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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>691529044 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 142
File: Kyouko (43).jpg (209 KB, 658x900) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (43).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Hank Hill 18.jpg
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I dunno really. It's been so long since I've played a game I legit enjoyed the fuck out of...
>My doge

Will do, uploading the first one now.

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HomuKyou (38).jpg
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There's a bit of dust in your shorts.
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Found this while lurking in loli thread, kekked hard.
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beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
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beach episode plot.jpg
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what is the best weapon in Dark Souls and why is it the Immolation Tinder?
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2016-06-26 13.03.05.jpg
3 MB, 1962x2386
Doge the first three. Top left isnt ours, but might have been.

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KyoukoHomu (21).png
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There's a bit of dust on your forehead.
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kagami claimed!!!
well they do calling chinooks flying buses!!! lol
hmmm...well thankfully im not next my window!!!
just good anon?? did you enjoy your time out??
Still, why did they even put out an ad?

Such bad assassins
Also, get Californium if you like existentialist sci-fi
grammar please....
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Homura (49).png
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I want to annoy the fuck out of Chen like I do with my cats and give her some ham when I get bored.
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2016-06-26 13.03.30.jpg
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Doge the fourth

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disgusted speigel.jpg
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>i found this lurking in a loli thread
>lurking in a loli thread
>loli thread
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This is too true.
I hope you have fun!
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Sobering up edition
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You know Gasai (18).png
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Kyouko has quite the booty~

Iron knuckles
>Dat headbutt
ITT: Fedoralords that love eating thick meaty dicks
Good to see you as always, Spike.

How you doing? Feeling better I hope.
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You know Gasai (45).png
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What were you drinking nigga?
by the way, if you wanna add me on steam here it is:
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>forgot pic
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HomuKyou (34).png
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She does, and it's not just the booty that is impressive.
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om nom pipe.jpg
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lurking while I make a new image set
I did I even took a nap
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Trips confirm Yuno is cancer for using nigga online
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even more discount edition
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>quite the booty
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Some /loli/ guy is already annoying enough.
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1 MB, 2560x1440
Cute kat you have there
Try to beat this
>pic related, 3/5 kitties
>Calico only has 3 legs left after I pulled her from a bear trap
I have one other snow cat and another old bag that's the literal embodiment of Garfield

She really is, but she's not for sale
She's our beloved pupper and our store mascot
We disciplined her with an iron fist until she was fully grown and I taught her all the worthless tricks like high fiving and surrendering myself
Even if you don't want to go through all the hassle it's more than worth it. It's like having a kid that doesn't turn out a complete asshole if you raise it right

Cute AF doggers

But enough with the pets now, that's not what these threads are about
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download (2).jpg
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You know Gasai (64).png
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Das it mang
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nice!!! was it a good nap???
i could go for one of those right now...
oh my!!!
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As much as I love kits and doggos, I still love my waifu a bit more

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QOTT: favorite sex position?
Yuno is ugly tbh
Get a cuter waifu faggot
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Kyouko (32).png
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I always thought that gif looked pretty weird anon.

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Just some Alexender Keith's beer, nothing too special

Even more maid
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what is that shit.jpg
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did you forget where we are?
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Homura (171).jpg
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Let me guess, the wank was good.

Annoying? I know you love it.
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coming in hot.png
152 KB, 1000x541

>>691539052 (akiko)
Boxers just chill usually, cool doggers
That is an experienced dogger, all both of mine do is lay around, but i love em.

Nice dogger, would pet/10
Good stuff, im probly gonna yell at you after i see them so be warned
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>When the same Bastion player keeps firing at your deflect and you kill him every time.

Also, hello people.

>Best idol claimed
Rusty trombone or pushpop
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Hank Hill 3.png
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peace, yo.png
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I'm heading off for my run now guys! Be back in two miles time.
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Kyouko (42).jpg
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You are my favorite person.
In the time of chimpanzees i was a monkey
Propane in my tanks
I was out to cut the junkie
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never had it, so i dunno lol
also, hi konata
wank and nap so yes
So you avoided it? Good

Keep me posted on the lymph thing

Being a kissless virgin....
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Homura (27).jpg
2 MB, 2500x1850
I think you secured your title as most hated waifu today, no matter what happens no one can take it from you.
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>nice meme dude
Either way yes the wank was good
ass on air
File: You know Gasai (18).jpg (83 KB, 500x662) Image search: [Google]
You know Gasai (18).jpg
83 KB, 500x662
Reverse cowgirl

Haven't had that
Old doge is old. About 13 years old to be precise.
Oh, I expect it. The first one isn't that bad, it's the second one where I didn't lean enough gunning it to make a light that almost got me.

10/10, best position.

I need one of these for Makoto... AKIKOOOOOOOOO!
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>inb4 virgin
>inb4 missionary for the sole purpose of recreation in the dark
69 for foreplay
doggy style for intercourse
Love to watch that booty smack

Hey man, they say a dogger reflects his owner
Not that I'm implying anything. Sounds like you and your doggers are living the life and you're making it a better one just by being there for each other

>tfw Bastions still do this at level 150-200
>tfw you become so ninja you use bastion fire not to kill Bastion but his team
Double the shame

Every time I squeeze it out more of the liquid comes out
I thought it would've been drained by now
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chen no.jpg
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I guess.
Even /loli/'s leader hate me now.
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Homura (29).jpg
2 MB, 1447x2046
I just want a girl to dominate me in a lovely way.
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Charcoal > Propane
Thatherton Fuels > Strickland Propane
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Homura (A21).jpg
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/loli/ mafia is going after your head now.
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Hot :^)
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Hank Hill 16.png
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>implying you'll ever get to see that booty smack
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obligatory B O Y
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i just feel like giving up because i have ahuge need for a gf like way stronger then usual its unfortunately for dominating women i know physically that women are weaker MOST of the time but refuse to except the facts because it hurts to much so anyone who express the this fact i lash out at anger is my defense mechanism a bad one but it works at the time i just want a women who will care for me like a mother cares for thier son just like esdeath protective and strong ive been holding all in for so long im done you all think this is a joke just how i would expect people to act all unsympathetic monster no one deserves life we sould all die im at my breaking point i want to die we all want to die we just dont excpect it ill do it ill kill someone you want to see it my family is first my dads a big guy but with a knife i could do it kill them all then the neighbours ill show you the pics i will infact fuck it im going to do it watch me watch me ill post pics unless something happens to me and either i get uressted or shot god i feel so free its all going to be over
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Cowgirl cowgirl cowgirl.
It might not be a proper sentence but its not just one meaning of the word repeated three times.
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The usual.
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Infant Guy Fieri claimed
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>nice filename

Do they sell it where you live?

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Might be a little, stop squeezing and see if it fills up again

Hey you
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my plans for today.png
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My older doge is 7, and my other dogger is only a year old.
You are going to get a stern talking to about your riding, but im probly still gonna say its cool and im jealous at the end of the day

Well im pretty lazy so i could see it. Me and my doggers whole goals in life is to just be
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You know Gasai (49).png
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I want to wrestle for dominance

No idea, I don't drink often
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I'm waiting.
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2 MB, 500x267

I am Kalista and my support is Alistar, we are fighting a shitty Tristana dragon cock lover midget and a Zyra who has negative max health. Zyra is in the bush closest to us preparing to harass, wich I cleverly warded. Alistar can now easily do dash stomp combo. I look at him with eager eyes, prepared to rip her anus in half and cover myself in glory. As Alistar is running in cirlce like the fucking hamster he is.

I played Ranked because I though there would be less incompetent supports.
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What's your drink of choice tonight?
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Shitting dick nipples!
Righteous. Would he like to taste this food I made?
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You know Gasai (48).png
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Dr Pepper and water
sounds nice lol, well you must feel great!!
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Young doges!
Oh, I'm sure. Have you not seen my other videos?

>Expecting people to git gud
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I have a fuckbuddy and I'm not that bad looking either. If I actually went outside I would probably be able to get some booty, be it of questionable quality
Also I used to do a certain line of work where I got booty handed to me on a platter

Mugi knows what's good

>cowgirl cowgirl cowgirl
Impressive trinity
How could it be any other thing Holstaur?

Aye doc

That's a respectable goal. I hope for pretty much the same thing. Make stuff and share it with all the wonderful people out there, then leave me the fuck be

People in ranked are worse than normals
Doctor Pepper is cancer

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Jim Beam
>Now a Suntory product
Alien versus Predator
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I won't be able to tomorrow, but want to play Monday?

This needs to die

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flavored water!!!
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338 KB, 1075x1520

>but his team
That's downright sad.
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Ah well, I drink almost every 2 weekends

Alexender Keith's premium white
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Kyouko (37).jpg
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Jesus that pic is so good.
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192 KB, 707x1000
you tell me I even want another nap ;)
>inb4 dem feet
>inb4 nice feet
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Hank Hill 17.png
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Alamo beer.
Hey Fran. What's up?
>Inb4 nice feet
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You know Gasai (15).gif
1 MB, 500x280
I'd probably be the same if I had money for beer
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Grape soda. This should not need to be asked.
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Satanic trips checked
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I fucked myself over, I'm poor as fuck now
But it was worth it!
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that does sound like a problem.png
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Ive only seen what you sent in the threads, i didnt think at the time to go to the channel

Its a simple goal and i think ive been doing it pretty well so far. I do need to do more things in the future but i can still be
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3 MB, 480x270
I don't expect them to git gud, I just have slight hope.

After this match, I can't really doubt that.

o-oh!, well i can't imagine why you want another nap lol, but i might have an idea
Playing a game called Californium, check it out

Dont die!
Also, about to sleep
Not even good feet
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Homura (81).png
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Their leader might be too retarded to find you though. If anything I will be here to protect you.
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Sounds like you know how to drink, we need to get drunk together sometime.

>This should not need to be asked.
Maybe I asked *just* for you -giggle-
Californium isn't a game
It's a chemical element faggot
This thread is literally closet fags and trannies no lie
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You know Gasai (40).png
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I'm dead broke from the con but that was worth it lol
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I don't play DS, so I'll say fist.
>Hard mode
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HomuMad (109).jpg
922 KB, 1121x1482
Alcohol is not my jam but if I were to pick any drink to drink right now it would be a strawberry Gin cocktail.

Here's the first one. It's the tame one.
Here's the second, where I didn't check myself.

You're hoping for too much.

The only time that'll change is when I either run out, or it's Christmas and I make the switch to egg nog till they stop selling it.
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2 MB, 2560x1440
/fit/ is so stupid. I love it!

Shinoa claimed ',:)
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That's a pretty fucking nice pic
>That's downright sad
Yeah it is but it feels so satifying
Bonus points if it gets potg so you can feel the salt flowing

Simple goals are easily achieved, but can be just as enjoyable

It seems your ranked match was an inside job

Yeah I should go too
6 am is a nice time to fall asleep
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right twice a day.png
2 MB, 1565x1107
chemicals and elements are different things retard
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Why not now? And if you're Poe's Lawing me, I'll drink anyway.
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I'll be a good bitch!

Also a game

And it's an element

We have three actual trannies and a few fags.

I am one of the fags

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You know Gasai (83).png
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>going to /fit/
Wew boy
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i was hoping you would tell me honestly!!! i'd guess just because it's nice to take a power nap!!!
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Kyouko (129).jpg
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2 MB, 2504x4313
As long as we don't have any regrets man~
Doing anything special lately?

Lil' smug goes to /fit/?
>-5 respect
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Only 10:35 here

Haven't seen you in a bit

Did you get a telegram yet?
Mine is @FranAnon
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Kyouko (102).jpg
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Haven't seen anything like it since sadly.

Thanks mang.

Bet it does, too bad there's no chat to see the tears flow for console.

>OW memes
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but why though.png
311 KB, 1000x512
If you ever do come my way the first thing im doing is flicking you in the head for being dumb
Watching these makes me want to ride so much more.

Well at the end of the day im a pretty simple person so it works out for me. Its the little things in life that do it for me
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Not really ok.png
2 MB, 2560x1440
What's so bad about /fit/? It has its amazing moments
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Because..I am still second guessing if I want to crack open those bottles of alcohol or not.

I'm totally serious though.

I don't think I've even had grape soda in like a decade. I do appreciate some egg nog though.
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Homura (15).jpg
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Maybe later. Playing OW
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Kyouko (86).jpg
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NekoMura (5).jpg
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But is it worth it?
>-3 respect
not power fap?
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Homura (11).jpg
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630 KB, 1233x745
Nekomura is almost the cutest thing ever.
File: tumblr_inline_mr7hv1H41l1qz4rgp.gif (374 KB, 250x180) Image search: [Google]
374 KB, 250x180
Stop pussyfooting. Either do, or don't. Either is okay, but hiding your cards gets you nowhere.
But it's fuuuuuuuuuun!
>Get bike pls

Eggnog is the nectar of the gods.
File: NekoMura (12).jpg (54 KB, 450x649) Image search: [Google]
NekoMura (12).jpg
54 KB, 450x649
>the only neko with a grumpy look
>still the cutest
QOTT: what does /waifu/ think about anime vine compilations?
File: Shit eating smile.jpg (21 KB, 446x425) Image search: [Google]
Shit eating smile.jpg
21 KB, 446x425
Yes. Besides what people say. /fit/ want's everyone to make it. If there's things you don't know how to do, many others can answer for you
But this fucking thread dude. I'm dying
File: You know Gasai (15).jpg (64 KB, 500x313) Image search: [Google]
You know Gasai (15).jpg
64 KB, 500x313
Nothing at the moment unfortunately

I wouldnt really trush their info about getting swole
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121 KB, 1280x720
Only when home made and actually good.
Also, hi cutie!
File: I wanna die.gif (2 MB, 495x375) Image search: [Google]
I wanna die.gif
2 MB, 495x375
it ruined memes
>lawl deez nuts
>lol wat r those
>olololo damn daniel
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145 KB, 1920x1080
I-I'm not hiding! I think I'll save it for another day..

Maybe it really isn't a good idea for me to drink tonight.

It really is! It also gets me into the Christmas spirit.
Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 142

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