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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 151
File: 1466708614140.png (953 KB, 1200x906) Image search: [Google]
953 KB, 1200x906
File: 1466708473574.jpg (323 KB, 1152x1026) Image search: [Google]
323 KB, 1152x1026
CIS Scum,
Hello again
File: 1467054072669.png (173 KB, 602x787) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 602x787
File: s_1417625492258.keihound_paws.jpg (558 KB, 1117x1134) Image search: [Google]
558 KB, 1117x1134
>only pawjobs

Welp, I got nothing to post.
File: 1466707976330.jpg (443 KB, 1144x686) Image search: [Google]
443 KB, 1144x686
File: 001 - pLYiWBo.jpg (199 KB, 800x1144) Image search: [Google]
001 - pLYiWBo.jpg
199 KB, 800x1144
More letterbox pictures
File: 1466707946521.jpg (207 KB, 783x1000) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 783x1000
File: 1432652355763.jpg (108 KB, 850x950) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 850x950
File: 002 - oElJVXo.jpg (141 KB, 907x1120) Image search: [Google]
002 - oElJVXo.jpg
141 KB, 907x1120
File: 003 - EIUKtz4.png (671 KB, 1155x840) Image search: [Google]
003 - EIUKtz4.png
671 KB, 1155x840
File: 004 - pcxkymI.jpg (434 KB, 2078x2667) Image search: [Google]
004 - pcxkymI.jpg
434 KB, 2078x2667
File: 1466709374713.png (1 MB, 943x1200) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 943x1200
File: 1463943884596.jpg (349 KB, 1000x1077) Image search: [Google]
349 KB, 1000x1077
What's a letterbox?
File: 007 - inz0hzY.png (2 MB, 1181x900) Image search: [Google]
007 - inz0hzY.png
2 MB, 1181x900
File: 1464344632226.png (1 MB, 964x1100) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 964x1100
File: 085 - vAZXdGi.png (400 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
085 - vAZXdGi.png
400 KB, 640x960
This is a letterbox picture. Blacks above and underneath.
File: 008 - V0x94qp.jpg (222 KB, 1280x921) Image search: [Google]
008 - V0x94qp.jpg
222 KB, 1280x921
File: 009 - nuQIF3t.jpg (121 KB, 894x839) Image search: [Google]
009 - nuQIF3t.jpg
121 KB, 894x839
File: 010 - 7KCt0dy.jpg (151 KB, 1200x765) Image search: [Google]
010 - 7KCt0dy.jpg
151 KB, 1200x765
File: 011 - 9j90gc7.jpg (187 KB, 1280x893) Image search: [Google]
011 - 9j90gc7.jpg
187 KB, 1280x893
That being said I meant I'm not really into pawjobs, but thanks regardless
Not quite sure what you're suggesting here?
File: 012 - EQOtOsM.png (380 KB, 1200x699) Image search: [Google]
012 - EQOtOsM.png
380 KB, 1200x699
File: 013 - dM0Y1UX.jpg (270 KB, 1250x814) Image search: [Google]
013 - dM0Y1UX.jpg
270 KB, 1250x814
File: 1467048742685.jpg (107 KB, 1280x1129) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 1280x1129
Have nothing to contribute

What's so special about them?
File: 014 - 5WuAnmQ.png (1 MB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
014 - 5WuAnmQ.png
1 MB, 750x750
File: 1466708047315.jpg (211 KB, 781x1280) Image search: [Google]
211 KB, 781x1280

>not into pawjobs

I think you're looking for g/fur
File: 015 - moEagGz.png (2 MB, 800x1204) Image search: [Google]
015 - moEagGz.png
2 MB, 800x1204
Someone was complaining about them in the earlier thread that they are lower quality and shit so.
File: 016 - cWd0tFM.jpg (136 KB, 920x880) Image search: [Google]
016 - cWd0tFM.jpg
136 KB, 920x880
File: 017 - ntLtLfW.png (524 KB, 720x800) Image search: [Google]
017 - ntLtLfW.png
524 KB, 720x800
File: 018 - sDJDcAU.png (2 MB, 1091x1400) Image search: [Google]
018 - sDJDcAU.png
2 MB, 1091x1400
File: 019 - GwVSWGE.jpg (319 KB, 1200x1236) Image search: [Google]
019 - GwVSWGE.jpg
319 KB, 1200x1236
File: 020 - iyxXYMe.jpg (251 KB, 1500x924) Image search: [Google]
020 - iyxXYMe.jpg
251 KB, 1500x924
Trust me I love g/fur, but I like the people in these threads better
File: 021 - uKmVt4Y.png (2 MB, 1400x1400) Image search: [Google]
021 - uKmVt4Y.png
2 MB, 1400x1400
File: 1467551953728.jpg (632 KB, 1198x860) Image search: [Google]
632 KB, 1198x860
Now that's retarded
File: 5e09779a32743d79de4b3b67cff6dc6f.jpg (194 KB, 1024x1024) Image search: [Google]
194 KB, 1024x1024

post pawjobs or thread gets delet
File: 022 - NNnY7LJ.jpg (716 KB, 3936x3191) Image search: [Google]
022 - NNnY7LJ.jpg
716 KB, 3936x3191
File: jesus why.jpg (2 MB, 3400x1912) Image search: [Google]
jesus why.jpg
2 MB, 3400x1912
I just found this.
File: 023 - mueXlWv.png (1 MB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
023 - mueXlWv.png
1 MB, 1000x1000
File: 025 - mlAJgnV.jpg (237 KB, 1079x1530) Image search: [Google]
025 - mlAJgnV.jpg
237 KB, 1079x1530
A bit yeah
File: 5464651615.png (200 KB, 275x400) Image search: [Google]
200 KB, 275x400

What an image swap. I feel bad for whoever got mine it was VERY x-rated
File: 1467542073171.png (2 MB, 1280x1920) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x1920
Me too, g/fur is awesome but the convos are too gay for my taste
File: 026 - 52cu06P.png (2 MB, 1500x1189) Image search: [Google]
026 - 52cu06P.png
2 MB, 1500x1189
Someone actually took the time to draw that.
File: 027 - 4JWThCq.jpg (243 KB, 970x1280) Image search: [Google]
027 - 4JWThCq.jpg
243 KB, 970x1280
File: 1466707724537.jpg (112 KB, 905x905) Image search: [Google]
112 KB, 905x905
File: 028 - WlRhLaB.png (1 MB, 888x1280) Image search: [Google]
028 - WlRhLaB.png
1 MB, 888x1280
File: 029 - Su1wbpe.jpg (242 KB, 1280x823) Image search: [Google]
029 - Su1wbpe.jpg
242 KB, 1280x823
Yes. They did. I don't know why they did. But now it doesn't just haunt me.
File: 031 - cRjlsVE.jpg (183 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
031 - cRjlsVE.jpg
183 KB, 1500x1500
File: 032 - ClWAY66.png (1 MB, 707x900) Image search: [Google]
032 - ClWAY66.png
1 MB, 707x900
File: 1467555315691.jpg (151 KB, 675x750) Image search: [Google]
151 KB, 675x750
File: 033 - RBRDAuH.jpg (177 KB, 1280x1080) Image search: [Google]
033 - RBRDAuH.jpg
177 KB, 1280x1080
File: Diesel_Intro.jpg (156 KB, 815x900) Image search: [Google]
156 KB, 815x900
Welp, I'm gonna head out and get some pizza. Be back later
File: 034 - VN2TUCd.jpg (151 KB, 1280x1119) Image search: [Google]
034 - VN2TUCd.jpg
151 KB, 1280x1119
File: 1466708659308.jpg (403 KB, 2500x2000) Image search: [Google]
403 KB, 2500x2000

There was one posted on here once of someone in a shitty diaper fucking a pregnant furry who was shitting from her tits with an x-ray showing that he was fucking the fetus inside her as well

I think they got banned for it
File: 035 - idq94Yp.png (1 MB, 1000x745) Image search: [Google]
035 - idq94Yp.png
1 MB, 1000x745
File: 036 - chK1P8I.jpg (177 KB, 849x1000) Image search: [Google]
036 - chK1P8I.jpg
177 KB, 849x1000
File: 037 - S68QR6M.jpg (243 KB, 1085x1053) Image search: [Google]
037 - S68QR6M.jpg
243 KB, 1085x1053
File: 038 - 9CAZEai.png (635 KB, 840x840) Image search: [Google]
038 - 9CAZEai.png
635 KB, 840x840
File: fb796d7baa4e2e04d08c37c6f4860539.png (432 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
432 KB, 1000x1000
I've been here way longer than I should

Bye guys
File: 1467064528371.jpg (113 KB, 800x789) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 800x789
File: 039 - rH4XyvZ.png (1 MB, 757x877) Image search: [Google]
039 - rH4XyvZ.png
1 MB, 757x877
File: 040 - TfANKgd.jpg (210 KB, 1280x998) Image search: [Google]
040 - TfANKgd.jpg
210 KB, 1280x998
File: 042 - Opi66NQ.png (742 KB, 743x908) Image search: [Google]
042 - Opi66NQ.png
742 KB, 743x908
File: 1382205979193.jpg (149 KB, 853x1280) Image search: [Google]
149 KB, 853x1280
Post stuff
File: 043 - hvl4kaf.jpg (164 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
043 - hvl4kaf.jpg
164 KB, 1280x720
File: 044 - o2kKlcR.png (648 KB, 1280x913) Image search: [Google]
044 - o2kKlcR.png
648 KB, 1280x913
File: 045 - CwAm5mG.jpg (168 KB, 1143x1200) Image search: [Google]
045 - CwAm5mG.jpg
168 KB, 1143x1200
File: 1467529025558.png (2 MB, 1280x938) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x938
File: 046 - VkceA8v.png (887 KB, 1273x693) Image search: [Google]
046 - VkceA8v.png
887 KB, 1273x693
File: eat a salad YOU FUCKING LARDASS.png (2 MB, 1280x1280) Image search: [Google]
eat a salad YOU FUCKING LARDASS.png
2 MB, 1280x1280
I don't know. I wish I knew what kind of drugs they were on.

I remember that. ugh. Worst pic I've seen so far other than the cheesegrater.
File: 047 - s6iqqr0.png (1 MB, 1394x1050) Image search: [Google]
047 - s6iqqr0.png
1 MB, 1394x1050
File: 048 - QpYZqhY.jpg (206 KB, 806x1000) Image search: [Google]
048 - QpYZqhY.jpg
206 KB, 806x1000
File: 049 - QHcUUd9.png (620 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
049 - QHcUUd9.png
620 KB, 640x960
File: 050 - kuDNoLV.png (1022 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
050 - kuDNoLV.png
1022 KB, 640x960
File: 1467076488067.jpg (56 KB, 1280x972) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 1280x972
File: 051 - 3FaQTcj.png (880 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
051 - 3FaQTcj.png
880 KB, 640x960
File: 052 - zOx5RZq.jpg (30 KB, 400x358) Image search: [Google]
052 - zOx5RZq.jpg
30 KB, 400x358
File: 1466267513548.jpg (390 KB, 790x977) Image search: [Google]
390 KB, 790x977
Even worse if they were sober
File: 053 - hdlqdyK.jpg (202 KB, 876x1280) Image search: [Google]
053 - hdlqdyK.jpg
202 KB, 876x1280
File: 1466996711354.jpg (567 KB, 2400x3000) Image search: [Google]
567 KB, 2400x3000
File: 054 - nbaq9LY.jpg (177 KB, 1000x750) Image search: [Google]
054 - nbaq9LY.jpg
177 KB, 1000x750
File: 055 - TFgAGhs.png (1 MB, 1399x1149) Image search: [Google]
055 - TFgAGhs.png
1 MB, 1399x1149
File: 056 - Roa1kKb.jpg (185 KB, 1280x934) Image search: [Google]
056 - Roa1kKb.jpg
185 KB, 1280x934
File: 057 - COMrvFI.jpg (196 KB, 827x1000) Image search: [Google]
057 - COMrvFI.jpg
196 KB, 827x1000
File: 1447564984454.png (1 MB, 840x1125) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 840x1125
File: 058 - R3oXPYO.png (2 MB, 1124x800) Image search: [Google]
058 - R3oXPYO.png
2 MB, 1124x800
File: 059 - OnKAWvE.jpg (161 KB, 1000x846) Image search: [Google]
059 - OnKAWvE.jpg
161 KB, 1000x846
File: 1464751668709.png (948 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
948 KB, 1280x720
File: 060 - 6nMJbyG.png (3 MB, 1240x1212) Image search: [Google]
060 - 6nMJbyG.png
3 MB, 1240x1212
File: 1466351596268.jpg (528 KB, 1200x800) Image search: [Google]
528 KB, 1200x800
Why is there no /fur/ board yet?
I know there's /trash/ but it's just trash
File: 061 - WJOre82.jpg (136 KB, 1043x801) Image search: [Google]
061 - WJOre82.jpg
136 KB, 1043x801
File: 063 - 3NbMfsr.jpg (192 KB, 1120x1280) Image search: [Google]
063 - 3NbMfsr.jpg
192 KB, 1120x1280
File: 1464323965077.png (1 MB, 993x1500) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 993x1500
File: 064 - uY4begs.png (628 KB, 1280x994) Image search: [Google]
064 - uY4begs.png
628 KB, 1280x994
File: 065 - bQNhlTM.jpg (209 KB, 1280x1019) Image search: [Google]
065 - bQNhlTM.jpg
209 KB, 1280x1019
File: 066 - QgEbkjA.png (868 KB, 1263x1137) Image search: [Google]
066 - QgEbkjA.png
868 KB, 1263x1137
File: NoMarks_Miamidildos_u18chan.jpg (1 MB, 2160x1511) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2160x1511
I do what I want
File: 067 - vLfCBXA.png (2 MB, 999x1067) Image search: [Google]
067 - vLfCBXA.png
2 MB, 999x1067
File: 068 - t4OZDyW.png (2 MB, 969x1280) Image search: [Google]
068 - t4OZDyW.png
2 MB, 969x1280
File: 1397663734_Miami_Dildo.jpg (654 KB, 1300x920) Image search: [Google]
654 KB, 1300x920
File: 069 - yEjD5XJ.jpg (264 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
069 - yEjD5XJ.jpg
264 KB, 1280x960
File: 070 - SEoUkTI.jpg (227 KB, 931x1280) Image search: [Google]
070 - SEoUkTI.jpg
227 KB, 931x1280
File: 071 - P7ESRYq.jpg (146 KB, 1280x1005) Image search: [Google]
071 - P7ESRYq.jpg
146 KB, 1280x1005
File: 1448663519264.png (436 KB, 1280x1652) Image search: [Google]
436 KB, 1280x1652
File: 1465848422327.png (1008 KB, 1052x1200) Image search: [Google]
1008 KB, 1052x1200
I'm gonna leave now, need to get some shit done
Can't spend the whole day on 4chan again
File: 072 - 3rGEZJe.png (2 MB, 1222x1500) Image search: [Google]
072 - 3rGEZJe.png
2 MB, 1222x1500
File: 073 - eDqt8sa.png (2 MB, 1260x990) Image search: [Google]
073 - eDqt8sa.png
2 MB, 1260x990
File: 074 - f4MCMPq.jpg (217 KB, 790x1200) Image search: [Google]
074 - f4MCMPq.jpg
217 KB, 790x1200
File: 075 - GJYNzD3.jpg (196 KB, 793x1093) Image search: [Google]
075 - GJYNzD3.jpg
196 KB, 793x1093
File: 076 - p6v54sG.jpg (154 KB, 997x1017) Image search: [Google]
076 - p6v54sG.jpg
154 KB, 997x1017
Do someone have s/fur comics?
File: 077 - W8tu3nH.jpg (248 KB, 1600x1131) Image search: [Google]
077 - W8tu3nH.jpg
248 KB, 1600x1131
File: 078 - BRYn43o.jpg (131 KB, 957x835) Image search: [Google]
078 - BRYn43o.jpg
131 KB, 957x835
File: 079 - TQaIcpQ.png (667 KB, 1280x1053) Image search: [Google]
079 - TQaIcpQ.png
667 KB, 1280x1053
File: 080 - bqQYAEF.png (1 MB, 1250x947) Image search: [Google]
080 - bqQYAEF.png
1 MB, 1250x947
File: 081 - DWGLnNH.jpg (191 KB, 1250x884) Image search: [Google]
081 - DWGLnNH.jpg
191 KB, 1250x884
File: 082 - bjca1dy.jpg (256 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
082 - bjca1dy.jpg
256 KB, 1080x1920
File: 083 - ZA1rswg.png (1 MB, 1280x983) Image search: [Google]
083 - ZA1rswg.png
1 MB, 1280x983
File: 084 - cvWDYte.jpg (136 KB, 930x1280) Image search: [Google]
084 - cvWDYte.jpg
136 KB, 930x1280
File: 086 - G07PvfL.png (973 KB, 884x850) Image search: [Google]
086 - G07PvfL.png
973 KB, 884x850
File: 088 - w5ElFXV.png (670 KB, 640x495) Image search: [Google]
088 - w5ElFXV.png
670 KB, 640x495
File: 089 - NLcqz0B.jpg (196 KB, 1280x854) Image search: [Google]
089 - NLcqz0B.jpg
196 KB, 1280x854
File: 090 - pRpg6dL.jpg (250 KB, 901x1280) Image search: [Google]
090 - pRpg6dL.jpg
250 KB, 901x1280
File: 091 - RTs3QRc.jpg (154 KB, 1091x877) Image search: [Google]
091 - RTs3QRc.jpg
154 KB, 1091x877
File: 092 - q1tqwJM.jpg (207 KB, 1000x929) Image search: [Google]
092 - q1tqwJM.jpg
207 KB, 1000x929
File: 093 - FBkheju.jpg (153 KB, 800x1040) Image search: [Google]
093 - FBkheju.jpg
153 KB, 800x1040
File: 094 - Xxt6zpr.jpg (208 KB, 1054x1280) Image search: [Google]
094 - Xxt6zpr.jpg
208 KB, 1054x1280
File: 095 - yvHq5Zl.png (1 MB, 1030x916) Image search: [Google]
095 - yvHq5Zl.png
1 MB, 1030x916
File: 097 - f9vsSPp.jpg (185 KB, 1500x1049) Image search: [Google]
097 - f9vsSPp.jpg
185 KB, 1500x1049
File: 098 - SV79KLx.jpg (176 KB, 968x750) Image search: [Google]
098 - SV79KLx.jpg
176 KB, 968x750
File: 1448122198655.jpg (53 KB, 612x792) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 612x792
File: 099 - TMkVQxd.jpg (177 KB, 1280x1125) Image search: [Google]
099 - TMkVQxd.jpg
177 KB, 1280x1125
File: 100 - NXVzttF.jpg (365 KB, 1280x1280) Image search: [Google]
100 - NXVzttF.jpg
365 KB, 1280x1280
File: 1455882823638.jpg (110 KB, 751x950) Image search: [Google]
110 KB, 751x950
File: glowing in the moonlight.png (872 KB, 982x1200) Image search: [Google]
glowing in the moonlight.png
872 KB, 982x1200
File: 1443900321467.png (539 KB, 810x810) Image search: [Google]
539 KB, 810x810
File: 1443900377269.png (281 KB, 746x731) Image search: [Google]
281 KB, 746x731
File: 1443903487923.jpg (76 KB, 994x1280) Image search: [Google]
76 KB, 994x1280
File: 1443903992764.jpg (425 KB, 800x888) Image search: [Google]
425 KB, 800x888
File: 1443906132771.jpg (175 KB, 735x960) Image search: [Google]
175 KB, 735x960
File: 1443906703082.jpg (1 MB, 1026x865) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1026x865
File: 1443909425175.jpg (310 KB, 931x1317) Image search: [Google]
310 KB, 931x1317
File: 1444069192508.jpg (696 KB, 1250x1300) Image search: [Google]
696 KB, 1250x1300
File: 1444788897632.png (1 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1080x1920
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652 KB, 1270x1032
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530 KB, 929x1029
File: ara you gonna come over here.png (265 KB, 1280x681) Image search: [Google]
ara you gonna come over here.png
265 KB, 1280x681
Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 151

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