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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>691126014 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 151
File: Kyouko (45).png (324 KB, 565x800) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (45).png
324 KB, 565x800
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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2 MB, 1536x1754
...Did I go too far again?

>dat gif
Alright, my booze is ready for that day!
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shower time.jpg
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I'm gonna go fuck my bitch

Be back in a bit
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You know the game Crusader Kings 2 right?
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mine once again
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i've been found.jpg
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Very tired.
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Why not me?
>implying you aren't the bitch about to be fucked.
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Milinda claim.

You guys wanna know what sucks?
When your tank starts on fire with you in it still.... :/
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Kyouko (5).png
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Yes, I have it on steam!
Thx for the Thread
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Go to bed.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Alright sick!

You have that magic to make people fall for you......I am still waiting <3

In the UK exacccclty so anything new going on with you at work or anything??
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Well, you should go to bed. I went to bed early last nice. An hour earlier than my usual 4:30 am.

Lily claimmmmmmmmed
What are you doing in a tank in the first place?
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KyoukoSaya (6).jpg
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I'm recreating the Roman Empire currently, thought you'd like to know.
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Ohayou! Now in gif!.gif
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That doesn't seem like it'd be a fun experience.
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Homura (40).jpg
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What's your League name?
I'm gonna add you. :D
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best suit girl claimed
>>691135231 (QT)
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Hello, there you cute little rascal.
>Flies by farting.
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I don't even play DMC
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Homura (27).jpg
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>Madoka fart is space
Tracer is the best of all
That's a really nice Gif shiro!
881 I want one. :|
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so going to fap? :^)
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1 MB, 822x1280
Did you guys go out safely?

Was worried~

I didn't ask for that magic..
Weren't you shipped with Fran too? :o
We did hire a two newbies before I left, hopefully they haven't wrecked the store while I was gone

Any thing with you?
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
326 KB, 1100x1500

Bleh indeed
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You need to get some sleep for tommorow, so you will not be tired.
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Its - gofuckyourself38
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Though I suppose I should get in shape for a certain someone

Holy hell I forgot the pic
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I'm a tanker in the National Guard. I was trying to troubleshoot a startup problem in the field.

Yeah... fixed it though. Had to blow the Halon extinguishers though.

Yeah. Tanks fine now too. Just a little engine fire.
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Ohayou! (4).png
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Thanks, I made it on my own. Akiko provided the Ohayou though. I can do something like that if you give me the image you want turned into a gif.
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HomuMad (m).jpg
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It's still pretty early, I didn't even have dinner yet. I don't know when will I go to bed today I slacked enough whole week to have no problems waking up. But I like the concern.
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Tracer is #2
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I'm in the bottom of Akiko's list. Ask for one really late haha. Thanks for the offer though.
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Mio wink 2.gif
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Who's the certain someone?
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I am shipped with everyone, I love everyone I want to be with you all

Haha I hope not! Not really, I have learned a whole lot more while being a game tech though, like how to fix stuff at my house and its pretty cool I like it!

Soft number 2!
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hey syndra, whats happening?
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Has that Ice bitch shown her face around here lately?
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It's 8:19.
Okay, I just said that in advance.
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Snacks Are For Winners Only.jpg
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Winner claimed.
But just for the remainder of this thread, because I have things to do.
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Kyouko (5).jpg
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You're the cutie here.

How are you doing?

Wew, nice.
How's that coming along?
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Anyone listening to anything?
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Mornings are hard.
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Hey Rikka!
I heard I have to watch a movie with you and Maki... kek
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It might be Chara
Well, there isn't much to fuck up. My job is super easy
They really are
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Shiro claimed.

Go until your hand is sore!
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>just a little engine fire
You make it sound so trivial kek
How are you holding up?

So you want your own harem then? :^)
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Homura (14).jpg
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Re-listening to Daft Punk albums.
HAA > Homework > Discovery >>> RAM

Yes it is, the time I eat is always random.
Yeah we gotta tie her down, she hasnt seen Kill Bill! So we gotta tie her down and watch it!

Hey hey my job is easy too but you wouldnt believe what goes down. All the shit people dont do!

Haha you could say that I guess
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Syndra [181].jpg
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My computer was down for the most of the day, so im still catching up to things.
Just enjoying the evening and playing some games. That's about it.
What about you?
What about Interstellar 5555?
It's a great classic.
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The year is 2016 and people are still complaining about feminism.

>Just fucking kill me
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It's our 2nd fire in a week. Happens a lot when it's 115 °...

>tie her down
That's kinda rapey... kek
I've never seen it either.
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Screw you
>>691136760 (You) (You)
Is she from Jitsu wa Watashi wa
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All they really have to do is click on things as someone says them. The only hard part is stupid customers saying the wrong thing
Fucking kill me already

She needs to watch kill bill, I don't know anything else about this, but she should watch kill bill
God-tier waifu

>mornings are hard
I'm hard in the mornings :^)
But real talk I fucking hate mornings.

Oh I see. I'm sure Chara will love you no matter what~
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Sorry for not answering. My parents wanted to talk to me about something.

And hell yeah I'm happy they talked to me this time.

It's time guys. Tomorrow the appartment will be bought and at the end of the summer I can finally move the fuck out!

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Anyway, good luck, even if I'm certain that you will take the exam.
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slowly copying 190gb of anime off a friend's hard drive to my pc, and it doesn't support USB 3
>eta 7 hours
also unrelated, kumiko seems to really like drawing syndra
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1 MB, 1295x1779
Oh my~
Good luck in your quest!

That's the movie for Discovery

Woah! Sounds dangerous as hell
Bleibst du in Bruck oder geht's nach Wien?
File: Kyouko (4).png (416 KB, 600x780) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (4).png
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>My computer was down for the most of the day

What are you playing?

>What about you?
I'm alright, it's way too hot for my own good.
I hate summers.
File: mfw i try.gif (2 MB, 366x360) Image search: [Google]
mfw i try.gif
2 MB, 366x360
i challenge you
you are not worthy to claim seras

altho the dubs are check'd and i know i may fail
Chen is a shitposter.
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Congrats, hope you do well.
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Started off as the king of Bavaria in the 769 start, its 1081 now and I've since taken over Bohemia, Italy, Sicily, Hungary, Portugal, Andalusia, Galicia, Austurias, and parts of Aragon, Germania, and Saxony. My next targets are Castille and Navarra, then the rest of Aragon, then the French and German kingdoms, then Britannia, then North Africa, the former Byzantine territories and the middle east. From there if there's still time left I'll hit the pagan lands.
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Homura (44).png
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That's Discovery, it's really good but it's their most Pop-ish album not counting RAM.
The movie is indeed a classic, the story goes pretty deep considering there's no dialogue at all.

I like HAA and Discovery for the harsher techno sounds.
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I'm sure she will


Good luck living on your own!
So you will have some privacy?
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Gets zum Studieren oder zur Arbeit?

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Not without posting Chen.
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HomuSaya (3).jpg
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I'm not so sure but I will try my best.
Yeah, that's me, I am.
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Yep that's the Army for ya.

Gotta go. I will be back in a few days. Nice seeing you all again!
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That's the /b/ I know and love <3

Auf in die Großstadt! Wien ich komme!

Thank you! I'll do my best! Independence here I come. Even though it was paid by my parents

>Some privacy
No, all the privacy. It's a... english translation says it's a condo.

Wahrscheinlich beides und dann eher studieren um mir endlich meine beschissene Therapie zu leisten.
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Homura (6).jpg
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You fail.
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Jerkchen and Homura.jpg
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I am pretty sure about it.
So you will have roommates?

Hope you don't get creeps or asshats

You can keep her
My bad...
It's been a while since i listened to Daft Punk. They were my favorite before though. Still love them.
Especially some of their RAM songs.
Discover favorite
RAM favorite
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Zahlt das nicht die Kasse? Ich kenn mich in Östereich nicht aus mit sowas...
Was wird denn studiert?

That was just a warmup for this awesome
File: Waifu.jpg (56 KB, 632x634) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 632x634
Best waifu evor
Speak english, schwein
Hello, zambie grill
Its not rapey it all but it looks like I have to tie you both down now!

All we do is sell prizes at a prize counter and somehoe people fuck that up too, we live in a world of idiots

Thanks! I am on my way to the full harem!
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Syndra [246].jpg
771 KB, 2400x1200
>Just fucking kill me
Do it yourself.
>7 hours
That sucks.
Doing anything interesting in the meantime?
And he does a damn good job at it.
I think i use his stuff the most.
Loli ship simulator and some Shadow of mordor.
>I hate summers.
Wenigstens ein guter Versuch...
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gimme gimme gimme.gif
461 KB, 500x532
Showers feel great.
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383 KB, 500x711

You too.
Yeah, this one is okay. I'll claim this.
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No, no roommates at all. All by myself.

Nun, eigentlich wollte ich ja dass Österreich es für mich zahlt. Aber die schicken mich jetzt schon ein Jahr im Kreis herum.

Nachdem ich bei fünf verschiedenen Stellen war hat mir der "Verein für Psychoanalyse" Telefonnummern gegeben wo ich anrufen soll um ne Psychotherapie auf Krankenschein zu bekommen. Hab ich gemacht. Wartezeit zum Termin: 4 Monate. Hab ich also 4 Monate gewartet und bin dann dorthin.
Hab ein ganz normales Psychotherapeutisches Erstgespräch und am Schluss sagt sie mir "Ja, sie brauchen einen Psychotherapeuten, rufen sie mal diese Nummern an."
Weißt du welche Nummern die mir gegeben haben? Die gleichen bei denen ich angerufen habe um bei denen nen Termin zu bekommen.
Da zahl ich lieber aus eigener Tasche und bin dann in ner Therapie drinnen.

Make me
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1 MB, 1280x1555
See ya in a few, friend

I really liked this song for some reasons

Keep telling yourself that :^)
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Winning Intensifies.gif
303 KB, 195x317

>Do it yourself

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Chara where you from?
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170 KB, 675x850
Hello again, you keep disappearing for a while

How? All you do is take tickets and give what they point to

Might have to take one in a bit myself

Can do!

Lucky you. Hope you enjoy it
Das klingt ja genial...

Bin ich froh, dass ich privat versichert war, als ich nen artzt gesucht hab
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Homura (69).png
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Guess I will resume studying, I don't want to surprise you with bad news.

Solid attempt, worse luck next thread.

Great choice, one of my favourites as well, my top pick is Veridis Quo for those fresh beats inspired in Celtic music. Human After all is my favourite from that release.

I didn't really enjoy it but that's me, apparently a lot of people didn't like it at first but started to love it lately.

It's a good pic but it triggers me. Don't ask why.
Which way would you like me to make you?
The long hard and painful way
Or the quick slightly painful way?
My friend came over to get me and i helped him move furniture around
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Mio and Ritsu 3.jpg
179 KB, 1246x919
Just believe
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89 KB, 600x690
Original Nazi Land

I will! If you can afford a plane to Vienna I'll be your host and let you stay at my place for free!

Oh, also what was that about you getting in form for me?

Ist lustigerweise nur bei Psychosozialen Angelegenheiten so. Wenn du dir etwas gebrochen hast oder ähnliches gehst du einfach zum Arzt und du bekommst nen Gips oder ne Medizin oder sonstwas. Bin mir auf jedenfall gehörig verarscht vorgekommen nachdem ich ein Jahr lang probier in Behandlung zu kommen.

Getting cocky now, aren't you? I'll take the slightly painful way.
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Shiki 0733.png
3 MB, 2148x3348
Best type moon claimed
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88 KB, 1280x720
Cute picture
>Saved :^)
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Most hated.png
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I've got it.
My best friend lives in berlin. He's a famous techno DJ im not gonna say names. He's suppose to fly me out sometime soon. i just got my passport a month ago
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1 MB, 1280x1810
The cosplay maybe? Or the artstyle

Sounds fun

I believe!

Woo! If I ever go to Europe, which I plan to do someday, I'll be sure to stop by

I would say the same for Milwaukee, but I'll have a college dorm and I'm not sure if I can have people stay over

To be nice and cute for you!
Ich werde mich melden wenn ich das nächste Mal in Wien bin
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1 MB, 1200x900
I didn't enjoy most of HAA like how I enjoyed Discovery, but Daft Punk overall is pretty great at techno/house music.

Making me relisten to all of Daft Punk again. I really enjoy it though.
So you knew what i meant by the long and hard way, eh?
Both ways are very lewd, you sure, Mozart?
My ex boyfriend also lives in berlin.
Well, sounds like you'll have fun! I hope it turns out to be fun for you.

Sure, I don't mind people staying at my place.

>To be nice and cute for me

damnit, but why only for me? Your list was longer than just Chara

Bitte, tue dir keinen Zwang an.

please, I prefer Hitler

>both ways are very lewd
I'm used to stuff like that, you'll have to try harder.
I will and I know it will come true one day

there is a little more to it then that but its the basic concept and trust me people I work wit make it super hard
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692 KB, 500x281
Some of my close friends threw this party

where daft punk played the first time in the states.
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116 KB, 225x350
Was soll das Schwein machen?

Bald, mein Freund, bald!

Die bräuchten selber mal nen Arzt. Erinnert mich irgendwie an Asterix.
Darf ich fragen weshalb du eigentlich Hilfe brauchst?

We're getting closer every thread. It's just a matter of hours now!
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1 MB, 1280x720
Germany won't be able to handle me. Real talk. I think Europe might have a hard time handling me.
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after surgery.png
231 KB, 290x785
Lewdness with Chara is MY JOB!

You are the only one on the list who I have a real contact for

And my favorite

And I'm not sure if Rikka should stay on the list
What do they do? Miscount tickets?
>Darf ich fragen weshalb du eigentlich Hilfe brauchst?
Hast du noch nicht mitbekommen, dass chara Trans mtf ist?
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That's good shit. I want a Daft Punk concert now.....
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471 KB, 1200x1200
Noch immer wegen dem ganzen Transsexuualität Ding

Why? Are you a refugee?

You mean you only have me on telegram?

>And my favorite
dammit, I'm too likeable for my own good

>Not sure if Rikka should stay on the list
Why not?

Anscheinend nicht haha
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I believe in ya!
Maybe you'll succeed, who knows?
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Tenryuu 125.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

Where can i buy a used V2?
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Das mit der Schwulheit hatte ich gehört, ich wusste nur nicht, dass er es sich austreiben lassen will.
Da hilft vielleicht auch ein Exorzist.
All these Forged are gonna taste nuclear fission, it doesnt go down well
A love refugee
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Satsuki Kiryuin claimed.
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The internet, specifically ebay.
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Mizore seems to have disappeared and konata won't give me his

Seems so

Not sure if he would be into it, you know?

>Why, are you a refugee?

My sides
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> That feel when 2nd language English Speakers use better grammar then you do.
+I'll just leave this here.
Ich glaub der will da nur seine östrogentabletten verschrieben bekommen
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u see what i did there?
The slightly painful way is i tell you that you are more beautiful than you realise and how smart you are. Treat you to sushi, which of course has a sedative in it. Then take you to a nice hotel (while you're still sedated) and have sweet buttlpve with you?
Wanna hear the hard way?
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Nee, leider nicht. War immerhin in einer religiösen Volksschule. Da hat das ganze ja angefangen mit dem netten Priester in seinem privaten Kämmerlein.

Stay away Satan

Well Konata would simply drive to you if he could afford it, so that's that.
He's pretty darn horny if you'd ask me.

Ah, I see. Well, at least I don't mind it.

I'm sorry, I'll try to hold back.
>Assuming you mean me
But funny enough, I'm worse in german.

Nope, didn't see it.
>Joke lost in translation

Ich doch nicht Jibril. Wie kommst du darauf. Ich will doch nur ne ganz normale Schwuchtel sein.

Yes, I wanna hear the hard way now
>inb4 simple rape in an alley
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Das wäre doch sicher mit weniger Aufwand machbar?
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English is actually my 4th language
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I am on a list? What list? That can happen! Believe it or not or they scan the wrong item out! Its more than just a ticket area it is a store haha

I wont but I can keep trying my friend, I saw the edgiest bass the other day it was black with red and it had skull nobs I wanted to buy it but I didnt I didnt think I could switch out the nobs and someone last night said I could now I fel dumb.
English is my 7th language.
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Jesus christ. Im pretty sure thats gay/rape/creepy/ERP/cringy
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if anyone knows what song thats from, props to u

mandatory cc claim
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I need to stop taking naps
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Homura (27).jpg
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2nd language speakers are trying hard, you're not. And yes I see.

That's cute, thanks.

A matter of years I hope.

It's the character she is cosplaying as.


Only song on HAA that falls of a bit short for me is Steam Machine, what did you think of Homework?
Eigentlich nicht. Ich könnte sie mir vom Ausland her besorgen aber dann laufe ich Gefahr dass die Menge nicht stimmt. Das heißt entweder verändert sich dann nichts oder ich bin für den Rest meines Lebens drauf als ob ich die Regel hätte
Man braucht also nen blöden arzt termin um sich auch den Namen ändern zu lassen.

Heb dir die dubs für nächstes Thread auf Shiro
Ich bin davon ausgegangen weil du von dir selbst als Trans geredet hast
Bist also bald ne normale Schwuchtel,ist notiert
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iphone .png
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Best girl claimed
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Is there no sedation for that?

Yeah, it is a long drive though

Holy shit! I feel bad for only knowing English and a little Spanish

A list of posters I'm going to fuck, even if one is in Austria, two are on the other side of the country, and one is fuck knows where
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i know it :(
i see what you did
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Don't worry about it, bup.
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Oh how lewd of you Fran, I would accept you though <3
>Can see it now

I punch you in the face hard enough that it knocks you out. I then tie you up to a bed and throatfuck your brains out, cumming multiple times in your mouth. I will then dry my dick off and fuck you dry. Maybe then i will put on a condom and use Icey-Hot as lube. Then i will tear out your tongue. Do various things to make you my love doll

Now which is it? Easy way, or the hard way?
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>English is my 7th language.
Assuming you're not joking, that's very impressive
You a linguist? What are the other ones?

Before bragging like that I should have mentioned my french and german are a lot worse than my english, but they still count
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But aren't you straight?

That is very LEWD
>tfw wtf i didn't post that
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