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Waifu claiming thread. Apple edition Previous: >>692944498

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 178
Thread images: 149
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2 MB, 3276x4095
Waifu claiming thread.
Apple edition

Previous: >>692944498

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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Kirino [28].png
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you know who i am
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>early bake
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Homura (77).jpg
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That was a whole did not feel like one.
i thought image limit was reached :c
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Homura (75).jpg
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Kyouko spirit has been embedded into /waifu/?
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it was 1 away
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Kazuki (4).jpg
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hur dur early image bake

it was one away fuck
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You know it!
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blake fag
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Homura (23).jpg
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The hologram is a lie.

Your point being? It's still one away.
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Give her back, roll.
ill kill u
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Didn't take her!
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rate my waifu
I'm just wondering why you waste some images on the newer thread saying
>o no early bake ew filthy
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>mfw i have a choking fetish

9/10. would be 10 if it was mine
Everyone is nice but i found me a unicorn.
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Kazuki (93).jpg
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Still not sure about that
You are a lie
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alright, then im the degenerate faggot whos been up on here since 4 am this morning
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I am here and awake. I am not happy about this. I want food but am too lazy to make anything.
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Homura (32).jpg
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Because early bake is a bad practice. It's counted as two threads with the same purpose and it's why something might get deemed as spam, deleted or even contained into /trash/.

>wasting images
Please, it's not like we make a new thread as soon as image caps or in cases like this earlier. I would make an empty post to claim anyway.

The lie is a lie, therefore I am not a lie.
This said you did >:^(
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i dont mind that being posted in general but this is a waifu claim thread, so at least claim something and post relevant content
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here you go anon
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My darling little waifu.
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this is my waifu
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she is so cute
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nice. i dont want this thread derailing, but if you guys have folders of this kind of stuff id love to have them
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not even trash tier
make something and stop being lazy
my bad
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They are a liar!
dont worry about it. the mods here really dont like these threads in general, and anons who think our community is cancer will use any excuse to report us for spamming these threads. just always wait until it hits 150
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Homura (3).png
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Do we play the game of life, or does life play us?

Very nice
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perfect, that works. thank you
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Claiming Seaport Hime.
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Sachii i want eggs!

I want my peppers in my garden to be done tho. so i can eat them with eggs but whatever.

what are you up to? full priced sachii?
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Homura (6).jpg
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No worries, you were lucky that someone linked that to me some days ago even if it's not really to my taste.

We play it and it's the most unfair game of all time, quitting is an option.
I'm pretty sure that Thats a board game
So we play the game of life
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I just cheat
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Kazuki (80).jpg
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Much better
A lie is lying about not being a lie
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not sure why i like that shit so much. ive choked myself to get off a couple of times, but its been a bit
Hahhaha this was on my fb feed this morning

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Syndra [62].png
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Hey Hime
Die already.
"From dust you came from to dust you shall return"
oh shino btw
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get eggs then
just watching tennis discount karen
something about canonly being shipped
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this literally happened to me last year, but with a horse. we launched our fireworks and this crazy old lady walked to our house and started screaming at us. fucking funny
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Edgefag quoting the bible
Hey Syndrabro. How are you?
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cute little waifu
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Darkness and Claw reunites.
>A lie is lying about not being a lie
Now I'm confused, I wasn't lying about not being me not being a lie.

Most fetishes are unexplainable, I don't enjoy causing harm but I would enjoy some of it being caused to me. Choking fetish isn't that uncommon.
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it's so funny. Bitching about fireworks on the 4th falls on deaf ears. Nobody gives a shit. It sucks I know, i have 3 dogs they arnt retards tho. Still if they were i would kennel them or something.
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Darkness and Claw.jpg
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Working on it
No the ship is gone
But maybe this one time

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This is some Grade A creeper shit. What in the actual fuck.
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probably might happen again today
id be into both doing and receiving. but i mostly just like jerking to it lmao
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Syndra [166].jpg
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Im fine.
Thinking of what to do
Die faster.
>But maybe this one time
Pretty much the same as you.
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just like your waifu
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nah its not gone yet
you're too little young one
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Homura (152).jpg
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Eh. Nothing wrong with that, like lolicons having no interest in actual kids.

>No the ship is gone
That's a lie, Syndra ships are eternal. Like the one with Yume x Syndra and Yume x Homura.
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its 3D because its cosplay, id say thats acceptable.
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Kazuki (33).jpg
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Its dead and gone
>Yume x Homura
Thats a thing?
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Today's thread feels off. Is it just me?
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here, have some homu waifuisms.
I guess I'm too high for this, meat to say Syndra x Homura. It was a thing for what? One hour? Syndra always keeps a lot of pretenders in line.

I'm just not much into 3D and I also don't think someone else cosplaying as my waifu is that interesting, I only have 2 pics like that saved (not counting pics where Homura is still present).
>pic related
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>claiming yume
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well i have lewd stuff saved. i follow a lot of blake cosplay people on facebook and shit, but i dont save a lot of it. i mostly put that because im almost out of pics of her to post at this point kek
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Kazuki (53).jpg
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How many ships does he have?
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Never forget
Yume x Syndra
sachii im 30
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Remember to have sex with your waifus, or don't waifu them.
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still too young
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Yume x Homura?
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Kirino [231].jpg
276 KB, 1089x1080

Never forget.
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Homura (69).png
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Booru translations better come quick because these seem like fun reads.

Typo. And no.
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kirino <3
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Kiniro Mosaic1.png
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i guess so....
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haha you're adorable. Most people hate shit like this, because you are definitely happy to NTR madoka. Translation for random pixiv waifu shit scribbles? never.
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Homura (20).png
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How's the day going, bup?
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Worst ship
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Kirino [288].png
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kirino really is the best
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Everything is excellent.
How about yours? Bup.
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Kirino BG [9].png
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I'm pretty sure some people would disagree but, sure.
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Actually, I have a friend that does translations. If he likes it, he may do it.
>He's a tad picky

Throw me a Danbooru link for all of them and I'll ask him about it.
i mean, do you like her? i always thought she was really cute
File: Homura (42).jpg (205 KB, 813x1024) Image search: [Google]
Homura (42).jpg
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I'm not really into these sex related pics but the artstyle is interesting and some of the pics are just awesome. I'm assuming even pics without sexual contents might include it in the text though.

4chan messed up I guess and now you can't even upload the pic. Shame.

I just take too long to do things that shouldn't take long, other than that and the heat it's a great Monday.
Do you like music like this?
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88 KB, 577x1024
2nd best girl <3
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did you not understand me the first time? these are pixiv shit scribbles. as for finding the artist, just use saucenao.

No shame in your waifuing a lesbian I see. to be honest you are scum, but at least you're honest scum, like this artist.
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Kirino BG [28].png
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Well obviously I do.
That's nice to know.

You sound pretty upset

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I don't remember going to bed last night edition
everyone seems to hate her here, but i always liked her a lot
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198 KB, 640x1136
oh, so thats some other guy.
>i'm not into the sex
so you want homura to cook you food wearing an apron and motherly scarf on her head, and ntr madoka, and you want to deny homura sexual release? you monster.
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I can't listen to it right now, unfortunately.
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Homura (198).png
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This one pic for example is pure adorableness, thanks.
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I tried diluting my orange juice but it tastes like crap now.
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Hamakaze 203.jpg
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Happy America day /waifu/!
>Hamakaze claimed
We hate that fucking fag not her
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I'm not Homu, I can't be assed for that. Just throwing the offer out there. Back to my chicken strips and lurking.
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Kirino [80].jpg
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Well you're not wrong about that. Many people hate her, and I understand why. But I can't help liking her. I have a thing for imoutos.

you mean the guy claiming her right now??
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see >>692961274
you scumposter.only the worst waifu fags would admit they want homura to treat them to cuddles and loving food without any sex whats so ever. On the bright side, I guess homura is going to cheat on you. Maybe drown her hang ups in alcohol. Why wont he touch me?
i just think shes cute, and she seems to be playful. apparently in the show shes in, shes dislikeable
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I gathered. but pleaseunderstand.jpg
images of a certain quality do not make it on danbooru. hell some just don't get approved even if theyre good because no one likes them.

These waifu shit scribbles will never find their way onto that site. maybe the best of the best of the cheese cake might make it on.
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Happy Grandmas Birthday, Hama.
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I forgot that was today since we did the party Saturday..
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she's a bitch, but this is /a/ we're talking about so they are used to doormat waifus who just want to basically own a girl with no personality except her attraction to dick.
File: Kirino [63].jpg (158 KB, 850x1152) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [63].jpg
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She is really cute. I'm a sucker for blue eyes, and I love her hair. Also great ass.

And yeah he did mean me.
She can be pretty dislike able, because shes a massive tsun.
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Homura (124).png
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Feelsbadman. I hope you're having a good time wherever you are.

That's just not how waifuism works for me. I don't want to screw her, definitely not knowing she would be happier with Madoka. I would be happy to be the one serving her the cookies and I realize she must have a lot of sexual frustration built up after all those years she lived and relived but hey, she is not real. I will have to keep her as a symbol of perseverance that makes my days happier.
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fair enough. i think we are better than those waifu fags because we actually like our girl's personalities. thats why kirino isnt my waifu, because i like blake's personality

lmao what did he do?

same man, her eyes are nice and big too
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I don't understand exactly how the boorus operate. So I guess it's fair enough. In which case...

Homu, save any of them you want translated and give them to me when I'm not in bed. I'll pester the hell outta my friend to translate them, and he probably will since they're not on the booru.
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Actually, everywhere I go its having a great time because of my presence, but yeah, thanks, I guess.
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Kyouko (206).jpg
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Complaining about everything in his life
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that picture is hnnnnggg

but in response to your text. how do you think madoka would feel knowing imagining homura ntring her for you is the only thing that keeps you a symbol of persevereance. thats what these pictures represent after all. And then on top of that, she finds out that despite the fact that in these fantasies homura gives up everything including her to be with you, you wont even touch her.

Hidoiyo konnano Amari dayo,
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fair enough i guess
File: Kirino [125].jpg (90 KB, 500x649) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [125].jpg
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If you want.

Big blue eyes are pretty great.

That was a while ago friend, haven't done that in thread for some time.
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Loving the nekos and blush in this thread
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where will you be posting them after the fact?
>in the thread
You still do it in discord.
what if i don't want?
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59 KB, 564x614
i can hook you up with nekos any day of the week fam?
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93 KB, 382x401
discord? you guys have a discord set up here?
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>making a community
>getting buttfrustrated at drama,
you guys are the ones in the wrong.
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Kirino [274].png
163 KB, 500x500
I don't even think I've shared much in the discord. Only when everyone else is.

Then don't.
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Do it
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Homura (141).png
612 KB, 600x800
I will keep them on a separate folder so I can give them to you easily whenever you can. Good luck getting your friend to do it and thanks!


Nice vibes, I feel like it's the other way around for me but maybe that's why we fit perfectly together.

>gives up everything including her to be with you
That's just a fantasy that I wouldn't go into by myself, but I would do whatever she asks me for.
but i do
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7 KB, 239x211
my waifu has big yellow cat eyes, but blue eyes on anyone are dope
Claiming best witch Bernkastel
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79 KB, 850x718
not sure if you were here when i did, but i dumped like 1700 lewd neko pcs here in a folder like 3 days ago
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>implying homura's waifu doesn't know what those fantasies are
>implying homura doesn't either.
besides that though, I never said it was anything more than a fantasy, so thats not really a valid answer to the scenario.
>but I would have sex.
see, is that so hard?
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Probably just post the translations here.

Akiko pls.

It'll come down to how many and if they like it/in the mood to translate. Odds are I could gift them a PSN card and get them done no matter what.
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I think you fit perfectly with everybody, though.
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