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The more atheists a society has, the shittier it becomes. Try

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 134
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The more atheists a society has, the shittier it becomes.

Try to prove me wrong, neckbeards.
>implying best korea is shitty
>implying best korea doesn't outdo every other country in literally everything
>implying best korea doesn't just turn out the lights at night because they are actually trying to save the world
Are there anymore examples besides north korea?
>prove me wrong
But you're right.

You are required to get up an argument first that consists of more than a picture and an oversimplified opinion before somebody can even begin to start debating with you
considering North Korea is incredibly religious, I am not sure what basis has actually been made. They worship their leaders as gods. Sooner you figure out how religion is control, the better.
Pyongyang is lovely this time of year.
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I'm religious, and of course the world will most probably be better if it ceased to exist.
Lmao if you live religion so much op, why don't you join the sandniggers, I mean they're much better than mainly non religious countries such as Norway.
Taste good tho.
Their leader is their god.

It is maybe a better example of delusional theism than Christianity is.
Sowjet Union?
>comment from a TV show
Why are atheists that dumb?
North Korea
>100% religious Leader Worship
South Korea
>60% Atheists
>90% Atheists
>100% Religious
South America
>90% Religious

Go cry with your god you little Jesus fag.

>Pic related
God cant make Tigrophants
>Implying North Korea is atheist and they don't worship Kim boy as a god

OP is a faggot.
only the generation that have done notging are athesit. most of their wealth was made by tgeir relgious granparents.
tech medicine education infrastructure and all tge other hard work is already done. the athesits just inhertited it
>shows a statement
>gonna ignore because it was said on a TV show
>only the generation that have done notging are athesit.

Another false statement. You are still a faggot. Religion is cancer.
3th world country's are generally more religious, cause they have it so shitty they only thing they have left is religion, something to hold on to.
>medicine, education, technology

Yeah sure, 99% of scientists are religious amirite?(no)
Oh, and your argument is based on a make-believe book filled murder?
The South Vs. The rest of the United States.
Name one atheist country that is a shithole
how would you use this bicycle
The Vatican has the world's highest crime rate. Obviously religion is not something we want, at least the Christian vein.
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Why do people still fall for this meme? Can't people see this is bait? Or are the people replying counter baiting? And the people replying to that counter baiting counter bait?
What the fuck, Hawaii...
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>turn out the lights at night
I'm in washington
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Oh shit, facts and figures!
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But they're retarded enough to have them on all day according to you
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So you're saying there's an inverse correlation between the religiosity of a population and its average IQ?

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>why don't you believe in the same stories as me
>please validate my beliefs
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I live in the South, and every town I have lived in has 5 churches.

It has a lot of pollution, a lot of cultural ignorance, and a lot of nothing to do.

I have also lived in Oregon, which has the highest amount of Atheism and non-religious people in the US.

It is the most beautiful place I've lived, it's environmentally and culturally aware, and I've never been without something to do.
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So if I'm not a basement dwelling 500 pound neckbeard I'm automatically a retarded criminal who lives in poverty? I thought you guys said religious people had stupid beliefs
Excuse me, highest percentage.
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I'll be sure to post the same exact thing in an atheist thread
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Post moar epic baits.
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Also see
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I'm assumming you agree?
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>talking about religion and how jesus is our saviour
>>go fuck yourself amerifat
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The middle east sure is a non-shitty place
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ITT: Nobody can prove OP wrong
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Athiest don't like religious people because they talk about it a lot and are obnoxious about it, but 90% of the athiest I know are potheads and have no education after high school, so...
You'll run out of bait pictures eventually
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Ah yes, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt. Some of the *bastions* of the wonderful world.

Try harder, OP, you're getting tiring.
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Nor right
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Nice to see you're accepting that you're triggered and butthurt
Anon here, not OP
>This is for neither side, I'm just stating a fact
>more than half the worlds population is religious and has been since the dawn of mankind, it's just changed over time and grown.
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What if it was a 2000 year old tv show?
Then do it faggot
I realise this is bait but anyway
Scandinavia > rest of the world
Scandinavia is also the most atheistic region in the world.
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educate yourself you fucking retard
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If you don't see it, if you refuse to research it, you must be either retarded, or ignorant, like 90% of the other Southern people I know.

The other 10% were Atheist or some other religion.
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Every middle eastern country except Saudi Arabia. Most African countries. All stupidly religious and killing each other.
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In the year 16 AD Jesus was already dead and there was no TV
Also nice b8
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Oregon has also a lot of churches especially Christian and Mormon ones you ignorant liberal cunt
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Am I the only one who would rather live in the "Religion" part, even in the "Fantasy" case?
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>Don't push you beliefs on me but let me shove mine down your throat
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Hehehe, I know about them Mormons. They're harmless and completely vanilla.

They do have Christian churches too. But see, there is Cultural Diversity. In at least three other towns I've lived in Oklahoma, they had 6-7 Christian churches and no other religious institutions. They were shitty towns, mind you.
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It's funny because you're saying its bait but you're falling for it
I'm not even Atheist. I'm Humanist.
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Does this look like bait to you spongebob?
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>putting all this effort into posting images
Someone is a little butthurt.
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just because some people act like assholes if they think they won't be punished in "hell"
Thanks, Baitman. My folder is filled.
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Do not offend the BAITMAN!
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>I will post this image every day until you like it.
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I like it
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Baitman here, I'm out of stuff so now I'm going to go and
What are you talking about?
North Korea? Idiot.
China under pol pot?
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you're implying
>implying you're implying
Good dog.
There is a saying "there are no atheists in foxholes." There is a real reason for this, and there is a reason that so many atheists are here on /b/. This is a safe haven for people mooching an easy life off their daddies. There are no threats here. There is no war, no struggle, the nutella and Pringles are only an arms reach away. These are the dregs of society living an easy life. They will never understand religion and they will only mock those who do.
Most underrated response. Clever girl.
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Amen to that
I just saved them and kept scrolling so I wouldn't say so
Would you have taken the time to fill nearly half the thread with fucking bait?

Baitman would have.
>there are no atheists in foxholes
Because only religious cunts love war.
But you'll be a good boy and fight for my freedom anyway, because that's what good dogs do.
Yeah but he's still a faggot
I wish that in the future there will be a fully atheistic country which I would join... All the money used on churches and bullshit can be used on science and research. This is future, no believing in gods and other voodoo shit.
Denmark, nuff said.
are you inferring that religion is borne from hardship?
i would interpret that as a human being's natural tendency to rely on a higher power to see them through hard times, rather than accept reality. which reinforces my view of religious people in general.
didn't know Kim Jong-un was an atheist :/
best answer here, thanks
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Studied 'medicine through time' in school, would weigh up the helps and hindrances of medical progression in different periods (medieval, renaissance ect.)

There we many hindrances but in every time period religion was the only constant in stopping scientific development.
South korea is only around 50% non religous or not part of a formal religion and 71% of scandinavians belong to the lutheran church where the fuck are you getting your stats
I know I'm replying to bait, but while it' on topic;
>tfw you're labelled as an atheist by godfags because you don't give a flying fuck about religion
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God is not real and also if you don't reply your mom will die in her sleep immunity does not work.
But lets not forget the south has alot of niggers/beaners soo some of the poverty and crime numbers could be inflated
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>only the generation that have done notging are athesit.
>have done notging are athesit

>most of their wealth was made by tgeir relgious granparents.

>the athesits just inheritited it

holy fucking shit. learn to fucking use a keyboard you fucking dumbass faggot.
>religious people: fags trying to convince other people to believe in god

>atheist: fags triying to make people stop believing in god

Same shit, different perspective, prove i'm wrong.
>Pro tip: you can't
It's all quite absurd.
Fucking I fucking can fucking use fucking "fucking" fucking more fucking times fucking than fucking you fucking in fucking a fucking single fucking sentence fucking
Religion was invented for a way to give armies courage and not be scared to die in battle.
>Not atheist, just religionless, if I have to pick one I'll be a pastafarian
>Hard life, wish I had a father to mooch off of
>Australian so not directly involved in any wars
>Still deal with everyday struggles like everyone else
>Don't eat nutella or chips
What now? I've been involved in christianity many times and thought I was converted, not only did I realise prayers were just false hope I also
>Says religion's made up values are complete shit
>believes in what a fictional character has to say on the matter
>talks about logic
quads of ultimate truth

>if you don't reply your god will die in your prayers tonight, immunity immune.
Just because two things share one thing in common, doesn't mean they share all things in common.

Stop making logical fallacies.
*also noticed a trend of how religious parents always had spoiled and ADD ridden kids.
checked but disagreed
top thread
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Get rekt 2: Electric Meme-aloo

Mormons tho. Religious people who are actually good people.
You can't say immunity doesn't work
IL murder rate at 6?
Lol ok
>71% of scandinavians belong to the lutheran church

Doesn't mean they aren't atheists. I still belong to the Catholic Church despite being atheist.
I just did, where's your god now?

>south america
>middle east
ANOVA that shit
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In heaven waiting to prove all of these faggot atheists wrong on their judgement day
>the less atheists and more relgious people there are the better

I guess that rule doesn't apply to Islam
I thought soviets where heavily Catholic
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Norway is one of the richest countries in Europe and ca 30% of the people are religious at all. 150 years ago almost all Norwegians were religions and also one of the poorest countries in Europe. some were even starving at the time. today noway is the richest country in Scandinavia and is not part of the EU because they are not stupid faggots. Norway also have very little immigrants compared to the EU countries and it's going to stay that way if not getting better because the current prime minister have sugested to build colonies or something in the middle east to take care of the immigrants instead of them risking their lives for coming to western countries. win win for everybody. and all this from a 30% religious country.

but Norwegian atheist are not assholes and do never confront people with their belives because it rude and unnecessary, while the typical american neck beard atheist are going to all the churches they find and judge and criticise everything the church and it followers do. Norwegian people never do this because it's really really tabu to talk about religion that way. Norwegian atheist are like it's own improved brand of atheism
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its not about religion, its about fanatics if both parties , religious and atheist, starts to eliminate each other shit starts to happen...
We all can be reasonable and live together, its just opinion for meaning of life, nothing else.
æ e trønder æ å
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Wo needs a god when you have GRANDIOSA!
I can't belive in God without proof but this is so true
ok my bad. just looked it up, apparently around 1% are catholic but 75% are orthodox christian, whatever that means, i never understood the different denominations of christianity, point being, theyre hardly an atheist nation. They also have 5% terrorists.
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but what if you got the wrong religion and get fucked on the same side as atheists
I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it
well , india is pretty damn religious
and africa as a whole

the shit that is going on in NK shows social mechanisms that are frightening similiar to religious communities.
Also "Communism" = "countryGoesDownTheShitter" , even china changed to some kind of half-communism after the shit mao did.
Marx was atheist simply for the reason that religion would not have any significance as a moral support once the upper class was powerless , in his opinion

but keep in mind , religiousness by itself is much less a cause but more a consequence to the conditions of living
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When you realize atheism is considered a religion
>When you realize atheism is considered a religion
It's not you fucktard.
lol in North Korea, the state is the religion.
>but keep in mind , religiousness by itself is much less a cause but more a consequence to the conditions of living

That's sorta edgy
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I agree.

Loss of religion in the western world has caused a loss of communion, of being tightly knit with everyone else in your neighbourhood. Honestly when is the last time any of you fuckers have talked to your neighbours, when is the last time you attended a neighbourhood event?
http://creation com/atheism-a-religion
>It's not you fucktard

Many people end up reaching that point though when an atheist reaches maximum edginess
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>creation com
>loss of communion
you are free to go to church
workplace associations are social interactions
join a book club or something
i go to yoga classes, attend meetups, book clubs. normal social interaction.
fuck my neighbors, they are from india and emotionally/physically abuse their children
Put a period in place of the space, genius
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>The more atheists a society has, the shittier it becomes.
So are you honestly saying it gets better with more religion?
I meant the site itself.
It's a fucking creationists website.
Islamic state /thread
Anders Brevic claimed to be a part of the Knight's Templar, a Catholic Sect that dates back to the Crusades.
That's an exception
Proved you wrong nonetheless
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Too many atheists in here
Shame they cant really use their brain and realize that atheism is killing the true virtues of mankind
Holy shit really?! Dudes either totally delusional or just half way delusional with some mission passed down thru his family then, right? Either way mad respekt
My great grandfather is a Templar but some faggot stole his fez and ring
From what I remember, catholics don't worship icons, bla bla, and the saints aren't that important to them. Except for that and the different kind of churches, not a big difference, they both believe in the same god.
Templar Freemason idk how it works
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I pray to Azathoth every night :/
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i dunno
most societies based on religion have historically been shitty places to live.
if you have any concrete examples, i have a wealth of historical knowledge i could use to debate the statement
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The bible was written around 80-100 AD
China under Pol Pot?
I'd actually love to live in the Religion portion of "Fantasy", it doesnt look like a shit hole at all. You have your crops, livestock, and people working together to form a functioning community.
do you know like 10 people or something?
The only difference between most religious and non religious people is that they go to church on sundays and the others don't.
>71% of scandinavians belong to the lutheran church
And 99% of those scandinavians never set a foot in a church except for confirmation (and the main reason people do that is because you get bribed with presents)
AWESOME GET FAGGOT WAY TO DEREDERERAIL THE FUCKING THREAD i love you mommy pls no die if yuo read this i am sorry
North Korea had the exact same qualities as religion... Their "God" is the supreme leaders (Kim John Il, and Kim John Un).... You're point is irrelevant
Has *.... And, the supreme leaders are the equivalent of a God*... Sorry autocorrect

Nigger I nigger can nigger use nigger "nigger" nigger more nigger times nigger than nigger you nigger in nigger a nigger single nigger sentence nigger nigger

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i have never been harassed by an atheist because of what he/she does/doesnt believe
i have been harassed by religiotards because of what they believe
nobody likes harassment
>easy af
What the hell is atheist about N. Korea. I'm pretty sure the guy is materialistic but religious? Is he anti-God? Is that what atheism is?

No, Atheism is emo. Atheism is /wrist. Atheism does not promote intelligence or facts. Atheism discourages sheep.
Tell that to the people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan
But atheism IS sheep. So be a sheep
Any country that forces a belief (or lack thereof) on its citizens is going to always be shit
>atheists din do nuffin
Nice cognitive dissonance faggot.
Atheists are totally level headed and normal human beings.
They din do nuffin.
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atheists din do nuthuin
>bix nood mufugga
is it because atheism kills dreams
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>I still belong to the Catholic Church despite being atheist.

Did you really just type that or is this shit tier bait?
kappa read the title ya dumb cunt
You don't know how anything works.

>Buddhists ect. are also atheists. They do not believe in a God. 60% is conservative.

I am also listed as a Protestant Christian in my country, because once you have been baptized you count a Christian to the state. You have to make and effort to have yourself removed from the records.
Catholics can never leave the church, just like Anglicans in governmental stats they count as Christians till they die.
He's not a deity my man. I think there are more qualities to identify a religion
Watch the video you dumb atheist apologist.
and let nobody here mention anything about sodom and gomorrah
>mindless fucking religiotards
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deport all atheists and muslims, we need an ethnically and religiously homogeneous society

fucking lol, can someone really be this stupid or…………
so an atheist finally did what religious people have been doing for years and years and fucking years? how shocking
right because sodom and gomorrah are still alive...
What are you talking about now?
>muh ancestors though
You literally sound like nigger apologists now.
>white people enslaved blacks so it's okay for blacks to attack whites and create race-riots.
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>not interpreting the bible how it seems to you
god killed sodomites and gommorites to bring them to heaven where the real fun happens
>fucking lol
>i smell uneducated
>…and summer
nigga north korea is 100% religion. communism as practiced by mlm's is religion, and Jushei or whatever the fuck you spell it like is absolutely religious
love the hypocritical retardpoligists
>some militant atheist mad over facts
>din do
Why can't atheists ever act civilized?
does it really matter though?
we all die the same no matter what, just let people think what they want.
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>mfw evangelist, lutheran, and catholic churches exist
>you sir seem to understand how the church works
different churches see things differently
>ah that summer breezey
Tell that to the atheists, they're the ones killing and assaulting everybody.
Where did the student say he was an athiest?

Or rite....he didn't. Come back when you actually have an argument. Thanks
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Actually, in North Korean propaganda, their leaders are of pseudo-divine origin.

>"Legend has it that a double rainbow and a glowing new star appeared in the heavens to herald the birth of Kim Jong Il, in 1942, on North Korea's cherished Baekdu Mountain."
unexpected boner :/
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>muh atheism
>atheists din do nuffin
Hahaha religion dying and i don't give a fuck

Brilliant analysis
Atheist apologist.
You probably think ISIS isn't "real islam" either.
>Dorner not a fucking hero
that monkey was the last true American to be driven from his home
>still got revenge
Can't Corner the Dorner
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watch out, there's a sharp edge you've got there, lemme fix that for you.
>2016 stats show religion is more prominent than ever
>le funny le reaction pic

>dindu may mays

Atheist apologist
>atheists din do nuthin
He's dumb for taking a rational talking point from a modern day television show?

That must make you fucking retarded for believing in thousand year old books written by old farts who just wanted to keep the masses under thumb.
>Atheist apologist.
Ad hom

>Isis isn't real Islam
Straw -man. Never once said that

Atheist apologist
>atheists din do nuthin
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woah you're on the wrong site here you go
as an athiest myself, i can safely say that the screams of my victims as they perish in a pool of their own blood and excrement are orgasmic.
There is nothing better than a good fight to start the day, especially on those faggot christians.
I also enjoy raping little girls in front of their families and burning down churches full of old people :)
Not an argument.
>It's okay that I do X because X is not as bad as Y.
Atheist apologist everybody!
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To his people he is a living God.

If you cannot see that what's going on there is still 100% religious, you're fucking retarded.
Not that I've met many atheists (and I'm agnostic), but almost every atheist kid I've ever met has been extremely sickly, like cancer, scoliosis, immunodeficiency, or slipped disks.
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Oh shit
>Atheist apologist
>Atheist apologist
>Atheist apologist
>Atheist apologist
>Atheist apologist
>Straw -man. Never once said that
But do you?
Do you believe islamic terrorism isn't a result of Islam?
It is an argument, you just have to virtue signal to all your atheistites that it is not. I see your game, you sickly pleb
>atheists din do nuffin
>atheism isnt real
But they're all equally retarded.
>Do you believe islamic terrorism isn't a result of Islam?

It is
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fuck, he figured it out guys, the jig is up.

4 billion people are retarded, even though religion is more popular than ever
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