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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>695686772 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151
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holy fuck.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>695686772

>Claim your Waifu
>No Claiming Waifus that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Yuiko claimed.
Howdy, partners?
Kyouko is asleep currently.
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Akiko claimed

That's okay
You were the one who said I was odd to talk with, so there must've been some motivation behind that. I was just curious

You're gonna have to roll quads for my good stuff

That's alright though, we hate africans too
Race war now
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just beat me to it
howdee non sandnigger karen
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still here

oh nice i'm from finland
yeah i think i'm gonna buy them some cigars and a couple of wine bottles
Oh yea. You were kind of jumping from topic to topic.
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another file name.jpg
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We have 1 dedicated baker for a 24/7 thread?

Maybe some of you should step up and lighten Kyouko's load. I would, but I can't start threads on this piece of shit mobile.
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Elitist shitlord claimed
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I've already told ya, I'm not the Sandnogger. I'm the RainforestNigger.
I'm from Brazil not Africa
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I fill in for him if he asks me to do so. He enjoys making the threads I believe.
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But what do i do with the toast then?
Puppies are the best, they make everything great!
Who let their cat on the internet again?
Do you want to be angry? you were the one who said it was fun and i said i had no interest ya dingus.
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>Race war never
Honestly, the more I see these BLM protests, the more I feel they just need to be run down when they step out into the freeway.

I would, but Kyokos a quick as fuck baker.
>3D us almost always trash
At least you can fuck them while having a sentimental, physical and loving relationship with them. Also, isn't "2D" just drawings of fictional characters? Literally just lines that are connected.
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I bake sometimes
Cheshy bakes sometimes
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Syndra [79].jpg
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the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence.
I'm sure he does, but to avoid having two new threads made at the end of one thread, we should elect bakers.

It will keep the threads contiguous and keep our head down from any trolls looking for an excuse to spam the threads.

Also it won't be some kind of "race" to be OP. I've proposed something similar to this before but not a lot of people picked it up.

I think it would help the threads to be honest.
Which waifu anon would you say is the most autisic
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Mine and only mine
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I eat puppies ching xhong
Sorry, Defense mechanism. Stay away from the elitist argument unless you like mindless arguments and baseless insults to you and you're waifu.
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Did i get to her first? Fuck off.
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i said non sandnigger
Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
your being mean again
i try to bake whenever i can
anon thats not how you do it
you have to post a pic

QOTT: Which waifu anon would you say is the most autistic?
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You can slip it in while you sleep, hun
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We were talking about Boku No Pico, and i know this sounds wrong but i found it very hot.

I see nothing wrong with making young fictional characters lewd however.

anyway >I will grant you one wish
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I'm being followed?!

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Did you click the image?
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give me plane tickets to atlanta 25th of may
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I dont think I'm an elitist though. I answer people who ask questions. I try to make welcome any new faces.
I wish for the shithead extremist sandniggers to be deleted.
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So we gonna have a gay time or wot?
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Fair enough.

Ain't we all? I'm on vacation doing nothing at home but browsing 4chan and drinking coffee

The Watamote girl that I just can't remember the name.
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Also will be swapping to mobile shortly. Going to do a quick image dump.
Wew. Maybe.
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Wat about it, wanka
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Hurka durka, Mohhamad Jihad
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Zero fucks.gif
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>Forgot QOTT
I'll go with any one of the Holo / Horo clones. Korbo seemed like a cool guy.
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Anon love me pls
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Not even the real Tats. Good claim though.
>Its like he's turned into one of them
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I don't like those but i get enough of them already as it is.
You are quite the hypocrite aren't you? Crying about people being mean, but you are outwardly aggressive and rude to "elite" users.
Blonde grill > tomoko o:
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Ayo, what's do?
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I think it's your turn tonight...
Well that's the territory that comes with waifu.

Someone is bound to dislike her, and it's not like 4chan to pull punches.

I didn't like Nui that much, but Nonon outshined her as worst girl, so you get my passive disposition by luck.
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Aww man~
Tomoko > Everyone
You should read Tomomote then.

Spinoff of WataMote that centers around Yuu in middle school.
Noice waifu
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hai, have we talked before?
how you doing tomoko
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Granted, they get stolen by another nig.
Granted, but American SJWs are outraged! and they go out of they're way to bring them back!
New Tats is pretty autistic.

I wonder how Tats/mu/aki would respond.
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Epitome of Meh.
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Thats not me
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that sounds like something a elitist would say
i wish for /waifu/ to die
the being mean thing was a joke
really i think the only person i have been aggressive and rude to is you

aside from calling elitism terrible if you count that
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Syndra [110].jpg
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>I wonder how Tats/mu/aki would respond.
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Goodnight me
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aw, what u planning to do the rest of the day
sleep well
You also called elitists retarded.
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Same here...

>Goodnight all
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imo Nui was an amazing character and i love her so much i actually do have dreams of her a lot. but i understand your frustration with Nonon.
You are mean and then u crie bcus sachii was meen
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good night
that wasn't me who posted that
i just found it really funny
I dunno.

Post for a while. Play some games. Eat. Be boring. Defend myself from waifu.
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Granted, you killed a board on cripple chan. but someone will make another.
Welp, dammit. I like crazy.
I don't tell people to not be mean and then proceed to be a cunt.

You still said it.
Well. I guess we know who's gonna die first then.
>back to trusty mobile. Sleepy. May pass out at any time.
Going a little bit lewd, are we?
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Guess the song,
Lets try Edition

>This is Major Tom to Ground Control
>I'm stepping through the door and floating in the most peculiar way
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That doesn't sound too boring but at least you have something to do.
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You mean discount reddit?
Space Oddity - David Bowie
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okkaay what timezone are you from btw~
>guess the song
>posts lyrics.

David Bowie - The Other Side
shit wrong image
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Greetings yuiko
good day to you

I do that sometimes

Those are pretty safe picks that will never disappoint. Doesn't spain have special drinks or something you can't get anywhere else though? I wouldn't know, I'd probably die if I ever went there

Yeah man. I have a dogger looks like she never really grew up. Best doggo

>tfw I ive in Belgium and niggers are almost non existant
They're weird as fuck though
>tfw I live in Belgium so there's Moroccans and other sandniggers everywhere
Thank the gods for the native xenophobia
Yep. This one was pretty easy
And I'm counting on you to don't google the lyrics.
Aww fuck that is actually a David Bowie song.

My well thought out ruse now makes me look like some David Bowie newb when in reality I don't like his music at all.
Id have been quicker if it werent for the fade captcha.
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Morning all

What's going on today?

I'll do you one better, I'm from Texas.
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Basically yes, just more open to cuck shit.

and your wish only slightly effected it!
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Yeah sure then i said it
some brazil rainforest shit
not sleep
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Most aren't bad. But some just make you wonder why euthanasia isn't legal for certain cases. Or at least sterilization.
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I could quote you, you know. You made this bed, so don't complain when you are made to sleep in it.
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Has anyone ever succesfully completed one of those fadeaway captchas? Even when I succesfully pull it off it still says it's wrong when I try to upload
I just reload captcha whenever I see it's a fade

What's up Renge?
>inb4 Renge's wall of China replies

Niggers themselves haven't ever given me trouble, though my brother was mugged and stabbed at night by a gang of niggers once back when he was still alive.
I leave them alone and they leave me alone. I think it might be because I'm not an easy target

Sandniggers are much more rude and brash and loud. I fucking hate how obnoxious they are
mandatory sandnigger sterilization when?
Just trying to fall asleep.
We used to have locenses that allowed us to shoot aboriginals on sight if they trespassed. Mainly used on ranches and farms.
>Government-sponsored racial killings
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That's nice, what breed? i have an eight year old Golden Retriever. he has the gold color for most of his body but has a white face.
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Best OniAi girl claimed
>wrong image

No waifu folder? Maybe you should make one.
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I get them and complete them on mobile all the time. And we seem to get a shit ton of store fronts as the images. Shits me to tears.
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Is okay, I never really got the hype for it, and well at some point it was filled /pol/ and gamergate, both of which I don't really care about.

It just looks like it would perpetuate circlejerk mentality. And that's not good for a site wide thing, best example of this I can give is FYAD or /z/, both of which failed.
I want to eat Rory's creamy shit.
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Gonna watch Gate
>inb4 hes prolly gonna switch from seeing gate
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>pick all images with a river
Should be
>pick 3 pictures of any body of water at all

Shit's broke.
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>what breed
A rather small ginger British cocker Spaniel
A real cutie with a soft as fuck temper and some great smarts. She's our storedog so she's super sociable as well. Doesn't bark, doesn't lick, doesn't jump. She's an absolute gem
Your dogger sounds like a cute. Did you teach her a lot of tricks?

Yeah i get them alot but I usually fail the grass ones. What's up with that?
I do but had multiple thread tabs open and meant to put it somewhere else.

Can't post her now obliviously.
I want to explode together with Megumin.
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It's like you're trying to get me to say it
Also nyanpasu and
>tfw capital punishment is still completely legal here

Go to sleep Sachi
When did you wake up today?

I'm trying dude, trying to not build the great wall of Trump here. I'm just chilling at work, got an interview over lunch break so I'm excited about that. What about you?

Not being on /waifu/ usually helps. Go to sleep Rory, I'm betting you need it.
QOTT: why do people refer to eachother as she ITT
Sure you can.

Not like waifu hasn't had its lewd moments. Just be careful. This IS still /b/ after all.
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Yeah but they're not that good imo. why'd u die lol
oh that far. so it's like almost 9am there? too lazy to check myself
heyy i have an one and a half year old goldie too. he's pretty much full white.
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I had an all black Labrador. He died at 13 nearly a month ago. We still have his buddy, a 4 year old staffie x pitbull. Clever but stupid, with a neck bigger than mine.
Lelei is objectively best GATE waifu. Rory edged her out for me though. And Tuka 100% a shit.
Welcome to brokeshit captcha.
I think it just goes for anything with green. Delete all green and you have best chance.
That is entirely beside the point. Itll happen eventually.
I refer to my waifu as Rory-sama. I however am either best Canberran OCE or a scary spudr.
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Plenty, one of which he does a cute little twirl around called dance.
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That's literally dindus over here. It's absolutely insane how aggressive some of them can be for no reason.

Well shiiit.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Force of habit for me.
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Sup negroes
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Best bunny claimed
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Let's try again,
Guess the song
Fuck you, Captcha Edition

>We bring you fantasy
>We bring you pain
>Its your one great chance for a miracle
>Or we'll dissapaer never to be seen again
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yeah i know
im a cunt sometimes
your meant to switch to a bote
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A Snow Golden... a Snowden?
Just about.

Bright and early. All the birds are chirping and the roads are full of trucks going to work.

Where do you hail from?
>And Tuka 100% a shit.

Fucking worthless pointy eared cock sleeve shoehorned in Waifu bait SHIT token elf!
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Good Morning Everyone! Comic Con Exclusives Released today! I am going to get in line at the mall!

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Finland lol but i'm in spain on vacation right now
lol megu here just saw lelei
brb switching o:
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Ah. Right on.


I'm so sorry.
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Sorry to hear that anon, must be a terrible feeling.
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Oh me? Just doing some studying, art, /waifu/ and chill
What's the interview gonna be about?

Generalization, but I do see it happening.
I usually refer to the anon as he and the waifu as she

Well, you know your friends best. I'm sure you'll make the right choice
>why'd u die
Because I can't stand heat at all. Anything over 18°C is too much for me. I love the cold and hate the summer. Heat only brings drought, immigrants and mosquitos. Fuck that shit
>one and a half year old goldie too
Sounds like a cute dogger
My old man didn't want a bigger dogger so we got little Lucy
I want a Malinois later though, they're beautiful

Holy shit, film that shit and drop it as webm in here. I wanna see that.
I thought my pupper to high five and drop dead when doing the finger gun. Trying to teach her to put one paw up now
Heil pupper

I think it's the heat. The warmer a place is, the more aggression and crime it seems. Not sure if there are statistics to prove this though, just a hunch

Dio - All the fools sailed away

>Livin in a world so cold
>wasting away
>Livin in a shell with no soul
>Since you've gone away
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I'm feeling tired now, anyway sorry for the black lab anon, hope we can speak later.
Call me a pleb but i'm not into that complicated webm shit.
Google WebM for Retards
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That's the only thing holding back webm from utterly dominating gifs, they're still too complicated
You can use "Webm for retards" to convert files
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You know where this is going :^)
How's your night been?

Eventually will be sooner if you close your eyes and lay in the dark.

Nice, what manner of art? Just a different job internally that could get me a lot of good things.

Hey there homie

I don't even know what time zone you're in tbh fam smh
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OG leone here m80
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>anyone with long hair and know how to cook can understand this pain

World So Cold - Three Days Grace

Guess the song
I hate Google apps Edition
>On this summer day
>Then you might as well take the sun away
>All the birds that flew on the summer sky
>When our love was new
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sup renge whats goood fam?
how have babbies with waifu if mr minister gutted her and ate her womb o:
Its 3pm right now
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lol i deserve it
I can stand heat but i prefer to be in a little chillier room more too. well, finland where it's usually about 15 celsius in the summer. i also am used to go to sauna cause it kinda belongs in the finnish culture lol

>you seem to have mistyped the captcha
>picture captcha
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i really type like a retard lol
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>what manner of art
You mean besides the ohayous? Well I made a post-apocalyptic Yui yesterday.
I pretty much just come up with an idea and then ask who wants. First guy to react gets it. I also take requests but those get lower priority
>job internally that could get me a lot of good things
Nice. Do it

If you go away? I don't remember who it is from
>I hate Google apps Edition
Fuck Google apps

>There's a plastic tree
>Are you here with me?
>Just looking out on the day
>Of another dream

captchas man, I'm not even sure if I'm even a human because of those things

Oh man i would kill to live that far up north
I live in Belgium so the temparatures kind of swing unpredictably. We get a shitload of lightningstorms and it rains 300 days a year. Keeps things nice and cool. It's usually around 20°C summer and -3°C winter. I don't know why I can't stand heat at all
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Comic Con? As in, San Diego?

I'd believe it to be honest.

Not a clue~
Hot, sweaty, wishing it were winter. How about you?
o shit makoto scured
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Shizuru get.
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It's hard right?

Infatuation is a cruel mistress. Stay strong.
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I'm what now?
Ur scured
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Of what?
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You don't want to be in north during the winter. It really is too cold and wearing a whole fucking wardrobe and a jacket with a four inch thick lining really isn't fun.
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I don't think i would listen to Tomoko claimer but this actually seems helpful
San doggo komic kon
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Shizuru get out
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Why would I be scared of that?
bcuz dey gun raep u o:
Fucking bitch.

Be worthless whore and get made fun of then. Watch as I join in, slut.
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Yep. a lot Of people recorded If You Away. My version is the Neil Diamond one.
On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz

Guess the song
I'm running out of ideas Edition
>I wasn't always the brightest till I learn how to dance
>You've got me thinking love will come around but you never gave me a chance
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Bye all.
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I was taking your advice -_-
I was just stating that I usually don't take advice from tomoko claimers.
But since your advice was helpful i was gonna take it
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Got em

>morning rattle

>hot and sweaty
I bet you are :^)
Still doing warehouse work so I'm about the same right now

I plan to. And ah, that's cool. If I lurked more consistently then I'd probably hop on that but alas

Are you britbong sachi?

Not too much Shino, what about you? Got anything going on today?
Sachii claimed
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Well no thug wants to hang around alley's and shit when it's cold as fuck out. And people in general are less likely to be out on the street when it's cold
>wishing it were winter
GoT winters when?

>You don't want to be in north during the winter
Oh but I do, and I have already.
I don't know how the air flows where you live but here in Belgium it's very maritime. Lots of moisture in the air at all times. There were some russian interns last year during the winter and he said it felt colder here than in Russia because even though it's a lot colder there the air is dry and doesn't conduct as much cold. Not sure ho to feel about that. at least frostbite isn't a year-round problem

>On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz
Yeah man. I left out the first line because it literally says'"Up on Melancholy Hill"

That's an AVICII song but I can't remember the name. true believer?

>And they run when the sun comes up
>With their lives on the line
>For a while
>Gotta follow the laws of the wild

Don't worry about that. It's gonna be weeks before I'm done with my current washlist of requests. After we can talk if you're still interested. I work for free but you gotta wait your turn.
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Not really man. Im gonna finish up Non Non today i think. Im heading to the mall now to grab a comic con dr.strange exclusive and a han solo comic con exclusive.

Other then that maybe score some tbell breakfest.

hahha what about you?
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>deep inside me
>there are things that I have never told
>they burn inside me
>and now I need to know
>why are you trying to take everything away from me
>well I'm begging you
>I'm here with nothing left to show
>cause since the day you left me I have been so alone

Have a guess on this one!
Be more grateful and you won't come off as a bitch. Even if you don't like me you should accept help with gratitude.
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With the heat, it shouldn't a surprise.
Make a box fort.

True, but I dunno what idiot wants to hang around alleys when it's blistering hot either.
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At night it's manageable
A lot more so then when your ears are freezing off
>Frostbite on your ears seriously feels like they're being shredded whilst on fire
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I meant Tomoko claimers in general. Most of them are shitposters. So i was just saying that usually Tomoko claimers give bad advice. Sorry if I came off as a Bitch
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Hello there infamous waifu, hope you're having a nice day and not missing me as much as I miss you.
I want to explode simultaneously with Megumin.
Murdoc Is God-
Tier waifu
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