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new new new loli bread thread theme

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 241
Thread images: 149
File: Moppet_203.jpg (447 KB, 1041x1500) Image search: [Google]
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new new new loli bread
thread theme
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theread gonna die
>Anon, you fappping to little girls on 4chan again I see
alternatively you could just bend over
just posting
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>Yo I am bumping
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boku no hero
Now show her post-blacking
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Loli (2165).jpg
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Anything more specific?
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music? it's from swiss
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>fuck another hooker because it's been so long
>it's almost worth the money
>just like last time
>feel empty
>fap to cp and hentai
>feel much better
>3d women now seem so ugly by comparison
>clothes are more interesting than the people wearing them
>I don't want to be an exclusive pedophile
>plz God let me be atrracted to women again
>I want to be a good boy
>I don't want to be able to get off only to indirect abuse
I want to see her ravaged by a negro
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i dont have any
I want to ravage Chaika myself though
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you're going on right track
god will be forgive you
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Loli is gey, lets play Naruto
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divine intervention.jpg
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Erbarme dich, mein Gott.
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When you truly need him, he is there.
Hell yeah it's kokonoe
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Thank You, based God.
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>>oi bois its bump
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loli neko.jpg
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woke up and am back
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>there is no Oberalterbach
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breathing some life into the bread
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stop posting mai waifu
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anyone lurking?
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yes indeed me, and those bots.
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plz continue
Damn son. I want that nekopara vol1 for steam so bad.
Inb4 steal it
fuck steam
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anyone got a cock I can suck? :3
Yeah I have 2.
But I love my favorite anime
They're dirt cheap (for being eroge) on steam summer sale right now
Just fucking buy them you twat
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You still don't need steam to get it.
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this is pritty twisted
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koume topless sex.jpg
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it's also censored all-ages version on steam (although it's not too hard to download patch)
>gets 69
That must be my favorite face ever.
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dont die
let's see some Loli getting golden showers.
Moar Anal!
Wow this is beautiful
dont die dammit, dont make me post the 3d
File: do it.jpg (178 KB, 1600x1201) Image search: [Google]
do it.jpg
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Please do
Anyone want me to cum on any of these?
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Lolis dont die fellow anon, they just go to sleep
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page 5. youve given me no choice.
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top kek
Someone doesn't give a fuck
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Bumping you sir!
How does posting 3dcgpd make the thread not die?
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this shits fine man its just 3d, someone just ripped some 3d models from some shit and edited em.

people like 3d. or hate it to the point they troll and bump the thread.
>How does posting 3dcgpd make the thread not die?
whatchu mean nigger?
If somebody were to make as realistic a 3D model as possible, then what? "It's fine, brah, it's just a model!"

And they said that slippery slope was just a fallacy.
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i just hope i dont accidentally click something too 3d
literally, it is fine, because nobody gets hurt.
>because nobody gets hurt.
not quite right this guy goes butthurt>>691800580
hurting yer feelings and shit
unfortunately guys im fresh out. someone else keep the thread alive dammit
>people like 3d. or hate it to the point they troll and bump the thread.
it looks crappy 99% of the time.
it's because apparently those artists try to be "realistic", which isn't cute anymore... but they fail anyway. makes it double-uncute.
i'm not gonna complain about anything since i'm not contributing, but just wanted to drop my 2 cents.
if you contribute you can complain, pls contirbute
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why is this pic so easy to blow a load to
I just want to point out the doublethink going on here. You always say "They aren't reaaaal girls! It's fiiiine!", but then you start posting 3D? What happens when someone makes a 3D model so realistic that it genuinely looks like a real child?
its pure, anon
Still not real
They already had this discussion back in 2003. 3d is still legal. Deal with it.
still no one got hurt lol
basically, if no one actually gets harmed or abused, and its fictional, then whats the big deal?
That will be a good day because then CP can be produced without harming any actual children

You care more about going after people than protecting the victims, which should be the obvious goal here
modelling agencies don't often abuse children, but we have to be careful, because it can happen. if we could have this stuff where someone with legal authority was present during creation, we could be make sure no one does anything harmful.
Doing harm to what? It's a neckbeard with a computer. That's it

The "models" are generated by Das3d in most cases. It's not like theyre looking at a real girl and hand-sculpting them in 3dsMax
im not talking about that now, i mean real stuff. with proper laws and moderation, we could have good stuff like we have regular porn, with no harm being done.
In occidental countries thay just call it a normal Monday.
sexualizing children always brings harm
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lol you funny. you get a pic
Whoa, whoa. By "good stuff like we have regular porn", I really hope that you're still just referring to 3D models.
most of the time, but do you think when they advertise bathing suits and night wear for teens they abuse the model? no, because the parent is present, but what if we replace the parent with a police officer or something like that?
you're fucked in the head
Man I just started watching monogatari. Damn is good. so mf good.
Have pic back
welcome to 4chan kek
maybe, but if no one ever has to do something they don't want to, where is the issue?
nah, I been anon since 2007

Doesn't mean I don't like looking at it. But the thought of the government legalizing it and somehow regulating it is just retarded on so many levels.

Even in Russia it's not like it's legal and supervised. it's just that they don't give a fuck about it
we dont need to be russia.
sure thing
Like how suicide is totally fine, right? They want to do it so there's no problem.
well, yes. i mean, anyone who care about the person is troubled, but ultimately, its the person in question's choice.
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oshino shinobu (1).jpg
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I mean if you're in favor of abortion i'd think you'd be in favor of suicide
So if your 3 year old daughter wants to cut her own throat open, you'll let her?
Suicidal people are not mentally stable. They cannot make decisions for themselves in their state of mental anguish. (with the exception of terminally ill people)

Children's brains are not fully developed they mentally and legally cannot make sound decisions for themselves. They also cannot legally work for money, so abusive parents could potentially force them into bad situations.

Mless ling
faggots may be "dont give a fuck about it" but because of internnet censorship in Russia a lot of sites which were hosting translated loli mangas and loli porn stories written by Russian authors are now do not host this stuff. Internet in Russia is now controlled and censored as fuck, a lot of sites are blocked, even a lot of torrent-sites are blocked and I use proxies n shit to dowload from them.

I miss 90-early2000s. We even have a band of two underage girls kissing on cam (tatu).

soeey bed england lel and am drunk.
You mean real d ;-)
whoah guys, im not talking that young, i think the minimum age requirement for this thing would have to be grade 9 or 10, and grade 9 is pushing the limit for me.

there are a lot of mentally unstable people of all ages.
That's just an age of consent argument with pointless decoration on it.
well no shit. i like teens, and the thread is a loli thread, so obviously the conversation was gonna start at a lower age.
You responded to the phrase "sexualizing children always brings harm" by saying "what I have in my head isn't really a child though".

You just articulated that point in the most convoluted and autistic way possible.
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Why does she have ketchup on her shoes?
She's not even naked or 2d. We don't give a shit about real girls you fucking faggot.
Leave, you have nothing to do here
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good taste m8, if that is your collection
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LEE originals? How'd you get those
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hi shlomo.

>nigger boi's dick is bigger.
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one of my favorites
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Squid poosy, anyone?
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3 MB, 2000x2600
me wants
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any game of thrones?
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You gets
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Is there a reason all the stuff posted in these threads is so softcore and vanilla? Are you guys afraid you might get into trouble for posting loli tentacle stuff or something. It just seems strange all of you have never moved past the basic shit.
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Me happy
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Most of the loli here is softcore, the hard candy gets a lot of hate here, idky
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28 - xTJzBku.png
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Good. You like the squid poosy.
Marie waifu is pleased.
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26 - eBQbOY0.jpg
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You want squid poosy then?
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Gimme the bussy boss
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49 - HMcqrfD.png
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Not squid poosy but still poosy.
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43 - Lu4aax5.jpg
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moar poosy
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any like this
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so much poosy
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squid poosy again
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1 (4).jpg
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Maybe if you wait long enough, I mean, witness those trips.
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Wouldnt you mind if I try to resize that image?
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1 (3).jpg
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artist, anyone?
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Op manga Moppet
Artist- Ashika
Did it anyway. enjoy.
>better quality?
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555 KB, 956x1400

you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
not rustle
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love this one
Hip, isn't it?
Hell yeah I do. (sorry for the delay, had things I had to do)
It's fine. I gotta do things here in a few minutes.
Squid poosy be with you.
It's hip to fuck bees
Thread replies: 241
Thread images: 149

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