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Cheetah Kizzees

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151
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Cheetah Kizzees
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a thread for fatness
This inspires nothing but pure hatred...
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Peter Lorre 22.gif
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Are you grateful to be alive?
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Well I've only THOUGHT about suicide but never contemplated it, so life's good I guess. I have a lot to be grateful for
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I still don't understand the notion that you think I'm a pedo given I gravitate to older men.
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You look exactly like him so in my eyes you ARE him.
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Peter Lorre 2.jpg
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Then no. Being grateful is for idiots.
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I mean, not really.
Seems a shallow way to view people.
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Peter Lorre 8.gif
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Ohwell, ok then... Why is that?
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Peter Lorre 7.gif
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Because why would you be grateful to be alive? Why would you be grateful for anything? It just puts you into debt.
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I am extremely shallow, looks are utmost important to me, as with race, and sexuality.
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aweedorable cuddle.jpg
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Well, here. Please keep your judgments somewhat current.
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I, for one, enjoy making sexual discoveries

have an open mind
I guess grateful could have different meanings. I'd say I'm happy to be alive. If by your logic grateful means I think I owe anyone something, then no, I'm not grateful. I didn't ask to be alive, but I'm glad for it
dawwwww theres my boi
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You look better but not attractive.
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Are we posting pictures of ourselves? Someone, I think Kaybe, said I look like sad Shia Labeof.
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Peter Lorre 51.gif
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Owe? Not exactly.
I will simply take that as it is.
I'm not trying to get you to think I'm attractive. The people I like already think I look dashing.
you're like a horizontally-stretched him, yeah
That's what being it dept means doesn't it?
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Peter Lorre 66.gif
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I don't think I look like him at all. Shia Labeof is a white man, I am not.

Not exactly.
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Your head is rounder

Fancy that
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I fancy it quite a bit.
a very fat one
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Peter Lorre 159.gif
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I don't look like him at all. And I've a Japanese like head structure.

Because we both have beards? That's prejudice.
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Good job not looking like a pedo-poop at least.
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Peter Lorre 126.gif
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Fat I'll take, like him I will not.
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still rocking that good short scruff?

like I taught you
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I prefer that "ruff fuck" look if you know what I mean.
I might as well join the train. This is the closest you're gonna get to a pic of me
Well then I'm not really sure what does
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Shave cause your facial hair is EXACTLY the same.
We can compare his shaved pics with yours!
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It won't grow much past a flat beard anymore.
The flattery you two gave me when I lived there is enough to keep it short.
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No thanks
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Though I can be anything you want me to be, baby.
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Peter Lorre 339.gif
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I've recently gotten a haircut and trimmed my beard way down. I will not go clean shaven.

Well alright then.
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I've considered going without it entirely.
I don't remember if I've already asked but 'sup otherwise?
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Peter Lorre 122.gif
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You have asked. Not much at all is up.
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With your light skin and dark hair a 5 oclock look is perfect so unless you want to wax that's about what you'll have to live with no matter what.
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I want frilly twinks, bring me frilly twinks.
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I do look rather good with it.
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I mean, I don't have the jawline for that, but I can shave and wear a dress?
I don't know, I have pretty strong legs.
Too much to twink up.
Oh right. Well I'll go be an idiot somewhere else, see you later
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You're not a frilly twink, I said BRING me frilly twinks.
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the swimmer has arrived
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I have none.
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good morning
what did you guys make for breakfast
these two count

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I did not bring them, but I guess it works.
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cream cheese or butter?

hi nibi
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cream cheese

sup sexy
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Peter Lorre 310.gif
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I had a breakfast of cold coffee and cigarettes.
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that's what they served me when I was in france
Hello demo, I am having coffee. Should I have toast ant peanutbutter or cereal in a bit?

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toast and pb
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Peter Lorre 229.gif
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They know what they're doing as far as breakfast goes.
the only rational choice

i dont personally like peanut butter on toast but hey i'm not gonna be eating it
what cereal do you have
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of course

scraps of bread also
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>the only rational choice


I do like bread.
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then you would love france

all the cigarettes and bread you can cram down your throat
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Peter Lorre 221.gif
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I'd probably end up jumping into the Seine.
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I am thinking toast and pb. I have some Honey bunches of oats.
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how romantic

you could have a little bit of each
>disregarding honey bunches of oats
i can't believe you would do such a thing

hi groody
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Peter Lorre 210.gif
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Is drowning in a river romantic?
only if it's the seine
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I... I mite have some later
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Peter Lorre 6.gif
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I was not aware. Did you hear about the man who jumped into the Seine to kill himself but didn't die?
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I didn't
how are you?
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honey bunches of oats was how i was able to wake up in the morning for years

i'm good. enjoying my last day off
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Peter Lorre 279.gif
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He swam to shore because the water was too cold.
I enter here to see cute real animal pics, fuck you all
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animal, anime, close enough
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i-i'm a cute animal
rip going back to school?
I dream of drowning way too often, but it's never romantic
Ya. My move-in date is the 14th.
i still got 6 days of work until i'm actually done with the job.
I see, idk if you're like me but I can't wait to get back to school so I can stop working full time
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spot on.
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I figured you'd feel the same way
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Peter Lorre 81.gif
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I've had a few dreams myself. I dream a lot about serpents causing my death in some way, either directly in the case of my drowning dream or indirectly in the case of my being in a field that's caught on fire. If I close my eyes but don't go to sleep, I see serpents with human heads leaping at me from the darkness.
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the day /b went cute


and degenerated into cancer again
I think now I know too much for my own good. Thanks for the nightmares fool, I'm gonna enjoy those
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one night I woke up to my dad slapping the living shit out of me said I was sleep walking and screaming running around like a madman
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Peter Lorre 98.gif
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I don't sleep walk, I don't talk in my sleep, the only thing I do apparently is snore. Which was mildly upsetting to find out.

You don't like serpents?
I ate a banana in my sleep once, and they freaking filmed it
They're ok, I guess, never had any personal experience. Not so much serpents with human heads, that's a bit too much
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Peter Lorre 135.gif
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They still had fangs, unhinged jaws, and eyes like a snakes if that helps.
Thaaat only makes it worse, but thanks for trying
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Peter Lorre 394.jpg
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Humans with serpent heads don't seem too bad though
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Peter Lorre 141.gif
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I am afraid of humans though.
I thought I heard you say once that you like humans though? Is it some love/hate relationship?
Im only here for the amazing bhole pics....
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"Mein Trottoir ist gerissen!"
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How's it going guys?

Anime goat obsessed faggot here.
I'm contemplating why I'm such a failure.

Jokes aside, meh I'm alright, yourself?
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If you being a failure is one of your core beliefs, then you may be experiencing cognitive distortion.
And I'm doing fine, except for having a headache for no good reason.
Eugh headaches freaking suck, kill them with fire
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But fire spreads
How about kill them with hammers? Just gotta make sure to get them out of the head first, that part is essential
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I w
Uuh, I'm not following......
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The headache has caused me to malfunction
Drink some water asap
I think I might just give my brother the hammer treatment if he doesn't stop watching Alvin and the Chipmunks
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hi anime goate
thats a girl
*le da su kissu*
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He's still watching them?..

Hi cloning experiment boy
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Wasn't the first animal clone a goat?
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well fuck me
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could get a lot gayer
imagine if subby were here
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where he at doe
that would be overload
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he's at the gay peoples committee obviously
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But this is the gay peoples committee
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this is but a mild hyperbole of the committee sf attends
it's the opposite of hyperbole
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Sorry I went to kill myself but changed my mind

ALWAYS. Please help. Just kill me already. I live riiight here
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ultra balls
great balls
Don't mind if I do!
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of fire
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I do mind
Not ultra enough? Sorry I only like hyper
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12:32 PM - Fatass Cats Inc: 10:26 AM - Fatass Cats Inc: post this for me
10:26 AM - Fatass Cats Inc: YOU'RE FUCKING A WHITE MALE
10:26 AM - Fatass Cats Inc: etc
10:26 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
why does he
Why does who do what?
That's not helping
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you're dum
Thanks I do my best
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thanks self
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no problem demos

thanks for the acknowledgment
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totally welcome
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What have you been up to?
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i got one more week to go before i go back to uni
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i just don't wanna be working full time anymore
that job can get a little too stressful at times
People ask me why I love old games.
And I just tell them because they are so easy to break.
why do you love old games
Also they actually have legs in this game now.
The galley is a lot farther back than I thought.
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It's the little things, Demos.
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do not break majoras mask
it deserves love and care
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14 - 1.gif
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It's more about having fun with the bugs.
It's not as filled as OoT.
I found out how to get under the ice in Zora's domain as an adult too.
squash you should do speedruns
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how did you figure that out
and why


i'd watch
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Just small things. Goron link can roll over certain height objects. That fence doesn't have a collision for rolling through it. Only jumping over it. As for the ice thing there's a ladder you can hookshot. It forces Link to grab the wall behind it and clip through.

Why is that?
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speedrunners are all about finding new ways to glitch games to get through them faster
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I'm not huge on them, but I could learn how if you guys want. I would probably do OoT or Majoras Mask.
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just thought it'd be something you might find interesting
do majora
oot already has a game-breaking glitch to make it doable in like 10 minutes
Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151

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