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Heavily coated tiny talking horse thread. get in here stories

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 139
Thread images: 111
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Heavily coated tiny talking horse thread. get in here
stories appreciated
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>turbo autism thread

do you guys fap to this stuff
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Now that I can fap to
The ass was fat

Hah spotted the stormfag
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remember just hide any spam posts and enjoy the fluffy abuse/hugbox/sadbox
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Young man this is a scalie household
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post more of these so i can add all the image hashes to my filter box
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Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself
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well no
but given time you'll eventually start liking it too
Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Kill yourself
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Keep it warm for me
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fluffies aside, what do you guys think JustinRPG's doing nowdays?
I mean there's pokemon go now but he doesn't strike me as the type to actually step outside
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I heard spiderman thread. I came as fast as I could.
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anyone even lurking?
I am.
theres 2 threads now
I know right, it's such a good idea.
waht u dont
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still am
Too late, it's already begun.
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fluffies unicorn egor.gif
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Upon reading the comments, it seems this is a sort of fertilizer factory.
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anyone have the acid one?
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somebody else has to post I'm OP I can't bump
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We need more spiderman!
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Whats with the excruciating grammar and sentence structure.
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Many of the early creators were russian/balkan with not very good english skills. Fluffies are also programmed with a very limited vocabulary.
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this one cracks me up
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i've been wondering for a long time, so someone please tell me...

what's the appeal to these sorts of images?

I don't see a cringe factor, can't find the funny anywhere, and I don't believe for one second anyone'd fap to this.

What gives?
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It's just feels good to see dumb things get brutalized
constant chemo
it srsly messes with the normies and newfags
um i know i'm using logic when the answer is "fuck you it's a fluffy" but what possible reason? The idea of milkbags, and it's kind of retarded at that, is that a mare won't feed babies that aren't its own so you have to cut off the legs and shit, why you can't just strap them down or put them on a milking machine i don't know beyond "my abuse-boner demands it!" but if you have a fluffy who is willing to fucking willingly become a nightmareish silent-hill horror then you could probably just get her to feed all the babies willingly, and have better babies for it since they get love and hugs and attention from caring good mom-fluffs.

I can enjoy the comics for what they are but abusers in-story must be the saddest fucks in the world, congratulations you proved your dominance over something with the mind of a two year old and a body that can die from mild gas.
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Even when they exist for that one singular purpose?

well I don't see this stopping a newfag but A for the normie purging effort

cheers for the answers. as you were men
they were never supposed to exist at all. See their backstory.
why do people like gore?
why do people like traps?

Are you going in to their threads and ponder?

Dont like it/ understand it, pass right along.
99% you're a milinial, you dont have to know everything. Go back to your safe place
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>See their backstory
there's a backstory?

not for all the tea in china, my dude.
engineered biopets designed to be cute but released by PETA fucks into the wild before the company could work all the bugs out. Bred like rabbits but somehow faster, became worldwide pests.
They're not even innocent anymore, they're just a pain in the ass, vermin to be exterminated, when they're not being used as pets that is.
Pretty simple backstory
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check that grammar bro.jpg
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guess again.
>why do people like gore?
sympathetic nervous system reaction, or laughs
>why do people like traps?
same reason anyone likes any porn

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If there were no animal rights groups, cows would be de-legged and thrown in to a room with tubes sucking and pushing everything that would be needed.

So you dont swat flies/masquitos/termites?
So you dont kill vermin that goes in to your house?

Someone just posted this in /pol/, am I the only one who wants to scoop it up and throw it against the wall over and over?
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Horrible mother, if she didn't want him to suffer she should've eaten him head first
Fluffies don't know about that stuff.
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I want one so bad. I just want to chase it around a little pen hitting it with a stick for hours
Cows aren't breed to be cute happy pets, they want to foals to become pets right? Wouldn't helpful mother-fluffs be more helpful in that process, teaching them good things and watching over them, then milkbags?

And yeah i swat flies, i don't invite flies into my house and rip thing wings on in my special built fly-torture basement or cackle in glee as i crush their maggot babies infront of them. I set mouse traps that break the lil buggers spines, not set them on fire or dismember them. Also flies and mice aren't sentient, talk to you, and have child-level intelligence. Most of the time abusers aren't doing pest control, they're spending hours cooking babies alive and ripping legs off for the lulz. Don't get me wrong you me and every other anon can enjoy the dark and twisted, it's the characters in the stories that are right fucked.
I think what bugs me most is the idea put forth that every human is a total fucking bastard who if given the chance would delight in causing pain and torture these little buggers. I'm a cynic but the idea is a little disheartening
people make fun of us, but if you're into this shit you have issues
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this is now a dubs thread
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and you're one off, as usual
Nice trips.
nice trips doe
hail satan
Well not EVERY person. But when I catch a fly that's been bugging me for days I like to heat up a needle red hot and touch it all over it's body, then drive it slowly through it's abdomen out through it's mouth, then mound it with a little clay.
If I ever catch a bedbug though? That fucker's getting tortured for a full hour, minimum.
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Thread replies: 139
Thread images: 111

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