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Have you ever been fooled by a celebrity fake and thought it

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 136
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Have you ever been fooled by a celebrity fake and thought it was real? This includes shoops, lookalikes, etc.

Is there one you've seen fool lots of other people?
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>Is there one you've seen fool lots of other people?
Most of the Fappening.
this chick looks just like jamie lynn spears

https://volafile io/r/5kbffA

replace space with (.)
Was fooled as a kid by that Britney Spears multiple blowjob vid
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The first time I saw it anyway.
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Does this include body doubles in film/TV?
yes it does
Once got messaged by a trans porn star on grindr, thought she was a catfish, was legit, good fuck
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2 MB, 2070x4200
take your pick
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more hope solo pls
I don't follow. All of those are real, not fake.
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In that case yes, been fooled a few times.
Damn that's a fine fake.
Muh dick, no le watson please
Cannot possibly fap anymore
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What on earth are you fapping to? Has she ever done a photoshoot remotely sexy?
Hers are not fake, sadly.
Anyone seen Domino? Keira Knightley does a strip tease and her body double has more meat on her ass than Keira does on her entire body.
Which are fake there?
A faggot who believes anything he reads on the Internet.
File: scully-mulder.jpg (435 KB, 1478x1000) Image search: [Google]
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>cock covering one eye
That's real assbag.
It's an uncropped shot that leaked. There's articles about it in which Jen was trying to take legal action to find who leaked it.
I thought she'd done nude scenes
What's fake about that?

what are you talking about?
No, because she wasn't supposed to be shown topless in the film, so she was wearing pasties during filming.
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Nvm. Just googled 'Emma Watson sexy'. Still dont see the attraction but nice she broke her icey feminism to feel attractive occasionally.
Where's the fakes here?
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that's real
File: hayden panettiere nude.jpg (446 KB, 970x1358) Image search: [Google]
hayden panettiere nude.jpg
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100% bought this one when it first came out
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Some guy on this board claimed to have a nude of Ariel Winter. Claimed a guy he trades jb and other images with gave it to him. He would only show a version like this. I so want it to be real and get leaked one day.
Kek could be literally any blonde chick.
I know. They had some phony "proof" or whatever and I bought it and thought it was her.
File: asr.gif (2 MB, 450x346) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 450x346
That is real, you retards.
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Any fap experts want to examine this? Chance of it being real?
Who is that meant to be?
tits look too small
All of those pic in >>694010717 are legit
god if only
years and years back I believed this one of Avril Lavigne was legit
File: explainthatagain.jpg (118 KB, 538x530) Image search: [Google]
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These are all real, what are you implying?
File: Hayden Panettiere 001.jpg (155 KB, 1083x1600) Image search: [Google]
Hayden Panettiere 001.jpg
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It's not.
Are you fucking retarded? This is real, she did this for a magazine shoot.

All the nudes on change up where computer generated.
Maybe. Laid back like that they might be about the right size. Also looks like a surgery scar under her left breast.
File: avril_lavigne_leak_005.jpg (124 KB, 1008x752) Image search: [Google]
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Her real tits are nicer anyway.
That is lame
they look the same
Please more of the girl on the buttom, I have seen another picture with her before.
Hm. *examination intensifies*
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lol no
I thought she was still massive post-reduction

Two thirds of it was fake but you'd think it was all stamped and verified from how people talk about it.
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Here's a pic of her post-surgery. Not much diff in size to the above pic imho.
bruh thats not that girl
that's pre
Someone more informed can tell me, is that real or fake?
No, it was someone else
Why u all so obsessed with her
Her sister on that show was WAAAY hotter
because giant tits
They're not all real, not even slightly
well theres a porn of luna lovegood
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File: Hilary-Duff-Naked-02.jpg (110 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
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Someone post a pre/post for us to compare .. for science

I would also like to see this "sister"
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You sure? Hm. Well here's one from the famous bikini load.
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Young me totally bought it.

Looking back, it's terrible.
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Forgot fake
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this is post
More haley
Thats not a fake though, its a different girl called Dasha B
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still not sure it's fake
Dude that's pre.
File: WHORE.jpg (241 KB, 1200x800) Image search: [Google]
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Haha I totally jerked it to this all those years ago.

>This includes shoops, lookalikes, etc.
File: hooge.jpg (1 MB, 3240x4320) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3240x4320
It's not. See again.
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no, she's still got huge tits
File: Ariel-Winter-.png (663 KB, 603x451) Image search: [Google]
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Another, for science.
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ditto for this
Keep up the good work anon.
that's just a pic of her younger
Her actual tits turned out to be nicer looking than the fakes, heh.
File: scartits.jpg (188 KB, 671x1024) Image search: [Google]
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Here's a pic of her with the same scar. Holy shit this might be real.
I love how Ariel's tits are so massive they confuse anons.
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this had me beating my dick like it owed me money
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this did it for me
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God damn I want to fuck AW so much. Literally cant stop jerking it to her.
Dubs confirm Ariel nudes in the wild?
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find her wearing the same necklace
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She seems to wear this mostly. Looks kinda different to me tbh.
File: Lena-Dunham-Bikini-Smile.jpg (102 KB, 435x577) Image search: [Google]
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Any fakes of this beauty?
necklaces have been used to verify a bunch of nudes like Dove Cameron's, Avril Lavigne, Jessica Alba, etc
so if you can find one in her pics that'll be enough
File: E.Lilly.jpg (2 MB, 2848x4288) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2848x4288
This one has fooled a few morons.
Who's the girl with the dick in her eye?
Ok, I'll faithfully trawl through my AW folder. I almost dont want it to be real though, because that faggot anon said he wouldnt share it unless he 'got something in return' and then he disappeared.
File: Gillian Anderson topless.gif (141 KB, 500x452) Image search: [Google]
Gillian Anderson topless.gif
141 KB, 500x452
a classic faek that many believed was real
Do some people really think a celeb is gonna suddenly do a spread leg nude photoshoot?
Ugh you bastard I have hundreds of her pics and now they're ruined.
Are they really, though?
You must be new here
More hyland plox
File: Avril Lavigne boobs.jpg (1 MB, 1936x2592) Image search: [Google]
Avril Lavigne boobs.jpg
1 MB, 1936x2592
Compare to >>694020787

Her actual tits in pic related are way nicer
File: Katy Perry elephant.jpg (736 KB, 2000x1292) Image search: [Google]
Katy Perry elephant.jpg
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which is why I said 'morons'

>& LOST in upper right hand corner
I only have those 2. Not a fan. AW4LYFE
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how is this a fake?
File: kp23.jpg (502 KB, 1511x1034) Image search: [Google]
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Yea, had me too
if only she would drop a topless i'd be a happy /b/ro
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Was really hoping this was real
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I guess not.
This one got me
File: Zooey Deschanel F.jpg (2 MB, 1600x2400) Image search: [Google]
Zooey Deschanel F.jpg
2 MB, 1600x2400
who is that supposed to be?
No luck. Really want a wank now though. Guess that anon was just being a dick.
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TS shit on KP99.jpg
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Still believe this to be accurate.
Head isa bit big for the body, but job well done otherwise.
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Megan fox rain.jpg
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It's funny, she does have a look-a-like pornstar. pic related
Might be
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Lauren Cohan93.jpg
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mmm. i want to be under her sea
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Ariel Winter selfie.jpg
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It barely looks liek her

moar liek a raccoon
This one too.
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Arya Stark
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Emma Watson Sign This.jpg
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Arya Stark.png
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but it is her
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I saved this ages ago, and didn't know that there were more pictures until today.
File: 12.jpg (322 KB, 1492x2000) Image search: [Google]
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this one is real

Upon further inspection, I know realize that they're the same shot, but one's shooped.
File: Ellen Page Ffreckles.jpg (123 KB, 821x1443) Image search: [Google]
Ellen Page Ffreckles.jpg
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ha ha, no

some russian slut
Still unsure
File: CannibalBrazzers.png (3 MB, 1812x1249) Image search: [Google]
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that ruined her career
not really
seems legit
Not fake, Real life time photo
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Hardly. She gets her tits and ass out all the time, she's getting shit loads of attention and is getting movie roles. She's never going to be a mega star but she'll be in the public eye a good long while I reckon.
that's a serious issue anon, you should go to a therapist
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I still have a sneaking suspicion this is a leaked pre-production image.
File: hayden-panettiere-naked-2.jpg (391 KB, 2318x800) Image search: [Google]
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this fooled more than a few /b/tards

titties are much too nice, though
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>that 60fps
>getting movie roles
ummm. really? what roles?
>public eye a good long while
not unless she does nudity.
all but two

Evangeline Lilly is a shoop
the removed her undies
& Alison Brie was proved not to be her
that's so bigoted and ignorant!
>Why would you photoshop a pig into the picture.
What movie roles did she get because of her tits?
i crushed on her hard back during the Heroes days, but after the horrible tit job, I just can't care
Hm. Actually I just checked and she's playing 2nd billing to Burt Reynolds. Still, it's a start.
what movie roles has she gotten, period.
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voice over roles is more like it

she has the perfect face for voice over
>2nd billing to Burt Reynolds.
that is a huge step down from a popular TV show
I think the way she's acting that might be coming soon. She's slutting it up like crazy. Maybe she'll milk it until Modern Family ends (sure they dont want one of the cast getting nude) and then get the girls out.
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>she has the perfect face for voice over
You claimed getting a very slight reduction to her still giant tits ruined her career. What's been ruined since her surgery?
it's amazing that they haven't played her body up now that she is 18. they slutted Hyland around since the beginning.
She's like 18 dude give her a chance.
>slight reduction to her still giant tits ruined her career
dude, her tits are average for fat bitches. her massive tits were amazing in clothing. Plus she has a hideous scar now, so good luck with nudes
File: Sarah Chalke f.jpg (389 KB, 860x1200) Image search: [Google]
Sarah Chalke f.jpg
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my boner
>She's like 18 dude give her a chance.
once she hits her mid-20s her career is over. that's hollywood. she isn't some amazing actress, she is just a piece of ass now that she isn't a "child actor" any more.
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3 MB, 598x720
Yeah I remember watching her grow as the show went on and wondering when she'll have some kind of 'hot nerd makeover' or some shit.
Her name is Marisa Miller, this photo set is by Diane Jenkins of Room 23. NOT hayden, asswipes!
Have you ever seen F cup tits naked in real life? Look fucking awesome in clothes or even a bra but naked it's rare they look like anything other than droopy sacks. They're still massive and the scars will be shoped out or she'll get rid of them with magic Hollywood cream.
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Because if you look hard enough, like *really* look, Sarah Hyland looks like a progeria sufferer with a fucked up pituitary gland.

Not that I wouldn't fuck, you understand, but she does have a touch of the Tsim to her.
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RIP Harambe.
Skip to 1:04
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Mila Kunis smoking ass.jpg
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read the caption on the original, fucktard.

The description does not apply to Marissa Miller.
Plus, Hayden has tacitly admitted it was her.

>you faggots will argue about anything
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They're still massive though.
File: hayden_panettiere_.jpg (908 KB, 1920x1200) Image search: [Google]
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Compare hair/body/location. Matches Hayden.
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Anons have some fucked up standards due to porn. D cups are plenty big.
File: Ariel Winter ass.jpg (136 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
Ariel Winter ass.jpg
136 KB, 1080x1080
Looks in good shape with a great ass
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Patricia Heaton Topless.jpg
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is coming.jpg
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All this time we were focused on her tits and then it turns out she's got a killer ass.
File: Ariel_Winter_BikiniComp01_DL.jpg (560 KB, 2800x1575) Image search: [Google]
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still fat
still ugly
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the Dove Cameron pics
>not naming this baboom.webm

nope, look it up
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Kek it's hypnotic, isnt it?
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Kate Upton f_1.jpg
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not at all

she's fat & ugly
why would I be butthurt about it?

dipshit faggot nigger
File: marisa-not-hayden.jpg (518 KB, 1031x799) Image search: [Google]
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>Compare hair
I did. Now you compare.
That's where it's from, but this webm is only 30fps...
I cant stop waching
It's wet in the left pic. Other than that it's a perfect match
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I'd hurt that butt if you know what I mean nigga.
>ignores obviously matching body and bathroom
Yes? The hair is wet.
>literally a picture of the back of someone's head


are you fucking kidding me?
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Bet she's been cockteasing these two faggots for years.
see >>694028034
her thighs must have been red as fuck after that
you want to refer to hair some other way?
>Have you ever seen F cup tits naked in real life?
yeah, but they look amazing in clothing, which is the vast majority of the time you will see them on film.
You just proved he's right.
>curly hair vs. straight hair
>tanned vs. not tanned
>rough texture tile vs. smooth
>excessive natural light versus single dim natural light source

You're right it's obviously her
I was fooled by a Katy Perry one when she first hit the scene.
Both pics are from the same photoshoot. If you don't know anything about it don't try to make retarded conclusions.
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I'm not saying I wouldn't gladly fondle them, but I am talking about what I want to see on film. I am never going to get to fiddle with her, so what does it matter about "muh high standards"?
Yeah. I was fooled by this one as well.
>great ass
i agree
File: tricia helfer3.jpg (223 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
tricia helfer3.jpg
223 KB, 1680x1050
Here's a legit one of her.
well, below average for hollywood.
Crazy how she went from pale to a deep tan over the course of that one photoshoot.
The tits of my boyhood wet dreams. Even though I would have rather fucked Phoebe, I couldn't deny how mesmerising her perpetually hard nipples were.
>curly hair vs. straight hair
Because her hair is wet in the naked pic
>tanned vs. not tanned
Is tanned in both
>rough texture tile vs. smooth
It's the exact same room. It's from a photoshoot of several celebs in the same hotel room
>excessive natural light versus single dim natural light source
Different lighting used in different times of a photoshoot doesn't mean anything
Motion carried
Hollywood doesn't ususally have huge tittied actresses
she might have fucked Luke, he got in shape once his balls dropped
This is pale to you? >>694028034
File: tric.jpg (5 KB, 274x184) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 274x184
Am I the only one that found the character hot but not the actress?
>Hollywood doesn't ususally have huge tittied actresses
exactly, because they don't sell, or can't act.
File: fake shania.jpg (143 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
fake shania.jpg
143 KB, 1024x768
Can't believe I actually thought that this was real.
Dude if you want to cling to your fantasy go for it, but it's painfully obvious that the picture of the back of a super dark tanned straight haired blonde chick is not associated with the picture of the only extremely lightly tanned curly haired chick taken in different lighting.
man, i feel like a hard-on
File: hrk0m4.jpg (326 KB, 1364x2000) Image search: [Google]
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Proven to be Hayden years ago. Catch up.
Except for them both pics from Hayden's section of that photoshoot, you know.
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76 KB, 619x1280
Oh Yea>>694029782
File: Untitled-2.jpg (487 KB, 1446x1024) Image search: [Google]
487 KB, 1446x1024
Nice fake! Wish it was really Alyson!
>Always wanted to fuck Willow!
She's in a darker room yet her skin is lighter.
I would take an eight without a doubt.
Six was a great character, but eights were the hottest
That hair matches Hayden more than it would Marisa Miller.
Fair point. I do think the reduction has increased the chance of nudes though.
I never really sat down and watched the show, so I can't comment on her character on it. But I always found her to be quite attractive whenever I seen her in a photoshoot for a magazine or when she"d make an appearance at an awards show on TV or something like that.
Different lighting.
File: grace_park_sexy_66861-1600x1200.jpg (147 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
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I respect that.
Someone post boomer
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i just wish you could make out her asshole
>and make out with her asshole
File: book.jpg (622 KB, 1694x2239) Image search: [Google]
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and read the caption from when the pic was reprinted in a magazine to promote it
caption pretty clearly indicates it's Hayden
>I do think the reduction has increased the chance of nudes though.
if she gets desperate, then probably. too bad Playboy is dead now. that was usually the best possibility.
She's just hot as fuck in that red dress and just a sexy, kinda mean, sci-fi nerd's dream. It's kind like how I wanted to fuck the shit out of 7of9 but the actress doesnt appeal to me.
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shania twain (3).jpg
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It's pretty good for sure, and I have rubbed one out to it quite a few times. It's such a damn shame that she never did an actual shoot in which she got naked and showed her goodies.

As it is right now, this Rolling Stone cover was the closest we've got to seeing her topless.
They are both pics from this book
I rest my case
so much digital touch-up
The thumbnail looked like a fat gay man
File: tricia helfer (5).jpg (69 KB, 700x872) Image search: [Google]
tricia helfer (5).jpg
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Where do celebs go to get naked now?
compare to Miller, and it doesn't match anywhere
hair/body/room are different
Your sister
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Jesus Christ it might as well be a fake with that amount of shop.
and people are complaining about her boobs now, they look almost exactly as big as before
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tricia helfer (1).jpg
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>Where do celebs go to get naked now?
Hayden had pics in Room 23 too, dumbass. The nude pic from behind is one of them.
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Kristin Kreuk1.jpg
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I dunno about that but holy fuck I would drown in those titties and die a happy man.
Social media.
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Still would make her my sex slave. She should be well versed in it by now.
I frequently pretend this is real and I have no regrets.
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jeri ryan.jpg
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dayum.. any of grace Park that are this nice?
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People were trying to say this was her. Sure a few bought it.
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You sick perverted man, I like
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shania twain33.jpg
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They really didn't need to do that. She's hot enough as it is.
File: 1.1 Emma.gif (3 MB, 294x554) Image search: [Google]
1.1 Emma.gif
3 MB, 294x554
Oh Niggers, my niggers
I don't have any atm. Sorry.
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1. This is a real photo shoot
2. Grace never got nude
3. some best real Grace
File: Kristin Kreuk 7.jpg (49 KB, 800x595) Image search: [Google]
Kristin Kreuk 7.jpg
49 KB, 800x595
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