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New loli thread I guess edgy music edition https://www.youtu

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Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 150
New loli thread I guess
edgy music edition
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/r/ing a loli for my 4 inch penis
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The bumping struggle is too real

Getting an erection on its own is hard
It is the opposite of cool, but at least I get to act superior to the pixel plebs.
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the should I keep posting? edition

not too deep, its a loli
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^ real edgy music
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No rp pls friend.

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Not RP, just looking to be paired with a girl that would presumably be ideal for my dick.
I am going to fap to her.
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Hahahue. You're a funny guy, aintcha?
All the better
no u

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot
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the finished another album edition
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They say that it's not the size of the boat that matters, it's the motion of the ocean. I mean, I don't know who they is, and they're probably wrong, but eh.
Not you again.

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Sry had to feed it. It looked hungry

Also sorry too paranoid for links and whatnot
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the since no one answered I'm gonna keep posting edition
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This picture makes my heart and my head hurt

lol dude, it's aight.
Who is this cute?
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Why do you save images this bad?!
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It's a website for sharing music bruh. Nothing nsfw.
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the thats a bot edition

Better edgy music for thread:
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Erhmigerd, I bet that's not bait!@#@! someone else drew lewd things about an old cartoon show, and I poasted it, lock me up foreverz!
Bad? Dude, you have some fucked taste.

bruh this plugdj link is just a black screen tho

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Loose little slut
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I like this picture a lot. I want more plaaese?

the derailed edition

that dub, those eyes

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot
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>barbie doll censor

You must employ quite a bit more imagination than the average peruser.
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the Imma gonna lurk a while edition
Dude you keep insulting censors but posting pictures by an artist who thinks people look like frogs. Dude, calm the fuck down bruh.
How edgy are we tonight?
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If my drunk ass memory serves, this is all Hey, Arnold! r34.

I'm savvy enough to know I never know who's tracking what how and where. Add that with a decent dose of noep and visiting any server with a room labeled "loli" in it seems like a headache I don't need.
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Did you listen to the song dood? That's how edgy.
Ayy man, your loss or whatever.
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Okay but only the highlights, I don't have time to dump what I have since I'm supposed to wake up soon
You think I'm only the ghettoyouth posts? kek
Its a headeach I dont need, yet here I am, just dont go out searching highly detailed loli images on google, it gives weird results since some of it is banned considered cp, fbi should be coming soon

-the edition guy
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At least front me the artists name?
nah but you're the only dude who keeps freaking out about censors

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If someone else would post something I might consider saving....
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Better tell them I'm armed (I'm not) at least that will put me out of my misery fast.

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It's not my fault you have high standards dude. And people fukken tell me I have high standards. Shit dude.

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the I'm gonna have a lot of lolies to organize and tag when the night is over edition
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Wish I could. 98% of my material is regurgitated from /b/. I have no sauce, been a lurker for years now.
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muh dick
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the I skipped a page edition
>people fukken tell me I have high standards

You have no idea how thankful I am that none of those people are sharing content here....
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Really digging this, thanks.
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the this is getting good edition
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This is the only other one I have of the redhead
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Fair enough.
Dude you have some weird ass tastes. Everything you're linking is like either frog faces or like uncanny valley status realism. But hey, you do you man. At least you're contributing.

Red heads are just the best
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the I'm tired I think I'll go to bed edition
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Respect to the 7deadlysins loli
Sry bro I can't dump any more tonight/this morning

Carry on for me /b/ros
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You might be underestimating the number of uploads I have in this thread.
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But are you holding a thermal detonator?
where are the first 12 pages?
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/r/ing any mother/daughter content people have
No, just posting out of boredom.
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Who is this artist?
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Perchance. Doesn't change your weird taste frienpai.

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TT_TT I just need to sleeeep
Anyone got any loli on shota? Can be western for all I care.
they where individual pics, they are randomly posted around the thread
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I don't sorry. I prefer my shota to be yaoi. So...


I thought that made you a girl?
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Thread is dying send help immediately

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im looking for more artsy stuff.
high quality
unique art style
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Naw dude, guys can be into yaoi too.
I'm just posting random shit, sorry dude, all the artsy stuff I have has been posted. I'll dig around a bit more maybe.
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This is how I prefer my shota
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whatever works anon.
same for lurkers.
B-but anon this is a loli thread

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yeah im the anon who asked about the first pages.
only wish they were in a little better order. or linked.
either way nice contributions

Right, so I thought shotas fucking loli's would still be acceptable.
>huge tits
pick one
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they are in order and linkend, its just I"m too sleepy to try to sort through my open tabs, if you have sad panda check the artist tagged ra

this particular doujinshi is called "Moe Syoujyo Ryouiki - Rakuen Gensou Romantan (White Flower) "on sadpanda
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Yeah that's fine, but those looked like old hags.

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Does this look like a game to you?!?
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yeah i got in once.
had to google the shit outta it and the cookie situation.
once i got there though it was just not worth the effort to navigate around looking for what i wanted.
settled for a booru.

Different anon. Not what I meant.
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Would fuck every single one in that image
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Can't we all just get along?
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yes actually, it does. Life is a game friend.

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good luck then, off to bed I go, cyall
Anyone have the Loki scale pic thing. Saw it in a different thread a while ago but haven't seen it since
Anyone have the Loki scale pic thing. Saw it in a different thread a while ago but haven't seen it since????
>.< that was the idea. Since I got crap for posting >>691582395
in the loli thread when someone else brought up shota
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I'll crap on you bruh.
No I won't. That's fucking disgusting. I'm sorry.
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yeah but.. why you mad /b/ro?
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Sry forgot pic
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I'm not, I'm just playing games back to keep myself distracted from reality =D
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drugs help
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He's right you know.

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Indeed they do, albeit in an unhealthy manner
does anyone have any of that 3D loli
any 3d loli?
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does anyone have boy lolis?
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to be fair attending loli threads all day and sitting on 4chan either way cant be a very "healthy" manner to distract oneself either.
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He's also right you know.

but shota are not girls
i want little girl boys
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Did I mention I'm on drugs?
And to be fair I usually work around 12hrs a day
Those are from the anon with weird taste btw.
so.. like a loli trap?
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... Shut the fuck up

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L 002.jpg
1 MB, 2500x1785
Here you go. Made this years ago. Dude never paid for it so it's just in my PSD folder. Kinda shitty.
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You mean sissies?
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Bruh weird doesn't always mean bad.

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Forgot img
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That's actually really fucking funny. Props to you.

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>straying from the norm

would buy drugs from/10
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Requesting pregnant loli
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It's funny cause it's (partially) true, I guess. Although I was on 4chan before he got it

Also this is for that redhead lurker if your still lurkin
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Requesting my loli pregnant
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I don't know if he's still here but I'll take it because she a qt.
Also, good shit. thats r34 for dagashi kashi. She's the protagonist's best friend's sister, and tomboy with a crush
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desu desu

I'd fuck a doll
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You fuck parsley?
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M-my signature thingy

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mimicry is the ultimate form of flattery
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Don't know why yours was so fuzzy, but I cleaned it up a little.
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Well when you put it that way, color me red, I'm blushing.

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Noep, gotta keep chuggin cause in the long term our entire life is just a measly little blip in the timeline. I'll be damned if I can't at least wait it out till the end of my itty bitty designated chunk of time. What came before and what comes after (be it nothing or anything) will take up vastly more time. So fuck it, why not roll with it?

I wanna lick it
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i thought you preferred blue anon?

or did you decide that green really was better after all?
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loli sure is great
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havent seen that gif before
Sadly, humans don't blush blue.
Yeah, yeah it is

Why is this CP thread allowed?
>>691587071 Cause its no worse then a rekt thread
I want to make a snuff film with a girl from a SOL anime
cause you touch yourself at night
get in here niggers
because it isn't CP.
>rekt thread

No, I have not even masturbated in my entire life.

You are a sick individual. May the Lord show you the right way. Amen.
Then there is something terribly wrong with you.

Show me the rule that is being broken?
Virginfag confirmed
dude this is /b/ the mods are probably just watching this and fapping and keking
>taking high-ground on CP
pick one
where can I find good loli hentai
I'm sorry what? I'm not a filthy pedo child-rapist atheist.

Well duh.
>pedo child-rapist
pick one
>claims atheists are pedophiles and child rapists
>doesn't realize how retarded that is
>doesn't realize that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% of pedophilia and child porn is found on the computers of 'moral' xtians
fucking legit
mfw this virginfag doesn't know the difference between loli and CP
7. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 150

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