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/b/ why do mods hate hunger game threads? Like fucking seriously

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Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 84
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get the cross.jpg
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/b/ why do mods hate hunger game threads? Like fucking seriously I get that there is one or two fags avatar fagging but can't they just ban that guy instead of purging hunger game threads?

>Pic unrelated
learn to live with the spiderposter and then you gonna understand OP
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OP was a dumbass and completely stopped doing a HG thread in the middle and made a new one.
He deserved the derail
The derail happened even before he made the new thread.
Which is why he made the new thread to begin with.
I agree with that but fucking hell why do they keep purging hunger game threads? This shit has happened before due to faggots (at the time me and a few others) were avatar fagging in hunger game threads but no matter what the mods just kept purging them no matter what, even when everyone stopped avatar fagging and we got about 1/4 of the way though but still it got purged.
I'm not the same spiderfag that was someone else
Idk man mods are fuckin weird

>inb4 ban
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Megu fag poster here.

This is probably mine and Iceland's fault. From here on out, I'm not gonna be an autistic fagshit and avatarfag as Megu anymore.

And I'll just hope that if I stop, The Mods will forgive.
trips checked
must be the truth
you guys are summerfags, if you think the spiderfag is just one guy usually, you need to lurk more.
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I just want my dog to kill people. Is that avatar fagging?
Kinda missing when Moot was still here, as at least the mods banned individuals instead of purging threads.

It's best that you do that, I learned that the hard way but mods don't seem to give a shit and will purge anything Hunger games related for now.
I guess I'll go with regular Ragsdale
no way, the jimmy nelson guy also post tons of nelsons and same with other anons.
OP was a newfag at hosting HG.
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If Avatarfagging was the true problem them these threads would of been purged with the teamfights a while ago

Everybody probably mass reported the spiderfag and the mods noticed, and just deleted the threads out of laziness
what about the other threads that were deleted?
Mod justice that or they didn't want to deal with the problem again.
He banned the 2 new ones as well, which had very little amounts of posts
im temped to make a thread myself to see if mods delete it but i cant actually host
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I honestly don't know if Avatarfagging is the problem. But I'm gonna stop using Megumin as a Tribute. Just to be safe.

Dubs for Megu, I guess.
welp. Why do I even try?
Are mods even real or are they a figment of our imagination? What if mods are just drunk russian men who sit at a computer with every key on their keyboard binded to delete a random thread on a press?

also still wtf mods y
James poster here
if it helps ill stop useing james for awhile
even if my dreams are crushed
Everyone from past Hunger Game Threads report in and state your Tribute picks.

Megu/Pacman/Ghost here.
Im here
/James/moltres James/
Agents / Power Rangers / Greninja poster here
Been tired of themes so I've been entering random tributes at will trying things out
SSBragsdale/Bartleby/that brown Pupper with blue collar
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Do you mean regulars or just the ones tonight? I usually post Mr Clean bit I haven't been in a Game tonight
ayyyyy Clean anon is here
Waluigi here
It seems that the Mods have let up on the mass 404-ing of Hunger Game threads.

If there is another one worthy enough to start up a hunger games thread. To test the waters. Please do.
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Jontron, I was busy playing a game on steam and later came back to see this.. well mods seems shity
>the other HG purge discussion thread just got deleted
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Remember dis?
Probably due to lack of responses.
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Shinji suicide.jpg
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I remember many things
Yeah it seems that way.
We could start a Hunger game thread in this one, it could get under the mods radar.
My dog Jackal
I think we should start another one, yes.

To at least test the waters if Mods are still bloodthirsty.
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sounds nice.

The mods are removing threads tho it was not breaking any rules.
no someone should just start by making a new one and testing the waters
dont want to risk this thread getting deleted
shit sorry
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We could try but if it fails then the mods will be back to searching
Okay, who's gonna make the new thread?
stop we dont want this thread getting deleted
could someone link thread if theres a new one
We should use the same tributes we've been using.

To try and be 100% sure that it was or wasn't the summerfag causing the mass Purging.
I agree, worst case scenario this bread gets deleted.

Not now, I can't host one for shit right now as my internet is too fucking slow.

The mods just do what they want.

Eh, it won't be that bad if the mods delete this bread.
bumping to stay alive
and more bumping
Oh my Quad.
Satanic Quads. Bump.
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Fucking checked
couldnt we just host a /b/ styled HG thread on /trash/ since thats where HG threads seem to be immune
i think we could
I think we should.
At least, for a little bit. Until this all blows over.
you can host here, just don't let the spiderposter affect you or derail the thread
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Dat 6666
I think we would
Is it the one with the first comment being "NIGGERS"?
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They will know and try to find a bad reason to remove.
I doubt it. We'd have to specify in the title /b/ styled thread or some shit otherwise it ends up being absorbed by the cancer that is /trash/
Someone step up and make another HS Thread.

The waters must be tested before the full dive.

And if we're safe, Then we play it out as a normal HG Thread.
I could make the HG thread, although I can't make the actual game.
If we get enough posts and mods dont delete us then we can proceed and I guess I'll have to host
i would host but i dont want to get banned for 2 months again
but if someone does decide to host please add james..
>I can't make the actual game.

How so? What's the issue?
ill make the thread and link it here
itll be on /b/
Good man.
Alright, however brace yourself for a fast ban.
You da real MVP.
Doing gods work anon
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Before the new thread starts. Once again, Speak your voice, Past Tributes. Show that you're all still here.

Megu/Pacman/Ghost here.
If you get banned, do we have a name for you to remember your plight?
Godspeed, anon.
get in fast
James here
Waluigi guy right here
SSB Ragsdale here
Neptune still here
My doggo Jackal
Oh. shit. Is it actually safe to come out?
We don't know. testing the waters.
bumping to stay alive.
Thanks anon but it looks like were good
doesn't seem like it
Le bump
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My last bump gif
Well, it seems the mods have finally fucked off
Good riddance I say, now we can actually enjoy HG in peace.
No problem anon *tips fedora*
Can't let this post die, anyone still here?
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Megu has come to bump the thread.

To all who said "yes" to letting me join in the HG thread due to me being late, I love you all.
Yet again, no problem anon *tips fedora*
Bump again!
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Bump a third time.

Is anyone out there?
I am anon.
Identify yourself. Are you a tribute?
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Yeah and Neptune (plus Hitler and Benito) are my tributes.
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I see.

Megu/Pacman/Ghost/Fluffy Reporting for duty.
Bump once more.
Make Bumping Great again
We need to Bump a wall.
Hunger Games=Gay Faggotron
Can't bump the bump
Motherfucking B-U-M-P.
A simple bump.
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Ghost is now bumping the thread.

Pls nu
Lovely seeing this thread still up.
Bumping for longetivity
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Papa Sonic.png
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how is this thread still bumped i just hosted a fucking 48 thread for the past hour
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Anime Markiplier Bumps this Thread
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Megu poster here.

I've been bumping it this whole time. Along with Nuptune.
Waluigi bumping
Pupper bumping
Hetalian here
ive been lurking this thread for awhile
might as well
I guess this is now a bump thread?
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And I am still here.
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Megu/Pacman/Ghost Here.
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Well, i say we still bump this thread.
And i killed you, so, fuck off, Papa Sonic
Waluigi still here
SSBRAGSDALE still here
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Neptune/Adolf (and his bois)/Mussolini
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James still here
I was also Patrick with a Sword and Fluffy.
this two hour thread is about to 404, don't let it
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Guys we need a new thread to see if this is true
These past threads have been an absolute joy.

I still can't believe people stood up for me, And wanted me to join in that Hunger Games Thread when I was late.

And again, I thank you all for that.

-Megu poster.
Challenge to go with this, don't let this thread 404 before that new round ends
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Here is Papa Sonic/ Mr. Popo/ Krusty
This has been a blast. Most fun I've had in months.
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Well, with that, I'm probably gonna head out now.

James, You better fucking win next time.

You all take care now.
Alright, see you.
I will return later tonight.
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Ohayo nep.png
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Bye Megumin anon.
keep bumping
Actually, no. I changed my mind. I'm staying. Sorry to scare you all.
Especially cause a new thread is about to pop up.
Papa Sonic is ready
i really hope those quads dont lie
>James is ready
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Ready to get a knife in the head again, you mean?
Waluigi is ready.
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Megu is ready.
Anime Markiplier is ready
Sweet, All three of mine made it in.
stay bumped
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James made it!!
Wew lad, claiming 3 spots in a 24 thread? that is too much.
i was in a thread once were over half were claimed by one guy it was only 24 too
GL, bro.
What a fucking cuck.
Did he win? With one of his characters?
bumping for conversation and keeping alive
no he didnt some random dudes one
and he raged so bad
They have no point and die out really quickly
No they don't.

Anon this thread is almost three hours long, don't you start shit now.
>Die really quickly


>They have no point

Exactly they have no point. Thanks for agreeing.
Goodluck, all who got in.
I don't agree.
please go away.
Guys stop replying to this faggot, you are using up comments that can be used to bump to keep this bread alive.
Then learn to english. I said they dont have a point and then you said "no they dont". Please go away.
Ill reply to who I want bitch.>>698043793
cmon keep bumping
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Stop bumbing you imbeciles, the thread won't die as long as there will be a reply less then nine minutes old or the thread reaches bump limit of 300.
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Last second Bump.
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Bump, time to use up the limit boys.
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Thanks for the idea! Bump
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what the fuck.jpg
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>tfw summerfags don't understand when to bump.
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no idea why i have this gif but might aswell use it
No bump am posting may mays.
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Fkin noob
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In this thread: test your memes!
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100 more to go boys! Lets finish this thread for good.
y tho?
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Let's keep it going, boys.
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Because hunger games are for fags lol.
Contributing to the fall of this thread!
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Hop on!
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You better take that back, you little shit.
this is one of the longest threads in ages and you want to ruin it?
Let it live see how long it can last
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Lel get owned ha
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Holy shit, Neptune. Are you out there?
Im the James dude i just bumped the thread because someone said it needed a bump
why would i try to ruin the thread?
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I take credit for only the dankiest memes.
Still here won't leave until bread is kill.

Sorry lad, since the other fag was shitposting pokemon shit I thought it was also him.
Bro, Ghost and Nuptune just kissed.

Too lewd.
The mods are fucking faggots. They ruin any good threads and fucking drool over traps.
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>1 percent

>when you realize why he stopped posting

>heavy majority of the yous
rip James.
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Three hours eh?
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Gonna bump
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Bump for James Death
70 more posts, sigh.
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They're all on >>>/trash/ tho
Those are as the name suggests trash and /b/ ones are way fucking better.
Petition to send all hg threads to tumblr.
Yeah, goodluck with that.
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If you say so but they really aren't much different. But who's to argue, you obviously don't care and are not moving.
Thanks! At the very least can we get them banned from /b/? Weve gotten close before, nows the time.
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>hg fags faces when this thread is gone
Dude, if you don't like 'em, just ignore them.
Kind of hard to do when we have posts like these.
And it's kinda of hard to enjoy them with faggot posts like these.
This post was made due to a mass purge due to mods not wanting to handle a spider shitposter that was worse than the Banana ones.
Spidey is smart, he doesnt want faggotry on this board either. -1 post. Tick. Tick.
>Counter so-called faggotry with actual faggotry

Yeah, That's smart.
Lets get this thread dead and gone.
Shit, Meant to reply to
Sureeeeeeee tick tock
Newfag alert. Spideys been around a lot longer than hg threads.
Anon I am a spiderman shitposter myself but his shit was for one were horrible in quality and had 9fag and other watermarks in it.
Spidey is a shit meme that should have died years ago
You should of died years ago too but luckly your parents are alright with a retard.
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Lets count down the final 40!
You mean just you?
Sure if I have to. Every post you add is a nother one down. So thanks!
Can you wait five minutes though?
Jesus Christ. Do you actually have nothing else better to do than hate shit that you don't like, And ruin the fun for everyone else who does like it?

Just fuck off, for everyone's sake, please.
Its 5 in the morning where I live and Im on 4chan. Is that even a question?
Final 30!
Oh shit, It's 10 AM for me glad I ain't the only person that has nothing to do
Well, I suppose that's true.

Silly me for asking a question I should've already known the answer to.
Super exicited for the final 20. #hungergameshype
Welp, it was nice while it lasted.
I hope you feel something other than emptiness for destroying other people's little joys in life.
This thread is now four hours long, good job lads.
go ahead and have the thread.
>little joys

I truly feel for you, honestly. Its like your first experience with the internet.
Your welcome.
Jesus christ dude, it was a thread on 4chan dont go all tumblr on us.
Ill leave younwith 299 posts. Enjoy.
Perfect, then I can finally sleep.
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Not going to bed untill I see this shit to the end.
>17 posters

>250+ posts

This post started with spam and ends with it.
290 huge landmark
Yeah, so?
Composers and Artists dude here

Just got off a 2 day long plane adventure yesterday
291 remember when this thread was new? Damn I feel old.
294 leaving with 299 and letting you kill yourselfs.
I know that feel, especially since I am original poster.
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1 MB, 2000x1414
Megu Ends the thread!
Atleast you go to see the end of something.... ill never be this lucky anon, 298
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Bye 299
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nep gives no shit.jpg
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Now I can finally rest, Neptune best waifu.

You will one day anon, one day.
Because we're tired of your shitty roleplay you no life niggers.
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>Neptune best waifu

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James dude here
im leaving for tonight
see yall tomorrow
>tfw thread isnt dead at 300
1v1 me hunger games

Bye James
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Night nep
Real fuckin nice.
Yo im curious if anyone here knows that code everyone uses in hunger games?
this is my last chance to find it
Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 84

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