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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>691735106 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Hank Hill 18.jpg
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>Rolling for high quality lewds
You first
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How was the ride?
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no u
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Good morning and stoof! :3
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That was close lad
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Windows 10 will automatically restart at 8:49, click close to save your work.

How was DkS?
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howdy! to answer your question i have $74 saved up. it's going to be a long slow climb to the top.
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Can't play as Mercy honestly. too boring for me. Gotta go with Lucio. Kek, he's pretty good but yes he's weak also. Although his attacks aren't half bad.

Ah sounds like me. Minus the alcohol. It's just one of those periods I guess, kicking back seems like the one true option.

>Best idol claimed
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It'll be worth it though. A lot of things you can't see until you're on top, yes?
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Terrible tbh. ,__, Fun game, but literally exhausting emotionally.
Teemo. Pure. Cancer. Done playing, 2 games of that and I remember why I quit.
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i fucking love lollipops.jpg
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Dark Souls one? I cried at the credits.
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It was alright I guess.
I got a controller, had some food, and came home.
It just started to pour down rain all of a sudden whilst coming home.
Gave my bike a good wash I guess.
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l-le-dw p-please
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He was already bad and then they removed Oracle's... Yeah, I get you. :<
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Honestly, I've never met anyone else with this waifu, so I'm normally good to just let it ride, but I figured since it's show-and-tell today...
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Talk to you tomorrow if I dont fall out of bed and break my neck.
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It's a sign

Being lazy sounds great, but riding on my bike again sounds even better!
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this is as lewd as i get.jpg
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For you, beautiful.
Goodnight. Sorry if I seemed aggravated at you earlier.
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Rolling for high quality lewds

>rolling for /waifu/ to be /wifau/
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>too boring
HERESY. He can dunk people pretty hard with that right click setup. Its just a matter of actually getting the combo off

Dont worry, ill give you chemo treatments
Another close call
Only for trips
>Lewdest you'll get for free
It's fine

Here ya go lad. For your troubles
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Two plus two is ten... IN BASE FOUR.

I'm fine.
Even with the mode that still has oracles, cancer.

Chemo for Teemo. How's that work?
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>last roll

Goodnight waifus, too drunk and tired to keep going~
>wew lad

Gonna sleep too
Can i climb in with you?<3
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Forgot pic
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Pulling that 180 I see. Have fun tomorrow mang. Sleep tight.

Supporting the team is great and all but healing/boosting Bastion while I stand behind him while he stands behind Reinhardt gets old. Takes skill and effort.
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Hey waifu. What's up?
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Goodnight Baguette.
Muh dikk
the sky

Hey there Shizu.
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what he said.png
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Well you already took the first step which was dont play. Not the other treatments is having you do anything else. Heres your medical bill, your total comes to one bag of bbq chips

I rarely ever had to do that but i could understand. Im usually zooming person to person giving support. Healsgoodman
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Nothing much, going to start playing Stick of Truth sometime soon. How about you Shizu?
>just now playing stick of truth
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It was just a prank bro

I'm not sure, she doesn't fit my play style or at least my healing style.
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Uhg. Thanks.
Hi there.
Just finished playing divinity with my buddy. He went to sleep.
Stick of Truth is pretty fun. Enjoy
You'll get lays brand or nothin on that.

Smooth, Maki.

What's up?
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I want a motowaifu.
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Uh, alright.
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I just default to her from my days of medic in hat fortress. Lucio is pretty great though, i just love everyone that isnt symmetra

Lays is the best, im glad we could make a good deal. I tried the dill pickle lays the other day and surprisingly they were REALLY good. I should try more flavors out, maybe more hot chips
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ed claimed
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Watching youtube. Might start watching twitch fairly soon though. You?
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no problem
going to have do stuff today and stayed up all night
life suks
Your waifu has good taste in bike.

Eh, I've been attempting to cut back on junk food.... it's not working well.
Also note that it's a dual sport...
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Lol. Know that feeling.
Not much, just talking to my friend, trying to decide on something fun to do.

I wanna get an enduro, but fuck me if I want a new one. Been browsing CL for a used one that I could put some work into, but nothing's come up yet.
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You know me :^)

Comparison to TF2 again, you were right. Yeah his sound wave ability pretty tight too.

>Hating Symmetra
>Not liking those quick kills from the teleporter
Come now. Although her sentries are bullshit when caught off guard.
Used is best for a bike like that; new ones are too damn expensive. Aussies love DR650s and call them "bush pigs." Not the best bike ever but they're tough as fuck.
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Why do you wanna cut back? There is just so much goodness in the world of junk food, its impossible to escape

I just do it a lot since i sunk so much time in and its what i know.
>symmetra is still the worst character in the game to me
The only thing she is useful for is the teleporter and most games you shouldnt even need one
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Andrew Hussie.

I just want him to break into my house and stick his broom up my ass.
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Ya, I actually wanna find a broken one and fix it up. Not something the most people would want, but I wanna learn engines, and figured I might as well get a bike out of it, right?

Because it's unhealthy as fuck!
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Kyouko (52).jpg
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Good morning Chen.
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Nice job 4chan, where the fuck is my pic.
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Sexy. Lusty thighs.
Could always find a bike with a busted motor, find a bike with a busted frame/collision, put the two together and there you go. Or go full retard and do a displacement or cam/head kit on a DR650. Look up ProCycle's DR900 build. Patently absurd what you can do to that air cooled piggie.
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And forgot pic. Shiet.
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Story time, kids!
My first high story.

>Be me
>19 years old
>I went to try weed at a friends house for the first time and to see what's all the fuss about it.
>Tried it with a little bowl, took big inhales
>45 mins passed
>Start feeling like the Earth is moving back and fourth
>Travels to another friend's house
>Space ride was amazing
>There with friends, he's showing me his house, it's amazing
>Walking up the stairs that was carpeted white
>Say,"We're walking on a llama!" In an amazed tone
>Friends look at me with what the fuck expressions. I just stare at them
>Then I start talking about math and science.
>Apparently went undefeated in ping pong which I never played and good at dancing too
>Ate all of his Hawaiian Rolls he had 2 bags worth, which is about 15 in each.
>Went home after about 3 hours, took another hit before I left because other friend had some too
>Get home eat about 4 slices of pizza and emptied two box of cereal, with no milk
>Fall asleep
>Total pain the next day
>Work was 'fun' because friends recorded me what I had done
>I lived a little and died in the inside a little too

I tried it again two months after the events, It was too hard. I slept and friends took pictures again...... Never touched it again.

I'm tipsy so don't scold me on my grammar. Or do... Whichever floats your boat.
>2 bags of Hawaiian rolls
At least you got some tasty bread out of the ordeal.
You got a Steam?
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Good morning, how are you still up?
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My first marijuana story.
>be me
>take weed and pipe from dad's stash
>smoke entire bowl, inhale normally and the such
>feel not even a tingle of highness
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Fair enough reasoning.

Wew lad. If you want to keep the enemy under constant fire than it's useful other than that maybe not.
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Mmm don't know, guess I'm gonna sleep soonish though.

It's raining at the moment, which is gonna make sleep a lot better.

How did you sleep?
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True, but if you like snacking then go for it! Speaking of unhealthy, im going to try to start running in the mornings, thats probly not gonna last long though

Yea, depending on your comp there are people who do her job within 1-2 characters. Maybe if those turrets were more than just a one trick kill around a corner she would be played more
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I slept pretty well and long enough.
Oh, I love to fall asleep when it rains.
If only I could find even those! Might spring for 125cc Honda, seeing a few of those. But I'm getting ahead of myself here, this is all months away. Gotta get my new bike up and running first, WHICH, by my dads predictions, will be for sure, within the week.

I lasted 2 runs. I tried doing DDR instead, but my mat still slipping and such killed that.
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They were good!
No, I'm going to build a computer in the future.
Sorry m8.
Lucky you.... But kinda of lame that you didn't feel anything.
It was a intriguing experience.
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Good to hear that!

>Oh, I love to fall asleep when it rains.
Yep, I just hope it doesn't devolve into a hailstorm, would be annoying.
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>she would be played more
The PC and console community think very different then. On Hollywood and Industries you can guarantee that there's going to be a Symmetra
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This cute little creature right here
Hm, it's fine. Just seem like an interesting fella.
You could always get a little, worn-out 2smoke rengdeng and learn how to rebuild them.
>other bike
What've you got?
Back in my Stepmania days, the only pads I liked were the old Cobalt Blue metal monstrosities. Didn't own them myself, but there was a place in college that had them. I was fucking awful, but still.
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SleepyHomu (3).jpg
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Nothing better than white noise and the comfort of a bed. Good morning sweetie.
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I listen to Crickets.
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Ive just felt worse and worse about my body for some reason so right now im thinking it would help a bit. I never had a ddr setup at home, i played it at other peoples houses and it made me want one a lot.

Usually the consoles do differ in opinions. Maybe i just didnt play her enough to see the glory
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So fucking noisy.
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Danke anon! I haven't gamed in a long time, so I find it to be time soon.
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My first got baked story
>around 14 in grade 7
>weed dealer lived a house away from my buddies house
>save some cash
>buy and smoke it in dealers basement out of a bong
>get outside everything is brighter
>skate to other friends house eat his big bag of salt and vinegar chips and a marshmallow
was a fun time
That's my plan when I get the money for it.

Right now I'm on a CBR300R, but once my other bike is finished, I'll be onto a 1992 ZX11. I know to respect that beast, and it's going to take a long while to tame it.

I wanted a metal pad, but money says I can't have one for a while. Thinking of getting it for Stepmania, and then finding a USB to PS2 adapter.

I used to be really good at it, but my foam pad started having problems, and it eventually gave out and I stopped. Just got a cheap little mat this time, and it slides all over the place, making me miss a lot of notes.
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I am aware of that. I can't wait for the winter.

Hey lovely, how was your sleep?
You're very welcome, lovely.

Maybe another form of chat? Steam would be relatively easy to get. But not pressure, hope you get Steam soon.
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>bort spikes
>dat 90s ZX
Good taste. I kinda went the other way. I have a DR650 and a V-Strom 1000. The V-Strom isn't exactly cultured, but it will scoot. The DR650 is stock minus some FMF loud-ass muffler and a gearing change, but it's fun to just be a hooligan on. I see why people love sumos after accidentally (seriously, accidentally) sliding it around certain slick intersections downtown.

Have another Suzukitits and have a good morning. Good luck with your motoadventures and remember to go to /dbt/ in /o/.
Hand shut up
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Good but not longer than 3 hours, got some things to do in the town I used to live and there's barely any buses. I woke up a bit earlier than I needed so I could move new albums to my phone but win10 decided to screw me over with an automatic update and I had to turn on the old laptop.

At least I can freely take a nap when I come back.
Can't sleep, no choice.

Use your picture, dear.
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Not to mention the sensitivity and flow you guys have it better, keyboard/mouse and all. I don't play her either but I can appreciate her, when she's not blasting my ass with lasers that is.
Win10 has fucked up a couple of my friend's League games. He's the most computer savvy of our circle but he's in denial about how shit it is when it does things without users' permission or knowledge.
>bort spikes
>bork spikes
Hand is back?
>Dat DR650
Looks damn good! I think there's one of those for sale at the stealership in El Cajon, now that I think on it.
And I thought about getting a new adventure bike, the NC700X (Without DCT, because fuck that) but I saw the ZX for cheap and just decided to go for it.

I'm always in there. Fuck that Honda hating shitposter.
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Rory-sama claimed. Got home from work edition.
Goddamn some gas stations have crappy air hoses. Hands all covered in black shit. Had a nice shower though.
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Oh, that's unfortunate.
You shouldn't stress over things like this, because you know, they happen randomly.

Why aren't you playing HG?
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How long did it last?
I have a feeling I know you....
Maybe I'm wrong.
I have a Skype but I haven't touched it in months(and I think I forgot the password), ever since my art chat group stopped being active there, I seize going there.
When I get the steam up and running I'll mention it here for sure.
Nah, he is just lurking.
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Virginity claimed
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its me.png
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I was just good at guitar hero and thats about it. There isnt anything you can put under to stop that? I didnt think ddr would be a good workout

>Blasting my ass with lasers
Dont you hate it when you walk outside and your ass gets blasted? Thats the worst feeling.
I did forget to say that her right click is pretty good since it has the pen
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Can't sleep
No, I just occasionally lurk late at night or early in the morning. I mean, this really isn't lurking because I'm posting. But you get the idea.

I just can't sleep so I hang around during star time.

Because HG is boring after the first 2 games.

You most likely don't know me, unless you live in SC.

Yeah man, I look forward to it.
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Tatsuta (16).jpg
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So you are the anon formerly known as Handkun?
Well yeah. What's up, Tat.
I swear the DR650 is the king of shitbikes. Hell I wrecked once and the turn signal got a little scape and bent its mount. Bent it back and it's been fine ever since. Need to lube my front brake cable, do an oil/filter change, clean/lube the chain, etc sometime this week. There are plenty of "better" dual sports but fuck me I love this thing.

Honda's styling doesn't do much for me, but they make good machines. They do what they say on the tin.

Goin' to bed now, though. Have a good one dude.
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Time to be off to sleep.

Have a good day everyone.
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Not much
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Why is Jerk Chen not using his picture?

Good night, Kyuko.
Sleep well.
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As much as the next guy. Stepped outside of my house yesterday and there she was, setting up sentries on my fucking lawn. Could of sworn there was a teleporter in the backyard.

That attack is pretty slow though. easy to dodge

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Homura (2).jpg
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They could simply not happen if I had uninstalled win10 but I like the aesthetic. But don't worry, there's no way I would stress over it.
>I have even more stupid things to stress over
Or not. Those problems are gone.

Win10 is shit and it's basically in beta stage. Admitedly eating shit because of aesthethics and helping them develop it is one thing, refusing to admit it's shit is other.

O. Hey?
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Homura (1).png
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Morning night Kyouko-chan!
How's the alcohol been treating you?

And I've been alright. Some snags here and there but that's life, getting by best as I can.

Cut off my hand so I could forget but that didn't work out quite well. (joke)

Who knows. How's your night going.

Heyo, Homura. How goes it.
I got decent at GH, but could never hit max difficulty and do well. I'd scrape by on some songs, but that was it.
I could probably get some velcro like Renge suggested.

Just cleaned and lubed my chain earlier. Used some new canned cleaner and holy fuck it works better than the one I used before. It cleaned my sprocket as well, and I didn't even try to clean that!

They're bulletproof, and do what they need to do. Styling wise they could be a bit better, but that's where aftermarket comes into play.

Alright man, have a good sleep!
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Hot or cold shower person?
That guy is a pedo..... You're not welcomed here...
I look forward to playing with everyone here, just like my old PS3 days.
Than I don't know you. Do you have a waifu?
Buenos noches comarada.
Ay Syndra.
linux has good a e s t h e t i c s
but not many games, I guess.

Pic here.

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Oooh, nice. I used to play Xbox Live a bit when I wasn't as avid of a PC goer.

Didn't really have a waifu, no. Just a masturbation joke.
>its 4C outside
>what do you think
Its the middle of winter here, so a hot shower.
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Huh, alcohol?
Glad to hear you're good
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Homura (3hr).jpg
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I'm doing pretty good compared to what I used to, finally got my traffic code exam thing done. It's nice to confirm that you've been lurking even if it was kinda obvious that you would.

Win10 isn't that good for gaming either, it doesn't even react well to cracks that you're 100% sure it's safe.
I will be going sweetie, see you in the afternoon.
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ya know.png
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Damn, id help you out but you said genji is better so go get him :^). I think its more a positioning and distraction thing than damage

Oh i went pretty ham, i played the first one and like 5 games after of it? I loved it for a long time, by 2 i was doing expert. Slight shame?
Velcro doesnt sound too tedious to deal with. What console do you have it for?
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Okay, take care.

Kek, playing coy. I know you're a fan.

Thanks man, you posting here means that you're doing good as well I hope?

Oh, something stressful happen recently? I can relate, though I hope it's nothing too serious.

Traffic code exam? Nice, hope you did well, man. Up to much right now?

I lurk every now and again when someone tells me about the thread or I'm bored. Aside from that nothing seemingly happens here anymore too keep my permanent interest.

Stay safe now if you're departing.
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Kirino [32].jpg
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Dark Souls runs like shit oh my god
>Yes I got DSFix
>Still get the same FPS
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I am now officially 21, yay

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Don't alcohol, ever.
It's meant to have low fps.
Yay. Drinking when?
I Could do a decent amount on expert on 2, but 3 and beyond were lost causes for me.
PS2, I have 6 different games.
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Yeah, I guess you can say that
Disregard this:>>691755878
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Kirino [324].png
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Please tell me this is a joke
Anything above 30 fucks up the game
Why's that, man? Something up?

Can always talk to me on Steam or...Telegram if you want to.
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I really do get that feeling now, that I know you.....
Never-mind that.
It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.
I'm here mostly everyday, but I got to do some overtime at work lately.
What's your type of games?
I'm a cold shower person year round. Sometimes I do hot showers.
Winter is lovely isn't it?
Ayy happy day of birth comarada!
Going to build your own computer soon?
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Ah you're going to do me like that man? You know what I'll handle it myself. You know what time it is.

True, get into a enclosed space and start spamming it. Or shoot it near a objective and people will scatter giving time for allies to swoop in.
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Syndra [223].jpg
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Well this is interesting.

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Nope. Played 300 hours of that game on 15-25 FPS.
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Nah, everythings good,
>pets kitty
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>Dont alcohol ever. Sorry friend too late for that, but I drink in moderation

I am drinking actually right now as we speak!

I will head there warning about it I dont drink alot but I am at the moment because its my birthday

Ahaaa thank you! thank you! How have you been?
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>I really do get that feeling now, that I know you.....
You know, I get that a lot more than I'd like.

Pleasure's all mine, man. Hope the workload isn't too stressful. My type of game? Well, I like Fallout 3, New Vegas, Devil Daggers, Faster Than Light, Half Life, Left 4 Dead, and etc.

Really, just anything that's fun. You?

You sure? I mean, hell. We haven't spoken in a while so I wouldn't know.
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That sounds like most people who played gh
Im so sad i missed out on the ps2. One day i want to buy one and all the best of the system. I did keep my gamecube games though so thats cool

Hey the first thing you said to me was that i was second place. I cry every time
You gotta spook nerds, its the best way to win fights, just use different stuff to spook
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Kirino [166].gif
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How the fuck

Like I'm used to low fps but this is unbearable holy shit.

This has to be an inside joke or something for DS fans

Definitely, the laptop I'm on right now isn't that bad, an i5, 820m. But I'm missing out on so many games.
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git gud fags, fokin claimed
Holo scoffs at your advice

How goes it.
Most my PS2 games still work... not all though.
>Yet by some miracle a good chunk of my turbo scratched PS1 games work
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No it's just a really shitty pc port
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Congrats Rikka. Happy Birthday!

And this is why. You have to fight for your spot mang.

Kek. Shouting when preforming the ult's is spooky enough.
I leveled Dex to 40 fight me
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What are some of the games you have from both systems? I need to add them to my future list

Trips has decreed i must fight the weeaboo for my title. I saw a video yesterday of someone playing the sound clip and spooking their own team a bunch, pretty funny. Reminded me of a guy doing the same thing with the cloaker sounds from payday

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Just here listening to an entire o.s.t of a game.
It's amazing.
Interesting as in this conversation in this thread?
If so, I know right.
No problem, you're going to enjoy this day?
I would drink a shot as a welcoming to your 21st but I have no more.
I've been good, Got a three day weekend so I'm hyped about that.
Thanks friend.
>Fallout3, New Vegas
Very good games!
I'm the same.
Dead Space, God of War, Bioshock, Timesplitters, Fallout, Pokemon, Battlefield, and C.o.D.
Same here, I'm going to look up specs soon and make a list.
It'll be fun!
Yeah, I'm sure, man
Good taste by the way
>babby's first animoo

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Kirino [426].png
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Well, fuck.

Totally not stolen meme

Are you going to go all out and get the top of the line stuff?
I probably am, but with the way tech is moving so fast these days it's scary.
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Thanks Maki, this next shot is for you friend <3

Oh you know I am going to enjoy it, I already am! Its not big deal I have enough for both of us.
Thats great to hear I hope you have a great weekend!
40 Int and Dex double fight me
Well that's good. I hope the rest of your day goes well.

And thanks. Any games that you like?

You're very welcome, man.

New Vegas is a personal favorite.

>Dead Space

Love it. Cod and Battlefield are fun games as well.
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evil shiro (8).png
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As I said, 300 hours on the game. It's well worth your time man, don't forget that.
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Syndra [241].jpg
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For the most part im alright, ''enjoying'' the summer and connection problems.
Not much else.
What about you?
Oh? What game?
And yes.
I can't really think of too many off the top of my head, yo.
Well I am gonna go off for today I will be back later <3 love you all have a great day
Well, the summer comes with all kinds of fucking perks. Working in retail sure does teach you that.

Connection problems? My internet went out for nearly a week a few weeks ago. What's the problem on your end?

Hey, sounds like a fortunate time for ya none the less. Glad you didn't get cancer or your prized black market tea farm didn't burn down or some shit like that.

I've been alright. Better grip on my stress/anger so I'm a happy fella. Just enjoying the fact that I can't sleep right now.
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I know you can do it, I didn't used to call you best swordsman for nothing :^)

Haha, saw that a few days ago. Good shit.

>Cloaker sounds

How sweet of you.

Enjoy yourself! Just stay safe though <3

Left 4 Dead (pic related), Fallout 3, New Vegas, Destiny, Dark Souls, Overwatch, Borderlands, etc.
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Some quality taste in games right here
Dark Souls? Roommate loves taht.

Pretty much the rest, glad to see we have similar tastes. Could talk about New Vegas and 3 for a long time. Destiny? I mean, it's fun but it gets really repetitive after a while. And it feels so trimmed down with all of the DLCs and what not.


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>one man cheeseburger apocalypse
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>you stole that meme
This is why you got kicked out of the kool club, only a big nerd would say something about it

Gotcha, the only ones i know to get are the jak and sly cooper games so far. Lemme know sometime though

>used to
The fan stuff for payday is some of the best out there.
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I sure am, I'm gonna make it look like some U.F.O type thing.
Tech is scary these days, I'm sure when I done building it another thing pops out that surpasses it.
Enough to pass around is lovely!
I do hope it goes smoothy this week, then I probably live it up Saturday.
Also sleep well and have a great day!
Timesplitters, I'm almost finished with all of the the themes. Very vivid the composer made it.
Do you recognize the anon here?
Dead Space is all time favorite game.
Got every trophy and dlc on them.
What do you do on your off days?
Always loved Dead Space personally. Horror and shoot 'em up action combination is deliciously entertaining. And nice, love the dedication.

Hang out with my roommate, friends, and sometimes go to the zoo to take pictures and what not. Bought a pass so I could come and go as I pleased.
OK then.

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