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Waifu claiming thread. >rattle edition >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>rattle edition

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Rory-sama claimed
Post best Overwatch grill and tell me why its
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u r awesome.jpg
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bye bye
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Claiming Aki-slut
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Sucks, neighborhood has kids trying to go into gangs because it's reel family, fam.
How about your benis for forever?
Gütten morning
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Akiko claimed

Mei is bae
nigga pls, mai-ling da bess
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You have everything under control it seems.
Any plans for the summer?

If it isn't the biggest city, why is it the capital?

cya Konata! You are awesome too!
rolling trips to steal
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Best type moon claimed.
Mercy best girl.
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the most awkward smile.png
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Still chillin
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If it's just a grill Mercy or Mei. But overall for me it's Genji.

I mean, she is second best grill but no dva

Too old
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you getting cucked tonight again, boy?
I am here because of the people who support the ideea that /waifu/ is soon dying.
Why, you may ask?
People already are having fun in discord/ts/telegram, and they don't feel the need to come and post in here anymore.

This thread was supposed to be like a chat, for people with similar opinions and things they like, anime.

Now that they have ts, discord, tele, they don't bother coming in here anymore.
You know them by the common name.
E L I T E.
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>not the ausfag
Well, still happy to share.
To stop a war between Melbourne and Sydney because they both wanted to be the capital. Until Canberra was founded we were just a bunch of colonies.
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Notice me
>not wanting delicious healing christmas cake
Shit taste.
I live in Queensland, does that count?
the telegram chat is fucking dead unless I'm in the wrong one
Genji is shitty brother

Most mercys I have refuse to rez me so she isnt really helpful also shes too old
I am here because of trolls who support the idea that my mom is soon dying.
Why, you may ask?
Trolls already are preparing for her funeral and they don't need to come and fuck my mom here anymore.

my mum was supposed to be a slut, for people with shit tastes and shit oppinions.

Now that she's dead, they don't bother fucking her anymore.
You know them by the common name.
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noodles of smug +3.png
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Have a (You) as per the official currency of /waifu/
Dva is for the gamar boiz to satisfy their fetish.
Not the regular ausfag then.
Go to bed man. 10 pm is late boy.
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mio yes.jpg
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Genji is good, I'm able to hold objectives with him easily. Hanzo needs fixing, with those arrows and the hit boxes. I much prefer Genji
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im in many discords, are any of the ones listed the /waifu/ discord?
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>Genji is shitty brother
But Genji is the Abel to Hanzo's Cain

>Most mercys I have refuse to rez me so she isnt really helpful also shes too old
That's because you suck and rush in alone to get killed.
>too old
Gay as fuck, stick to your shitty loli.
So Rory what the fuck is crones disease and how does one get it ?
I miss you guys.
Put in my two week notice at the night job so I'm almost out, then I can chat a little more.
How are you all.
Yeah. I still cant wait for mcree and widow to be nerfed to hell

Shota but ye

Nah, most mercys are in a premade and only rez their shitty friends
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Determined Karen 9.jpg
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I come in last
And just - in time - for break - fast
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Syndra (178).jpg
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Roll for Sachi
Not sure yet.
I did get offered job during summer, so i might go do that.
What about you? Got any plans?
Mercy hates everyone.
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I will cry tears of joy that day. They are both very annoying to get. Especially Widow's ult, you walk around the corner and you're basically dead
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still here
>no one replies because no one cares
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My darling little waifu.
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Widow is easily the most OP hero in the game. Easily double as OP as mcree
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2016-06-10 14.49.49.jpg
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Gotta choose this
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super saiyan mio.png
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Since when was there so many Discords? I'm in one from this thread and I don't see it on that list. Do people feel the need to make one every day or something?
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nothing much. yourself?
Sometimes you find unexpected things on the archive.

On another note, is there a better archive up or do we have to stick to this one?
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Chibi Karen 42.jpg
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I care my nigga
Karen always cares
how's it hanging, what do you mean about the discords?
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IDK Karen 7.jpg
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It worked
The issue resolved itself, I can quick reply fine now.
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Shiki 0463.jpg
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I prefer Desustorage but it doesn't have /b/.
different discords for different shit i moderate a few of them
hi bby looking cute as always
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In the right hands Genji is a fucking monster
In contrary to other heroes whom have rather static combos (Roadhog, Mcree) Genji's abilities are very situational and can be strung together in a myriad of ways. He also has the only reset on kill mechanic in the game, giving him a very rewarding kit if played smart. His ult can be absolutely devastating and his shuriken do some real decent damage. You know what I'm talking about if you ever get 3 straight headshots on a squishy. Deflect is probably the best non-ultimate skill in the game, being able to deflect every single projectile in the game. It This includes Zarya ult, Tracer ult, Mei ult, Hanzo ult (in arrow form)
In theory it can send back an infinite amount of damage, making Genji the tankiest hero in the game

>with those arrows and the hit boxes
Way too easy to hit people from very far away, especially for a hero that's supposed to be higher skill floor.
Also you can apparently even headshot people completely hidden behind walls? Come the fuck on
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Work. I'm bored and tired as fuck
Some people feel important when making a new chat.
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>Shit taste.
What did you expect?

>To stop a war between Melbourne and Sydney because they both wanted to be the capital.
Makes sense I suppose. I'm not too familiarised with the geopolitics and history of Oceania.

Welcome back Tsuyu!

>How are you all.
I'm dying, the heat is too strong here. Help.

Getting a job during summer is always great news.
I might try to do the same, but at best I could be either a dishwasher or a tutor for dumb kids who need to study maths or stuff like that.

Mercy is best girl.
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Smug Karen 38.gif
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>In the right hands Genji is a fucking monster
You're counting yourself in there aren't you, trash.
Do you even run bro? Your waifu would be disappointed in your quarter mile
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Shiki 0514.jpg
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>What did you expect?
I expect anyone who dislikes Mercy to be gay, which I guess was confirmed.
And some people feel important by shitposting
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I like that picture for some reason
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Mio icecream.jpg
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Yeah, a lot of the time she is really strong. She's worse when played by people who main her. I've started to quit more matches since there's no way I'm going to get much experience for playing it.

Why not just one main discord with different channels? I guess I'm in the Overwatch one as that's what we play. It seems like there will be so many servers at some point it'll be hard to keep track.

I started playing Hanzo and yeah he's a little op. He defiantly needs some fixes

There will be so many soon enough then, too many. I'm just sticking to one for now
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Smug Karen 30.jpg
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thanks nig

Hey rad guy, how're you doing?
Shiki got me the volumes I needed
Also there was some dude here yesterday with 1700 files in his Karen folder, fucking crazy nigga
How was your day?

Welcome back

Which waifu is the schwanz king?
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Shiki 0295.jpg
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Poo in loo can't be best girl.
they are all from different shit, like one is for mgs from /v/, one is from /v4c/ and some others i dont remember what they are from i just join random ones all the time, i just didnt know if i was even in the /waifu/ discord, because im in so many 4chan related ones.
Those groups might get three-hundred posts on a very active day.

There is one main group server. The others are for specific circumstances, such as conversing only when high or drunk, or just a tiny gathering of an individual's closest pals. There are even severs between only two or three people, who simply wanted a private place to talk and game.
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Oh goodie, do you have your (You)s as well?

Yea I only use RA for /b/, rebecca black tech covers /mu/ and /g/ and there are probably archives for other boards.


I think it's funnier if we don't know, I don't have a single clue either way.
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huh thats an intreresting pic there
I'm ok im just at work sitting in a wheelchair doing well
Wheelies waiting for the guy who I left out of the building to come back.

I'm just tired I want to go home. But I offered to stay and extra 30 minutes so the girl im working with won't be alone in the store with like 20 workerers who barely speak English
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That's one too many dimensions for me

This faggot and his accusations
You've seen what happens 80% of the time a Genji screams "THE DRAGON BECOMES MEH" The other 20% of the time the enemy team is just shredded to small piles of salt

I played him a couple times. Just spam your infinite arrows and eventually you'll get kills. They travel very fast and do stupid damage with a ridiculous hitbox. Then you get dragons and you shout at them and you either get potg or they move out of the way. Repeat until game ends either way. I will admit it is fun to oneshot squishies in small corridors with scatter shot

Sandnigger favors bollywood streetshitter girl

he's not a waifu
He's just The Schwanz King
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>Do you even run bro?
Yes, I do, and quite often unless I have important stuff to do.

>Your waifu would be disappointed in your quarter mile
I don't run quarter miles, I run 1-5km. I'd be better than most people running a quarter mile though.

>I expect anyone who dislikes Mercy to be gay, which I guess was confirmed.
Yes, it was. The Swiss doc a best.
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Happy karen 92.jpg
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I am the Shwanz king
I am also Mugi, Mai and Hand bro

No unibrow and she is clearly a clean poo in the loo
She is a viable best girl

lmao I forgot what I was doing and forgot the other half of your reply.
How was your day today nig

Yes! Not gonna use 4chanx though, too afraid to fuck it up
Hey, is not about feeling important.
Is about sending a message.
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Hello you, please don't die.

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Severe inflammation of the digestive tract due to an autoimmune problem. If you dont have it, you cant catch it. Mainly genetic. Mainly sticks to the large bowel but can move up to the stomach. Mine has.
Sup froggo. I guess things are going good for you.
I love schwanz king. I miss him.
Its pretty simple.
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Nurse Mio.jpg
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Oh I see, I was mistaken then. But still that's a lot of Discord servers. From what I hear there's a lot of steam groups also. Nice forehead also

That sounds, odd. The private ones are good though. Still it feels like there will be so many based on different things that it'll be confusing for people.

I didn't enjoy his ultimate that much. It's really easy to avoid unless he's close. But yeah that's basically it. But I find Widow players usually take me out playing as Hanzo
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i didnt ask for me
Yes you did slut
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Happy Karen 88.jpg
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Oh this is legit tsuyu? Thought you were a shitposter
How's it going dude? Read your text.
You gonna leave once you quit your job?

Mai is an idea, not a person.

Are you in a wheelchair? Or just doing wheelies in the wheelchair?
You a good nigga for staying with the girl my man
all the desktop alerts, i feel so popular!
playing vidya
you can fuck right off any time now.
shut up faggot and go back to redit
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Who knows? Probably because of best girl.

Ohayo Karen. How's it going?
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IDK Karen 12.jpg
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Yo dude
What do you mean about the newspaper lol
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Super fast, super fast and just in time for breakfast

>Unless he's close
Mid range you mean? Short range it's just an arrow
His ult is a good zoning tool, but only really useful in a combo with Reinhardt, Mei or Zarya
Basically used similar to a Dva ult

>That pic
I like
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HomuKyou (20).jpg
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He is a shitposter that always puts some effort into his posts.

>I didn't get it

Your choice, it would be better to figure out why it fucked up.
>I am also Mugi, Mai and Hand bro
I knew it.
I've been here longer then you I can post what I want
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kagami claimed!!
doubt that playboy.
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mio work.jpg
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You should

Yeah mid range. Yeah it's best when teamed up with another ult, but that doesn't happen too often. It's best to clear out a space, if the team actually goes in.
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I promise I won't die. But in exchange you have to come here more. Deal?

>Its pretty simple.
Prison, remove some abos, colonise with good people and pic related?

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They always deliver it after I already delivered the others to the rest of the building, so I end up needing to go through the building twice!

I know, Akiko. I know exactly.
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Remember when these threads were about posting and discussing waifus? Now they're avatar-fag galore. Sad times.
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Tsuyu 2.jpg
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Things are quite well.
No more stress and drama at the bs night job.
Glorious full time 6-2 is all I need.

Silly Karen, that would be a silly shitpost.
And no, what I'm saying is what I said above, quitting the night job so I can get away from the stress and such. I'll be around here more after these next two weeks. I'm gonna focus on getting my shit together and keeping up with my friends and such. <3

Honestly I didn't get your reply so I just said the first thing that came to mind. Sorry about that, just haven't gotten to talk to ya in a while.

See what I said to Death and Karen.
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It's for the customers i just like to fuck around with it.

I need me some tomboy anime.
Keep telling yourself that
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Space dandy is pretty ok so far
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Happy Karen 95.jpg
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this nigga gets it

How's it going?

Wait so if you deliver the paper, why is there someone else delivering the paper to the exact same place?

I was also both ayas

Lots of people have been posting tsuyu randomly, that's what I meant.
Glad to have you back dude, how's the lady?

This. This thread is full of edgy teens who think they know what 4chan is all about.

I come in last
Stop being an elitist scum
Yeah. 100% nailed it.
Im at 7:30-1:30 for now. Talking about glorious hours. Soinds like you got everything going good now. Glad to hear it man.
I still love his posts. Him and trips guy. At least trips guy hangs around after failing for a chat.
Give School-live a go for tomboy anime.
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karen desu
i watched the first 3 episodes of kiniro mosaic earlier and was confused cause they all look 7 but are in highschool?
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Homura (3).png
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Are you sure you didn't? It relates to how we started talking. And that's true, but you've been busy and you already know how I am.
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Shiki 0771.png
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It really gets going in the later half of s1 and in s2.
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i dont need to do shit, who gives a fuck how long you have been here, answer: just you. fucking cunt.
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hey karen, it's going!!
how about with you?
you forgot an l though...
hiya homu!!
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Damage-control with stale pasta, I like it.
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Testing a image out. I grabbed it from the show and took off the background.
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Homura (8).jpg
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So are the Ayas coming back? I think I stopped following that discussion at the mid of it.

I feel terrible for trips guy, it's like he put a curse on himself.
Is that an I or an l? Oii? Oil? O.

Looks good.
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Oh ho! Rang dang dong! That's the winner!
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Don't mind me, just lurking a bit.
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Happy Karen 34.jpg
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yeah lmao they're all 17 except alice who's 16

Thanks dude
George lopez is a pretty good claim tbh

Doing good, quick reply is working again so I'm happy about that lol
How about you? Still twisted ankle?

Looks good mio, nice job.
Below her left shoulder though there's a few lines of dark.

Trips confirm ayas coming back
I really fucking hope so, though I'm still 900% sure Sachii was one of them
I feel like the one with VLC screenshots was the real one
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a true hero.png
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Distant stars
Come in black or red
Oh woops thats Broken

It does start off a little shakey but i got good hopes for it.

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Aaaaaaah, makes sense.
Thank you for the warm welcome, the lady is great. We have come a long way in a short time, worked out a lot of kinks in the relationship and things are really well, thank you for asking.

Yes yes, everything is perfect thank you.
You got yourself some nice hours as well, how's the job treating you?

Oooh, okay. I understand now.
Heh, silly Homu I still love ya all the same. You're doing well it seems and that's all that matters. <3
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I choose you.png
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Checked. Yeah, I just need to make some final adjustments though. I was smoothing it out to look less pixelated.

Yeah I'll fix that. It was hard to see it in Photoshop, for some strange reason.
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They deliver a stack to me at the building, and I have to deliver it to the individual rooms.
So if they're late or lagging, it means I have to go back over it again later.

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it's gotten better!!
im glad you got 4chan x working again!! how'd you fix it??
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Morning Mugen, what's up?

How have you been Tsuzu?


How are you Makoto?
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Happy Karen 94.jpg
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Forgot your reply, meant to say do a wheelchair flip

Boobity boop, feets.

nigger please stay on track
Got any mugen artwork from the boorus?

I feel you lol, the vector background really messes up your perspective.

Woohoo! Sounds good! Really happy about that dude
Did she pass her driving test?

Wait wait wait
So if they deliver one whole stack to you, just wait at the building until the stack is there and deliver it all, right?
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it was an L lol,i probably should've capitalized it...
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Bitch scared me and made me think someone was stealing my AzuNyan.

Damn it, Homura.

Claiming Azu
Are you from Germany?
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Well, aside from the holidays thing. Once holidays are over its back to either 7:30-3pm or 9-8pm. And for 2 weeks over the holidays Ill be in 7:30-5pm.
Sup Chen.

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Homura (39).png
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>Don't mind me
Hard request.
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Idea Karen 12.jpg
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lmao it's not 4chanx, I uninstalled that and not using it again, it was barely different honestly.
I just left it alone and let the issue resolve itself, kek. As I do with most things in my life.
Got any plans for today?

What... What does the filename say?
And I missed a ship. Whats up.

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so karen is legal? :^)
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IDK Karen 4.png
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Legit Azu claim?
That's the full K-On collection, isn't it?
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Hey Renge. Not too bad, I guess. It's a bit difficult to judge for me sometimes.
How about you?

Hi Karen, glad to see you!

Chen-chan! I thought I had seen you yesterday but apparently it was someone else.. how are you doing?

Hello Kagami!

I suppose.
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Aslo hi /waifu/.
You guys are the best, I missed you so much!
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lol, well whatever works!!!
just's gonna be a hard day today
heeeyy tsuzu! how's it going with you??
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Just started space dandy, its not too bad so far. You playing your uke?

But i like Broken, let my try again
Oh Stylo
Go forth, blossom in your soul
I didnt find anything from it. Just lewds
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Agitated Karen 13.gif
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Hi there Hats.
I'm just listening to music, as always.
And enjoying this nice thread of ours.
How about you?
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kys furry
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Not too bad. Seems worst case scenario didn't happen, so I'm going to put off the breakup for a few weeks till they're well over surgery.

Essentially, yes. But it's easiest to take the elevator to deliver the stack, and on Monday mornings, it's 3 stacks since I don't deliver them during the weekend (which I'm going to start doing again). But I can't use the elevator as effectively since I can't have it on the mode I need after I open up the building. So if the newspaper gets delivered after I open the building up, it's a pain in the ass since I have to go through the building at a much slower rate.
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Renge! Ya silly little noodle how have you been?

Well her second test isn't until July 13th, but I have faith in her. All she really needs is a test proctor that isn't a cunt.

Damn son, making that cash though right?
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full of fakes..jpg
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Forgot my AVATAR.
Can't be someone without it.
Right, guys?

Shut up you fucking faggot and die in a fire you fucking piece of human garbage
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you cant corrupt karen, come one now she is too pure.
pretty much.

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oh shit i gone triggered karen
you say shes pure yet post lewds of her, im getting mixed messaged desu
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Breast girl.jpg
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bit late but i'm claiming anyway
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question mark.jpg
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I would but I don't have quite enough time before work, sadly.

I'm doing alright. Maintaining the status quo, at least. Been up to anything lately?

Yikes, well I'm glad to see that you have a plan. Just don't delay it too much, you know. Keep me posted.

I've been pretty good, what about you Tsu? Everything going well?
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its from all the chemicals you use for your explosives. "well ventilated area" is not a joke.
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More than that other job. Much more.

Threads filling right up and fast.
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Chibi Karen 34.png
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Hi feets, glad to see you too.
And two days in a row! My quick reply is working now so I can actually talk, how was your week? How are you doing?

Blegh, what's so hard about it?
Take a sick day :D

Chen on a literal rampage
everyone get down
nobody is safe
>hi chen are you doing good?

Well shit that's everyone then.
Welcome dude. Are you the one I told to neck himself when you tried to do some permanent claim shit with dubs?

The lewds were forced out by trips, can't stop that shit.

Oh wow I get it now, shit sucks doesn't it
Are you just posting while waiting?

Lol, last one failed her and like thirty others, right?
no you dumb piece of shit
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I'm doing okay and improving, I think.

I only got up a while ago. So I'm still busy with morning things, kinda of, also have to check the garden because there was a hailshower earlier..
But not so bad beyond that.



Hey Rory! It hurts to not see any Rory picture, though.

Hm, I guess, but it's complicated to explain. Also did a good amount of gaming and things around the house.
My time management is atrocious.
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Wait how long until you have to go? Also are you on mobile right now?

You forget about me every single time. I guess im just forever cursed to be ignored by karen.
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Will do.

Nah, they got em to me. I'm all done for the day, so I'm just sitting here for the next hour waiting to get off and go home.
I can fix that. I tend to not post a pic with follow ups. Saves the image limit.

>none of these shitposters have anything on schwanz king
nope, its just me
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i wish i could!!! but i would have to be really sick to do that....
there's a lot to do today, and little time to do it
that's good to hear!!! any specific reason it's improving??
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I'm obviously doing good.
I just came to say hello to my favorite thread on /b/.
Which is, obviously, this one.

Sadly, as much as I hate all of you fucking low lifes scums, I wouldn't do that.

Yeah, they are bullying me because they know that I'm probably the most popular guy known in here and they want to steal my fame.


I mean, seriously.
Everyone on this timeline knows about me.
How did I became so popular?
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333 KB, 636x271
de-purifying karen over trips desu?
my bad :^)
>most popular guy
>not mai

Stopped reading there.
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Oh yeah.
I remember.
Because I fucking hate all of you.

Anyway, I'm glad you're having a good time, Hats.
We should meet today at a cup of tea, though.
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Distressed Karen 13.png
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I swear I'm not doing it on purpose
There's no way it was just lewds, did you rate it by safe?

Ah alright, taking the bus?

The fuck nigga why

Hm, when are you leaving?

Glad you're doing better!
You got a garden? How big?
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2 MB, 1500x1505

is ran-sama gonna have to lay the law doan, again?
Because Chen a bro. You a real OG.
What even is that one Syndra?
Have you had your tea?
Ventilation is the difference between a live terrorist and a dead one.
>the dead ones have full body ventilation
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He's popular at nighttime in Europe.
I'm the most popular and known waifu in daylight threads.
Don't worry, I'll give you some attention aswell.
Because, that's why you're craving of replying to me, amirite?
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1 MB, 1842x2556
Good to hear!
And yes, all is well on my end.

This is good news.

Made them turn down a narrow side street with cars parked in the street. There was a car right on the corner amd as people made the turn they were forced into the oncoming 'lane' on the side street and she failed them.
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Sad Karen 6.jpg
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chen no
im not the twin tailed lolita, i just posted the group image, they are some one else.(me on the right)
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Karen. How much have I talked about my motorcycles by now?
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You're good?

No, be it.
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Homura (9).jpg
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This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what 4chan is all about
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I don't have a daki with her as a joke.
But I kinda skipped the question..
I can't complain, it's fun to be around again. I have to rethink my schedule a little.

Just being here, I guess. I also slept fairly well.
But am hungry now. I'll be back in a little while.

I won't let them get away with it.
>does a sailor moon pose

>Because I fucking hate all of you.
That's not really true. <3
I wouldn't mind some tea, but I already have a few promises to keep..
I'll be around in the thread, though, as far as possible.

Not quite sure, not exactly all that big. The total area is maybe 10 by 20m.
And some simply has fruit trees on it and such.
What about you? You're deluding yourself into believing that you are better than everyone here, but you are still part of the community.

>Because, that's why you're craving of replying to me, amirite?
Whatever you say fampai. What do you want when coming here anyway? Some attention.

I'm giving you your (You) you (You) whore.

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Excited Karen 25.jpg
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I have no other idea why you would wait one hour instead of going home immediately

It would have been nice to have a full anime.
He just claimed and never replied again rip

Wow what a shitbag holy fuck.

something something leaving the thread bye

Hm, that sounds nice.
There's a penny anon here who grows a shit ton of vegetables in his garden, uses them in his cooking too lol.
Glad you're dropping by more often. Finding more time?
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kill me.png
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Dont lie, i know you are trying to cuck me every thread, just like mio does.
It was just lewds and like 2 pics i already had. There wasnt a whole lot to being with.
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2 MB, 500x281
Yeah its real nigga hours.
Im as good as I have been the past few weeks.
Well, the time everyone rejoons thread is close on 11pm for me. Bad when I have to be in at work at 7:30.
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i think in 20 minutes or something like that!! im not too sure yet lol
top kek!!
hmmm, well that's good, have a nice breakfast!!
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Happy karen 67.jpg
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Maki pls come back
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MaidMura (2).png
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Top cake served by Kagami.
Wasn't before but I am now. I'll leave here in about 15 minutes.

Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151

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