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Drawthread: haunted school edition.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 103
Drawthread: haunted school edition.
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can someone draw spodermin looking bad-ass as fuck?
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Green here, what does everyone think of my new style?

Personally, I think its alright.

So how is everyone anyways?
/r/ loli butts
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Hey drawthread, what's new?
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goofs for a goob?

not familiar with your old style
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from old thread

Ahem. If you will direct your attention to exhibit A. A feminine penis. Not to be mistaken with a masculine penis, the feminine penis is perfectly ok to have sex with if you are male or female. Having sex with a feminine penis while being a male does not necessarily mean you are homosexual. Only the presence of testicles and their close proximity or contact indicates the subject may inf fact be gay.
How gay is a chode
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old green.png
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Pic related
I want to stroke your feminine penis
i think the thinner lines is certainly an improvement
requesting you undressing
mariachi murph
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New Canvas.jpg
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it's shit but i was busy confusing an anon that was easily tempered
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You see that's what buggers me, when I last consulted people about my style they said thick lines were better, its down to preference I suppose.
ye it sucks
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Who wanted the flinging sketti huh?
I'll take a few more simple requests.
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Post wachu guys listening to!
loli rape
gib blowjob
>> it's shit
thanks i didn't know that.
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moss thing.png
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After a bit of GIMPing, I've managed to pick the appropiate Moss colors.

Looks like we got a nice taste of music.
looks like shit

Although I might brighten the neon greens a bit more.
ye you didn. get good soon luv ya
Bring out the gimp.
it was already established in the last thread that this is a place full of crybabies who can't handle criticism that was clearly put there to urk their insecure asses. please don't do it again, let the shitty art circulate
The gimps asleep
yo edgeman gonna find whats over there
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angry lurker.jpg
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i know my mistakes now, thank you i can finally right my ways
i hear you like reposts. i feel like you will enjoy this.
hi stompy
i miss good drawfags
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But you're awake.
( ´ー ` )ノ
no, thank you mutherfucker you have a real nice fucking day faggot asssucker
dosent that succ
Dont draw these lewd things if you cant draw normal things. I only like ears tbh.. everything else is bad. Look up some beginner tutorials on how to draw mouth,eyes etc.
i miss good bait :(

good bait you can feel moving, alive at the line, almost like a person actually believes what they say. m8 b8 g8 a8 wtf
>>fucking day faggot asssucker
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So I can see, dear anon~

That music is fcking awesome!

Heck yeah Berserk!
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Moss is more cuter when drawn like this. Still would like a proper colored drawing of her.
everything i said is true, call it edge (whatever the hell that means at this point) but you can't disprove fact
Where's swordbro?
>ignored delivery
>wants more
requesting you undressing
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How is everyone doing? Taking those requests!
step 1: learn 2 read
step 2: feel bad
step 3: become a better person
step 4: suck some dicks because that's just what you do
step 5: go to bed start fresh in the morning
step 6: shitpost in sleep
loli rape
What did you expect from an ungrateful pissbaby?
How many angry anons do you think there are
He's 28
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are you really surprised?

any good requests out there or what
Don't summon him for fucks sake.
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Honestly, I don't care if people color already existing drawings. - More refs if anyone's actually interested.
loli rape
ITT: taking the bait
Like this?
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Moth bae maybe ?

I agree. This is low-lewd and cute.
Requesting a bird getting fucked by a man who is missing an eye and a tooth
Fuck off. Someone finally did your shitty request and you're complaining about it.
Draw a cute journalist interviewing anon.
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Requesting any rendition of this guy
I used my adblock to hide that shitty ass shit
Summoning chrishop
what the fuck you actually want terminal cancer?
I had to rush it but before I could post it and then my computer died then I was drag away by life in sorry
I feel like this always happens
I ask I receive then I'm swiped away
It sucks man I'm sorry
I'll post it when I get home
Don't expect all too much because it was a rush job
Rukia and a solosis
I'll just request it for him instead
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just the right amount to piss off.
you make it too easy. if you knew how the internet worked you would have ignored me but you just seem to keep trucking it, i feel like you are one of those guys that is spamming refresh waiting for my next comment to get mad at arent you.
you are = to chrischop, except chrischop is better at pissing people off, you are just his hollow shell # remember the good shitposters
>been here a month
>talking about remembering things
>taking arguments online seriously enough to write condescending paragraphs that just make you look salty
well thought out of 10
Show butt
it's ok when drawfags do it
man, i used to think you were cool
Rarthorn isn't a drawfag
im a professional jackass and i take are argument that means nothing very seriously
Act like arrogant shitheads?
Him and fiona do this shit all the time
I'm choking on my drink holy shit
Check your non-drawing priveledge, pleb.
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i've been lurking for hours and it's still a shithole in here.
c'mon fellas.

summon me when things start to get a little unfucked. i'll be around.
no problem murph
i was never cool, im nice to most people but ungrateful assholes are fun to pick on.
sorry about the drink thing.
now kiss
If you're taking requests:

Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.

With you in it.
your request a shit
>pick on
>overestimating how much an effect you have
nigga dinju hear? wes getting picked on wes week someone help. WHY AINTCHU SHITTING YOSELF
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Hmmm~ senpai will get mad~ can't take it all

Dats sum gud taste, mang!~
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well, this isn't too bad i guess...
>reposting due to shading error
Nah for real this happens waaay too often
I gotta go d a set time for thread
Ungrateful assholes? wait a sec, are you a buthurt draw fag that didn't get a response? respect = lost
Rubie still around?
That's rarthorn
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Shame that this draw thread was ruined by a bunch of anons who want to prove their alpha status in this thread.
>inb4 it was Rathorns fault
No, it was both the anons shitting on Rathorn and Rathorns fault.
ur respect means a lot please stay on the line we care about u fgt
no ur not, he was blamed right before this post
I want to do many lewd things to you
Good night guys. Also chill out and have fun with drawing <3
I can draw your fucking bird. Give refs.
Show bird?
>fucking bird
I see what you did there.
a bird getting fucked by a man who is missing an eye and a tooth
>To kill a fucking bird.
Is it a fluff Shadow? :3c
Ah, well. I guess by now everybody has heard about it.
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let me try to put this in perspective, i love you anons, and the other drawfags, but i don't want you to think im a god anything near it, i also don't want you guys defending me because i know i don't deserve any help. i can be a floppy cunt. but that doesn't mean i target without reasoning, the people i target are the ones that target the new drawfags or the plan out asshats that say this kind of stuff >>698136208. thr draw fag worked hard on that for someone and put effort into it.
if i honestly am doing more damage than i think i am by harassing people that in my mind are doing the same thing i apologise, al try to let you guys fight your own battles then.

im not a great person by any standards, and i fine with you guys having your own opinion of me whether you hate/like me that's your choice.
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Camage dontrol
Don't feed the angry anons.
Who are you?
yah you're right but everything i said was honest. that is how i feel about my actions, i only target the people that are attacking others
please take the time to read my carefully thought out post: well thought about of it out of well thought out of 10
but it >>698136208
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>well thought about of it out of well thought out of 10
dude what.
Bo's in the house!
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Sooooo adorable~

W-what? S-should I start getting worried ?
I hope you get out of your art funk soon. Check your e-mail if you haven't done so already.
Alrighty, so I'm outta here until this all blows over.
Also, as is customary of the drawthreads...
consensual lewd things
>implying that it's ever anything but an entire nebula of pure salt collapsing on its own weight spewing hot-ionized crystals of self loathing
this is me
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you know it, babes.

i just just did, actually! i'm hoping so too, i've been tossing out sketches.
maybe things will stick today. <3

this never fails to crack me up.
our savior arrives we can all be friends now?
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hello, fellow hedge-tree-hedge-tree conneiseur
You look really cute Skittles!
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Darn shame she doesn't draw lewds.
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well, hello too!
Who dat?
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not it fucking wasn't.jpg
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lol kys
draw pleinair sitting under a tree
hey nice photoshop my man
no u
no yo retard xd
>>698142718 (Me)
Anyone taking requests?
I have an odd one. I'll explain it if I need to.
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that shouldn't matter, they are putting effort and passion into it. i just don't understand why you guys can't see that. i guess i agree with the other guy, neither of us are in the right, i apologise for keeping the argument going for so long.
no don't say that, i can own up to it.
only if the other party is willing to come to an agreement. i'll stop harassing you if you can at least see that the drawfags try to make art for the anons.
Go ahead
a bird getting fucked by a man who is missing an eye and a tooth
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I want the Meowstress from Monster Hunter Generations getting cleaved in half by a greatsword.

/v/ refuses to draw it for me.
Hey Skittles
How are you
Are you up for yuri
loli rape
(sorry, I had to)
Well, I guess you know that the bird is a word, right?
draw a nigga
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I wanna see this also.
Sorry, accidentally copied an ad.
Miss peach
word up
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daily dose
So... what happened this time?
thanks doc
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New Canvas.jpg
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blu is that you
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>So... what happened this time?

Does it matter? Does it ever matter?
Does anything matter in life?...
So, what software do you tabletbros use? Clip Studio?
Is this the real life?
eveything is matter dipshit
Nothing actually matters. Which means it matters just as much as the most important thing.
Is anything real?
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Oh damn, I love nujabes.

Maaang, that's sum sweet musikerino.

Nothing else matters.
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Green is confused.png
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Is this the drawthread or the latest episode of drama alert? I might have gotten lost because there both so similar.
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Wow how highschool philosophy can we get?

>eveything is matter dipshit
What about...

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l-lina pls
I am not a creep
i-i-i just want to h-hold hands with you
It's pretty much just bitching. Might wanna wait until the next thread.
>Wow how much highshool philosophy can we get?
Is this even philosophy?
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>high school
Who are you?
hey! friend!
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New Canvas.jpg
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well me and an anon got into a fight and it lasted for 2 threads. and everyone else tried to get us to stop. and then i realized that i took it to far like i always do. next time just take the other guy's side, because i don't seem to take a hint until its to late
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it's a sin to ignore a solopipb moth request
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Maybe, I think the worse of it is over now though.
yeah, i use CSP pro, after years of using SAI. haven't looked back since.
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I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.
Everything is probability. You're all garbage philosophers.

You got a download link for me?
Yes? Also, answer my question.
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just drawing a bunch of birds while i wait for bird geting fucked by man missing eye and tooth
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I d-don't know anon.... I tell u... I'm gonna c-call the popopoppppolice...
why it turned out sideways, i will never know
what is up with you!! also, i am HS
You got an artblog?
What does HS stand for?
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Moth bitch suk muh dikkk

I'll beat you up nerd
see you in the next thread, dave!
dave i dont think i should tell you that
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New Canvas.jpg
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said like the god of bait himself.

in taking requests
sorry, dear. i purchased it and wrote it off as a business expense, hah.
it goes on sale for ~$15 USD often, though.
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y-you really think so?
>why am i so flustered about this?
nah. not tonight.
you need top of the line equipment and iridium for antimatter, and its not even that potent then.
so antimatter doesn't really matter.
fuck me *im*
Would you mind drawing the creatures under your bed that keeps you up at night?
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u wot.jpg
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>antimatter doesn't really matter.
Maybe another time
Lookin good by the way
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Get away from here, valor geezer.
Go back to animay.

HnnnHHGGG you should try more clothes.
l-lina p-pls y-your h-hand
You mean your mom?
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>you should try more clothes.
You mean less?
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>223 replies, 63 images
I'm disappointed
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taking requests

anyone play quake live?
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You're on /b/. Nobody is going to see eye to eye on what you think is right, I would suggest just giving up, ignoring the "salty anons" and enjoy your time here.
My name is not dave.
my name is Houn. why u askin david
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Just stop.
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I would If I slept on a bed... I'm poor and sleep on the floor... sorry.


Dats lewd!
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Well that explains everything
Because I liked your drawing & wanted to know who you were.
File: Entity.png (44 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Do you have a gallery somewhere? Love your sketches.

Requesting a sexy librarian.
Hi there entity, how are you?

Draw me a fire chicken please
I'm not here for the sake of your appointment.
thanks for the interest, davo
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shinkaisei-kan on tumblr. I average 1 post a year.
Are you taking requests, Hous?
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Thanks, are you still taking requests?
Thank you Sir. Keep up the good work and hope you liked drawing it.

Some lurk in the corners of your room. Others float above you as you sleep.
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Aho, if it isn't the big meem.
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I guess I got a-head of myself.
I would but DOOM was on sale and it's time to rip and tear
High humidity is the worst
Shadow lewds when?
Forgive me. Today has been rather shitty to me & I have a headache.
yah but im not in the right either.

i also didn't know i actually made any sort of impact on the thread. i kind of assumed no one here had any feeling or cared about anything i had to say let alone had any sort of respect in the first place, >>698139059
look from here on out i will stop white knighting and attacking people that i see attacking others.

im doing requests if anyone wants any.
loli rape
Kill the shit out of
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can't fool me that easy, i just learnt that lesson
ok gimme a minute
what? killing Bawble is a right of passage
Roll niggers
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Lina! How could you? What will popopopoka think?

>pls show more
You still here?
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I cannot
>I kind of assumed no one here had any feeling
they do
>or cared about anything I had to say
they don't, more than likely
>or had any sort of respect in the first place
Most do have some sort of respect for others, some you'll find dont' really tho, and it's something that comes along often, so just ignore it. As I said, enjoy your time here, find people you like to interact with, you'll do fine.
Perfect, thank you so much!
stop it, get some help
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• • •
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Thanks~ I belive the monsters lurk everywhere~

I don't, I'm so sorry. Here you go a somewhat sexy librarian ahahaha.

B-but it's undressing f-for s-senpai.... s-so it's alright, r-right?
I-is he here..? The elusive man-siren know as popopoka? :U
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i wrote a response but it refreshed. mmmm... (kill me). im giving you a short version. i just had a 4 hour fight trying to protect someone who didn't need help and was ignoring the hate >>698136157 but it got us nowheres and it derailed the thread, im not gonna fight you over bawble, she enjoys what she does and that all that matters, i wish i could have the same tolerance than she does.
here you go
i fell like shit for being such a fucking idiot
hi bim, i gotta learn to stop agroing on haters.
i gonna give you a request. draw a landscape with a wyvern in the sky.
waddup sweethearts
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New thread?
Looks like the school in Assassination Classroom.
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Don't worry about it man - it has happened to all of us at some point or other.
way too early for that.
where are you birdy
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Nah, dat sillypoka. He went to bed already~
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New Canvas.jpg
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i did what i do best, argue and then argue some more.
not yet
you did a funny.
yah but im just too stubborn, and i gotta stop trying to interfere with the trolls/bullies/or just angry people. i never really thought about how they think and they probably are angry for a reason, i don't know there personal life.
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You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
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i'll uhhhh... just stick to basic clothes, i'm not really good with fashion and stuff, yknow? It doesn't really suit me...
...can i have my regular clothes back now?
You gotta also stop bringing it up to everyone who enters the thread you autist
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Rarthorn likes penises
show butthole
your clothes were burned
you're gonna have to wear those clothes now
Hey Pech. How're things?
Houn still here?
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Sure, hun~ Whatever makes you the most comfortable!
That's not swordbro...
nig u awake? it's like real early morning
...Shit, why do my satanic summoning rituals never work?
it's 10 pm
wadup shitbabby
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You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium's
Liable to walk upon the scene

It's nearly five - and I should really, really go to bed...
sb isnt a drawfag
Based on nothing
wat r u even
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have a (you)
theyre ok, i just got back from vacay.
was shit.
never again.
hey cunt... lamp..
I need sundress!
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New Canvas.jpg
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no bimbim you are the the bigger person here and you should get some sleep thanks for the motivation
hi sword bro, at least you remembered my name.
fuck off
have a fuck you
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Hi thread! how is everybody? may I have a request please?
Which criteria is he not meeting? Right now I'm more passed at this golemfag spending all night bitching and reposting
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Whats up nerds!
Am I late to party?
She doesn't tolerate it, she usually just leaves...
shes a piece of shit man, a whiney, gross, fat piece of shit.
no, uguu away
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thanks, i appreciate the help with fashion and things, but-
...can i keep these clothes for a while?
You sound like you're whiny too
>got back from vacay.
>was shit.
>never again.
I know that feeling all too well. Hang in there Pech.
loli rape
rad af
sorry about that, im just gonna stop fighting with people from now on
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>fuck you
ay thanks mang have a (you)
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Draw your waifu.
I like peach. He a cute.
no u
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*gasp* We're going to 404! We're drowning in limbo!

Ack - I best sleep!
lator ol pal
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