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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >This

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 151
File: Homura (75).jpg (2 MB, 1280x1750) Image search: [Google]
Homura (75).jpg
2 MB, 1280x1750
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I want my minimalism back
>3D is almost always trash
>Down with democracy
>Most importantly, have fun!
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250 KB, 1191x1684
Muh claims.
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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Shiki 0408.png
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Best type moon claimed.

Neko edition.
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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
Are they naked in the show too?
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Homura (72).jpg
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>pokémon anime
Don't. Just don't. Read the adventures special manga and you will be surprised with how epic, convoluted and violent pokémon can be.

Ash is literally a faggot who doesn't age and resets his brain every season. Nobody above the age of 12 should watch the anime.
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kagami claimed!!
Boris > Sunn O)))
/r/music > /mu/
I don't on /mu/
File: chen324234.png (58 KB, 554x439) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 554x439
Ive been posting on /b/ since it was created.
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You'll never spook me
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face 12.jpg
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>Boris is a Japanese avant-garde metal band
yeah no thanks
marry me
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mu meme.jpg
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>>690244284 > /r/music > /mu/
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maxresdefault (4).jpg
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Akiko claim

>tfw no nekos on mobile
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Shiki 0822.png
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>not having a google drive backup so you can post all your pics from mobile.
It's bretty good.
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Hey, I said my autism couldn't handle it. I know that manga is good, but I haven't actively read manga in years.

>Haven't found anything of particular interest
I have that one that Operator showed me that I need to start and that's about it.

RIP in pepperinis
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Kotori (1).jpg
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Slow thread claim
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tats gtfo
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face 17.png
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it was alright, sounds like japanese thrash
*dying noises*
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Kotori (4).jpg
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T-that's pretty lewd
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He's mine, you hear me!
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Syndra [27].jpg
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It could be far worse...maybe.
>le all /mu/ memes are tats
it's not like that reaction image is not commonly used by literally everyone.
this is tats

but i'm not.
marry me chen
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Kotori (80).png
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Kotori (10).jpg
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Time for a nap
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It is.
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that wasn't me.
and i'm serious
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hands up.jpg
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I seriously want to get married
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I agree. I've been up most the night. Got like, 2-3ish hour nap at work, but I am tired. Ima save these chicken strips for later.
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question mark.jpg
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with who?
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Shiki 1132.png
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Cheap bote
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Cosplay (7).jpg
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Post any pc pic, I should seriously save a template for this.
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Kind anon
Nice double digits
>muh feewings
Best type moon. Nice outfit
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pc 15.png
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Don't mind me, just claiming best waifu.
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Amatsu gets checked while checking an anon.

>The wait to pass out begins
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really name.png
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you are a shitposter?
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Chen thread.jpg
14 KB, 204x246

delete this
which is the real chen so I can marry them?
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delete the post.
both are mine
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Thanks for the check~
How was work, friend?
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Most hated.png
11 KB, 400x400
and those trips are mine aswell
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get ready
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full of fakes..jpg
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you posted lewds.
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if you wanted to get lewd with me, you just had to ask :3
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I fell asleep somewhat a few times. Was woken up by screaming homeless people the first time, then a car alarm the second.
Wasn't too terribly bad I suppose. How was sleep?
Judging by the bad taste present in this thread, I'm guessing she's not claimed by anyone.
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delete the post.
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2 MB, 2000x2700
pic lol
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it needs to stay there for homo D:
chen > cirno
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>by screaming homeless
At least you got some sleep~
Mine was alright, got woken by a phone call, grandma wanted some cash to borrow
to each their own.
>any 2hu > any waifu

Kek. Your Chinese Bell Vampire Maiden Priestesses are literally garbage /v/ tier whores.
File: Yume03.jpg (78 KB, 813x982) Image search: [Google]
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See ing that pic her straps now makes sense and she doesn't need panties!
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how does one join this circlejerk?

It doesn't seem to me like you guys use NS so what gives?
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Hello leg parson. I expected you to say her strap doesn't make sense, are you tricking me?
what is NS?
The simple method of posting alot and initiating conversation, some people use NS, most people don't both.

Also solid choice, Katanagatari was great.
File: chenfield.jpg (95 KB, 960x781) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 960x781
we have some good taste here

File: Homura (138).jpg (309 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
Homura (138).jpg
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I use it just to spot tripfags, some do some don't.
Oh look. Best girl and best hair.
Just hang out. Only way.
File: crying konata.jpg (65 KB, 390x390) Image search: [Google]
crying konata.jpg
65 KB, 390x390
I love you chen and you have good taste too ;-;
but please marry me
File: Yume04.jpg (318 KB, 1000x1333) Image search: [Google]
318 KB, 1000x1333
They didn't make sense in the other pictures I saw but in this its obvious that it would work
Her straps go all the way up to her necklace and on her head so this is where they get their hold on

In the other picture they just stoped existing when under her jacket
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Oh, so you avatarfag around.

I mean my anime pic folder is all over the place, so I can't really avatarfag, but I'll respect the customs.

It was more than great.

Oh, okay then.
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I guess it all depends on the artist
Even on the one you said it doesn't make sense, the strap goes on her head
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821 KB, 858x1722
Yeah I only looked at her lower half and didn't saw it going around her head
>still would follow that ass
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chen what.jpg
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so, uhh, favorite series?

Katanagatari and Serial Experiments Lain.
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3 MB, 2708x2677
>I only looked at her lower half
I wonder why :^)
>I would too
File: Shiki 1103.jpg (2 MB, 2204x2812) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 1103.jpg
2 MB, 2204x2812
Kara no Kyoukai and Katanagatari.

I may be a bit biased regarding KnK, but I love the strong entries so much I can ignore the weaker ones.
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Homura (30).jpg
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Avatar should speak for itself, I also loved Cross Ange even if it's shit and Ergo Proxy.
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>striped stockings

>Cross Ange
My nigger, for all the flaws Ange is still one of my favorite protagonists.
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Kyouko (5).png
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Kyouko claimed.
File: Shiki 0757.png (354 KB, 507x541) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0757.png
354 KB, 507x541
Outlaw Star is my favorite, hands down.
Runner up would probably be something like The Monogatari Series or WataMote.
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You know I totally forgot how much I enjoyed KnK, even if 1 and 2 were kinda boring.
My favorite would either be 4 or 5 I guess, I'll have to rewatch them.

>Cross Ange
Could have been much better than it turned out.

Best girl.

>Outlaw Star
haven't seen it yet, prob should get on that.
File: 194.png (1 MB, 822x1280) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 822x1280
Probably Avatar and NGE
And that was the only pic of her I have with Stripped stockings that goes all the way down..
File: Kyouko (12).jpg (849 KB, 1181x1748) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (12).jpg
849 KB, 1181x1748
Hello Shiki!

We had a wonderful Shiki claimer posting thumbnails last night.

>Best girl.
Well thank you, excellent taste.
File: chen23423.jpg (36 KB, 563x563) Image search: [Google]
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i dont think that s how shipping works

also im a lone wolf
*tips fedora*
One of the big three space westerns of the 90s.

Trigun and Cowboy Bebop being the other two.
File: Shiki 0803.jpg (595 KB, 793x1167) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0803.jpg
595 KB, 793x1167
I actually find that I enjoy 1 a lot more on rewatchs, the series didn't click with me until movie 3 which is competing with 5 for my favorite. Lots of people don't like 4 and I genuinely don't get why, I loved the atmosphere and just the general story of Shiki healing.
I sure hope that wasn't me posting in my sleep.
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1 MB, 994x1404
woke up at 11:40
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That's the time I wake up every day now.
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i mean.jpg
40 KB, 385x526

I never understood why girls listen to this tumblr shit
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I've obviously seen Trigun and CB I'll check it out, even though it's been on my to do list for a while.

4 got a lot of flak for very little reason, but that's because I really like Shiki.

My Knk related folder is about 900 or so images probably up to 950 at this point.
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How bad is your sleep schedule messed up
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180 KB, 850x1208
I actually woke up at 10:30 today
I woke up early
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How are niggers not classified as animals? They're so different from regular humans it's so hard to see them as such. They also smell like shit without exception so far
File: Azaka a shit.webm (3 MB, 852x480) Image search: [Google]
Azaka a shit.webm
3 MB, 852x480
Yeah I have a far too large collection of Shiki and a modest amount with Touko, plus general of all the type moon girls.
Very, usually sleep around 2 am and wake up at 11:30.
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281 KB, 674x771

what music do you think your waifu would listen to?

song related

happy stuff, maybe some experimental music when she's sad.
File: Homura (4).jpg (151 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Homura (4).jpg
151 KB, 1920x1080
But they are classified as animals.
Because studying the subject is literally illegal.
File: face 31.png (289 KB, 659x515) Image search: [Google]
face 31.png
289 KB, 659x515
Canon she listens to yandere boy bands.

Yeah. She gets headphones as birthday gifts.
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133 KB, 1280x720
If you say so

That sucks. I'll be going to bed at 3 - 4 am and waken up at 10 - 11:30 am for the next 2 or so months.
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>tous les mêmes
I honestly don't know what she would listen to
Probably happy songs
I usually wake up at noon..
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Homura (37).jpg
341 KB, 1000x1015

But after living in the same time for years I'm sure she would become a patrician and listen to all kinds of good music.
weeb shit, which is the worse because I can't stand anime and video game music

File: Homura (90).png (1 MB, 988x1400) Image search: [Google]
Homura (90).png
1 MB, 988x1400
>mfw he tells me he dislikes soundtracks
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Well at least the scientific community has their shit straight. They're a pretty rare sight here in Belgium but every time I see one they look more like ayy lmao's than humans. Hopefully we keep our xenophobic attitude, shit's fucked enough already with all these sandniggers around
Is it?
Elaborate please

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Mine, sleep snug, smug
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550 KB, 900x720
Some weeb shit like this.

Not that much of a typemoonfag myself.

Saber a shit though.

>have to dig through my katanagatari folder every time
Maybe I should have separate folder for dojinshi.
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135 KB, 400x399
>unironically using the word patrician
we are /mu/ fags
you can't blame us
sleep snug, smug
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61 KB, 1280x720
>late megumin claim
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221 KB, 600x660
I mean if you're from /mu/, I would expect you to use /mu/tant.

/mu/ has been dead since /r9k/ started leaking into it.
I dont know...
Probably This


/mu/ is dead

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19 KB, 210x240
Forgot pic
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2 MB, 1655x2244
>Maybe I should have separate folder for dojinshi.
I do, I have a seperate folder for all the manga and stuff like that.
File: guitar.png (593 KB, 1238x1738) Image search: [Google]
593 KB, 1238x1738
Yeah man I love music, Kanye West is a god haha :)
Do you guys like In The Airplane over the sea?
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345 KB, 875x1178
I mean do you enjoy off-topic threads, general meme-ery, k-pop generals up the ass and "feels".

If you do that's fine, you can just say that you do.

How do you even pronounce that? Za?

Yeah, I need to organize.

Btw do you know of any way to get thumbnails for .webm files?
>unironically using the word ironic

X is H in russian.
What is X in Al-bhed?
File: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u5.jpg (116 KB, 1000x867) Image search: [Google]
116 KB, 1000x867
Power is the shit, m8
>not knowing russia has it's own alphabet
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353 KB, 662x883
what is wrong with the word ironic?

Great thanks, I guess.
Sleep snug smug

>>Btw do you know of any way to get thumbnails for .webm files?
Icaros is great for this.
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3 MB, 4139x2950
Noone uses it correctly
File: welcome to waifu.jpg (116 KB, 600x525) Image search: [Google]
welcome to waifu.jpg
116 KB, 600x525
horrible, but I'll still marry you
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120 KB, 344x344
i don't know how to change the direction of the head, to look on another direction, nor the backround

made in paint.

ROAST ME /waifu/
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03 - F2ju13r.png
532 KB, 600x800
Maki is mine.
It's pretty good m8 :^)
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294 KB, 812x1146
I mean I never did use the word ironic myself, but that sounds more like a problem of the people using it not of the actual word.

You know don't shoot the messenger and all that.
Your face is a crime to look at because its so ugly
O shit he went there
Did you know that if I roll trips you must post tiddies?

True fact.
File: Homura (71).jpg (3 MB, 4457x4457) Image search: [Google]
Homura (71).jpg
3 MB, 4457x4457
Criticism tier 7: Namecalling.
Sounds something like this: You are an asshat.
File: Kyouko (3).png (56 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (3).png
56 KB, 500x500
What the fuck.
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47 KB, 450x354
Miho claimed
File: meow2.jpg (347 KB, 1066x799) Image search: [Google]
347 KB, 1066x799
You better not call me a slut of /waifu/.
I don't make the rules, I just follow them.
File: lewd.png (327 KB, 708x832) Image search: [Google]
327 KB, 708x832
Ok then
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Homura (108).jpg
240 KB, 640x896
I did not expect this.
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125 KB, 640x800
Damn you to hell
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37 KB, 461x640
Only because you rolled trips

Fran here
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396 KB, 915x1060
Yeah I think I'll stick around in this circlejerk for a bit.
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681 KB, 850x1200

This >>690256794

File: HomuMad (53).jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
HomuMad (53).jpg
2 MB, 1920x1080
It's pretty dead on weekends but at least it's comfy like this.
We are all sluts deep down. I'll forgive everyone this time.
File: meow.jpg (195 KB, 1207x2048) Image search: [Google]
195 KB, 1207x2048
I like your attitude.

Not like we don't have other reasons to call you a slut.
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187 KB, 500x640
It wouldn't be fun if we weren't
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>mfw tomo is a trap
For your trips.
>when you make /waifu/ stop and fap
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256 KB, 1000x1391
Im surprised at how noone ever claims her.

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Shiki 0332.jpg
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I'll be honest, I really don't see tits as anything noticeable.
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oh hey whats going on in
have a lood
>sachi claim
What do you call a guy whi gets trips
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76 KB, 455x600
If only


Tomo it seems
Because she sucks
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Guess that is quite accurate.
Don't forget to wash your hands, guys.
Because we fucced and succed already
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587 KB, 933x720
Why is thread so slow...
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300 KB, 579x800
Its like it was 8 months back, so freaking calm
i'd get lewd with you ;)
File: and count them.jpg (7 KB, 188x200) Image search: [Google]
and count them.jpg
7 KB, 188x200
that's how its supposed to be
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61 KB, 554x590
>Not like we don't have other reasons to call you a slut.

No idea what you're talking about...
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36 KB, 445x640
I'm guessing people are "enjoying" the lewds
Cause its Saturday!
File: Lovey dovey.gif (761 KB, 539x303) Image search: [Google]
Lovey dovey.gif
761 KB, 539x303
Cause it's nicer like that. Nice and slow like passionate sex

>not that I would know;_;

I'm also here as you can see
File: Shiki 0409.jpg (4 MB, 6082x8601) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0409.jpg
4 MB, 6082x8601
It really is you Shrimp!
>wake up
>Check in on waifu
>Everyone posting lewd
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