfriended is like Megan is Missing. If you go in knowing that it's gonna be full of really bad acting, you can really enjoy the story. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna tell you Unfriended was "good", in that sense. But there's something about it that's endlessly rewatchable.
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not original artist,
from my folders...
I love it thank you

I guess
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I've got like two or three lewd pics that I didn't request for myself. Idk I just feel like it'd be a nice surprise. I wouldn't say spite porn is better than fan porn, it just seems more likely being that this is /b/ haha.
Fresh harambecore right here
Could someone do me a big favor and draw Edgar Allen Poe in an orgy with Boos from Mario pissing on him?
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yeah appreciate it
just show us da dick already -_-
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Her in a lewd situation maybe? I have more references if needed.
Requesting this girl DPing herself with cucumbers.
You don't have to like it, but it's art if you say it is.
I understand, do you have a name you go by?
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i'm back~ any requetos?
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fug, I forgot to say how much I cheirsh those pics as it is. I go through that folder to look at everything pretty frequently, and not even just for *ahem* the reasons you might think.
Someone make a new Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I mean shit look at my guy, I got one and I started two days ago
If this place means enough to you that you'd rather sit here and cry about being not the way you'd like, then shouldn't you be using that energy towards making this the place you'd want it to be. But if this doesn't mean that much to you, and you're hear for the replies, then I guess that's fine too. What I'm saying is you shouldn't give up if you're as good as you say you are.

Drawfags whoever been repeatedly shat on for being retarded and too sincere. Happened around 2009. Some of them adapted and have ascended to functional members of the community. I know Samgasm is still around, and Maki is doing commissions, but I think the other two crashed and burned. But those are only few, very few examples of drawfags who over-invested in the wrong way and got repeatedly shat on. I'm confident there were much more extreme cases that I missed.

You'd have better luck finding more information on that with /co/ and not someone who doesn't care about the series.
i know her
likeness might vary
chest size?
The illuminati playing scrabble delirium

I dare you
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Hey guys! Hope all's well! Y'all got anything for me?
He is quiet sexy
I agree with you on mot points on Babadook, but how can you see all the faults of that movie and be so oblivious to Mama's failures when they are so much more evident.

The acting was really meh, the child actors, while waaay less annoying than the one in Babadook were still terrible, the scares and plot are the every american horror movie ever kind,
1. Shit happens.
2. Cliche as fuck background investigation for easy exposition, also there's an assylum all the time.
3. BOO
4. Ohshit nigga
5. BOO
6. The end

There's not even remotely enough build up to any of the scares, it was just 'Oooga booga booga' moments and cheap jump scares all the time.
I'll give you something tho, the main character was amazingly handled and I much appreciated here evolution form 'man, fuck children' to 'STAY AWAY FROM TEHM YOU FUCKING CUNT!'.

I'm not saying either Babadook or Mama were specially good or bad, I'm just saying Mama is just another everyday american horror movie, while Babadook at leas tried to do something that is not often done.
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i can't BELIEVE you ditched me yesterday dawg, i'm gonna post porn of your character ouf of spite now.

i hope you like fairies

Can you post their artblogs or their work?
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