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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>693812502 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Next ohayou is nearly done
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Chibi Sayaka a cute.
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kagami claimed!!
>doll edition??
they're usually quick on solving problems...i think!!
anyways, do you have anything big coming up??
chen!!!! hello again!
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QOTT: Who have you seen perform live?

Deftones (they fucking sucked)
Tool (twice)
A Perfect Circle
The Toadies
Stone Temple Pilots
Who was it... The Specials? Some white reggae band

I should go see more shows.
Hi Chen :3
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>claiming yume

Alright /waifu/ post all your legs the left belongs to me the right to Senjougahara
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Well, during the summer I am usually on sometime around 1 as I am done with my class by then. On summer weekends, I don't really have a schedule. However, during the rest of the year I usually am on around 10 PM. Free on weekends though.
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Now I guess I can make fun of you, since I have litteraly nothing else to do while I'm here

Fucking perv

Hey kagami

Hey shiro
Huey Lewis and the news, The Front Bottoms, and several local bands no one cares about

Hey Mami
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HI everyone! how goes it.


Nine Inch nails <twice>
A perfect Circle
Queens of the stoneage
As i lay dying
godsmack sevendust same concert
Lamb of god
Grateful dead
Yonder Moutain String band
Coheed cambria

oh and i happene to see nonpoint like 50 times because they open for like eveyrone here

and fucking Lisa Loeb for some reason.

im sure theres some shit im foregetting
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>kill yourself
Wow what a well thought out response. Wasting space on the interwebs with a fucking "kill yourself" Did you think you were clever? You fucking weren't you piece of shit neckbeard. Go back to fapping to chinese cartoons, you fucking weeaboo. While your at it drink literal gallons of bleach. I have found off brand is better than Clorox since it is equally effective but for a lower cost. You dont know what huge wall of text your shitty "kill yourself" just brought on. Little did you know i know all the words to De Colores, that i can hand out a million vaccinations or i can let them all die in exasperation. Or i could get em healed from their lacerations, or have them all killed by means of assassination. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem. Did i mention i can tell you about Leif Ericson? I will reign down my shit of fury and kick your little skinny ass punk.
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Tenryuu claimed
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Hi Fran, how are those ribs coming along?
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>implying I can afford the luxury of going to concerts or festivals
Only some local bands but no one worth mentioning

Check out these calfs
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I actually like some of their music.

Not a live music person to be honest, only "show" I've been too was a jazz show with my mom for mothers day and it was pretty nice.


Hello Yume, how are you today?

oh I'm a last resort?
Fran, you compliment me too much.

I really like some of the music Trent Reznor composes, Ghosts I–IV was amazing.
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Claiming Seaport Hime.
Hey Shirobro.~
Honk honk.
>rants that telling someone to kill themselves online is a waste of time
>proceeds to tell them to drink bleach
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masturbated so much to his pics. <3

/blog/ faggot
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mandatory uta claim


>Chinese cartoons
irony seems to be contagious

>Last Exile
i brought the blue ray a while back because i heard alot of good things about it but i never got round to watching it. i will some day though. someday.

while yes their songs more often than not go for the "im sad, pity me" trope, they fill a hole in the music industry which not many tried to do. they explore the different types of sadness and try to comfort those in need through relatable lyrics, this act of compassion through experience is a bold move in my opinion as if it is not done write it can break a bands career.
the melody the band chooses exemplifies the lyrics by keeping low key sounds and slow beats as it will match the feelings of the listener.
the music they create isn't meant for someone living life happily, its meant for someone who hate life.
>many people i know like radiohead
they are either following a popular band to look 'cool' or are living lives they dislike.
i recommend trying to find out if its the latter and if so try to help them

just not for you, i'm guessing your not into rock then.
if you are then i'm confused.
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I went and saw him during the fragile tour where perfect circle opened for them.

was amaze

and when With Teeth Came out

the shows are amazing trent reznor is a god
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Pyrocynical, is that you?
Why do people hold their thumbs up when they imitate a gun? since when do guns have random rods sticking straight up?
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take a cookie.gif
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Hi. How were the ribs?
Heya Seaport, you up to anything today? Any plans for the weekend?
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*Insert clever way to claim Blair*

I'm back, how is everybody?
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Quite considering I spent like 180€ on stuff that I could get for free but meh fuck it I get paid enough to aford it.
Visited my grandpa in hospital after his surgery.
He has really badly sundamaged skin so he needs to undergoes this from time to time.

How about yourself?
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wow!!! this is some brutal stuff lol, i can just imagine how this is live!!!
here's a funny song for you!!
hello frankenberry!!! how's your meat coming a long??
a revolver has a hammer you pleb
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Tenryuu 205.jpg
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Today's experience

I've just met a trans and she wanted to have sex, so I don't know.
Should I go and suck that feminine penis?
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Not much is going on with me.
Per usual.
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>implying your clever enough to even use a computer
Top fukken kek
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Good how are you? I hit level 5 in pokemon so im about to grab my squirrtle and go wreck some faggets at the gym down the road
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Same for me. Good as always though I'd hope?
I'm fine, just bored. How are you Cat?
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Damn, I never met another big fan of the game until you mentioned it.
The creation of the Necros are so awesome how everything from the human body or animal or alien is incorporated to play a role in each one. The team did a fantastic job on how each can find a way to get around, attack, and work together.
Not many games do that these days, just simple AIs'
The Blood Moons ware another Necro that looks terrifyingly beautiful.
The Marker with unique symbols. The best looking is the Ubermorph from the second one, Five eyes and dark skin. Very intimidating style.
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Warum hast du das nicht schon getan?
Is doch genau dein Fetisch oder?
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Tenryuu chibi 6.jpg
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Thanks Chen, and now fuck off.
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r u fukken kiddin me, boi.png
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>not picking charizard
Do you suck THAT bad at pokemon?
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chen 104.jpg
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Here is a banana for you aswell.
Thanks for sharing.


Good as always.
Then people should be slapping the thumb and not holding the bottom of their hand like its a fucking machine gun.
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Nice wine jug
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Nope, not really into rock, or metal at all.
I like what I like.

I'd like to see his composed music preformed.
As far as his other work goes I only like a few songs.

not too bad, woke up a few hours ago, starting work again.
Got a movie playing in the background, todays gonna be pretty relaxing.

Its high noon faggot
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How about you fuck off back to teamspeak and attention whore in there?

You don't get any attention in here.
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Only a few of you go to shows?

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Thank you very much, amor. I got something planned in a drawing for us. I can't wait to present it to you! It'll take a bit though.
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Tenryuu 179.png
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I just wanted to say that i hate 95% of you guys and that you're the fucking cancer that destroys /waifu/
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i didnt even know wtf i was doing when i started. i thought i could grab all 3

Plus i found out u can get pikkachu if you just ignore the ones they throw at you.
makes sense
what genre's are you into?
i tend to go everywhere now
though only recently have i come out of my rocky metal hole so i'm rather uncultured in a lot of other genre's
I have no idea what that has to do with anything but where floats your boat.

I'm gonna wait until the servers stop being unresponsive before I actually get into the game.

Same, just chilling in bed, being bored aswell.
am i the 5%?
Dear Lord, those FEET
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Homura (52).jpg
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I barely have money to sustain myself, I would if I could.
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Try harder.
Random topic, but what music do you generally listen to?
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thanks tenryuu.
good to know.

you eaten yet?
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>tfw you post a pic of a cowboy and everyone says "its high noon" but then they are confused when you say "make my day" or "feeling lucky, punk?"
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>you're the fucking cancer that destroys /waifu/

>attention whores every day
>instead of speaking about his waifu, he seeks attention
>uses this thread as a blog

Stop projecting, and get the fuck out of here.
You just posted that for attention, as usually, because until it, you didn't get any.
Holy fucking shit, dude.
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Tenryuu intensifies.png
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Nah, that's just my overall opinion of you guys

No, not in the whole day
But nonetheless you're in the 5%
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The hammer is not the size of a fucking thumb, explain this shit.
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Done, and amazing!

I put a bit much run on them, so they turned out a bit spicier than planned.

Judging should be done in about 2 hours, which is a problem because that's when I need to be at work

Well. You are the pathetic
Done and spicy.
Why not?
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If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
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You've become what you hate m8.
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Seems like Tentryuu just had a mental breakdown because he doesn't really got the attention he lacks of.
Being born an Arab is not a choice, but following the teachings of the Quran is.
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>being this autistic about common hand gestures

I dunno man, maybe because to give a "shots fired" signal flexing you thumb is easier to see than clinching your finger.

Or maybe it's just an easy to recognize hand gesture. Maybe it's just easy to fucking recognize.

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Tenryuu 57.png
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Because the threads are running so fast that i don't know about what i should say otherwise. I mean, you guys aren't talking about your waifus either, you use this as a fucking chat despite most you guys have either the TS, Telegram or cancercord.

No, the threads overall has become what i hate m4*2
Almost strictly video game. I have a wide variety of games, and my favorites keep on switching every day. I noticed that I listen to Monster Hunter pretty often though.
>doesn't really got the attention he lacks of.
what is english
get something to eat, don't want our commander starving now do we.

>in the 5%
thank you for saying that for everyone else, you should of known i knew that already.

anyway what you gonna eat?
considering you havent eaten all day you should probably get some meat into your system, maybe some carbs also.
oh and remember to drink a lot, dehydration creeps up on you

(im guessing most of the original members are in the 5% aswell)
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Ooh, I cannot wait to see it, mein liebe!
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Shiro claimed.

>homuroll of trust issues

Just a typo
>>693824480 (You) (You)
>has trips
>doesn't roll
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evening dress.png
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Sadly no dice

I made some good ribs today
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Its "meine Liebe"
Na Kleinshiro wie gehts wie stehts?
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Cocking back the hammer means that you're about to shoot
It says "bitch back the fuck off before you're the Quickly Dead"
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spicy is best kinda meat!!!
i wish i could have a piece, im sure you guys are gonna win that competition!
love is such a great thing~
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Tenryuu chibi 23.png
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I think i should make some Cordon Bleus, they're pretty tasty

Maybe drinking some whisky later, who knows.
How's your day going so far?

Hey hey hey, wie geht es meinem Süddeutschen?
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I know you will do great! I'm going to go play some mini golf with my friends. I'll see you in about an hour.
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What do you want to know?

Tomoko has a yuri harem forming
A new character, whose name is actually Yuri, just asked Tomoko to be her friend
She has given up on becoming popular and is slowly gaining a reputation.
She shaved her tang
Uhh... She has a yandere lesbian stalker. Possibly.
She's 140 centimeters, you can literally put her in your pocket
She seems to be a fan of shounen and GAR series, but isn't above watching moeshit, but no one must know.
I have a spicy meat id you catch my drift
How long have you been rolling for my pic?
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Why do those feet look so good? I'm not even a furry!
So they aren't mimicking a gun, their mimicking holding an invisible gun?
Makes more sense than Tomoko's bullshit "It's recognizable" explanation, but why hold the pointer finger straight out instead of bending it in?
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You use this thread as a fucking blog,

I mean, you are talking about what you're still posting your blog in here despite doing it in telegram, in discord and in teamspeak aswell.

You're just frustrated nobody cares in the thread about your daily blog, except your ausfags friends.
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cutie with apron.jpg
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>video game ost
Oh baby. I don't listen to it mainly, but I do have a lot that I enjoy.
Even though this track is really short, it really fits the game so well.
I've never actually played Monster Hunter, but I should shouldn't I? I've heard quite a bit about it.

You're talking it while you're*
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All posts are rolls! I thought it was clear.
>homuroll of rage

I don't fancy rips. Too much bones, to little to eat.
How was it though?

Ahoy zusammen! Ganz gut, eigentlich. 100 Euro im Glücksspiel gewonnen, alte OP-Narbe fängt wieder an sich zu entzünden und zu schmerzen, und ich habe eine Prüfung mit hervorragenden Resultaten bestanden.
2 zu 1 für guter Tag!

I have the higher res one, actually, but I only have the edited version of the small one and am too lazy to edit this one as well.
Thanks though!
Says the attention whore who tripfags, stop pretending you didn't arrive a week ago and that you have been around as long as ten.
Maybe. My mom went with sweet ribs, so I wonder what the judges will like?

Ok, see you then
I was about to say that, why did you steal my joke?
Very nice
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Was für eine Narbe den?
Hey ich habe heute 180€ für etwas was ich besser nicht erwähne ausgegeben.
Yes, Monster Hunter is very fun and a few sequels offer plenty of challenge, like Freedom Unite.
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Because you would put your finger above the trigger so you dont accidentaly shoot
I was quicker
wrapped around cheese or cheese filling?

>maybe drinking some whisky later
if you do, tell me, ill join you.
always good to know there is someone else drinking with some thought of you in mind as you finish your first glass.

my day, pretty average. had to clean my mattress due to a chocolate milk accident last night but other than that i have had no problems.
what about your day, is life being kind today?
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Homura (54).png
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Rule was 2 rolls per thread, you gotta pick carefully when to do it.
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kagami (37).gif
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hmmm...i don't usually catch drifts!!! lol
it's hard to tell....everybody's tastes are different!! how does that work?? do they taste only one piece of meat??
Shiro gets fucked by the cookie monster

>What is archive.
I'm here from December.
You're embarrassing yourself.
getragene leggings
bilder von deiner schwester
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fantastic paws
I was using a hyperbole
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images (6).jpg
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See, it was funny because Last Exile is rendered. I just get a boner for anything involving flying.

I definitely see what you're saying. I do think that tastes are axiomatic. "I like it because I like it" is good enough; why does someone have to objectively justify something fundamentally subjective?

A black sheriff!?

Drink whiskey now and play some OW.
As an aside, since Suntory owns Jim Beam now, is it "whisky"?

This is why .jpg
the autism level has reached an all time high in this thread.
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Tenryuu 126.jpg
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Nothiong new, but thanks

>100 Euro im Glücksspiel gewonnen
90% an den König :^)
>alte OP-Narbe fängt wieder an sich zu entzünden und zu schmerzen
Was für eine Narbe?
>Kratze solange daran bis es nicht mehr juckt
>und ich habe eine Prüfung mit hervorragenden Resultaten bestanden
gerade so über die 50% Prozent gekommen?

Cheese and ham filling
>spilling chocolate milk
You monster

>if you do, tell me, ill join you.
Will do

Was hast du dir geholt?
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looks good in blue.png
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Damn. The only console I own currently is GameCube, and I don't really intend on buying more, not really any money to do so either. So I guess no Monster Hunter for me. I'm not forcing conversation on you, am I? I sorta feel like I am, but I'd like to talk to you more I guess. Sorry if I am.
I saw it.

At least you are getting that attention you crave so much for.
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Confused karen.jpg
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No problem, cha'ch vo- chean.
I'll see you later darling.
It sure Kagami, it sure is.
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It's a waifu thread. I just post a few get posts every one.

Like now.
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I don't know what that means and i think you know that i dont
Oh man, I had so many memories playing with that underrated system. Good times.
Also, no force with the conversations. I like talking too.
Fuck whoops. Mistimed my quads script. Here's some.
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this is some good pasta, boiz.png
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Chen and Tenryuu are actually gay lovers
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Homura (15).png
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Ich würde lieber irgendeine Geschlechtskrankheit sagen als die Wahrheit.
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too many malebots
claiming husbando now
or waifu?
okay so is grell presumed a male, even though he prefers to himself as a woman?
i still haven't figured it out really
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upside down best.jpg
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Heh, just feel like we run out of conversation topics pretty easily. You got any hobbies?
Why is a mudslime confused about death to america
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like this nigger
Basically he's just Touga getting butt punished by Saionji and Akio
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Sitting 8.jpg
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>Drink whiskey now
Only after i ate something
>play some OW.
Everything expet OW. I'd rather play Doom today. Or Enderal.

Yes, but being able to speak more than one language has it's advantages.

Ach komm, hau raus.
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So it seems

I turned in 6 bones, which are judged out of 10 based on flavor, appearance, and texture. The scores are either totaled or averaged to find the winner
Do you count vidya as a hobby? Other than that, not really.
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Later nerds.

I'm gonna go smoke weed and be a normalfag while you losers sit here and wallow in waifu purgatory.
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What side dishes though?

Man hat mir mal so nen Klumpen rausgeschnitten.

I have trust issues now... I thought the first two posts would automatically be rolls.

>90% an den König :^)
An die Hohenzollern oder einen anderen von denen?

>Kratze solange daran bis es nicht mehr juckt
Ich hab Salbe drauf getan, da schmier ich alles voll wenn ich kratze.

>gerade so über die 50% Prozent gekommen?
Nein, tatsächlich ziemlich überragend.

Wie läufts bei dir?
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thank you,
i can agree with you on that.
and "i like it" is never good enough for me. i question everything i do so i often question others actions, its a habit of mine.

because of emotional attachment and i'm british.
most brits have a tendency to over complicate things

filling it huh, nice choice, less mess.

IM SORRY, it couldn't be helped, gravity hates me and my cat loves gravity.

im looking forward to it
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You're on the american board
Speak american
Nobody cares Mr. "2cool4u" :^)
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lucky trips!!!
hmmm....i've watched a whole bunch of bbq contests on t.v. but i've never known how it works
im guessing they seperate it by the type of meat too??
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Dont come back
Fucking normies
On my fukken bee
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ballin on yall niggers.png
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Yea, that's a hobby. Currently I'm pretty big into rogue-likes, but I've always liked open world RPG's, like Fallout 3 and Skyrim. My favorite game of all time would be Resident Evil 4, mainly because I grew up with it. What would be yours?
he's a homosexual male who has a very feminine personality so to keep his pride he often indulges himself in female acts such as wearing their clothes and heightening his voice.

that should clarify any doubts
Remember to go on Omegle with your interests set as "/waifu/"
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Das du dich überhaupt dazu herab lässt mit mir zu reden wundert mich.

Du könntest mich nun auch mal vom Ts³ entbannen.
Den hab ich schon verloren habe nur eine "Smiley"-Narbe (so nenn ich die zumindest) davon behalten ist aber schon über 2 Jahre her.
Nein ich hasse Obstkuchen ich esse ausschließlich Rührkuchen.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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>I never met another big fan of the game until you mentioned it
Same, it's very underappreciated. I own all the games, comics and the book. Only thing I need now is a spitter dakimura
Amazing design and artwork aside, the story is amazing as well. Very good buildup with plenty of room for speculation, non-disappoint endings and feels. I almost cried at the end of Dead Space: Severed
I absolutely loved how much depth there was in combat. Crippled enemies played dead or switched to ranged attacks. Pregnants clawed their own belly open.
Stalker AI was a gem. They distracted you with noises and peeked around the corner. Aim and ready to fire only to get rammed from the side by that one you missed. In DS3 they felt a lot easier unfortunately, but that was due to map design. Too many chokepoints
>The Marker with unique symbols
Did you know it's a legit language?
They developed an actual fucking language. It's not just gibberish. It has grammar and rules and an alphabet
>The Blood Moons
Creepy, mysterious, powerful
A worthy boss to the necromorphs. The final battle with the new moon felt so epic and it was challenging but not frustrating.
Did you play awakened DLC?
Their mind control and mantra chanting made them eerie as fuck
>You can kill the prophet, but you can't kill the god
>Your chance to warn the Earth has come and gone
>We are coming. We are hungry. We are here

Absolutely loved how he somewhat resembled the hive mind. His intimidation came from his slow and creeping approach, like unstoppable impending doom
Best looking necro is a toss-up between stalkers and alien necros for me
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This is an english board
Fuck off, Schwein
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Tenryuu 83.jpg
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>An die Hohenzollern oder einen anderen von denen?
An den König im Norden

>Ich hab Salbe drauf getan, da schmier ich alles voll wenn ich kratze.
Aber das ist eine Maßnahme damit die Slabe besser in die Haut einzieht

>Nein, tatsächlich ziemlich überragend.
Also 52%?

>filling it huh, nice choice, less mess.
Always works. Next week i'm trying myself on shrimps.

And english has germanic roots

Your argument is invalid.

>Das du dich überhaupt dazu herab lässt mit mir zu reden wundert mich.
Mich auch
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I usually like playing FPS and RPG games, like Payday 2, Dragon Nest, E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy, a heavily modded Skyrim, and Garry's Mod, if I'm very bored.
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No sides, just ribs and sauce
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"Hi" to you from the last thread
Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to playing Splatoon, too. Looks really fun, in a good stupid kind of way.
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Homura (5).jpg
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I'm really happy that you started talking about it out of our music circlejerk.
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don't get cheap shrimps as they often don't taste as good. this is due to the lack of care when shipping.
often the more expensive shrimps were brought home carefully and letting them die of natural causes instead of killing them (you will be surprised how this effects the taste)
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images (5).jpg
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Splatoon is a downright amazing game. Nintendo really nailed it.
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Good day to you Chen

I already said I'm a diehard dead space fanboy but I never had anyone to discuss it in-depth with
Also, since we were talking music I'll drop this
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Heading down to the Pokemon Gym to Throw my guy in there.

My whole neighborhood is rolling Red

we run this shit.
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Ach ja? Komma her du!

>An den König im Norden
Den von Schweden?

>Aber das ist eine Maßnahme damit die Slabe besser in die Haut einzieht
Danke, Doktor Tenryuu!

>Also 52%?
Okay, etwas weniger übertrieben gut.

That's disgusting though.
Damn right they did.
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I currently have 2,000+ hours on Garry's Mod, but I'm finally starting to play it less and less. I've been playing quite a bit of Overwatch as of recent, that's pretty damn fun.
That game looks damn fun dude, hope you enjoy playing it. Also, add me on Steam if it pleases you.
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oh so sorry chen, i completely missed your post!!
i always mistake velvet underground for velvet revolver for some reason...
i like the feeling of this mellow and calming
I will. I'm also looking forward to playing Overwatch along with my family.
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This is an english board
Fuck off, Die Juden
English also has latin, Spanish, italian, and French roots
What is your point exactly?

Niemand kümmert sich um deine dummen Blog, verpissen Schwein
>thats disgusting
What are you, a nazi?
Oh wait...
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What did you just call me!?
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a bit evil.jpg
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Besides the fact it's waifu bait: the game, I really enjoy playing it. One of the only things that really keeps me entertained these days.
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Vigil - 238.jpg
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I'll still keep my promise, Fuhrer.
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Ok I missed a few replies.
Sorry about that.

I'm back.
Fran you're always so sweet to me, it makes me blush.
Heh. A lot of people seem to be going for Tracer and Widowmaker, or D.Va, but I'm probably one of the few people who like Mei out of the others.
Forgot to say CLAIMED
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Don't worry about it, I'm going to cook anyway right now.
I'm glad you liked the song.


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it's a damn filename.jpg
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Oh yea, Mei is definitely a best. I don't really like any of the female characters all that much, I mainly play Lucio over all other heroes.
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Hello nerdios.
Lucio, eh? For some reason, he gives me the underrated character kindof feel.
We just got married
went down to the gym.

My dog found me a jigglypuff right next to it.

Partner in crime

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i'm winston.png
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I don't see him getting picked that much, yea. But he is so damn fun to play for me, that's why I really enjoy playing him. Don't forget about Zenyatta, poor guy.
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Guess what, anon?
I don't care.
Mei is claimed by me
>Authentic Accent
>Chinese Godess
>Nice curves
>Wears glasses
>looks kind of clumsy
>Seems pretty intelligent
>Actually went through some sort of emotional trauma

>Somewhat authentic accent
>Filthy Aussie
>Probs lesbo (If your a cuck your fine)
>Annoying voice
>3/10 tits
>7.5/10 ass
>Over emotional

Mei wins
Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 151

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