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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>697373592 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (281).png
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Kyouko claimed.
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Claim your Tetis Waifu
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Oh sorry! Dont say you are unfit for your waifu, everyone is fit for there waifu not matter what

I try to listen to all of it if I dont I just get rid of it so i can put stuff I will actually listen to
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Oh yeah, you are at work now, aren't you?
You should read the books, they are good

I'm good!

How is lain going?
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Lurking, possibly.jpg
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Doll 6.png
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Best doll claimed.

Gonna head off for the night now, farewell good hunters.
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We don't say to the rich 'Give to the poor', we say 'German people, help each other'. Rich or poor, each one must help thinking, there's someone even poorer than I am, and I want to help them as a fellow countryman.
-Adolf Hitler
Top Overwaifu claimed
QOTT: What's your actual profession? How hard is your work? What does it pay?
>fast food
>physically not at all, psychologically is a constant struggle to not go full retard and beat people to death
>minimum wage; 10.7 maplebucks/hr, before taxes and deductions
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mandatory cc claim
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Says a lot about you
>you are not wanted here!
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>best it can do is Hearthstone.
Great game!
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Joseph joestar 6.jpg
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Im listening to music on Dubtrack now to hope to maybe find some new goodies
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You niggers have shit taste
also Olivier Mira Armstrong claimed
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Yui (7).jpg
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gonna watch more tonight I have been so busy I havent been able to do shit for myself so glad I have nothing to do today.

Game technician
physically and mentally the same
11 and hour
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yeah my laptops not bad as it is but having a pc that can run games on god tier setting would be awesome
Watch yourself, my 3D waifu works mcdonalds!
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Cook in a small cafe
Physically intensive because my body is fucked. Mentally intensive because the bosses never communicate with the people in the shop until the day of or the day before.
20 kangaroo dollarydoos per hour. Paid $500 in the bank weekly, anything over 38 hours is cash in hand.
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a bit evil.jpg
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>i take weight training, kinda physical whatever. it's fine mentally as long as teachers allow me to listen to music.
Good fortune for governments that the people do not think!
>Adolf Hitler
Excellent. Fucking. Taste. Pinnacle of Full Metal Waifus.
>brilliant leader
>smart as fuck
>pretty as a picture
>basically Esdeath minus psychopathy
I know. Well, Subway, but whatever. I fully acknowledge it's my own fault for fucking around in school and not going to post-secondary.
Cashier at Chinese restaurant
Same as you
8 USD an hour and free food each day

How far are you? Only the first episode?
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Joseph Joestar 16.gif
2 MB, 520x293
That game is in such a bad shitty state. They did make it balanced a little bit more with fucking mechs.
Is it to shitty for GMOD, because ATM that would be my favorite game and its a very easy one for your pc to handle
Oh no offense was meant.
I like the place, just its...meh
>storefront robotic verification screen
>Ancient Love Machine
>I'm the only entity in existence that has enough love to do it
>The joy of seeing Anons be happy with Waifus is payment enough
But I like Olivier!
Major Armstrong is better though
40 AU/hour
>dont rail me please
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Where the actual fuck do you work, a mining job?
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Joseph Joestar 11.jpg
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Good choice of waifu mate, probably my waifu if ジョジョ (JoJo) wasnt so great
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Im in my fourth year for accounting nignog.
Ya gotta get yourself some learnin.
Learn a trade or some. Elecrical or welding is pretty chill
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>What's your actual profession?
tattoo artist

>How hard is your work?
physically the only pain i get is in my hand.
psychologically i go under a lot of stress due me wanting to perfect everything due it being permanent

>What does it pay?
depending on how long it takes and the size it varies but the least i have been paid is £20
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Yui (40).png
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Ah, sorry for late replies, doing some other stuff.
And yeah, sure is, I've been collecting these parts for a while now and the wait is killing me.
Maybe one day Esdeath you can have your own.
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Sadly. Dont hurt me! I will kepp going!
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Joseph Joestar 9.png
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20 pounds for a tattoo, should be like a shitty drawn tiny one yeah?
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I'm shocked she hasn't been claimed
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maybe once im not a student maybe it would be nice and no problem on the late reply's ill be here ll night
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oh dear.jpg
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I should say something to start conversation...
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AU is koalabucks? Fuck, my wife makes better money than me.
I don't have the brains for math. My brain is really, really good with words. I had 30 words in my vocabulary before I was a year old, and I've always loved reading and writing. I read Moby Dick in an afternoon when I was 8. Same for Call of the Wild. I was reading and understanding books like Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies at 14. But I've always been utter shite at math.
Tat artists usually run about $100 CAD/hr where I am.
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Best girl imo
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Syndra [246].jpg
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how old are you o:
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yea, was a small flower on a girls thumb.
and i just started my career.
noice tripcode faggot o:
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She won't

~~im the one getting railed~~

It's not problem, you need to take your time watching it
>pew pew
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>What's your actual profession?
I'm a voluntary firefighter. Basically work on calls or when there's something planned like a maintenance or practice

>How hard is your work
Depends on whether or not I have to do stuff or only do the basic shit like being a backup or something like that. But it's hard mentally

>What does it pay
The pay is shit, not even above minimum wage

>no! I'm not one of you!
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I dun fucked up
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She's mine!
She's going to rail ME!
Not some slut like you!
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Thanks, but I guess Rem could fall for personality rather character.

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it took me 20 mins to do
plus i just started.
and it was tiny
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QOTTT: what dere is esdeath I think I know but would like a second opinion. also what dere would you say you are?

20 years old why?
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Joseph Joestar 12.gif
1 MB, 500x257
That tiny, jesus christ. Should have meant alot to her to pay 20 pounds for that tiny.
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Vigil - 273.jpg
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>im the 7th or 8th
Hm. Quite likely. I do know for certain that Sanya, Taihou, Tomoko and Kongou arrived earlier than yourself.

>everyone took a liking to me though i was hostile at the start
Yes, right. Personally, I perceive you as straightforward rather than simply hostile, though he never held any tolerance for faggotry.

>im gonna go with the 17th of october as i remember it being before halloween
You and me both. It is not a concrete date, to be sure, but the closest we have. It'll do. The seventeenth of October will serve as our anniversary. To support October further, my first bit of OC was created on November 1st. I'm not proud of it, but most of the older sect would have been around by this point, or else I wouldn't have been able to make it work.

>he reason i asked this is because i want us to celebrate our one year anniversary when it comes up
Ah. I see.
I'm not certain how we'd celebrate it either, though the idea is nice, nevertheless.
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Then be a garbage man
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sure laddy
you act 12
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Yui (36).jpg
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Ah, what are you studying? If you don't mind me asking.
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Thanks for understanding my love~

Nigga you so late
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What have I done?
Ah, that'll do it.
Esdeath is painfully yandere. I am probably dandere.
I actually need to look into that. Hear it pays well.
Esdeath is just plain crazy

Ran seems to be considered Yandere a lot
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do i? well im not im 20
>not going to fall for it
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Joseph Joestar 3.jpg
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Garbage men dont earn very low. around 2000 euro a month, where i live atleast
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You sonuvabitch
But you just said you didn't want to be railed?

Hey Galko
Well, who do you pick?
Just tell me what you think and what is happening at some points through it
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Hang me
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That and plumbin, hell anything up.
Youll get there eh
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I was going into nursing but I gave up cause I hated it im studying law atm....well i will be in september
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I was eating and shit, don't blame me. In fact, I have to leave again soon to shower. GOnna wait till next thread to secure waifu.
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download (6).jpg
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We claiming Holo, best wolf-god hybrid.
She's the stocking
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Hell yeah man. Gotta pay em well to have them do that job

I feel like she should at least look a little bit better than that...
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Homura (8).jpg
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Why not?
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That's rich.
I see, want to be a lawyer I suppose?
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Ohayo 3.png
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Be back in a little bit

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You pranked me good

I don't know
How was the sleep?
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witty file name 8.png
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>studying law
Congratulations man.
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I already said that. Get rekt again

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Does a man have to pick?!
Howdy, gunwife.
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would be pretty neat howd you know haha
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Ohayo 2.png
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Am not.
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Okay I will keep you posted

kek I was joking man, I have to eat anyways so probably gonna catch ya next thread
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Homura (9).jpg
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That's only happening in about 2 hours, yours?
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thanks shiro I hope it works out for me better than nursing did
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I'm her shipmate!
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Joseph joestar.jpg
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ジョジョ is off cya.
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KyoukoHomu (24).jpg
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Fuck off
Ship the two underage fags ITT
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And time to disappear again

But you are
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Broken by a toddler with conjunctivitis and already not feeling well. Somehow Im not tired.
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Yui (10).jpg
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>qt ohayou
>nice trips
To be honest, I'm not sure what else you can do with a law degree/certification.
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Yo tom
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I'm shipped with Renge.
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HomuKyou (36).jpg
1 MB, 1500x938
Nice buttcrack.

Doing good, started GuP a while ago, going for the 2nd epi now.

Insert compliment without turning this post into hugbox.

How fun. Yet another reason for me not to want to have kids.
Only good clothing anime was Ecchi la Ecchi
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hello knees
You and esedese are both underage
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1 MB, 1440x810
thats true haha

>almost thought you were megumin
I cant see...

ship the shitposters!
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Ohayo 4.png
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But I'm not.
>Bye cute bote, have fun wherever you're going!


Am not!
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I wouldnt know. I dont really watch much anime
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broken arm.png
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Oh yeah, you could rail us both!


I can join and make it a three person ship
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Explode with tomoko
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explosions are ok i guess
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For Yui (4).png
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So, how long will it all take?
>you've already made it further than me.
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All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand
In California with my toes in the sand
Use the sleeves of my sweater
Let's have an adventure
Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
You in those little high-waisted shorts, oh

She knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no

'Cause it's too cold
For you here and now
So let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides our minds
So move to a place so far away
The goose bumps start to raise
The minute that my left hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face
Put my finger on your tongue
'Cause you love to taste, yeah

These hearts adore
Everyone the other beats hardest for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour

Coming down
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no, no, no
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is that you my friend?
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Actually leaving for now. I'll be on later tonight!
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14 - 2.gif
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I like you
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Better late than never, how are you?
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yes hi
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Oh wow, The shitposter returned
Don't have anything better to do I take it?
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Kneesocks for Ants.png
172 B, 9x9
Later sister

Ew, thats...pretty fuckin gross
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Not my kid. It shouldnt be for too much longer.
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>oh wow, my chinese animu thread is ruined now
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could take a while I know getting the law degree itself takes 4 years I believe

hello haven't spoken to you through waifu in a while
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pretty fuckin sexy
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>I feel like she should at least look a little bit better than that...
That's impossible though.
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Yui (38).png
3 MB, 2448x3829
Wow, let's hope it's worth it, and good luck.
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I may not be good at math, but logic is another thing altogether!
So do you literally download all these pics just to shitpost on waifu or what? Is that literally the express purpose of this?
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241 KB, 316x435
I sexually identify as a Joey'sWorldTour
she sure has a great personality anon
Thread replies: 164
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