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In case you didn't understand this meme, Bernie pretty much

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In case you didn't understand this meme, Bernie pretty much summed up the meaning in his speech at the DNC the other night.
I think OP actually is an example of the Dunning Kruger effect.

For those who don't know. it's a phenomenom where idiots think they're smart (Brian Griffin - Family Guy). It may also apply to smart people who believe they're nothing special and believe tasks that are easy for them are easy for everyone.
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Go away HillShill
I have cerebral palsy. Does that count?
Immunity cat rides with me

My uncle has that. it hasn't affected is mental capacity at all. he is in a wheelchair though.
Ironically, im pretty sure this applies more to Bernie supporters
>stupid black people, we're trying to help you!
>WE know what's best for you so stop complaining and attack the mean republicans instead!
agreed. luckily it's about 20% of the republicans that truly support him. nothing to worry about in the long run

but still, the media pretends it's close to they sell ads. and it's better if people think it's close so they get out and vote.
>this damage control

Delicious libshit tears
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The more the DNC tries to push itself as the party of the smart and casts its detractors as stupid or uneducated who cant make decisions for themselves the harder they are going to get pushed back. The educated urban liberal is hated everywhere other than their own circles.
When Bernie rolled over & licked the DNC's collective ass by accepting that he was sabotaged on a national stage, I decided he's not worth listening to at all. Go fuck yourself, sir.
He is a cuck of the highest order.

He's one of those guys that gets cheated on constantly by his wife, yet knows about it and does nothing.

Yeah, we totally need that beta horseshit in the whitehouse.
Quints can't lie
Rather than emboldening the Right, I think it's just weakening their own base.

I've typically been a left-leaning independent, even registered independent when my teacher forced us to register back in HS. But the Dems are completely repulsive to me at this point. I was surprised during the primary season when I found myself hoping for a Ryan encampment to help oust Trump, turn the Right away from the bullshit they've courted for about a decade now, and teach the Left a lesson. But here we are...
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Your kind is irrelevant now. The Emperor will cleanse filth like you from the kingdom.
Bernie is a fucking idiot. Anyone who takes his word as sage advice is also a fucking idiot.
lol yeah.

>Mexicans, we'll let you in so we can get the "Taco bowl" vote or whatever we secretly call you spics in our emails that got hacked and released
>a supposedly smart person posting such an obvious false dichotomy fallacy

>had the black vote
>is a power hungry cunt
>wants the feminazi vote and spouts their bullshit to get it

I get shitting on Bernie, but isn't that much closer to the Hillary starter pack?

>referencing Dunning Kruger effect in a pretentious political diatribe
>misspelling "principle"

The irony is delicious
>This was said in emails between Hillary supporters

Trump being in any position of political power at all is disheartening as fuck. I can say so for Hillary as well. I honestly cannot fathom that we as a nation cannot produce better at that level. Maybe its my own insular bubble since i work in academic research where everyone is smart as shit but i mingle with the plebs, theyre not that dumb. It seems like people are just dissatisfied with life but it always baffles me how fuckin misguided they are about what the solution is. It feels like the capitalist revolution has begun to eat its own children.
If you work in academic research but can't piece this election cycle together then I would very much feel better if you were to quit doing academic research
>stupid black people, we're trying to help you!
>WE know what's best for you so stop complaining
Thats the republicans.
>pretending to be smart
>on 4chan

Irony here too
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Nice try, taking the intellectual highground by using "big words" to seem like a smart guy, which is by itself an aspect of the the Dunning-Kruger effect, further underlining your pseudo-intellectal position by using a classic "No True Scotsman" fallacy, making fundamentalistic claims about the thinking capacity of Trump voters. By itself, the effect which you used so nicely in your ramblings is hardly related to the matter, only being relevant to the creator of the image but neither to Trump or his supporters. So please, next time you shitpost, put some effort in it without leaving no room for discussion by embarrassing yourself from the very start.
Republicans only regards to racial issues is vehemently denying that they're racist
Did you forget all the butthurt when blm crashed Bernie's speech and all his supporters were getting upset cause 'Bernie's for the people'?
Trump got in because he represents an alternative to the establishment and politicians in bed with corporations
Hillary got in cause the DNC rigged the contest
It's actually both parties but either way fuck niggers
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Why? Only an idiot buys into the liberal idea that he is hitler or bad with the economy.

He seems pretty open minded, believes in the second amendment, and is actually willing to fight ISIS.

Did you know that Nintendo only bought 32 percent of the company controlling pokemon go? Do you understand why?
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I'm not even OP but pic related
I love that cat. I'm sure he's saved me from many a horrible fate. Just think-one post and you're saved. Truly the G-d that we need.
Trump was just a meme... how the fuck did anyone let him get this far.. seriously...
we're fighting isis, idiot. it's dumb people like you that make this country look bad. you dumb little shits shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.
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The Clinton Cash documentary is all lies.
politics was ripe for trolling. it got brought into the crossfire with the internet and social media.
He turned a million dollar loan into 250 million of renewable annual income. He pulls a billion dollars every 4 years. He's there because he has the ability. The Clinton's were kissing his ass in the photos they took together. They were trying to butter him up to get political welfare. The only way they understand how to make money is corruption and bribes.

Shit hillary took money from countries openly hostile to the US which is referee to directly in the constitution article 1 section 9. How the fuck can you be sworn into the presidency, take the oath to protect the constitution, and be directly violating it living off foreign bribes?
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Doesn't this very statement translate to 'if you vote for trump, you may think you are smart, but you are really not, cuz I is smarter'...?
>we're fighting isis, idiot.

Dropping leaflets on them before bombing their oil trucks and half assedly bombing them in Iraq as you fund them in Syria barely qualifies as fighting them.
Idgaff! Trump 2016!
>left wing statist
>speaking against social engineering
I lold, op. Good one.
Oooo an ultimatum how
can I possibly survive!?
You gotta stop believing everything he says. His father was already a tycoon. You took the b8
We aren't really fighting ISIS, obama has had multiple opportunities to wipe them out, but he always holds back.

When bombing their oil trucks he had them drop pamplets telling them that they should evacuate because we are going to bomb their trucks an hour in advance just to make sure we didn't kill any of them.

As the US generals are retiring and can speak out against Obama, they do, because he is a dipshit. He is advocating dispensing islamic followers into every country and his advocacy is what is leading to these bombings.

He grew up muslim and he still is a little shit stain cuck for them.
our muslim allies are fighting them just fine. they don't deserve american troops being in danger. so far they're killing other muslims. fuck em.

ps no need to worry about terrorism here in the US. or mexicans, or muslims. it's actually been really pretty rare.

stop being a fucking coward
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The irony of this meme is staggering.
sure kid. the guy pulls a bait and switch on you and your tongue is still wagging.
another pseudointellectual for Hillary.
who cares? they're weak and inefficient especially in the US. 5 or 6 people killed here and there. fuck, more people die by accident. and i bet you with every attack, more lives are saved in other ways, through people uniting and not killing each other fora few days.

fuck ISIS and fuck you for being such a coward
His father didn't give him 500 busineses. His father's net worth was about 250 million. That's the amount of income Trump makes in a single year. You are just buying into the liberal bullshit without looking into the facts.
>our muslim allies are fighting them just fine.

Our "muslim allies" get their shit pushed in on the regular

>they don't deserve american troops being in danger.

Bombing the fuck out of them with jets does not put our troops in danger

>ps no need to worry about terrorism here in the US. or mexicans, or muslims. it's actually been really pretty rare.

>your countrymen getting killed and raped by invaders is pretty rare so get over it and vote for people that want more of them

>stop being a fucking coward
Not the one voting for the cuck party
hey genius, money's worth changes over time you fucking dummie
Hur dur
>people who think they're smarter than they are vote trump
Nice bait
I think both are a disgrace but all the Trump supporters I've met are a sepcial kind of stupid. They say his name like an old wop cunt says the rosary. If some story on the news-any network-mentions Russia they murmur "Donald Trump".They can't tell you why. They seem ignorant to the fact that Trump has a crush on Putin and vice-versa. It's like when the nogunz cabal murmur "Hillary will end gun violence" whenever there's a mass shooting. Even though violent crime is at a low. Fuck this gay earth.
wtf are you talking about? they just got them out of iraq. they're doing fine. fuck we shouldn't be helping at all but we are. no need for troops
>who cares?

People that care about their countrymen

>they're weak and inefficient especially in the US. 5 or 6 people killed here and there.

>san bernadino
>refugees raping and killing across the nation

>5 or 6
>just get over it and import way more you coward

You should probably kill yourself as soon as possible.
true, pretty much everyone thinks they're smarter than they really are.

with trump supporters you just shift the range down a couple notches
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>being this delusional
yeah exactly. immigrants are nothing to fear either. your cowardice is a fucking stain on the great country of the USA
Yuuuuppppppppppppppppp. Anyone who votes for Trump has autism. Like consciously making the decision to fuck your country in the ass. I will say that watching the Republican party crash and burn since 2000 has been great though.
yeah, it isn't. she's right. what's your point?
>wtf are you talking about? they just got them out of iraq.

>take back one city
>out of Iraq

>they're doing fine.
2 years to take one city is not "doing fine"

>fuck we shouldn't be helping at all but we are

>destroy secular government keeping radicals in order
>leave power vacuum because king nigger wants to leave early
>leave Isis a fresh playground

>hurr we should just ignore the problems we create that then affect us and Europe in the form of terrorism because gay democrats on 4chan said so.

>no need for troops
Again,storms of Jdams are not troops
You're the one being a cuck coward shitbag. Islam slowly kills off every other culture and you can be a complacent liberal fagwad and write it off if you want. That's your right limp wrist.

About 11,000 people die every year from gun homicides. In the Sep 11th attacks about 3,000 or just under people died. That is to say islam killed a figure equivalent to 20 to 30 percent of gun homicides in the US in one year.

Actually a good amount of the gun homicides were actually islamic murders in the US that year too.

Have you ever studied the formation of Pakistan or why it was formed. Your bitch ass needs a history lesson.
>thinking every gun owner is a mass shooter is dumb
>thinking every muslim is a terrorist is fine though

how stupid are you really? have you been tested?
This >>696750747 meant for >>696750298

Not >>696750325
Stupid phone
His father's wealth is quoted around the year 2000. Nice try trying to say inflation made 250 million worth more over 16 years.

Jesus man why do people that know nothing about economics or money so smugly talk about it?
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>equating owning an object to belonging to an ideology calling for the murder of all apostates

Last time I checked my firearms did not come with brochures telling me to kill all non believers.
>more fear

death is a fact of LIFE here, there, and every single country in the fucking world.

fuck off. it's hard to take you seriously when you're just a fucking sniveling coward.
At least he diddnt have to rig the votes to get nominated. Nor did he get unfairly clearedof a blatent felony. Fuck shillary
Oh yeah? What do you do then for a living? Do you contribute to society?
guns are specifically designed to kill. you can't get more specific than that. they'll kill anything if the trigger is pressed. they don't decide on a case by case basis.
Why are you so fucking retarded?
Open minded? With regards to what? Because it's not social issues, that's undeniable.

I'm going to ignore your attempt at appearing smart by referencing pokemon go, thanks.
she won fair and square by getting more votes.

even if she didn't, political parties are allowed to pick nominees any way they want to. popular vote being used to pick started int he early 1970s.
I guess that means no, you don't understand how Pakistan was formed because you're a dipshit child. Islam spreads by slowly killing everyone else off, that's why so many middle eastern countries are about 98 percent islam, because they murder everyone else.

You not standing up and opposing them makes you a weak pussy piece of shit. Fear fear fear. You're afraid to oppose anyone else. Enjoy wearing things and panties bitch.
i wear things all the time.

i just don't care about muslims. i don't care about pakistan. i don't care about the muslim countries. i dont' even care about france.

i also don't live in fear.

the US will be fine. and it's already the best country in the fucking world. it's already the best.
That's why he's up by 3-4% in the polls right?
And they are inanimate objects that tens of millions of people use every day to kill no one.

Again, you can own a gun and not subscribe to the belief of murdering people because they don't agree with you.

Islam on the other hand is a belief system that calls for the death of those that do not believe what they believe.

If you stray from this then you are not a true follower of islam.

and considering how many muslim countries are shitholes rules by sharia law and the fact that the FBI has received no assistance with domestic terror investigations since 9/11 I would assume that a lot if not the majority are serious muslims.
he got a bump from the convention idiot. it was exdpected.

and anyway that's just popular vote. here in the US we have something called the electoral college. he has a large uphill battle for those states he needs to win. that isn't reflected in some single poll.
The GOP doesn't keep losing because the last presidential candidate wasn't a big enough asshat.
If you can't move a bit to the center, at least try to move a bit towards sensible.
No, you choose to ignore my reference because you don't understand why. That also is part of why you don't support Trump, because you don't understand money or economics.

A lot of his actual beliefs are fairly progressive. He has supported the legalization of pot before as well as abortion. He may say bullshit niw like Hilary does to get elected, but he's a pretty laid back libertarian on a lot of fronts and is on record as such.

You don't need to think I'm "pretending" to be smart. I graduated summa cum laude with 3 degrees and run part of the CA state's administration. So you can suck my fucking balls.
oh noes, the evil muslims are coming to get me in my sleep! run run!

fucking coward. that's all you are.
I know you don't care about Pakistan. What you are really saying is that you have no idea how it was formed or why. If you objectively studied it on your own without being babied into liberalism by teachers and parents and you had a real grounding in the history of Islam you would think differently.
I don't understand what princicple means... I looked it up and I don't think its a word.
>The GOP doesn't keep losing because the last presidential candidate wasn't a big enough asshat.

>keep losing
>one presidency

The GOP barely lost to Obama twice and they nominated Neocon cuckservatives that conservatives hate.

Trump gained more votes than any other GOP candidate in history, couple that with the recordbreaking turnout in the GOP primaries and the downtrending turnout for the DNC and their shitshow of a convention with the most crooked candidate in recent history with more to come and the communist betraying 46% of their primary voters.

This election is going to be fun watching democrats cry themselves to sleep.
After the election will be fun when trump cries that the whole was rigged against him
>Trump gained more votes than any other GOP candidate in history

no he didn't fool. he brought more republicans out to the primary, that's it.
it won't be fun because his idiot base all believe in these conspiracy theories.
>DNC rigging against bernie proven fact
>hurr is all lies you racist republiturd
OP... You don't understand the Dunning Kruger effect. Did you post this ironically?
Bullshit! Clinton Cash is verified and validated. Schweizer is willing to debate anyone on the facts.
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Are you literally retarded?
it's not. he got less votes. even the people who work for him acknowledge that. trump supporters want to try and make it stick but they can't.

anyway, primaries are irrelevant. parties can do anything they want. letting the people decide started in the 1970s
Let them, they have a right to think whatever the fuck they want. This whole election is shit, it's making everyone spew their ideas like everyone gives a shit. I can't fathom why there is so many political posts anymore, no one listens, they only argue and both walk away feeling like they're better than the other person.
your image says votes, dummy, not new voters. you're a fucking idiot.

>tries to call someone retarded
>is literally retarded himself
Bernie lost. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming everyone but yourselves.
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No, he understands it perfectly. Troll harder Trumpfag.

What does Dunning Krueger have to do with voting for Trump?
>being this fucking stupid

He got more votes than any other Republican candidate in primary history. He will beat Hillary in a close race. Something like 51/49. And all the news networks will act shocked.
>>Trump gained more votes than any other GOP candidate in history


>more votes than any other GOP candidate in history

are you retarded?
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votes are meaningless. you know how many people came out for primary for obama? hardly any. he still won faggot
TBH quite a few democrats voted trump for lulz.
>DNC leaked emails literally prove there was a conspiracy within to push for Hillary
>DNC setting up riots and campaigning against bernie through pacs
>affecting coin flips

>hurr she got more votes after we had a coin toss and gave them to her!

>those emails are just russian propaganda!
I believe I'm a piece of shit, does that make me smart or accurate...
who cares? in the end he got less votes than she did. a lot less. he lost. period.
And he barely won against candidates the right HATES

>in the end he got less votes than she did. a lot less. he lost. period.

>ran against 17 other people

>she ran against a commie and a half
He also got the record of the most votes against him
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.00017% of gun owners committing crimes
25% of the Muslim world endorsing terroristic activities against the west
>pulls number 25% straight out of his ass

why should anyone believe you faggot?
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>>those emails are just russian propaganda!
Because foreign influence is only bad then those corrupt democraps benefit it. When righteous Trump benefits, it's good, because it benefits Trump.

It's just simple logic, you stupid communists.
Can I get that cited?
ha ha should shut that faggot up. but of course, self delusion is hard to let go
of course not. he made that shit up.

known muslim terrorists have to be at least less than 0.00017% of all muslims, that's for sure.

That's what happens in high turnout primaries, do you think all of those republicans are going to turn to the embodiment of everything they hate the most in the general to spite trump?

unlike dems convention full of booing the winning candidate the only person that got booed at the RNC was Cruz for not endorsing Trump.

>hurr the republicans are so divided, we will show how unified we are at the DNC

>it's a split shitshow with thousands of protestors

the DNC has not claimed the emails are false, they are claiming that because they floated the idea about the russians that trump is bad.


muslim #

I have a few for guns I will post in a second
Nobody's going to comment on the quints? No? Okay.
>muslim terrorists have to be at least less than 0.00017% of all muslims

>endorse terrorism

Learn to read libshit

In the United states, a country with at least 310,000,000 firearms available or in the hands of the average citizen,there is an average of 9021.8 firearm murders a year.

To break that down
There are an estimated 114,000,000 handguns in the united states, with an average of 6407.6 handgun murders per year.

114,000,000 -99.9% = 140,000

140,000 handguns is .1% of the amount of handguns in the US

140,000 handguns / 6407.6 is 21.8490542481

So the total average of handguns used for murder is 21 times less than .1% of the total number of Handguns in the US.
Now onto rifles

There are an estimated 110 million rifles in the united states and an average of 350.4 rifle murder ever year.

110000000 - 99.9% = 110000

110000 = .1% of the total number of rifles in the US

110000 rifles / 350.4 = 313.926940639

So the total average of Rifles used for murder is 313 times less than .1% of the total number of rifles in the US.

Now to wrap up we will go over the total number of murders to the amount firearms owned or available

In the United states there are an estimated 310,000,000 firearms in civilian circulation.

On average there are 9021.8 firearm murders each year.

310,000,000 - 99.9% = 310,000

310,000 = .1% of the total number of firearms in the US

310,000 / 9021.8 = 34.3612139484

So the total average of firearms used for murder is 34 times less than .1% of the total number of firearms in the US
i'm not watching some youtube shit. give me a credible news source or you're just making it up. period.
It was said in high level official democratic party communications. Not just "supporters"
>trusting facts on muslims, from a jew

Sources on gun numbers
Source on homicide numbers

The video discusses pew research polling in muslim countries, I am not going to collect all of the studies it cites because you are lazy.
>he is citing pew research

>hurr we can't trust dem now!
i don't know why you felt this was necessary. i believe you that the number of guns used in murder is very small.

there are 1.6 billion muslims. and, let's say, 10,000 (though that number is probably very high) terrorists we know for sure so far.
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As I keep saying to you "intellectuals" on the Left: perhaps if you're truly as smart as you think you are, you should own up to the very clear fact that you're all shit educators, and that you've failed, for YEARS, to educate anybody on what you're constantly on about.

Personally though, I think you're all dumb as dogshit ;^)
hmmm i wonder how many gun owners "support" some form of murder? of our enemies? of terrorists? of child rapists? do you have a number for that?

you seem to be able to get a number of billions of people pretty easily.
>terrorists we know for sure so far.
And the person you are bitching about said

>people that endorse terrorism

Pew went to a bunch of muslim countries and asked what they thought about radical islam and extrapolated based on their finidngs

25% of a billion muslims supporting the actions of groups like Isis is not saying that all of them are terrorists, but that they support their actions and have radical views.

The shills are out in force today.

So, let the Syrian refugees sweep across Europe like locusts? Even if we ignore the chaos in Grrmany from average muslims, the rape crisis in Sweden from average muslims, chanting how nonbelievers need to be beheaded in he UK, and how backwards he political elite are in covering eyes and ears, should we still bring them in if we
A. Have no idea who they are or where they come from with no vetting?
B. Know there is a definite chance that ISIS is interspersed with the migrants
C. Don't even know why Europe and Germany HAVE to accept the Syrians even though there are dozens of middle eastern and north African countries with the same culture and values
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oh my i dont see a pattern at all
>father worth $250 million in 1999, these values account for inflation.
>even once inflation is factored in again worth about $400 million
>trump pulls $1 billion every four years

>b-but mooney changes over time guys!
You think 10,000 is a high estimate? I'd bet it's many times that. And no I don't have numbers to support that, just a wild ass guess. But I bet it's right.
>clarion project

oh boy yu went all out to find a valid source huh?
Who gives a shit?

they are not subscribing to a belief system that says we have to kill non gun owners

>giving a shit about killing the enemy and murderers

>trying to equate killing our enemies and murderers to a mass of people that disagree with our way of life invading our lands and killing our people
Clarion Project | Challenging Islamic Extremism - Promoting Dialogue
doesnt sound biased at all
dude you honestly believe that 500 million people want to kill you?

trump supporters are nothing but fucking cowards
But any "legitimate" news or research source you trust is biased in the opposite direction... desperately searching for anything they can publish that will win them political points and therefore views and money.
Read the Quran, then say Islam is a religion of peace.
anyone in the education biz is a dyed in the wool "neoconservative/neoliberal"/nazi, and bernie is a shill

If you stand for freedom, don't vote for anyone, this scares the dark lords the most
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>meanwhile gun ownership soaring

>it's the guns and the low gun crime is just because murder is dropping generally!

>dude you honestly believe that 500 million people want to kill you?

No, I believe at least 250,000,000 people believe sharia and Isis are acceptable.

>trump supporters are nothing but fucking cowards

>point to clear data stating a large portion of people belonging to a belief system that wants to kill me are fine with my death

>man you is just a coward

not an argument.
Valid source. What an odd concept. Why not go straight to their holy scrolls and the faggots who read them to the average muslim
>ill convince you to not have a different opinion by berating the shit out of you

All you're doing is calling people retarded and hoping they become your best friend. It's just widening the gap between trump supporters and Hillary supporters. Nobody wins when this shit happens.
696742286 is a whiny fag
But youre on /b/?
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>But any "legitimate" news or research source you trust
I would still trust fox news, cnn, or even msnbc on gun statistics before I'd trust the NRA
>assumes we think every Muslim is a terrorist
>ignores that we're talking about the very obvious link between Islam and terrorism and how this should be talked about rather than shoved under a blanket of islamophilia

Right, we're hypocritical. Great.
the christian bible has some pretty shit in it too.

hardly any religions start out peaceful. christianity has 1,000 years on muslims. it's more about the shitty countries these muslims are in.
>ignores link between every mass shooter owning a gun

whoops. you can't have it both ways faggot
Just can't win, eh?
You try to discredit an argument that islam is dangerous for some reason I can't fathom, probably because you're tired of your political party's frontrunners being called pussies for trying to prevent as much extra violence as possible from breaking out between christians and muslims. Doesn't it seem strange to you that they're so afraid of violence breaking out among "peaceful" muslims and "peaceful" christians?

Religious views that are taken too seriously cost people their lives almost constantly in this modern terrorism pandemic... why does it matter whether or not there are exact numbers supporting the claim that there is a problem?

Will you at least admit that there is a problem with religion? Clinton isn't willing to do that, she doesn't want to do anything about it because it's a lose lose situation for someone in politics to step in publicly.
Socialists will never be the friends of any person, even in the flawed democracy of the USA. Don't need those kind of friends
>christianity has 1,000 years on muslims

Christianity evolved with it's population, Islam will not evolve because the middle east will not evolve.

we keep killing all the secularists that have actual opportunities to change some of the middle east.
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It's probably more like 20 to 40 million are in favor of killing other cultures. Please tell me this isn't the same person that I've been asking to look into the history of the formation of pakistan.

What is the population of pakistan? What is their religion and why was the country formed?
Why do you try to argue social problems with statistics and numbers anyway? What advantage does that give you other than shutting down your opponent, whoever that happens to be, and thus shutting down all conversation about the topic.

Is it so scary to talk about something based on human nature.... philosophically? Without any numbers attached?
And a single guy with a fucking truck killed more people than the worst mass shooting by a single gunman (Anders Breveik in Norway).

Guns are not the optimal tool for a mass killing. There are many much more easy to obtain weapons that are far more deadly.

Ban trucks!
not the same person, but i don't give a shit about Paskistan either.

you want to know? look it up on google
I enjoy anonymity here in political discussions. That way liberals can't stalk you. Usually I'm not here as I'm either working or traveling 10 hours plus a day.
yeah you're right. and single terrorists are not the best way to kill as many people as possible either. war is.
>Why do you try to argue social problems with statistics and numbers anyway?

Reals > feels
If you think about it in an abstract sense... there are a large number of Americans that constantly talk about bombing the middle east to solve the problem of perceived threat right?

Then is it such a leap to imagine that other parts of the world have large numbers of people that think the same way? It doesn't help that the USA happens to be the most visible country in the world for all its connections and economy and military intervention.
>terrorists are not the best way to kill as many people as possible either. war is.

Actually communism is.
No, I already know about it. The reason you don't understand other people's opinions here and are so deluded is because you don't know very much about history in general (especially the history of Islam apparently).
what you're asking is what % of the US population would be unconcerned with middle easterners being killed. and yeah, that would probably be as high as 25%. maybe even more. i include myself in there. just don't give a fuck about the muslims.

basically that number is meaningless. you're right.
But talking about a situation with numbers makes it less real to you. And since you bring up "feels" you do know that feels are what drive public and foreign policy all over the world right? That's been the case since humans first started grouping together and warring with other tribes. You get a gut feeling that you have a problem with another tribe? You attack them. That's normal and acceptable.

But you don't have to talk about human nature through the lens of feels either. You can at least acknowledge that humans are bound to be violent no matter what safeguards you put in their way, and the less educated a population is on average, the more violent they will be.
"We do not scare easily." Joe Biden

could have fooled me on this fucking thread. bunch of cowards.
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I'm just posting this so people can see your general "moderate muslims"

Not the guy you were replying to. Just injecting myself into the conversation.
Aren't you a coward too, by your own philosophy?
You're calling other people cowards, but what does that accomplish?

Does it matter if a superpower is cowardly or brave when it crushes some ants? Does it matter if it's cowardly or brave when it chooses not to crush those ants? Individuals being cowardly or not has nothing to do with the decisions a country takes. Especially when it comes to the USA, it's all about financial and political (which results in more financial) gain.
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whoever made this doesn't understand what the Dunning-Kreuger effect is, america need new leadership, better leadership, Trump Brand Leadership™
are shitty youtube videos trump supporters only resources?
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It's funny that Joe Biden specifically said you don't need to own an assault rifle and should just have a shotgun instead for defense.

Shotguns are literally used more for homicide than all rifles combine, including "assault rifles and non "assault" rifles.

Sauce: FBI expanded Homicide data Table 8
how am i a coward? i mean, i am scared of some shit. legitimate shit, not terrorists. the chances of me being killed by one, by even ever coming face to face with any sort of weapon used as a threat, is so fucking low that it's silly to worry about it.

yes when you are concerned with something that there is something like a 0.0000001% chance of it happening to yuo, yes, you are a coward. it's important to at least accept that fact.
There's no money to be earned conducting a study on the general opinions of muslims on gays, and you probably wouldn't learn what they really think anyway. They're allowed by their religion to lie about the teachings of islam so they can fit in.
yeah and? i support gun owners. owned a gun myself for trap shooting. what's your point?
>But talking about a situation with numbers makes it less real to you.

But arguing based on feelings when statistical evidence is in stark contrast to your feelings is nonsensical.

>And since you bring up "feels" you do know that feels are what drive public and foreign policy all over the world right?

>You get a gut feeling that you have a problem with another tribe? You attack them. That's normal and acceptable.

For cavemen and sub saharans, western civilization has evolved to the point where we can weigh our options and make warring decisions based on whether or not another society is actually a threat to us.

Whether the entire populace agrees or the politicians enact the wishes of the people is another issue but we are not limited simply to gut feelings anymore.

>You can at least acknowledge that humans are bound to be violent no matter what safeguards you put in their way

Not necessarily, and those that do in many cases have justification.

Self defense of person or country are justifiable reasons for violence.

>gibs me dat
>they don't believe what I believe

are not.

>and the less educated a population is on average, the more violent they will be.

and once again sub saharans and muslims lead in this regard
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in japan LAST WEEK a guy with a knife killed 19 people, in France LAST WEEK a guy with a knife beheaded a priest, two weeks ago a guy with a truck killed 84 people...are you really REALLY sure that guns are the problem here?
yeah no kidding, my point is that guns are not to be feared, neither are knives and neither are muslims.
fuk u
>yes when you are concerned with something that there is something like a 0.0000001% chance of it happening to yuo,

>you can only be concerned if you think it is going to occur specifically to you

I am armed to the teeth I fear no shitskins, i fear for the safety of those in your camp that are not begging for hordes of barbarians.
But anon, have you considered that there are people that are concerned about other peoples' safety in the world?

Have you ever thought that maybe it's a bad thing that people are dying to sate the bloodlust of religious extremists? Have you ever considered that it would be extremely exciting to watch 500,000 nuclear warheads go off at the same time, blanketing an entire country in hellfire and radioactive clouds of horror just to kill a very small minority of the population that has gotten uppity?
It just shows he is not even remotely informed on an issue he is so driven to legislate. If his goal was to save lives he would say don't use a shotgun or a handgun, get a rifle, they are the least used type of firearm for homicide but still very effective for defense.
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Reminder of what $hillary's PAC is paying for damage control over.

The Democratic Party condones vote rigging and election fraud and expects people to be stupid enough to just accept that and blindy support their undermining of one of the core tenets of Americanism.

Never vote Democrat on anything ever again, you're being played like a chump.

We now return to our regularly scheduled bait bread.
I will concede that religion is a problem, but to blame one group more than another is the problem
Because people can't come up with legitmate criticisms of Trump they have to resort to ad hominem insults
Most of the things we're talking about don't have statistical evidence in stark contrast to... either party's feelings.
no see the first two are objects, the third one is a mentally deranged person.
>i contribute to society by putting lipstick on chimps, i'm a scientist!
Trump changed his mind on abortion because, "I know a family who was going to abort and then they didnt and the kid is great"

That is your fucking candidate. At least Shillary covers her ass better than this fucking douche

It's a physical disability so no
Guns and islamic terrorism do.
>armed to the teeth

that is indeed a major sign of fear and cowardice.
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I'd disagree with you but... quints
Islamic terrorism is no real threat to the US. I don't understand why so many of you fucking idiots buy into obvious fear mongering.
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>other guns
>firearms, type not stated
Well what if you're misrepresenting the feelings of the people you're trying to discredit right now?

Would it make a difference to you if they're hated rather than feared? Because I think that's a more accurate representation of the average emotion people apply here.

Or is calling people cowards and afraid the key point of your opposition? To make people look foolish for thinking the way they do?
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>trump gave a legitimate reason for political ideology evolution

>hillary spews platitudes and supports late term baby murder so PP can sell their organs

That's a nice opinion.

Not an argument.

dead family members mostly
agreed. how did we get so many cowards in this country?
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This is the problem with the right. You take personal examples and try to apply them to an entire nation.
>>hillary spews platitudes and supports late term baby murder so PP can sell their organs
going to need some sauce on that
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Why is it a problem to blame THEM instead of US?

Doesn't it make more sense for people to trust what is more similar rather than different? Doesn't it make sense to purge the OTHER group when both sides have the opinion that the other should be eliminated? Or is it just your contrarian view that the majority HAS to be wrong because people are stupid bigots?

Why should other people have to keep dying because people like you WANT them to or don't care, or think both sides are at fault? What's wrong with grouping together as a country and saying "we protect our own, f*ck everybody else"?
If you are anti choice in 2016 you are literally a caveman.
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It pisses me off that abortion is always a leading presidential issue. We have so many more important issues to deal with. And making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortions from happening.

Trump has to be anti-abortion as a conservative if he wants to win.

There has never been an atheist elected to congress or the presidency. Atheism is quite common at anywhere from 20 to 40% in the USA depending on the survey. There have been thousands of congressmen/women.

Do you realize the statistical anomaly it would have to be for all of them to really be atheist? Or perhaps they know being atheist is a major disadvantage in the polls, so they pick the smart choice on a stupid non-issue in order to keep votes.

Hillary flip flopped on gay marriage
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tired of the Pocahontas meme already?
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when i see one." Bloomberg on Trump.
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Good job. Proud of you
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yeah, because they didn't solve the crime. Some guy gets shot, no suspect to arrest. Classify it as gun death, type, unknown. But they do know it was a firearm homicide.
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What's wrong with grouping together as a country and saying "we protect our own, f*ck everybody else"?
Because they totally didn't do that when we started fucking around in their countries? Can you not see the cycle of making terrorists? When you sit there and kill their families, why would they not want to destroy you?
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Bernie Sanders is nothing more than a retard millennial social marketing campaign.
feelin fucked too huh?

Again, these attacks are going to continue.
"we should not do anything about them because the number of dead is currently low"
with a small muslim population is not an argument.

>well we have not had enough so lets import another million!

>if you don't support killing formed babies you are a caveman

You are literally arguing for chopping up babies and dare to call anyone a caveman.
Yes, and if her reason had been, "I met a gay guy he is actually pretty okay" I wouldnt be bringing it up. I don't like shillary anymore than these tea party members do, but if you would rather have a literal reality tv star as president instead of a career politician you arent thinking things through. It doesnt matter that she is corrupt or evil or a robot. While Trump was busy approving golden toilet seats from his airplanes shillary was doing a job in the field we are currently electing people for.
>I'm not even op

There are definitely two side to every coin but... if a judge took your philosophy to heart, wouldn't every single criminal trial end with nothing being done?

Sure party A robbed party B, but wasn't party B asking for it, the judge asks... Maybe there's more to the story here and we're just not looking deep enough, the judge says. I'm not going to make a decision on this issue because it's impossible to apply this one situation to the entire life of an individual, the judge concludes.

In the same way that judge's decision seems absurd, isn't it absurd that the group within islam that is attacking us continue to exist unpunished? Isn't it crazy that you call for no punishment whatsoever for the propaganda that keeps being spread over the internet and other media that non-muslims need to be killed?
i am totally pro-abortion. i'm thinking we should even be able to have one up until the 6th trimester
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now i gotta look up wtf an ad homminem is
thx faggit
>not being evolved enough to know what is or isnt a person
Please tell me all about your magic sky fairy next.
orlando wasnt isis ir was a closeted gay dude mad at latinos

>on the internet
>cant into web search
Try looking up the facts to your info graphics sometime, might do you some good instead of just posting pictures from facebook
Who cares what shitskins think? If we stopped trying to battle Russia for the middle east they would stop being pissed at us. You just used the dead family members line. Why do you think they are so mad? Let russia have shit skin sand land.
>but if you would rather have a literal reality tv star as president instead of a career politician you arent thinking things through

I have though

I will take the billionare builder businessman that had a successful television show in which he showed up and said "you're fired" over the career politician whose career is a long track record of fucking up the globe and attempting to infringe on my rights

Hell I can look at their policy proposals instead of their track records and trump is miles better.

>hurr it's just a mass of cells until we give it a social security number

>I don't think I was arguing specifically about Isis in that post and even if I was he pledged allegiance to Isis and belonged to the same cult
I have no idea what that meant but still hate trump (YAY I'M SPECIALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL).
>party of blacks
>intellectual party
>gets quints
Wouldn't giving russia the middle east defeat the whole purpose of why we made the terrorists there in the first place?
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Except it was. He pledged allegiance to ISIS and went to a sermon at a mosque where a radical cleric preached death for all homos.

Try harder paid shill.
i imagine they'd care about what happens in the country they live, not some shitty third world country.
As somebody who leans conservative I'm not even upset about Hillary. I would have guessed her as the candidate years ago. I'm pissed at the Republican party for only being able to come up with Cruz and Trump as the powerhouse candidates. WTF
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No, retard. The problem is that the Republicans managed to nominate someone even worse.
So you're arguing that we can't punish ANY terrorists because their families were killed by us earlier in their country's history... for being terrorists?
What about terrorists that were recruited from well off European families that had no such dark past?

Consider what (historically) usually happened WITHIN a country when a group started a big violent rebellion of some kind. Either the rebellion succeeds and some change happens, or the rebellion is crushed by force. When the rebellion is crushed by force, and all dissidents are arrested or killed, peace ensues. Don't believe me? You can watch this happen in real time with the failed turkish coup.

So why have countries been able to exist for hundreds or thousands of years while all the time implementing this "horrible" practice of violently crushing rebellions and uprisings of radical people with radical ideas? Because their methods have been successful and did NOT result in an infinite cycle of terrorist activity
Republicans did the exact same type of shit to stop Trump, Dems just did it better.
>look at Trump's policy proposals
You act like there are any. He just brings up problems and says "We're going to fix that"
better to be a warrior in a garden
than a gardener in a war
or some shit
What are you trying to say
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Like that?
Just because someone pledges themselves to isis to freak everyone out doesnt mean shit. Why even use this attack as an example. We all know you right wing nuts hate fags.
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No, Trump is unstoppable!
you know, I'd love to do some research into this, but the CDC is BANNED from investing firearms!

Nothing like actively preventing research as a way to support your own position.

Fucking NRA is a threat to America. President Trump, in his second term will understand that and begin banning long rifles. Mark my word. After a few cops get shot on his watch, the hammer will fucking come down.

NRA fights him on it? BAM - terrorist designation.

You fuck with the Trump, you get the horns.
>Consider what (historically) usually happened WITHIN a country when a group started a big violent rebellion of some kind
Consider before we fucked around in the middle east in the 70s/80s there was no problem of middle eastern terrorism effecting the USA, nor did they want to. The more you keep killing people the more terrorists you make. Look at vietnam ffs. History repeats itself, you just have to look at it.
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look, nothing wrong with you owning guns. fucking go at it. some people collect little figurines of mocvie characters for fuck sake.

but if you have them to stop the horde of [muslims | blacks | terrorists] then you're a fucking coward. it's that simple.

and by the way, if 500 million people wnat to kill you then the figurines will protect you just as well.
I think you quoted the wrong person. I didn't say anything about dead family members, nor did I use that kind of reasoning to justify any point.

All I tried to say was that it's absurd of you to suggest that acts of terrorism go unpunished in nations that harbor terrorists... just because the personal experiences of individuals somehow don't matter in this discussion.

>You act like there are any.

>He just brings up problems and says "We're going to fix that"

His generalities in public are still miles ahead of Clinton

>wants TPP
>wants to increase taxes
>gun control
>more muslims and illegals
>8 more years of Obama but with a vagina
>more hillary the warhawk intervention in the middle east
>more obamacare
>multiple far left nutjob SCOTUS picks

Trump could literally get up on stage and speak with his asshole like ace ventura telling us he isn't going to do the aforementioned as his entire platform and I would vote for him over Clinton.
shit they couldn't even come up with Trump. They gave us Jeb and Cruz. Trump took the party by fucking storm. I wish republicans weren't such cucks on the social issues.

PS: What are the odds that Trump has paid for an abortion in his life? I'm guessing 90%
>Mark my word. After a few cops get shot on his watch, the hammer will fucking come down.

Lol you know he said the DA in balti should put herself on trial for ever trying to prosecute the freddy grey cops.
yep he has zero actual details about anythng. most of you are not old enough to remember perot but it's a lot of the same bullshit.
>Trump could literally get up on stage and speak with his asshole

so.. what he's been doing?
It is not about them going unpunished. The goal is to stop them from happening yes? You don't do that by dropping bombs.
no, that is awesome. does he know some of them were black? maybe it would be ok to prosecute the black ones.

fox news ran it too so its not just muh libruhl mediuh

>I wish i was being paid to troll retards
>but the CDC is BANNED from investing firearms!

Actually Obama had them do one during his presidency that you should look into, he does not talk about it because it contradicts everything he says.

The reason the CDC is not allowed to research firearm crime anymore is because the liberal CDC heads kept getting results they did not like and kept trying to get new research that they could spin.

the FBI does the same research annually and has the same findings but dems don't like pointing this out and use the CDC to try and act like gun owners have something to hide when in actuality we just wanted the CDC to stop wasting our money telling us the same thing as the FBI every year.
>paid russian troll
You say that but... what's your alternative?
Absorb them into our country, with the random deaths and rapes of our civilians being a small price to pay? Win the war like an amoeba?
Yeah its pretty obvious you have been fox news brainwashed from birth. If you researched anything longer than 4 seconds and looked at where your repeated blather actually came from you would have very different views. Sorry about the tiny dick though, that sucks.
>You don't do that by dropping bombs.
or by arming them, training them, and then hoping they will just go away...

or by invading their countries just to make Halliburton a few billions, loot some priceless artifacts, and maintain your iron grip on domestic privacy. Shit I still don't know why the fuck we invaded Iraq. So Neocons could test out their new smaller army?

So Boeing could advertise JDAMS?
Not an argument

refute anything I said about shillary
I don't believe that is correct. Are these articles wrong:

Can you please link to the illegal study that Obama did?
We already have a very strict immigration policy. That is not the issue. The issue is this shadow war we keep playing with russia. Over what? The middle east is a fucking hell hole. The only reason they hate us is that we cant stop fucking with them. Give them to russia and then the russians will be the ones they hate.
aka meme magic
What is so our defense contractors can sell arms to both sides, alex?
You're just pretending to be a Hillary troll, right? I bet you posted this,>>696763257
or else you are are actually part of that online task force
Not the anon you're replying to but... you can't just declare yourself the "winner" of a dialogue by forcing the person you're talking to into doing research to try and disprove a bunch of claims you're making...

You're just going to raise the bar if they reply to you with evidence that contradicts your views anyway, so why even dangle that carrot as if it's going to mean anything to you?
There is no point. I argue to change minds. You obviously don't have one. Remember when the South Park episode came out about "der gunna take our jerbs!" Your candidate is still stuck on this non issue ffs.
Did we? Saddam was already pretty fucked we weren't selling him weapons. Don't get me wrong, burning through our old munitions ( and buying new ones ) is great for our MIC. And we had lots of new gear to test out too.

yeah, don't try and educate people like this. They don't deserve it.
The only reason Clinton is still in the race is because of a concerted social engineering effort, achieved largely via social media, using the principle of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Nobody who understands what that means will ever vote for Clinton.
Anyone who says they understand it but still supports Clinton is a liar.
>I argue to change minds.
Im okay with far left scotus picks

lets be honest the right wing scotus picks got us shit like citizens united, they've been shitting on individual rights while taking the corporations are people shit wayy too fuckin far
The only reason Sanders is still in the race is because of a concerted social engineering effort, achieved largely via social media, using the principle of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Nobody who understands what that means will ever vote for Sanders.
Anyone who says they understand it but still supports Sanders is a liar.
Wait, you really believe that Russia is powerful enough to pose a threat to the European Union AND the United States, and all the other random countries that are suffering from the pandemic of terrorism?

You're implying that there's a shadow war between Russia and the entire world right now? Wtf... They have almost nothing to do with this bullshit of refugees pouring out of syria and spreading radical islam.

I think it's also bullshit that your only justification for not invading a country is that it will breed more terrorism. Other countries that have been invaded and fucked with in the past haven't resulted in such a disaster, Anon. It's Islam that caused this shit. What's wrong with wanting to eliminate all the bad elements of a country teeming with radical islamists?
like 2 but it gets my dick hard
I would vote for kanye if it meant some left wing SCOTUS picks.

I mean he and trump have pretty similar egos.
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Not the guy you were responding to. But you might be talking about this. The largest study on gun violence in the USA ever conducted. It used a lot of CDC funds. It was authorized 100% by Obama's executive order. It pretty much is Obama's personal mother of all gun studies.

It is incredibly pro gun, that's why you have never heard of it.

>Gun are effective defense tools
"Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies"

>Guns are jused several times more for defense than for crime
"Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”

>Mass shootings are rare and a very small % of gun crime
"The number of public mass shootings of the type that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School accounted for a very small fraction of all firearm-related deaths. Since 1983 there have been 78 events in which 4 or more individuals were killed by a single perpetrator in 1 day in the United States, resulting in 547 victims and 476 injured persons.”

547 over 30 years. Far more people were killed by bees in that time period.
>damage control
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