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>Claim your WaifuHusbando >No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
>Claim your WaifuHusbando
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is not /b/, This is /Waifu/
>Most importantly have fun

>robit claimed
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beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
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Different Fran.
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screaming internally.png
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Sounds like fun. only problem is that i don't know any of the boardgames you mentioned
i want a new TV!
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good luck with that, theres like 3 movies i think and all of them are giant so you'll need to be really bored 3 times in a row

Goodnight Galko

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whats good.gif
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>>691917023 (Discount)
How would they taste different from each other though?

>>691917073 (Cutest Rider)
Oh, it sounded like it was more intact from the earlier post

>>691917284 (Jenny)
Pretty much, just trying to live it up robit
Hows life in general?

>>691917971 (BEST)
Everyone has their own things they sucker into, i know i do so i cant judge.
Different is a good way to put it, i agree

>>691918093 (Smug)
Well your next season is for sure right? Mine isnt ever gonna happen qq
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Your daughter needs you back Rikka.
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robit porn thread
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Sorry i didn't do much. i will return another time.
Girl kissing faggot
Thats why you didnt get married right
Im sorry senpai
It just cant happen that way
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I dunno mang
It really depends on the bread, you gotta experiment
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Fran and Okita.jpg
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Ah yes. I always forget that there are more of us. Not that I'm complaining.It simply proves that great taste isn't as uncommon as I thought.

Still, can never have too many Fran Ohayo!

Also >>691918525
for anyone who didn't see it.
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Yozora claimed

Fire up those gas chambers, boys!


If that means you're leaving, then goodbye!
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If Manga were real he would pick Mizore.

I'm off to bed!
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What would you like, ms. Nishikino?

I'll see to it that my elves make the sharpest scalpel!

Would a 90in 4k do?

Hey man don't say that!

Take care!


Santa smug here. Any more that wish for a gift from me?
Night icee!

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Oy vey
do you even lift bro? didn't think so.
quite awful, my mum's brain is fucked after another aneurysm. she'll be fine though. But other than that life has been quite nice.
no, i want an 8k!
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I demand lewds for Christmas.
>Check these trips

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Ika Dance.gif
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kek, how are you?
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Fran Death's no good.jpg
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I'm pretty sure if the manga was real he'd be dead within the first few chapters.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Is her mind still intact or has she delved into the deep, dark, and very sheer drop-off that is dementia?
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i'm sorry what? i can't hear you over the sound of me getting dubs.
No u
Senpai our ship wouldnt sail
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Well shit. Once a month then, will probably lose interest.

What's your kryptonite then? Yep, now the guy said he preferred the older stuff much better and that was the first album. Wondering where this'll take us now.

>22 hours
Wew, second person to break into the twenties. Feverish itching eh? Bed bugs or something?

What I want is something that's not made out of matter. I don't think you can deliver that Smug Claus.

Ayy lmao
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nevermind kill me now
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Ika The Beast 3.jpg
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Neither of you know how to get same numbers do you?

yeah dude. its the reason i dont wathc those movies. but in general i dont watch movies
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Robot gets fucked by hair.gif
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she's fine. might've forgotten alot of things though. it was just an artery in her brain blowing, nothing like dementia.
that thumbnail looks fucking weird
Nah, I was over there today. Should be real soon if I keep pestering like I have been.

>Subliminal messages
I always knew you were a sub. :^)

And how would I do that?
We're failures.

Pretty good.
Just got these dubs.
>check em
Claim I went on the wrong thread edition
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Your too cute to not get dubs
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Ika Yee.gif
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lol you certainly do have shit luck.
I wont catch up, because I have to ride, but Ill chill.
Wew wew. Finished work on time

Rory-sama claimed
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Kirino [218].jpg
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Er, whoops.

My bad.

I didn't even know there was a second Fran.

Sorry about that.
I guess its hard to get into something you dont immediately like ya know? Maybe ill just stick with my rum and cry

Its been too long smug, ill just keep hope for your next season alive

Oh fuck, thats horrible. What caused it? You sound surprisingly good about things

The tf2 classes so mercy, and pharah mainly.
You know how i am, im just gonna roll with it and let it take me wherever it wants

All you gotta say is one word! Stop being so fussy
How many days do you think until you are riding?
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Fran Phone.jpg
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Exema. It gets really bad this time of year. Really hot weather plus strong winds equal irritated skin. I'd have gone to the grocery store today and picked up some oatmeal for a bath but it had to be today that I'd get called into the morgue. Moose mauling. Pretty bad.

By the time I got out of there the stores were already closed.

Well at least you avoided the worst. I'm happy the old people I have to deal with are all dead. It sounds rude but they creep me right the fuck out.

I-I'd still like to see it. The collection can always grow!
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candy can fix it.jpg
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I believe we have three or maybe four including this one.
>this many rules on b

Fucking kill yourself
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I know that feel. I use Cetaphil moisturiser and Elocon strength cream when mine gets out of hand. The cetaphil is a daily use thing, gotta stay on that shit.
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Thank you~

It's a curse, I tell you.


>check my dubs again
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Fran Sees ur dick.jpg
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I remember the last time we were all in a thread together. Oh the solutions we had. The great waifu cloning of 2016. Those were the days.
Kill yourself
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Was meant for >>691921400
Now check my cute dubs
He she a cute
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Ok on it!


I'm already with the bun :/

Maki to be real? I want shinoa to be real too;~;

You tell me

That's my fault

;_; maybe one day right? Some shows have 2nd season that tske.former to make
>your fav shinoa art


I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
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Ah well
Rikka is kill right now

Fair enough
To each their own~

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Ika Shrimp 3.jpg
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you can only cure the curse by giving yourself the noose dude. i suggest you use it
Thats why im saying we could never be toghter
Your cute dubs are nothing compared to my SCIENCE dubs!

nighty night!

I have to use expensive baby lotion or it burns so bad I have to wash the lotion off. I must be allergic to some common chemical in the formulas.
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image (1).jpg
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Dubs demand.
Goodbye weeaboos, I'll miss you all.


>Off by one
S-so do you wanna do the sex?
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well to be honest i was pretty fucked up about it when i first heard a week ago (i barely posted during that time). but she's on the road to recover so I'm too worried. she's like 50 so she's still got some life left in her
I get you, alot of old people i meet at work are quite creepy. met this one old guy who thought i was a chick because of my hair. tried hitting on me too.
Great! make sure it's a sony, i only support sony!
>not having rules
Kill yourself
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Ika Baffled.jpg
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goodnight dude

why do i never talk to you anymore?
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It's ok cutie.

Yeah it's too time consuming. Rather use my time complaining about how I have too much time to not complain about doing stuff.

>Watching the dub
There's only one show I'd do that for.

>Cute pic

So HEROES NEVER DIE and JUSTICE REIGNS FROM-AUGH. Good choices although you know I'm shit with Mercy. Spoken just like Mugen.

Wew man, sounds pretty rough. Never dealt with anything like that, although I do itch a lot in the winter, dry skin I suppose. Geez that does sound bad, working at a morgue huh? Spooky m8.

Well she is real technically, it's not the same though. Sleep tight SmuggerJugger.
Sorry i dont have pre-shipped sex
Well see about these
Who does he wear the mask for
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Because you don't like me anymore ;-;
Hey Ika~
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i cast a spell.jpg
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I find myself vaping currently. Where did I go wrong.
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Kirino [49].jpg
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Ah, I don't have it on me at the moment, sorry about that.

Sounds like another minor case of the Tomokos.
Too late to turn back now. Join the nation.

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Ika Chibi Mad.jpg
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id rather just spend my time doing absolutely nothing like this morning.
>ended up falling asleep

WHAT!? who told you that garbage?

when you decided to be a hipster or who ever uses those things
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Fran cartoony.jpg
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Well at least that old dude has good taste. I once had a guy offer me 100 bucks to blow him in a change room when I worked at Marks. Gave him a handy for 150.

It feels like a bunch of itchy fire ants are crawling under your skin. It's pretty bad but goes away the day after a few oatmeal baths. I love the morgue. Not spooky at all. The only bad part is sewing road paste back into a funeralable piece.

I'll beat you at your own game. Check my cute dubs.


That's alright. More reason for me to keep checking into the threads.
aww fuck the first one was for >>691922385 Maki
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Robot fucks sattelite furiously.jpg
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the moment you touched that vape. it's too late for you now
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How's things going for ya?
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Night smug

True, maybe i should try a hard lemonade or something, are those any good?

Sorry to hear friendo, but at least now you are taking it fairly well it sounds like. Always good to be optimistic, i cant ever be

We all have things we are bad at
>i somehow cant play mcfree
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Robots rapes desk violently.jpg
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>gave him a handy for 150
kek. what i don't get is why he didn't hit the other female staff. I'm a big dude, doubt anyone would ever bother hitting on me when there are better looking staff around
Ive been smoking more cigarettes then i have been vaping
Am i doin it right
>i just want to die
Nah fam
Dont you know about bane
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With these upgrades, you never stood a chance

>Hamakaze claimed
help me >>691922569
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Ika 2nd n Happy.jpg
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its going good. the only shit thing that happened in like a week is that i dropped my phone in piss. but thats really it. otherwise i went to six flags, watched zootopia, and other few stuff but yeah, good. what about you?

maybe he was gay?

hello there how are you?
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No u
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Fran Begin Operation.png
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To get some discussion brewing in the thread, when did your waifu attain waifu status? Was it love at first sight? Did it develop slowly over time? Are you filthy harem scum?

The hard lemonades are pretty good. I prefer Vex when going for the less hard alcohol though.

Like I said, the guy had good taste.

If dubs you have to admit that science is better that cute.

Eh. I was a struggling university student. You gotta do what you gotta do man.
Did you now?

Within the week, if all goes well.

Late Goodnight, Smugs.

Oh you cheeki breeki.
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Shit son, either you shoot some heroin or kill yourself. Vaping is a sign of cancer and faggotry
you're a nigger
If singles im still a cute
>it's a didn't see the thorn gauntlets in a fight club episode
The amounts of times I died to this man
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I dindu nuffin
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Fran Laugh.png
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Ika Black Chibi 2.jpg
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You filthy cockroach

fucking kek.
Means im super cute
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I'm alright. Just finished grinding for Hamakaze on kancolle
>and not getting her
How are you?


Checked and kek'd
You know damn well thats not what it means.
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I never tried any of those
Your call friend

Guess what? Drunk again

Shit man.. I've been mostly being a boring fuck
Nothing much happened with me
who's bane? w- who are you?
he called me called me deary and asked me if i have a boyfriend. i'm sure he thought i was a chick
>good taste
o- okay. thanks

As for my waifu, just developed over time when i was younger. fell in love with shinku afterwards though when i got into Anime, but i chose jenny after going back to MLAATR a few years ago.
Eat shit.
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>drunk early Tuesday
Mah nigga
So you'll post lewds for free right?
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>Check em

I'm back from the dead, guys.
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i cry now.gif
882 KB, 500x257
You guys want to hear my sick vape rip?
>I was a struggling university student
>implying that's any reason to be gay
disgusting honestly.
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2 MB, 1024x1739
Good morning everyone!
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something witty.gif
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I think I'm going to go sudoku now.
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2016-06-08 01.20.43.png
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Nah it was 2 single 5's
2 singles make it better
The one who wears the mask
No please
>my rig is better tha yours
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Any excuse to get drunk is good enough for me~
Wanna join?

I'm not that cheap
>unlike a certain someone who was willing to gives lewds for dubs
>and for this pic
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Figured as much kek.

Falling asleep from nothing is the best, the true pinnacle of laziness.

Godspeed man, I'd be fighting constantly within the sheets, guessing you already do though. Ah can't remember the last time I took an actual bath, shower's is where it's a now. Play some Silent Hills game then say that kek.

Yep, some more than others. He's so easy mang

>Approach enemy
>Act as if you're backing off
>They follow
>Ready concussion
>Use concussion
>Fan Hammer
Unless it's a tank, throw a few rolls in there.

When I first saw her. The tsun archetype is my favorite and she's not overly assertive with it like some. Balance of cuteness, a pure heart and tsun. Can't forget the red-hair too.

You should of seen this coming
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can't think of a filename.jpg
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It's my mother's (don't worry she's not faggot, it's to stop her smoking).
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Ika Chibi Runs.gif
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i havent really seen and shows really. i dont watch tv or movies often. so since im limited in shows to choose, i chose ika (not really).
>i only joined because there was a Sanae in the threads
>really the only reason i joined

nah, it dont, thats why you dont show your face

>and not getting here
lol keep trying. you'll get her eventually.
Im doing good. im finally seeing the upside to no phone

lol dont worry, im a lazy fuck, the only reason i even did this stuff is because i was invited to go not because i wanted to go.

maybe he was checking to see if you were gay too?

half lazy half sadness really
God dammit that pic
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2much imply.gif
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>implying i'm implying
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Ah well,t hope you had some fun~

lewds pls :^)
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Fran Roaches.jpg
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My waifu was pretty much solidified after a few chapters. Her genuine need to help people and the hilarious consequences that followed tickled my heartstrings in all the right places.

Whatcha drinking fam? I've got a Doctor Octopus icing up beside me. (Kraken and Doctor Pepper)

I'm open to pretty much anything sexually, male or female. Call me what you will but the dick likes what the dick likes.

I play horror games In the morgue when I've no bodies to embalm or sew. It's quite fun. The best part is when the coworkers in the other rooms get spooked by scary noises and eerily open the door. Also red hair is A++
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Sounds good, ill check em out. Is vex a hard lemonade brand?

>Why do you hate me
Ill get the hype ready then, gotta ride the beast

You and me both, i just dont know anything about alcohol so im just gonna try everything i can

He may be easy, but ive also had no interest in playing him so maybe thats why i also suck with him.
>rolling rolling rolling
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Why do you do this to me Amatsu
>Implying that's a waifu
suppose so. still an odd experience though
>if he wasn't a grubby old man i might've played along
Im a faggot
Not gay tho
Nah these trips say im 2cute4u
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You stole my trips please go
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Fran oh fuck.jpg
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Nah, it's more like a mix between smirnoff ice and a cooler. Tastes fucking delicious though. I prefer the Strawberry Smoothie kind but they're all great.

>tfw you've got the perfect hot dad bod but it's all fucked up by the fact that you're not even five feet tall.
Life is suffering.
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Been drinking some scotch and now I'm onto some Alexander Keith's beer~

That's pretty much my motto
If I don't know it, I'll drink it~

Because you're a cute
I don't have any saved yet give me a moment
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I'll post a sick rip when I get home, just you wait!

I would but there is no liquor at my disposal at this time

The only issue is thay whenever my ships get damaged ( mainly atago ) it takes hours to fix.
>No phone
What happened to it?


>rolling for the willing

I had to type this all out again because my fucking browser crashed on my phone
>off by one
Sadly, no lewds
and yes, i did have fun.

he wouldve died of a heart attack if you did play along

>no trips
nope, im just as cute for you it seems
Almost fell for it
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It begins
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Kirino [364].png
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You didn't even invite me
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>Half sadness
Ouch man.

Kek, you absolute madman. That is the best atmosphere though, almost as if you're in game. Must be an interesting work place.

>Also liking red-heads
I like you.

True, just like I have no interest in Zarya so I'll probably suck with her. Eh to each his own and all.

>rolling rolling rolling
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Dammit your making me use this
>your waifus not friggin cute
Now moka
>mokas one cute waifu
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Morning Fran!

Yo Jenny!
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Different Fran by the way.
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He's actually gonna do it the absolute madman
And I'm the drunk one :^)

Ah well, it's the thought that counts I guess~

I don't expect lewds from your waifu anyway
She's too pure!
That's good to hear~

Oh yeah!
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Robot is raped by dat boi.jpg
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>oh boy he/she's actually- hngggggggg
>hot dad bod
I'm only in my twenties, gonna wait until i'm 30 before i can start saying that
yo chara!
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Fran Smile.jpg
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Excellent choices. Never been much of a beer guy but that's probably because I haven't had enough to develop a taste. Mead is my fucking jam though. I've got a friend who brews it in his basement and gives me free bottles. We take whole barrels of the stuff with us when we go larping.

Pretty boring actually. No one is allowed into the room except for me and the guys who bring in the bodies. The excitement only picks up if someone gets turned into asphalt peanut butter and I get to put them back together. Otherwise it's just paperwork or fucking with my colleagues.

I'm probably a different Fran then the one you think I am but good morning nonetheless! How have you been?

mid thirties here. Even got a kid to complement it.
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ah, didn't know that.

That's okay. Still good morning. I'm doing fine, thanks. How about you?

Wassup teenage robot?
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Ika Rocky Training.jpg
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how does the game work? ive always wonder how that game is played.
dunked it into piss.

lol just read the sentence above. its not like it was depression or anything. although i did have like 4 nighmares this morning too

shut the fuck up faggot.

not lewds of me! of others! i know shes too pure. i love that about her.

No u
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Im gonna put it in my phone so i can get ahold of some eventually. As long as its kinda hard ill like it

Spoken like a true drunk :^)

Oh zarya is actually pretty hard to play so i could understand that man. I whiffed an ult earlier and wanted to cry
This is you lewdest you get for free


>Because I'm not cute!
I'll get a video of it as soon as it's over here.

>God dammit, it's been a while since an anime got me to tear up like that. Am I losing my touch?
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I am proud to annouce that I have stopped vaping.
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really? Never would've guessed. Most people i see here are in their early to mid twenties. the more ya know
nothing much, just passing the time. how are you?
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Fran lewd 1.jpg
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>All the lewds of your waifu are shit quality or non-existent
Having an obscure waifu is both a blessing and a curse.

I'm doing pretty good save for feeling like I've been dunked into a pit of mosquito proboscises.

Congratulations! Are you ready to become a productive member of society?
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I hated beer at first, but now I love it!
Never tried any mead ;-;

>of others
How unpure of you
I loved that about her when I watched the anime~

Because I am one :^)

you already posted that one tho
I demand another one!

I pity you mang..
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chibi (1).png
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I am definitely not! But hey, I run daily, so at least I'm productive to myself, yes?
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1 MB, 750x1064
Morning Mugen! How are you?

Congratulations Shiro!

I just got up and now I'm bored... so... passing the time? Maybe I'll make some breakfast

Nice trips!
Mosquitos are shit, agree. I'm glad my bike is getting repaired and I don't have to walk 40 minutes back and forth to get to the train station ... so many mosquitos
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I've been wanting to try a bottle of Redds Apple Ale. That shit looks good in the commercials.

I honestly dont even know. Its all luck, numbers, and in Japanese. Ive figured some things out but its hard to explain.
>dunked it in piss
Just like one of my buddies. Were you shit posting whilst shitting or something mate? Slip througb your legs?


Nice trips
Ayyyy lmao
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I-is this meant to be like.... A comfy thread where you have waifu identities and talk about your day? Sounds nice. Also, claimed.
Lmao ayy
Whatever you do, don't go past 5x5
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Smuggy 2.png
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First time cooking for the family, I think I did alright. They enjoyed it at least.
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chibi (2).jpg
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Correct. Everyone is nice too! How was your day?
That's good to hear.
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What the fuck is this?
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I never even heard about it until now
The curse of the frenchy Canadian ;-;

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That's kinda it, yup.
Oh, I know your waifu picture wise... but what's he name? Also how've you been today? Welcome to waifu.

Or they are at least pretending they enjoyed it
nuh uhh, you shut up


>removed antenna_hair
Why did you do this?

i wish i were pure again... although, some of the more extreme shit does pass right by me unnoticed.

well shit... looks like i may never know...
>implying i take a piss while sitting down
nah dude, i was taking a piss (standing) and i had my phone out. after i replied to a message i dropped it and it fell into the toilet.

>similar ip
youve been here before. who are you?
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Fran Relax.jpg
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I know one friend I met here is 58 years old and looks just like the typical british boxing dandy. Built as fuck and a handlebar mustache perfectly waxed. It is glorious.

I highly recommend it. Doesn't get any better than a drinking horn full of honey wine.

It's a start! I'd love to take up running but both my knees are irreparably fucked up from years of soccer.

You have no idea my friend. Try living in a small mountain/lake town. I swear the town is secretly a mosquito farm.

That would be the premise yes! Excellent choice of waifu my friend.
the shrimp demon of sick singles obviously
>That face
Trips or no deal
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I am a cook.
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Fran Bored.jpg
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Whad'ya make?
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Madotsuki-anon, nice to meet you guys. My day was ok, work is boring. Yeah, been around a couple times but never really stayed too long. Mostly lurking.
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Wew lad. You and your waifu would be perfect together! Like really man. How long does rearranging them usually take? Sounds boring but eh a job is a job at the end of the day, wish I was working at least.

Oh ok seemed like something else. Yeah saw that earlier today, that's rough man.

Her weapons confuses the hell out of me. The gravity balls or whatever is fine but the laser? No clue. Her shields are also quick as hell too, if they're on you that is. Her's last the whole game. There there Best Swordsman it's all good.

We're going to run this joke into the ground.
Fite me ill rekt u mat8 iswer on me momsus
don't forget the nutrients and wheat!
it's a circlejerk. prepare your anus
sounds amazing. only one olde than that i've seen is a 60-year old who posted a bunch of life advice.
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You're still somewhat pure then~

I'd still prefer my scotch~

Almost worth a lewd, right~?
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Kirino [501].png
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Just a simple steak dinner with steamed vegies and chips, nothing fancy, I didn't have the time for anything fancy.
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It looks so fucking good!

Just like my friend! But like honestly, you could've waited to reply to the message...

Alright, im going to bed. See you all tomorrow
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>small mountain/lake town
How about forest/river town? Then you have me.


Then I think I just missed you before.

What are you working?

I try not to!
Thanks. My go to waifu for more or less depicting my inner turmoil lol.

Currently work at a gelato place for summer. Also doing freelance photography/videography, but clients aren't always nice. You?
Only for trips or more
Depends on how badly mangled they are. The easy ones(A few body parts flew off, minor lacerations, guts still intact) are quite easy to stitch together but the really messy ones are a pain in the ass. The worst is children. I always feel a little bad when I have to do children.

He actually just left my place. We're going drinking tomorrow. I'll post a picture if I remember.

scotch is a respectable choice. Worth trying though.

Sounds tasty. Never go wrong with a good steak. As long as it's not well-done. Than you're a monster.

where do you live geographically speaking? Northern British Columbia here.
now its a different ip? how do you do?

i posted soon after it happened. then i posted after i came back hours later. i made a giant copypasta in the morning on all my dreams too.
no worries. i see the benefits of no phone already

fuk ya m80 u skip trips lik u dun giv a fuk. ill rek u into dust.

some of my friends call me naive because of it. actually most of them do not some.

yeah i couldve. but its 7 in the morning. im never awake at that time.

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