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Look at my balls! LOOK!!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 151
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Look at my balls! LOOK!!
no you
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Much more lively today than yesterday.
it's because we're getting all touchy feely and emotions and stuff

everyone must have finished fapping
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we didn't catch anything when we went squidding, but we did catch something one time when we went fishing in a river, can't remember what it was though
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Army/fish guy
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horsecock is better
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I rarely jerk it. I just like the stuff.
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I can't see them well enough, better rub them on my face!
river fishing is good

every year i fish during the king salmon runs here in washington state, those fuckers are huge and taste great
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I talk about fishing, cars and the military dude. Plus anything else that I find interesting. Feelings... not so much.
sounds like a story and a half that you got to tell
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I've wasted soo much time on these fur threads tonight.
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are those easy to catch?
sorry if I seem a bit short today, I'm playing MGSV between posts
I was trying to be relevant to one of the conversations.
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Man ive been doing this shit for years.
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You poor soul.
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Let the faggotry consume you
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Never got to catch Pacific Salmon, but one of my buddies caught it all the time when he went back up to Alaska. Sent me down some smoked stuff. So good!
fuck no, those fuckers are 40lb of fighting muscle that rely purely on instinct and adrenaline (or whatever the fish equivalent is) as they're heading up the rivers to spawn and you'll be up to your chest trying to land one for a solid 15 minutes
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shit i forgot text.
How can i become what i already am?
why would you go through the trouble of modifying that so you can repost it?
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You just become extra faggot
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We're just starting to get our Atlantic Salmon back. Ruined the rivers with our mills during the American Industrial Revolution.
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hell if i know. The coffee hasn't kicked in yet.
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sounds like an unusual way to catch a fish, there's a lot of them though isn't there?
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forgot pic
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I can't remember what i've posted in the last three threads. Prepare for some dupes.
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With larger fish you sometimes have to go into the river. Give until they're tired then reel them in.
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oh cool, I did have another pic of multiple guys presenting.
What's so unusual about going down to the river to catch fish? Unless it's the 'up to your chest' part?

You don't START there, you start on the bank. That's just where the fucker drags you if he's tough enough.
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I guess it's worth it for how good they taste, isn't it?
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It's a lot of work with the strong ones.
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I wanna try too.
I can't say that the rainbow trouts that I'm preying upon are hard to catch, you just need to find out what insects they like the most.
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Also, the runs can be sparse or the runs can be large, they happen frequently over the course of a few weeks in mid-late summer. Whenever a small school starts shooting up the river, you can see the surface of the water start deforming from their sheer size and speed, given the river is mellow enough and it's a relatively flat area.
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I could never get in to fly fishing. Too much idle effort. I'd rather sit there and drink my beer until something pulls me off my ass and spills my beer.
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Well with them you can either fly fish or search for the cluster of fish and throw your live insect right into their face.

I mostly use crickets that I stole from my lizard or my bearded dragons, they are too lazy to eat them under the rocks or in the caves so they reproduce like hell.
Army guy btw, seafood/freshwater fish is my favorite form of protein. Always worth it. Plus it's fun and good exercise (if you're river fishing for big stuff). The same thing happens while ocean fishing too.
Nice one Thanks!
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This thread smells like smegma, cheetos, and virginity.
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the up to your chest part

that's pretty crazy

it definitely sounds like a good form of exercise, what else do you do during your vacation time?
as is tradition
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Able, disable, gay or straight, you can make it here in america!
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Those look like sex slaves.
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Dicks on faces :3
I fish in the ocean much more though.
Other person probably knows much more about river fishing.
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You got the virginity one right.
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Faces under dicks.
Really, being anywhere from slightly buzzed to pretty hammered just adds to the experience.

Just sitting there drinking beer on a foggy tuesday morning can be pretty nice, and trying to drag any salmon in while you're having trouble standing is an experience in and of itself.
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This is the closest i have
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Sign me up! ^_^
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More dicks on faces
I seem to have anons mixed up, you're army guy?

sounds like it could easily be very funny
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I enjoy hiking, swimming, drinking, barbecuing, and driving while on vacation. There are others, but I'm drunk so I can't think of them at the moment.
yup, and if you don't catch anything then at least you got drunk
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That's it
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do you do much hiking?

or you could just cut the fishing part out and just drink
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The thought of rubbing my face against a nice dick drives me wild
if i cut out the fishing then it's just sad and depressingq
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I'm army guy, I've done both river and ocean fishing, but I usually fish in the ocean, being by the coast and all. I've been watching the other persons posts and he seems like he has more experience with river fishing. It doesn't happen as often in the northeast US. Not enough big fish.
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You and me both
Where can you buy such a skirt?
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It's been a very long time but I shall try to find it, I never throw away anything money related, should have the bill lying around somewhere.
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only if you let it be

I don't know a huge about fishing, let alone in the US, it's interesting to read nonetheless
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It's that one, though I did not find the site that I bought it from a while ago.

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When I was in North Carolina I hiked the Smoky's. I hiked the White Mountains plus other areas back where I'm from. Mt. Whitney in Cali, and other smaller ones. One of the most hiked mountains in the world is Mt, Monadnock in New Hampshire, US. Good starter mountain.
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Thanks mate
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And that's the bigger skirt like counterpart to it that I also have to have!

You are most welcome.

The new improved "faceS on dick"
more evoo
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Military here; you found something you like. Keep fishing. Even if you don't like other facets of your life you have fishing, and through that you can find other interests.
didn't finish my post

i don't live in ausland, i guess i'll just find it somewhere else
Fishing was my only escape while I was stuck in my shitty town working a shitty cnc machine. It's fun so I still do it, but I like my life now.

I just have to find a job as a programmer and move further south and I'll be golden.
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have you been up through the flatirons in colorado? those look pretty cool

where in ausland?
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Would /b/ fuck my ass?
I'm in Austria.
As I said, the site that I originally bought it from does not seem to have it anymore, good luck finding it though~
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Oh my! :3
>i don't live in ausland
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It's a great looking ass!
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I would if my dick worked and I felt like it. Neither of those things are likely to happen.
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I'm sorry, I forgot how to read
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I'm just trying to get an idea. Population of town? Location compared to coast? Do you want to move to Cali? And if so, where are the jobs there that could offer you something.
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I didn't do it, officer
Do what?
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I've never been to Colorado, I've only heard about it from friends. Those mountains are very young and still growing. I haven't hiked too many like that before.
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I'm trying to give you some sort of help on /b. This is rare, take advantage of it.
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that's believable, most of the continent is comparatively young
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my mistake there, that's not correct
Town pop is ~1800. An hour from the coast, but the coast here is the puget sound. I'd rather not move to california as seattle is pretty close by and has lots of opportunity. Pretty much anywhere as I am a computer programmer/engineer.
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The mountains I grew up with are actually some of the older mountains in the world. The Appalachians.
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Fucking beta fur fags
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huh, I didn't realise those were the oldest
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Though I wouldn't be against moving.
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Wow! Your population is smaller than my high school graduation class, just barely.I didn't grow up in a city though. I was right on the edge, lived in the middle of the woods right on the edge of the high school district. If you're feeling stuck try and look for a job somewhat close. Pretend to be confident even when you don't feel it's possible. Look at everything you have done and form it in a way that can look positive to potential employers. There are websites devoted to it. Form a resume using only positives, but don't be particular. You need to do the same thing when it comes to interviews. Don't be personal to start out with. Let them learn. Make them want to learn about you. You have value, make them want to know what that value is.
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one of the oldest. There isn't really a definitive way to tell exactly. carbon dating only gives a range as far as I know.
Oh, I'm already past all that. I'm out and about looking for jobs in seattle. I have a resume and linkedin ready and I spent all day yesterday writing cover letters and sending emails.
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because they're not, there's a mountain range in Western Australia and one in South Africa that are both over 3 billion years old

radiometric dating of super heavy radioactive elements in the minerals making up the rocks works, as does using known index fossils, we can get a fairly accurate estimate of the age of the rocks. Though these far out-date fossils so that's pointless in this case
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Nice! That post just made it sound very depressing. Try some government contractors. They are usually pretty solid. Boeing's largest facility is near you.
Eh, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'd rather make video games.
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guess who just spent a week having unprotected sex in vegas
Not me, that's all I need to know.
Your mother?
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close butt not correct
Might wanna make a doctor's appointment to get checked...
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>Guess who just got herpes in vegas?
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Sometimes you can learn from other facilities. Video games all have physics engines. You can learn new things about them through these other companies. They don't have to be your end game. Use them as a starting pad. If you can't get the exact job you want, try to find one that may be able to help you do so or at least give you some experience to further your cause.
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>implying I don't already have herpes and HIV
I've only been on the hunt since friday.
>guess who gave herpes to a bunch of strippers
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>implying they were strippers
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I said some of the older mountains, not the oldest. They're my favorite though. Lots of wild life. The terrain is smoother than the newer ones, and the views are still fantastic.
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Do you have protected sex with someone as well?
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All I have to say is keep your options open, keep them broad, you never know where they'll lead you.
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I was correcting myself with that, not replying to you
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not lately
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Would you still do it?
Or is it obsolete now anyways?
prostitutes are nothing to brag about kek
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Every new job experience whether it ends well or not can be positive. Just apply it to what you want to do. Just because you have a job doesn't mean you can't go looking for others; as I think you know. Always easier to find a new job when you already have one I think.
Spent the past hour trying to cum hands free with dildo, still can't. any tips?

going to sleep soon, only going to read quick replies
I would like to train myself to do this also so any tips would be doubly appreciated
Sorry man. Must have read it incorrectly. What do you do on vacation and such? Hobbies?
my guess is that some people just can't do it
As having unprotected sex is also nothing to brag about....
I think not fapping for a while might make it easier, but I'm a horny little fucker who usually jacks off multiple times per day, so I dont know if I can resist
It looks like a lot of fun, and I want to try it
ah it's fine really
at the moment my time is filled with going to uni, studying for something and hanging out with the bf. I'm looking to get a part time job soon seeing as I'll have given up on chemistry and I'll have much more time to work during the week
>didn't say it looks like loads of fun
missed opportunity
aaah! good one!

but yeah I just leaked a ton of precum. and I mean a TON
Any specific field of chemistry? I'm not very well versed, but I know the basics.
Sounds tasty
I'm sure it would. I respond well to some stimuli so i can probably do it. Came once just from being spanked and grinding a little against the sheets.
How does uni work in Australia? payment, socially, whatever?
dicks are great
You get an interest free loan from the government which you only payback when you earn $40k+ a year
The greatest.
chemistry that I'm doing is a bit of everything, thermodynamics, synthetics, symmetry. However I despise every moment of it now so after this semester I'm dropping it to focus more on my geology major

yeah, that's what anal stimulation does to ya

see >>690734080
except it's not 40k, I'm pretty sure it's 50k
I wish I was even close to this responsive...I feel so bad when my bf can't even come close to getting me off
That sounds amazing! I'm still paying my original loans off. Join the military for 4 or more years and they will pay for 4 consecutive years of college (G.I. bill) unless you fail a class, then you're shit out of luck. I'm good, and have 3 separate two year degrees from the mil, but I'm thinking of using my G.I. bill. Once you start it you can't stop it until you graduate or your consecutive four years is up.
The ultimate would be being able to cum from just being fucked, maybe even with my dick locked up in a cage and a collar around my neck.
otherwise it's out of pocket, unless you get a scholarship. My sister got a scholarship and owes over 40,000 US dollars after she graduated last year.
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