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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (22).png
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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>I don't want to keep you up
Not really a fan of noise, and haven't followed any uploads lately to be honest.
I recall listening to that like a few months ago trying to figure the name out, and somebody explained it.
I can't remember anymore though.
If trips or higher everyone post waifu lewds.
Still here
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Homura (24).jpg
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You're going to AX this year?
>I'm jealous
>For I am a broke poorfag and probably couldn't get the days off anyways
Next year dammit, I'm determined!
>Have a picture of a cool cosplay I saw last time I went

W-What?! I never admitted to anything! No proof!

Not even dubs?
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I just try not to think about things.
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>Chino claimed

Fine then.... roll 420 and i'll let you post a lewd

hey hey you like plushies too?


>>689818670 please forget about it...
its lewd...

Aw thanks!


Ah, one days better than jzero! I hope ya have fun

Alright guys, I'm heading off to sleep. Goodnight everyone, it was nice talking to you guys today
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Are you trying to ship us?
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>no u
I just got roasted

its 11/10. Akiko made it for me a while back.

He owed me lunch money, gotta get my quarters so i can buy juice
Wasn't expecting this.

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the fuck you want.gif
1 MB, 500x250
I'm back

>Touka claimed
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I'm gonna go lay down, I'll be back later.
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stop neglecting me.png
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Love Karen 15.jpg
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It's fine, I need to be up anyway
As long as you're here though, I don't mind the trouble.
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fuck you2.jpg
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Have another one.
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Syndra (178).jpg
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Pet the cow, Do it now
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Kyouko (27).jpg
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See you later Galko!
Hey guys, gues who's back and tired again
>tired mobile claim as always
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That's all the weed I know lol

Do it! *does shila gesture*
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Sleep well Galko.
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Touch the cat, Do it stat.
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wait, what.gif
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I feel like I'm lurking far to hard for this type of thread
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2015-07-03 19.07.24.jpg
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I know those doors haha yeah I am going this year, I am excited to try and get as many great pics as I can get last year I only got a couple and I got one of a Rikka who did her pose really badly and she looked super irritated. Here is my favorite from last year

Goodnight new cute friend talk to ya later!

I mean we totally could cuz you are a boat I am a chuuni I can pretend to be a boat

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Nice meeting you Chino, have a nice night.

>Owed you lunch money
Woah woah wait a second. He was supposed to give me lunch money. You stealing my clients?

See ya around Galko.

I agree, it is. Although the workplace won't see it like that sadly.

>Best idol claimed
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Legs edition
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chara claimed
It's new to you after all
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HomuMad (139).jpg
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>The Spell
Great choice! Other awesome songs from him that I kinda want to link but at the same time don't are Cott Face and To the Stars.
>I hope I'm not being too random with genres and changing them too fast
Here's another Brazilian metal band.
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jesus christ that pic
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First post and I'm already back at it again with the typos, tonight is going to be great...
Hey there maki, how have you been today?
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>dat cosplay. Reminds me the matrix mech or the dude from twisted metal
Mmhmmm. Keep telling yourself that~

Take care galkyl!

Sup I'm always on mobile lol

Confused astronaut
>I hang out with that group but did it once

How's kipping :^)

Gah! I've already done so many QOTT with the smile you want to protect! I love them all but it gets old quick

>bring me back to life
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Mi Liu (1).png
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Heyo chaira
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stop talking.gif
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nah, just distracted and not used to the pace
also catchas a bitch
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At least her head wasn't being stomped.
I legitimately hate that one.

Hello chara

never mind...
Claiming Seaport Hime.
Hey Shinoabro.
Hey cowbro.
How are you two?
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i happen to know this well.png
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Hes my atm you nerd, get another one


2nd place
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You Know Gasai (26).jpg
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Theres a group called confused astronauts?
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damn she's badass.jpg
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KyoukoSad (1).jpg
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Oh it's this pic...
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Oh my~
Goodnight friend!
I just pictured you making warships noises as you swim kek

Well, it's that time of the day gotta go sleep
I'll see you all tomorrow~
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The QOTT pic.jpg
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QOTT: whats your nom sexual favorite porn?

Gunpla porn, food porn, gun porn, motorcycle/car porn, architecture porn. Good shit mang
Rolling for Hime noods
Rolling for chara noods
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I think Cott's Face is in my top played songs for Feed Me.
No problem, I was really listening to this anyways.
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You've seen it before?
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>non sexual porn

2016 why
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Porn porn
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I'm alright, got back from my workout a little bit ago and I'm about to eat.
Good like I said, how are you?
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My favorite kind of non-porn is paradox porn. Something about unexplainable anomalies turn me on like a rocket!
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2 MB, 4000x3000
Das sexy mang
My mom had the camera that year, so she just got whatever she thought was neat. If you're going next year, we could totally meet up.
>Despite the worry Ika had, I'm not some psycho lunatic!

>It was pretty damn cool, but a bitch to walk in watching him.
I shall!

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Love Karen 10.png
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Space porn
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i've seen it all


Murder porn

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>nom porn

architecture porn, landscape porn, space porn
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Kyouko (26).png
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>You've seen it before?


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I have it downloaded! Saving it for tomorrow because I have work at 6am...
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but why though.png
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>Gunpla porn, food porn, gun porn, motorcycle/car porn, architecture porn
Nigga you what.
>Not beating off to farting breast monster girls
Good as per usual.
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Determined Karen 13.jpg
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Justice porn
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Bug eyes. What's up?

Wtf is up with all this porn?
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ocean porn
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Happy Karen 93.jpg
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Are you just relaxing now? Is your day over?
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Ayy wassup Mug how's shit been since I left? I'm still a beanpole haha.
>murder porn
>daisy's destruction
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You Know Gasai (11).png
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Gun porn

Damn shame, you're gonna love it!
I know right he did fantastic! I was a guy version of Ryuko from KLK

It would be fucking adorable! Have a good night and sleep well!

Yeah I mean next year I was gonna try and get a room for all 4 days I will start saving after this year and have enough for next year.
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You filthy fucking aquaphilliac
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Mi Liu (5).png
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>not beating off to loli shota futa furry guro feet scat bondage hentai
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Typical 4chan
Maybe even a fellow fan who's not acting like one.

He'll never post one i haven't seen~

Not much sup with you perfect?
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Hello Mami, don't think we've spoken before. I've been pretty well off today, besides the heat of course. How about you?

My love for it never gets old. Kek, I get your point though.

Nah you square, I had him first. He covered for me when I was caught wanking in the P.E closet. That's my nerd.

Landscape porn.
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>god I love the 3 heart eyes!
I'm fine. Hanging out not doing anything. You?



Night amatsu


Get dem gainz, brother!

>never been to a weeb gathering. What's it like?


I was gonna claim, but then I saw all this discussion... wtaf?
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Happy Karen 7.png
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Do you work?
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Had the day off. Can't complain. Drug and alcohol test tomorrow so I can't drink (have fun)
She needs to be raped
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Off to bed. Night everyone!
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HomuMad (172).jpg
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I need to get into them too I guess, they certainly deserve my attention. I love noise and have been following a huge chart that Tats gave me, sadly I don't have it here. Be it calm or harsh, it's always pretty comforting.
Requesting loods of mary rose or whoever the fuck that is
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My first time I had the 4 days pass. Honestly, unless there's something you really wanna do on the 4th day, 3 days seemed to be enough for me. Ended up going to Knotts Berry Farm on the 4th day that year.
>I'll be saving up for it as soon as I have my ZX in working order, and maybe even my Supra if I'm lucky
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Yui (32).gif
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>architecture porn, landscape porn, space porn
Mah nigga.
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You Know Gasai (74).jpg
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Oh wtf? That's the name of the weed? Hm.. considering theres one named after a gun..

Good night Yuuki!!
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Bunny Karen 1.jpg
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So you study?
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>saving the same image twice
Pretty much the same here. A comfy feeling is always the best feeling, though.
>It's pretty fun, you should join us next year Shinoa!
>>I can call you short in person as I loom over you

Get some tripps then you'll see them.

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You can breath in roses and help the elderly for fun instead.
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r8 my waifu
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I too have had it fine and the weather is doing me well this summer! A beautiful 72 degrees today! Got any plans for your summer?
Hey Darj, up for some axis and allies?
Well I still can't fucking fall asleep.
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image (1).jpg
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Naw. It's just the way shit gets saved. I have images (8) on my phone and didn't save it 9 times. Good try though. Gj not uploading a pic with that "insult"
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Feed Me or Sabaton?
I have a trouble understanding the grand scheme behind it all.
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^nice trips wassup guys.
I like earth porn but if there were like a killa tape porn id be down with that shit.
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got em.gif
990 KB, 500x341
Not bad, same old stuff.
>still a beanpole
Arent we all

Damn, you have transcended fetish friend

>wanking in the P.E closet
I didnt know it was like that, fine take him

All of your tastes are second place :^)
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wew lad.png
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Chibi Karen 21.jpg
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Let me guess!
Is it a stem discipline?
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You didn't use a single doujin scrub
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You Know Gasai (29).gif
81 KB, 500x281
Damnit, I coulda called forth lewds
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get spooked faggot.png
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>perfect rating
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Sure I'm up for it. Btw, how was that meeting today, hope I did not keep you up too late :/
t-thanks anon
Literally just named any fetish of the top of my head
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But I know that they have to have me work I have done 12 days before I just havent dont it in like a year

Yeah I think last year we stayed till day 3 and then we left. All the vendors are really weird with prices I found a pen pen plush at one vendor for 50 and the same plush at the J list booth for 15
I want to drink her piss
What the fuck is wrong with you.
im voting Trump.
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Nah, the meeting went fine. Besides, Jackson's "glory jump" was worth staying up for! XD that had me rolling!
I'll host a global 1940
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A lot
Jump off the nearest bridge.
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Cheering Karen 24.jpg
202 KB, 500x570
Is it... a medical discipline?

Hi there, I don't think I've seen you before.
Are you new, or too old for me to remember?
I'm Karen, pleased to meet you.
The nearest bridge is a 10 foot jump into water
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Prolly too old, been a while since I've been in these sort of threads
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Just checking in from vacation, how are you fucks?
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Mi Liu (2).png
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Lose some weight
Right now all you can do is circle up fat ass
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>A beautiful 72 degrees today!
Wew lad, I envy you. It's a blazing 92 degrees here. Planning to get my workout routine back in track and find a job. You?

Yeah boi. don't worry though. I'll hook you up with Tim. He'll do anything for friends.

>12 days
Goddamn. Well after you do it this time it'll be awhile till the next right?
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Right right fersure dude i'm just getting turnt with my beanpole friends. Well minus the one that looks like the rock rn haha we're having a friend who lives in Payson visit because his house might burn down lol.
Dude couldn't we all just be trip gods for a night but we'll leave it to trips guy.
Did he fucking stutter?
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git gud.png
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Rolling for Fran lewds
As expensive as things are at jlist online, their booths are rather reasonable. It's where i got my stripes from!
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6-15 never forget.png
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I updated it slightly.
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Yui (12).jpg
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>72 degrees
>92 degrees
im only 140, if I lose anymore ill dissapear
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life sucks.gif
928 KB, 245x248

Horrible, can't sleep.
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Idea Karen 18.jpg
39 KB, 397x580
Oh. When's the last time you were here?
Who did you used to talk to? Some of your old friends might still be posting.
>>>>>>>>> wtaf?
Did we get that on video? XD He called in "sick" for work becuase of that! Btw, I'm gonna be the axis this time >:3
Thank you.
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2 MB, 540x290
Good as hell Fran nice triggered gif. xD
Kek I'm 115 you tub of lard
marine biology?
More bread pls
im 511 tho
Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151

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