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Can we have a feels thread guys? come on

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 84
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Can we have a feels thread guys? come on
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Let this be the one thing I don't fail at.
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please dump pictures like pic related
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please dump more feels pictures
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>Be me
>29 years old mentally ill recovering drug addict and alcoholic
>Sober 8 months, no friends because they're all still using
>Lonely and depressed, self harm scars on wrists because emo fag
>No job. Live with mom. No gf
>Decide to join creative writing class
>Meet cute girl, same age, also had shaky few years
>Former child actress, had a few stalkers, all social media accounts in different names she only uses for family
>Blah blah blah start hanging out, she drives me home after every class and we talk for hours, grow to really like her
>Course ends, keep hanging out. Never at her place but at mine and go out to eat etc
>3 months later, she stops answering texts.
>Phone dead when I call
>No idea where she lives, no family or contact information
>That was 2 months ago.
>Mfw I dont know what happened to my only friend.
First time seeing this pic and i love it
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be strong anon...
where are you from?
Hire someone to kill you
Greater London. Right at the edge
Just stay sober man

This happens to women as well, stop being attention to selfie posting slags all the time

So true it hurts
Will do. These days I just lift my feels away.
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I find it hard to belive, women can get someone to talk with in a minute.
You must be one ugly woman to be completly lonely.
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Men accounted for 7/10 suicides in 2014, so while i get your point that it also happens to women loneliness and depression isnt as big of an issue for that sex.
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I feel regret when I'm high, and it's not because of bad trips. Drugs just aren't worth it, and they remind me of who I used to be.

I didn't say its more than men, I just stated women get this as well. Not all women are selfie obsessed narcissists
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fuckin bitch
that hurt
I'm the same. I used to take drugs all the time but towards the end they just made me feel worse. Still miss it sometimes though. Might get fucked up for a week this summer just to get it out of my system
or depressed, or fucked up.
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>be me
>19 year old law's student
>all life alone
>zero close friends
>yeah, I can talk a lot with familiar guys, but this is very superficial
>diagnose neurotism ill
>anxiety block my all true emotions
>bullied by all in elementary and high schooles
>can't do anything, because my anxiety
>neurosis every day, stomach ill, mentaly scared about next day
> suddenly dicooverd whats going on with me
>tried to kill myself
>lend in hospital
>start psychotherapy
>met the girl in collage, study polish scholar
>the only one person, truly understand me, first I can call friend
I don't know why, but I'm worry about future
This is true. I've known girls with severe mental illnesses and they suffer just as much as guys. Sometimes more because when they reach the 'I dont give a fuck how I look' stage they go downhill worse than guys and get a lot of shit for it.
>be me
>almost 30
>lived as a NEET for years
>smoked weed daily
>slowly crawl out of the hole
>seek assistance
>shave the beard and cut the hair
>get enrolled in programming course
>course ends
>can't keep up studying by myself
>didn't do anything else while I was still doing the course
>finally stop smoking weed
>anxiety through the roof
>get weird pain, afraid I'm going to die
>realize I never did anything
>no job
>no girlfriend
>no hobby's
>still going through the motions of my NEET habits

I forgot how to do shit, or maybe I never even knew. None of the help is helping, and the problem is me, not them. Fear paralyzes me. I just want off this ride.
oh yeah. I know that, I am female, clinic depression, two suicide attempts.
Bro, U have KIK? Honestly I would share talk group for us. We are there. But IDK how,
I hope you will do better anon, you are in the good direction
Would like to join..
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I wanna kill myself so badly... im thinking about killing myself around the end of the summer
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probably that
where are you from bro?
The nostalgia... i loved this show
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Pic related.
Is it from endless summer?
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There it is. Join us. Everyone who wants, join us. We are here, mostly depressed. From around the world.
How old are you anon? Have you talked to a doctor about these feelings?
Early last year some shit happened and totally changed how I see life. I feel I've been stripped of real happiness, hope, lust, and desire. My appetite was lost in the process - I lost ~20 lbs last year, making me under weight, just from lack of appetite and desire to eat. Most days now feel like a blank journey that I don't care about. I went into a "I dont give a fuck" sort of stage, I suppose most people do - started playing around with drugs (regular weed and alcohol use otherwise). The problems that occurred have been resolved in terms of things are back to the way they are - but some memories change how you look at people, or life in general. I browse here all the time but never really care to post. Maybe getting out how I feel inside, that I don't really.. care about anything anymore, will help. Probably not but eh.
story? Join us on kik.
Also last year I tried to kill myself, didn't work which is oddly just makes myself more disappointed in myself. I thought about talking to a doctor/counselor or whatever to talk about it all but.. no one really knows exactly your situation or feeling.
>Be me
>Born into abusive home
>Dad beat the shit out of me like I was a grown man when I was 4
>Mom leaves him
>Stuck in poverty
>Mom turns into misandrist
>Sister abuses me in every way possible
>Start wanting to die
>Grandmother dies when I'm 6
>Get bullied ruthlessly in school
>Crushing depression
>Suicidal thoughts at 8
>Get with psycho girl when I'm 15
>Destroys me
>Depression becomes worse
>Start eating to feel something
>Become fatass
>Get first job at 16
>Abused by management and co workers
>Too much of a beta to do anything
>Lose weight
>Move across country
>Get new job
>Somehow I became attractive to girls
>Most of my female coworkers get crushes on me
>Happy for first time
>No more suicidal thoughts
>Don't really want to die anymore
>One girl has feelings for me but I'm too lazy to ask her out
>2 grand in savings
>ATM I'm not really happy or sad, just kinda in the middle
Thought I'd share my feels with you guys. If you'd like to know more just ask, I'm lurking.
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She likes someone else and im really just another friend.

Im feeling a mix of sadness, embarassment for thinking i had a chance and not knowing what to do now.
How do i stop thinking about her?
I've always been so fucking sceptical about Kik, I figure everyone is just trading nudes on it haha. Perhaps I'll download it.
Stop hanging out with her. Block her on fb. Let her become a memory
no, no, here are we. anons.
let me know im down
Not that easy. I see her at uni pretty much everyday and she sits right next to me.
Naw dude. You can't find people through it like Instagram, unless you know somebody's exact name, you can't search for them. It's basically just SMS but with more pics, vids and groupchats
Forced and unrealistic
I think about killing myself everyday, the only thing stopping me is my mom.
don't do it bro it will get better
I feel that 100%. I just couldn't bring myself to imagine how hurt she'd feel. As corny as it sounds, that sort of thing does come to mind.
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fixed it for you
I'll install kik and join tomorrow guys
Yeah I won't for now. I love my mom too much for that
should I give my kik name or should I join?
Jesus. FUCK..
good. i'm sure she loves you the same
just scan that and you will automatically join

Bro, I'm not going to say that it's not that bad or any other cliche bullshit. I have no idea what's going on in your life and what demons you're facing.

But I will say don't do it. You're important. Everyone's important in some way. People care about you. I don't even know you and I care.

Stay strong, Anon. If you need help, seek it out.
Anyone else here feel some sort of anhedonia? I'm just so freaking tired of having no more passion or enthusiasm for fucking anything. I've got shit lying around that I should be devouring, ambitions and hobby's I should be working on. Instead I just sit around doing nothing.

And I realize, when was the last time I did something I enjoyed? I think it was a year ago, at least. And before that, it was very long ago, too. The only time I actually felt somewhat OK, was when I had a girlfriend, and it's because I finally had someone who understood me and was telling me that shit was OK.

feels good having money in savings, been at my kitchen job for almost 2 years and leaving when I start uni in the fall
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>be me be 16
>Finally ask this girl I like out to a movie
>She says yes fuck yeah.
>Get to theater at time were supposed to meet
>She isn't there
>Oh well probably late
>Wait 30 minutes
>She shows up with another guy
>Asks if I'll buy both of theirs tickets
>I leave.
>Haven't been to a movie theater once in the 7 years since.
Yeah >>689775282
Tnx. I won't do it for my mom. Maybe it's not the best way to live my life, but it is keeping me alive.
What a bitch. You need to move on from that shit anon. Cinemas are fun
>be 28
>relation with my gf from 4yrs
>met girl in university
>really connected
>she's from abroad
>i start loving her
>she has to move to her contry
>i stay with my gf
>confess everything
>have nothing else
Don't think about the future, or the past.
Don't concern yourself with what you don't have right now.
Then, you will be at peace.
Why do you want to kill yourself?
>she 18, me 37
>fck togehter the whole night
>fell in love
>she didnt care
To this day, I still can't listen to a few of my old favorite bands. Why does it hurt so much
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>be me
>only 17
>my only friends were ones egged me on to kill myself and had nothing to live for
>find escape by using pills and pot
>makes me happy
>the only actual friends I have are internet ones
>I've been failing all of my classes since fresh man year.
>I suffer with severe insomnia, depression, anxiety, and finding out I have BPD
>I've tried to shoot myself, light myself on fire, jump into traffic
>I never got to get help from anyone
>I have 4 different suicide notes
>I don't know what keeps me alive anymore
>I've tried to shoot myself, light myself on fire, jump into traffic

Nigger, how are you still alive?
Today was the 2 year anniversary of getting my job. I got fired for being less than a half hour late this week due to being incredibly sick. Last paycheck hits tomorrow morning at 5am. Mixing massive speedball and an heroing.
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>Girlfriend of 4 years leaves me last week
>She moved out while I was at work
>Went into computer room
>Her desk is completely empty
>I sit down and browse the internet for a bit
>Looking at random funny videos
>Hours pass
>Find one funny video I can't stop laughing at
>"Hey you have to see th-"
>Turn to see an empty desk beside mine

I thought she was still here.
copy pasta
I pussied out.
>when I get drunk I like to write poetry

Then I look at it later and cringe
I've posted it in a previous thread this week.
Can someone please explain this ?
reminds you of bad tmes. i know how that feels
Oh, OK. Thought it was like you actually went through and just lucked out or something. Shoot yourself and miss, try to light yourself on fire but the match keeps blowing out, try to jump in traffic, but people swerve around you.
Emily. I love you. I'm lost. I live thinking of you constantly, interjected with moments of peace in which I awaken from without fail. It's okay. I left so that I know you'd smile again. They say it's better to have love and lost than to have never loved, but I disagree. I wish I never loved. I wish I still didn't love because you don't love me anymore. I will find another woman, but my heart will always hold room for the woman that taught me how to love.
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what did your sister do? And how is your relationship with your mom and sister now?
I still pussy out when I try to kill myself.
I did too. Now I have emo scars for life fml
10/10 flick
I'm just gonna wait until I accidentally OD on pills or luckily finally get the balls to do it. I literally got nothing to lose.
Buddy, I feel it. Been talking myself about all these aspirations, and then when I should be doing them, I can't motivate myself enough to get out of my chair, and instead I find myself on a 4chan binge for the next couple of hours
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I have a Kik,and I need more friends, I'm honestly desperate for a friend to get help from... SleepySnaker
having it hard to belive the father only tryed to contact with letters for so many years
>I need more friends
If you dont mind a poorfag like me, I could be your friend through email.

Yours, and other robots', of course.

I'm a guy btw. The email is just a front.
[email protected]
anon couldn't even show the pick with the message huh?
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anyone else was this kid at high school?
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No. I didnt go to prom by myself like a fucking faggot.
>barefoot in public
NOT nice grill.

I was pic related guy though.

Can't manage to join it , Kik just crashes
Guilty as charged!

Just... full on autism. I was the weird kid. I never stopped being the weird kid. If my sister ever gets kids, I'll be the weird uncle.
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more like this guy
I'm pretty much in the same boat with you.
god damn..
is he crying or laughing
I need new hobbies.

New distractions man, I cant think of any more.
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Look at the normies around him filming. You just know he's crying.
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go spend time outdoors i swear it helps
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if I was able to cry I would... this picture unleash some sad feels
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here's another one m8.

>tfw 19
>tfw 20 soon
I plan to take a picture like these to add to the collection, since I'm a lonely piece of shit.
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Classic feels
Where do I start?

I see all thesw fucking worda and phrases I dont understand man. I cant even do 10 proper pushups im so weak, hurts man.

Ive never done it before, but alot of my mates go camping or just hunting. So ill see if I can join them
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you should.
if you are a loner its a huge plus.
I like spend some time alone in the woods, forget everything and just be out there with nature, if you have a dog take it with you.
>Be me
>Always been god at math and physics
>Come from a family of engineers, both my father and grandfather were engineers.
>Enter uni with good grades and good confidence. Future looks bright
>Girlfriend of 2 years says she doesn,t love me anymore.
>Leaves me.
>Grades start to drop and drop.
>Friends start to move to other places and the few friends i have left starts to leave me too.
>i am now 19, and my grades have never been this low.
>Feel like a total disappointment.
> I dont know how to keep going, since i now realise my gilfriend was everything that kept me happy.
I miss you so much...
I do this:
>get two of those 5L jugs of water
>5kg each
>~11 lbs each
>4 sets of curls
>20 reps each
>approx 30 minutes before every meal

It's been like a month and I've started noticing gains.
My casul workout routine also includes 4x20 situps to work on my abs. No noticable difference so far there. Probably because I'm not using weights, just the weight of my body.
I have a dog. Problem is im an ausfag, I dont think we have any majo4 forests. Just massive desert like areas with kangaroos and rabbits
I bought a shitton of the 5l bottles of water myself ages ago, so ill start doing that thanks man.
I'd come and drink a beer with you anon.
I'd totally invite you to hang out. Where are you from?
rainforests are cool too, if you live close to one.
a shithole in the middle east, you?
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Which shithole? Now I'm curious. It's not like we get a lot of people from the Middle East, here.
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A shithole in western Europe. Feelsbadman.
>tiny country feels
I think hiking is the best hobby. Take up hiking /b/rothers.
>Under the flag

A true patriot.
That is full sad
I stopped hiking because I couldn't walk near a cliff or any kind of steep drop without wanting to throw myself off it.
>Under God's light
Maybe you should call the police. It could be serious.
Y is everybody taking pictures?
guy wasted his life on the interwebs also on this site damn it remembered my ex left me because she caught me on a dat ass thread.
Now im lonely and more depressed.
Because evil normies thrive on weaker people.
fuck man... I think I'm going to cry for the first time in years
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Here,have some.
I haven't done it for the same reason. My mother and father. They would be crushed, I couldn't do that to them.
I've been feeling pretty good lately

>fuck all the whiny depressedfags in this thread
tfw parents disowned me so I don't even have that excuse, I'm just a pussy

They are just insecure coward fuckers.Thats why they mistreat others.Its actually pretty easy to stump on those fuckers,with a little help of psychology
Can anyone here help me? Just some words or something.

I really struggle with day to day shit (not autistic). Shit like coming into contact with people, interacting with people. I just feel angry and disgusted at them. I can not help it and then I feel a massive amount of self loathing with a heavy, heavy sadness.

I can not hold a job, no aspirations. Nothing. I just feel like I need some help but do not know who to turn too.
Something something da joos...

I've been there, though. Liked it well enough.
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Y did she leave that quick?
Why'd they disown you? If you don't mind me asking.
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I can't do this one. I just can't do this one. Every time I see it it breaks my heart. Here's a man who has only a photo to remember the best thing he ever had and he's trying so hard to recall those memories right here. He's probably alone, his sons or daughters off in the world, his grandchildren as well, living their own lives. And here he just has this one last thing to help bring up those memories of when he wasn't alone, when he was happy and loved.

Goddamn /b/ will this be me? 70 and alone with only a photo to remind me of the best thing in my life? Will I find myself sitting at a booth one day, eating shitty food because my retirement's not cutting it, trying to dredge up memories of her voice? Wishing I could tell her about our kids and grandkids? Or trying to remember what she felt like, or sounded like? Is my life going to end up being nothing but memories too?

I don't know if death is worse than a loved one dying. I somehow doubt it.

Christ /b/, I'm feeling.
Same problem, but I AM autistic.
You need to befriend someone, and have them make you feel better.

Thing is, you gotta be patient and build up the relationship for a year or two before you can dump your emotions on them.

Force yourself to interact with people. Specifically, people with the same interests as you. Don't discriminate on who you interact with, either.
I know what you mean. I really could not handle that. At all.
Hey feels /b/ros, time to tell my story
>I used to be a lonefag and spend my nights on omegle in secondary school
>one night i meet a 8/10 asian who we will call nikon
>Me and nikon get to chatting and shit moves to skype
>Nikon introduces me to her friends, Dunkey and Martinez
>We become great friends in days and we would always group call as soon as we got home from school (same year btw)
>I was so hyped that i could talk to girls it was unbelievable
>Nikon becomes a huge slut and dunkey becomes king of feels sputing useless bullshit to get attention
>However me and martinez become thick as thieves
>Same music taste, vidya games, hobbies etc
>1 year down the line and things take a weird turn
>She (Martinez) would tell me her feel and i would give her my personal opinion
>But today she wasn't online, i knew she had some after school activities so i shrugged it off
>A week later she was back and i instant called as the beta particles slowly streamed back
>She told me how she tried to kill herself and she was extremely ill
>I cried that night knowing the only person i can talk on an emotional level with could've died
>Me and martinez progress further into a somewhat bf gf scenario unspoken of course
>She tried to overdose again
>I talk to her through the phone whilst she is in hospital and do something i still regret to this day
>I said "I love you"
>She put the phone down and blocked me on all social medias etc
>Its been 3 years and she has tried to overdose 5 more times since then
>I still have remnants of love for her and think about her everyday
>It crushes me

Don't fall in love anon, because once you start falling eventually you'll hit the ground
>be you
>be on eventual death bed
>regret living a shitty life
>die in regret
>you are now WAY younger again
>you can fix your mistakes

I like to think of life like this.

Credit of this idea to Owlturdcomix.
Honestly anon just a couple of cheap dumbbells is all you need. Just do all body workouts the first few weeks, couple of exercises per body part, just basic movements. Then, if you find you really like it, you can look into expanding your routine and focusing on different muscles different days etc. It's really changed my life. I might see if I can find some progress pics.
I have tried with friends before. Had a good friend once, he changed and we stopped speaking. I was friends with him for a good 3-4 years. Not saying that I was sad when we stopped being friends but after that I just thought "well that was a fucking waste of time." You know what I mean?
I just want you guys to know I love you, you are my friends, and it always puts me at ease when I see others telling their story. I know this is /b/ and we're expected to give each other shit but I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to encourage someone else. It means so much to me.
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hahahaha now you are alone forever!
not a jew though, yeah its ok here but not for me I guess. Plan to move after I finish with the army, thinking about USA, some quiet place to settle down.
trips speak truth i guess
At least i can still fap
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Ha, ha. Nice one! You sure got him!
Why did she try to kill herself?
She had a terrible home life, her mum was abusive and her friends turnt on her.

Feel free to ask more questions aswell i have nothing better to do at the moment
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That picture looks so cozy but I hate it so much at the same time...
I get what you're saying, but you can't give up.
It's like losing your save file after playing a game for a long ass time. It hurts, but you gotta continue playing.

I could drop my email and be a contactfag if you need some pro advice. God knows I could use the human contact, too.
That made me feel.
Angry and sad at the same time.
get any nudes?
He's sad he posted le epic banana in all those YLYL threads
I just don't know what the fuck anything is. Like why this? Why that? I know that doesn't make sense but my head is just fucked all the time.

You could do if you want to.
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This is me a year ago. Skinny, weak, drugged up, couldnt sleep, couldnt eat...
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And this is me now. Starting to work out was the best decision I've made in years, perhaps ever.
yah who are you?
dried blood doesn't look like that on paper, though.
Look good Anon
nah /b/ro i don't even have a pic of her anymore otherwise i would have posted
It goes darker than that.
just give us first and last name, and we be on a roll
nice man, whats your weight and height and how old are you
I can do my best to answer all your questions. My email is at >>689779593
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>be me
>just 1X
> i crushed on a girl during the debut of my 9th grade
> she was in 8th grade, shy girl, really discrete, had a hello kitty backpack, i really liked the way she lived.
> she was always smiling at her friends
> I was a nerd looking guy,shy.
> Not a lot of friends
> I couldn't talk to her,
> I started dating with another girl to forget all that stuff
> grand father died, sadness, she left me, sadness
> i realized that i really liked that crush so i wrote her a letter and i gave it to my friend to deliver her
> he gave her the next day
> that next day was the 1st of april (I didn't realize)
> no response, i felt like a shit
> i began to do everything to impress girls in general, clothes, i began to draw, to play music and stuff
> end of the year, i wrote her an another letter, i gave her a rose and a drawing
> i gave it to her
> she texted me during the week end
> said she doesn't love me back and felt sorry for that
> high school, for a year i tried to forget her, couldn't
> i now have a lot of friends etc
> she is now in high school
> same feelings
> heard that she is still talking about me with her friends
> I decided to talk to her
> she avoids me (her best friend told me)
> feeling stuck with that girl
> just want to forget her or to go talking to her but i can't find any motivation
> it's been like 2/3 years. i'm really confused with it
Good job anon, glad you found something that works for you. You look great.
5'9 and up to 193 in the AM. 29 yrs old so pretty late starter but better late than never.
Thanks guys. I've really learnt just how linked physical and mental health is.
I know where she lives and the school she goes to. But i can't push myself to do that shit dude. I've heard through dunkey that she is in a mental hospital so i don't want to push my luck but when i get new she's out i want to buck up the courage to talk to her dude. Just i'm more focused on education and that shit scares me like i wouldn't even know what to say. I can guarantee the feelings were mutual and the fact that i was selfish telling her how i felt while she was in recovery probably fucked her head so much that was the only option. I can explain it to myself so many times and i still feel like an idiot. I am not depressed just heartbroken
haha guy, you're fucking with me. i just contacted the guy i suspected to be you.
awesome man.
I hope one day I'd stop be a lazy faggot and do something like you did.
worth a shot
I'm >>689779593. The guy in >>689788709 is not me. I didnt rat on him because I wanted to see where the conversation went kek.
Messaged you
I'll only be able to reply tomorow. It's already midnight and I gotta wake up at 6:50 AM tomorow. During exam season. But I'll make a point to reply to you without fail. See you in a bit, anon.

Oh and I'm going to bed after this post.
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Definitely do it man! If I can do it at 29 after ten years of drugs and alcohol anyone can. Looking at how Zyzz transformed himself was a big inspiration
You're absolutely right anon. I've fallen off the wagon with my exercise and started smoking cigs again but I'm getting to that breaking point again. I feel like shit all the time. It's time to get off my ass. Thanks for the inspiration.
>Live with parents
>no friends
>no license
>no car
>dead end job
>living the same shitty day no direction in life
>other family members even the younger ones surpassed me

Guess it could be worse but damn I want out man. Only thing that keeps me going/ makes it worse is sticking to the past
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That makes me very happy. Lets do this shit anon!
anon bringin da heat
fuckin kill me now
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I especially like the way he transformed himself from a narcissistic waste of space into a corpse.
Holy shit ,im actualy crying
thanks for lifting my hopes in discovering that a distant friend might be a /b/ro for teh lulz
The one real friend I have sent me a birthday card and gift today, with the most heartfelt letter I've ever received. She was the only one to wish me a happy birthday when I turned 20 two weeks back.

She said I was one of the best things to have ever happened to her. I can't help but feel like a huge fraud. Like I'm lying to her. I'm worthless.

I don't deserve her. She has her own issues with mental health, I feel like I'm draining the life out of the one person I've ever felt a genuine emotional connection with. I'm a parasite and a burden on everyone I come into contact with. If I wasn't such a coward I'd be dead already. Planning on it soon.
Prefer this to be a non-hate thread anon. He's inspired millions and that's more than we'll ever do.
you can know all about her just using her cellphone number, there are ways with or without internet, and both are not easy, but you have nothing to lose I gess
its from a gif thread that was here on /b/ hours ago
please tell me your going to start trading bitcoin with that money
What? Why?
Finally cried. Only a couple of tears but the whole way through I was welling up expecting the worst
any day famalalalama
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feels is 4 females or pussies
oh don't blame it on the cinema you sick, go there!
Its a black whole, where you see nothing and forget about life for some time, try it again.
Actualy, you was smart, I met some guys which would say "yes" for a girl like this
No offence, but you reminded me of pic related.

Did you do this the same day she moved out?
this just inspired me to stop being a fat lazy fuck. gonna go put on some shoes and walk for an hour or so. I'm gonna start lifting too. Thanks, Anon.
I know your feels anon. Take solace in one person caring though, its all you need
Happy belated birthday, Anon. I hope you find happiness.
"I just lost my daughter. I don't want to lose my son"...

That... made a tear fall from my left eye :)
Fucking awesome bro! Hope to see you posting your own progress pics on here one day. Good luck.
So let me share my story.
>Be me 4 years ago sophmore in high school.
>shy and nerdy.
>Didn't have a lot of problems in school doe.
>Our class had gym class with this freshmen class.
>Most of the class were girls and most of them weren't less than a 6/10.
>So one day one of the girls approaches me
>"Hi my name is Martha(not her actual name)"
>"Hi I'm anon"
>"One of my friends likes you. Can I add you on facebook?"
>Nothing of importance happens till lunch break next day
>I was chilling with my friends talking about vidya games and stuff.
>Suddenly one of the ugliest girls in school comes in.
>Walks towards me(I was conveniently in the back of the classroom).
>Most of my class was in the classroom and after she entered it was dead silence and all eyes were on here.
>She finally reaches me.
>"Hi my name is Marija"
>"I'm anon"
>"Do you have a facebook"
>"She says "Ok" and leaves almost running.
>As soon as she leaves the entire class starts laughing and teasing me about her.
>She was in the class that had gym class with me, so this nightmare lasted until the end of the year.(My friends still joke about it to this day)
Fast forward a few months
>I started liking this other sophmore girl.
>Don't have a lot of contact with her.
>After a while I told my friend about this.
>He knew her friend.
>I was kinda looking forward to meeting her.
>Turns out she has a boyfriend.
>They've been dating for like a year.
>He's from Amsterdam or something.
>Captain of some debate team or whatever.
>Realize I can't compete.
A week later my dad was in the hospital in critical condition. He was clinically dead for 2 minutes or so. Then he was in a coma for like a month and couldn't move for another month. That period of my life was so hard on me but i got through.
This actually happen to me.
I love you anon. Someone needs to hear it. This is for you.
I'm scared to die; but somehow it feels welcoming because I'm some kind of emofag.
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>be me
>gonna be a senior in highschool next year.
>intellegence is pretty average.
>friends are all pretty smart.
>most are gonna take running start.
>gonna be left behind
>gonna be all alone for my senior year

feels bad man
You've got us anon-kun
Shit reading all the posts in this thread remember me so much of my old life, and how awful I use to feel all the time.
But you only get ONE life anons, every day which you spend being miserable you're not getting back. So invest into your future, fight the fuck back. I know that when you've been feeling like shit for years, it seems impossible to escape the hole you dug yourself in. But it only feels that way because our neural networks basically shape themselves around our thoughts. If you are constantly thinking negatively, then all you will see is depressing shit when you look around you.
So fight the fuck back, start doing things even if they make you super uncomfortable right now, you will feel much better in the long run. Eat well, exercise, read up on whatever topics interest you.... become better versions of yourselves and start enjoying life
isn't marcus aurelius the guy from gladiator?
You know it's bad when no picture in any Feels thread is new to you anymore..
wc3 came out in 2002
Thank you anon... The feels are real right now
Hits close since I met my best friend playing Dota 2. He even lives in my town so we hang out all the time.
> 2 weeks
Haha amateurs
Same. I feel you anon. Feels like they have some secret hate for me sometimes, even though Ive known them for so long.
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Anytime anon.
Every fucking time someone posts something like this it gets me mad. Anon, get off your fucking lazy ass and text them now. Set up a fucking group chat and contact them. Talk about anything, good times with them when you were in school, having fun as kids whatever. Just talk to them. Then call them out to drinks or for meal. Go watch a film you all like. Just do it. Seriously, do it now or you'll lose them forever. God bless.
cant sleep because pseudo asthma is not letting me breathe good

have school in about 5 hours
and after that ive got a tight schedule until im going on holidays for a week with some buddies, flying to spain

fuck i just want to sleep
My sister molested & raped me, beat the shit out of me daily, would say horrible things to me to destroy my self esteem, she kept telling me I was gay to the point I had a breakdown. She would also tell people lies about me to try to make them not want to be my friend. I still live with both of them as I'm only 18. My sister stopped most of the abuse cause I'm almost a foot taller than her and could rip her in half. And my mom and I are kinda cool, she tells me to do stuff and I do it. She usually leaves me alone.
LUL, still prefer wasting my life here than on Facebook or whatever social media is trendy right now. Here at least I can be myself and not cringe at literally every post
i actually kek'd
I feel you bro. Have a good whatever man... Hopefully things will get better
You're just a pussy. Anxiety is just because you don't love yourself so you get afraid of being around others that think they love you. Work on likkng yourself, make adjustments to your life

Also 17 yrs get b& faggot
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I cut myself sometimes because I like pain. Not because I'm depressed, I deal with that by just killing my emotions completely. Is it weird that I like pain, I just think it feels so fucking good.
Distract yourself, anon. Prostitutes or going out with friends is a great way to do it. So's working out, and the ladies will want you more for it.
Ask her out faggot, and then slay that pussy. Go and make me proud.
It's largely agreed that cutting allows for some sort of release like masturbation. Find a less destructive way to manage stress, i.e go play sports (basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis any sport that forces you to run and play in a team.)
How did it go with you guys?

I know where you're coming from man, I would've said the same thing myself, and allot of it is on me never being the guy to initiate things. That being said, the damage is done and it's not that easy to rectify.

They already have a group chat. They already have shit they do and people to hang out with, and realistically they probably get some joy from excluding people and feeling exclusive. It's probably not the right move to swallow my pride and ask for them to hang out.

That being said I can't flounder around and do nothing, posting desperately facetious snapchat stories every time I leave the house to front that I have some sort of a life. It's too damn depressing and gets me nowhere.

And yeah I know "get better friends". Unfortunately I actually like some of these people.

I should mention this isn't the first time. It's 99% on me for being a cuck and letting people slip away when they get bored of me.
fellow scum of the earth here. this about sums it up for me. ruined my life and nearly everyone i care about hates me. worst part is that a people still care about me, but i'm still a burden to them. a few weeks ago i nearly got ran over, and i'm starting to wish he hadn't stopped the car.

feels bad man.
Team sports don't give me the same feeling though. You mentioned that it is widely agreed, does that mean that it's somewhat normal?
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I'll join the crowd I suppose.
might've posted this the other day
am still confused about her

>meet girl online
>text for a month back n forth
>decide to meet up
>very pretty girl
>same kind of humor
>spends 3 days at my house
>we have a lot of fun, go to the movies, friends party, sex
>continue to meet up for the next 5 months
>just before christmas tells me she cant do it anymore
>gets back together with her ex
>3 months pass without any form of contact
>slowly start texting again
>i get "i've missed you in my life" messages
>last week
>some more of those kind of texts
>ask her if she'*s happy
>she says overall yes

that was about 2 months ago
during those she texted me more of those "i've missed stuff with you" texts

yesterday and the day before that we were discussing that matte because i'm fed up with having to deal with it

she told me that
>she thinks about us whenever her relationship is at some negative point
>she misses the sex we had, the feeling i gave her

told her that she was still insecure, that she was using me as a safe haven
she agreed, yet always took the chance to tell me over and over that she "made the right decision" and "just has to life with her choice"

while it's clear she's all like "no idea what i want", she still thinks about me even after 6 months
and i still don't really know why she chose her ex, instead of me, if she is still thinking about me a lot
Dude, that's nothing. I had no friends until college and even then I was a cuck. If they don't know that you don't know about the group then set up a new one and then they'll either participate or tell you about their chat which is when you ask if you can join, if yes then problem solved if no then fuck 'em go to a bar and buy a pint then the next day sign up to join a local sports team or go to the gym either way you'll meet new people and get fit while doing it.

Somewhat meaning it's widespread yes. Lots of depressed emos do it. Are you a faggot? No? Then join a team sports and get playing you'll get the same rush when you win or score a goal or whatever.
Everything in my life is alright, apart from my love life, it's basically doesn't exist and never has. I've liked girls and had girls like me but I'm always too beta, I just think too much what other people will say. Also I'm kind of antisocial because I fucking hate social networks and have sworn that I'd never use Facebook or anything like that and that's really bad because it's basically impossible to meet people without using a social network these days. That's been bothering me ever since my highschool years. But like 2 weeks ago I realized it doesn't even matter. I may be a kissless virgin but nobody knows that except me. Well now the pain is gone and there's only emptiness.
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>be me 16yrold (slavfag, sry mods)
>father has schizophrenia, mother has no money and is in a foreign country
>work at bar. go to school
>every now and then go to dance clubs/house parties with homies,after we smoke weed or do some coke(rarely) fuck some girls at disco(maybe?)
>whenever something VERY specific makes me reminisce of my family I get a serious breakdown. Like the whole fucking world turns against me and I'm chained. Sometimes I can't move/respond for minutes I just sit in anger yet feeling suicidal and about to cry. Is it post-trauma cuz dad beat the shit out of me? Sometimes it feels like I will go mad and inherit my father's schizophrenia maybe? Never told very(actually too close) acquaintances.
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every fucking time
>If they don't know that you don't know about the group then set up a new one and then they'll either participate or tell you about their chat which is when you ask if you can join
No, it's obvious that they know. They used to tell me about all the funny stuff that happened in it.

I'm just a cuck. Especially since I ran out of adderall and my sleeping problems worsened. I've been apathetic and nihilistic, not really caring either way how things went. The only reason I don't feel that way now is because I'm on my backup addy, the last one I saved for when I was feeling real down.
I'm almost 21 and I'm still that kid. At least I can drown it out with alcohol soon
Desert is pretty good too. Star-gazing, man, away from civilization, just you and the cosmos with some dingos and rabbits in between
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You and whiskey will become great pals my friend. Its how I make it through every day.
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Back that image with this one. Hang in there, faggots, I used to be one of you.
That made me cry

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...That man needs a bro and a cigarette, and a bottle of whiskey. Same as me... Can anyone find the location this was taken?
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do you still play dota 2 anon?
I feel ya. I can't say it's empathy 'cause I've never had a girlfriend, but still. I'm sure it'll get better. In my experience I feel ok when I'm distracted/obsessed. Find something to enjoy/obsess over.
I'm not on about a rush. I literally feel pleasure when in pain. I have a massive sore spot on the inside of my lip because I kept biting it and now the more it hurts the more I bite it because it feels so fucking great. My mouth started bleeding a little earlier.
Set up a group anyway. If they're shit people you'll likely hear this:
>Anon is trying to find friends
>Anon is trying to be cool
>Anon has no friends.

If they're cool about it and post in your group chat then congrats problem solved. If not then fuck 'em who needs a bad chat to talk in anyway? Do you use social meida often? If not that'll be why they haven't included you.

To me there are two sets of friends:
Solcial media friends
Normal friends

Social media friends are the ones you can spend hours texting/ Messaging to but will rarely talk to in person

Normal friends you talk to in person but rarely talk to using social media.

Of course there are a lot of people that not mutually exclusive to either sets but it still matters to able to distinguish the two types. If you're not a social media fanatic and they are that's your problem.

Don't be too hard on yourself anon, no human is inherently a cuck, people are faggots and even the most disgusting human is capable of friendship. Most of the time peope are bad because it makes them feel better seeing that what they did made you sad, it's about power. Don't show that you feel isolated or else they'll come onto you like a pack of wolves, given time and enough time talking to them you'll feel more included and you won't be that much of an outcast.

So remember, DON'T SHOW THAT YOU ARE AFFECTED IN ANY WAY. Trust me, I spent years alone and finally learnt how to make friends.
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You like pain? Cool, stop hurting yourself so violently and seek medical help. What I was talking about doesn't cover this, it's kinda okay if you're doing it for a rush but if you like getting hurt then there is something wrong with your head. How does this pleasure arise? Is it like an arousal or a pleasant feeling?
...anon please... give me a hug. Wherever you are, I am here too. So please... understand... I feel your pain
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