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new trap thread old one hit image cap

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 259
Thread images: 142
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new trap thread old one hit image cap
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repost OC from last trap bread
>every single trap has a bigger and more masculine cock than you

life is unfair
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Chihiro Fujisaki.png
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Posting best girl
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BJ vid since someone asked in the last thread
post that BJ video
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i got u
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mareesa does a waterfall.jpg
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nice not bad were you able to get him to cum down your throat?
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no h8 i just like big dicks, they just happen to usually be attached to white or black guys :/
File: Video 13.webm (3 MB, 926x720) Image search: [Google]
Video 13.webm
3 MB, 926x720
only other video i have handy
is 7"x5.7" big enough?

damn, wish that was me
so you do have a chastity. does your Gf know about any of this?
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Nigger what kind of measurement is that? Is your dick a piece of fucking lumber?
Plenty, that's like the exact same size as my toy!
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Sounds like you simply have a small dick
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not passable but still good pic
yaw she watches me cam and stuff
well right now it's wood so
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strong comeback
fukkin hot sounds like quite the catch grats bro.
yeh she's a lot hotter than me, i'm not gonna post her though.
Any kiks?
moar traps with hormonal tits please
does she peg you or sit on your face? i heard you like licking buttholes so
thats understandable if you have a pic/vid of her pegging you would be amazing
where'd you hear that? because yeah, it's true..
we're long distance but i'm definitely the more dommy one?
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so you'd dominate her butthole with your tongue?
also i'd help you push your shaft deeper inside her, just spread your ass and i'd make your hips move while pounding you
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love the chaste sluts
well i'm fully functional, so my tongue isn't the only thing i can use... :3
very creative way of helping, I approve!
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yep me too. nice double dubs again
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especially when they have something inside their assholes.
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thanks :)
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well now this was a coincidence with the same pic lol
you can do all you want to her as long as your ass is mine to toy with
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i know right?
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there's a very similar but closer shot of a trap ass that i never found the source for...
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fate wants you to fap
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you're soulmates now, time to suck each others dicks!
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post it and i shall try to sauce
sucking dicks is awesome. can totally recommend
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it seems as such. i already did a couple hours ago. im good. im just a simple man with a love for locked cocks on sexy traps
>female mask
wtf anon
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is my butt worthy?
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nothing sexier than that
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I saw a trans once in a course in university. She was sitting right next to me with a path between us. Upside her hips she wasn't passable at all, but I had to fight my boner when she started to rub her beautiful shaved uncovered legs together. She must have noticed something, because she looked in my direction very often and did it more frequently. I can't remember anything from the lecture :S
Same thing happened to me with a biological woman in a tram while talking to a friend. Well, he talked, I just nodded. I had other problems to deal with. She also starred at me horny the whole ride. M-Maybe it's just a fetish? I am really confused. I didn't know something like that would arouse me...
i've lost the's an ass close up pic, hands tied behind and lubed up ass on a black bed/cover and the penis is hardly showing
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some tumblr cunt found it in a thread awhile back
i would if we lived near each other and i had the body of a trap, or vice versa.
yep, should post more to make sure
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No face =/= trap.
You're posting femboys, trannies and twinks.

Chihiro is a guy. Did you even get the point of his story?
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sorry, no idea anon
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one more
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for one its not OC and two who the fuck cares that person is clearly sexy as fuck. would you not pull the plug out and fuck dat ass?

who cares?
Wow, those are almost child bearing hips.
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you're welcum
dont let yourself get baited
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just one more is not nearly enough of that cute plump ass
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not even triggered
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your ass is very worthy of a good fucking.
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unfortunately it's too tight to fuck
thx tho
What ever happened to CloverTrap
Who is this erectile reptile?
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would eat and ravage 24/7
hot as fuck
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oh dont you worry about that nothing a little assplay can't fix.
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no clue
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one of my favorite pics.
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where can i find trap whores to fuck UK
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>Tfw no trap gf
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Anybody have pictures of traps with small cute flaccid uncut cocks?

Like this one?
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2 MB, 480x270
And this one?
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i might lemme look most of what i have are bitches in chastity.
Here's one more small uncut cock.
Source on this one?
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na thats only one i have that remotely fits the desired criteria.
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There are a lot of faggots these days, they shouldn't be too hard to find.
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wish that was me
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me too. id fuck your ass til i explode
hope you'd be gentle, it's still virgin :$
nothing new from Freyjatrap?
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of course i will. i want your first time to be pleasurable so youll want to fuck often.
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Does anyone know the tumblrs of /soc/ traps?
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na i dont fuck around on /soc/ just collect the pics of these whores.
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Don't you want to follow the tumblrs of the best ones?

I mean, shiritrap is in porn now, as is natalie mars and sue lightening
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not really likely hood of meeting up and fucking one is slim given probably live no where near each other.
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no clue mayne

Anyone know where to get a vibrator like that? One on a cord, where i can control it with a remote thing? I want one for my ass....

Will post pics if I get some help ;)

OMG how did you get that skin so smooth?????

OMG WOW. I'm in love! Any more???
If you followed the tumblrs or remembered their names we could've got more pics.
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again amazon for less than a Hamilton maybe a little more plus shipping. local stores a huge rip (least the ones near me.)
if you have a kik or anything i can send some pics, i do post here sometimes but not feeling it today
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I love how excited her dom looks while she looks so humiliated and actually a bit scared about having her clitty locked up.

Legit cute AF.

Incredibly fem, would cuddle with and tease her clitty in a nice hotel all night : )
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too bad.
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Sorry I'm about to fall asleep anon... I'll post more OC or cam in the next couple days <3
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hurpduro is my kik have at me your sexy ass
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g'night sweetheart
sasha skye
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Couple of me :3
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can't wait
Thanks bud, knew i'd seen her before
night :] hope you followed my cb, i take free requests from nice, funny, or entertaining anon's, to the best of my ability!

been busy in the real world but i'm hoping to get back on a regular schedule again soon!
If you don't post your head to proof you're really girl like, you're not a trap, you're just a fag.
A trap doesn't have to show sexual part either.
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True trap shows face.
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na i dont check any of that. might have to. got a way to contact like kik?
I don't post it because it gets too spammy. If you follow the CB page it emails you whenever I'm live. Post your own kik or a throwaway email and I may reply if you catch me before my eyes are closed and the thread 404's!

paint your toes for me please <3 you're really cute, but I have such a thing for sexy barefeet that are painted cute
not the guy you replied to but...
just in case ^.^
I was thinking about it!
Sexy legs <3

what colors do you have, i'd love to pic !!!

I can't wait to get my holytrainer too, yours looks amazing on your clitty : )
thats my kik send me a message
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Does someone have the webm of the blonde Japanese trap fapping in bed
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forgot pic
Some of us just don't like posting our faces on b tho.
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sissy amy, she's in my top 5

>here's a sexy pic of here feet and toes squirming because her clitty is so hot and othered in her little cage
Without a good face, you're just not a trap, you're a twink gay, that's all
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Lola : )

her barefoot slavegirl costume is hnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg
would collar/20
8/10. Would be better with a smile.
would bang/10
my face is in this thread and on cb though anon. i just don't usually post it.
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already have one
From my experience, posting your face in 4chan is not a good idea.
Why don't you smile you depressed piece of shit
how long have you been locked? i love the pic <3
Then we can't consider you a trap.
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i have many a tumblr whore in my collection i simply know not their names.
hot pic
pic with collar on then :x
Nick Cave, is that you?
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it's not me, it's the gurl in the link i put up

sissy amy, she's too cute and LOVES to be locked up too although she admits the denial drives her crazy at times
>hairier legs than I have

i have a bunch of their pics too, they're one of my favorite sissy/pegging/chastity couples ever.
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are you going to paint your tootsies for me or not sexy gurl?
gimmie somethin to fap to <3
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Emily_apply. has a reddit and everything. Sadly no longer traps :( Was my 1st trap crush and love.
Your the cutie from Nürnberg right?
lovely, got a tumblr or somethin?
How about bent over? Or maybe a glimpse of your clitty?
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I'm not Lola, but yeah, she's the sexy slavegurl from germany.
more please you're pretty
cute af.
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seconded, i love your cute little chin, you look so fem. i want to locked you up in chastity and make you my sissy so bad from only just seeing a bit of your face <3
pick one
uncut then

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Hiii /b/ ((;
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they are the best.
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Damn. Thanks. Thats cute as fuck.
Does she have a tumblr or is there any other way to contact her?
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Cd and sissies hmu bored
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nice body
would fuck so hard :o
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I'm new! Lemme know whatcha think!!!!(((;
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more of this fugly poof pls. You fat poof
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post more cutie
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thanks :3
no problem I LOVE your pale skin and pink balls
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got a kik or something?
Wouldn't mind :3
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i got you anon
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I wish my body looked like that, but with a smaller clit and no balls.
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you kik hottie ?
love your cute cock you got kik ?
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why is porn of traps in chastity so hard to find? All I want is to see a slim, submissive, caged girl getting vigorously fucked but videos like that just don't seem to exist
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>you kik hottie ?

Mhmm , Bobonelovemarley
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Do you think i could be a sissy? Im not sure if my body is fit for it...
Yes you could
sexy body you got kik ?
sissies bend over an offer up their hole
more skirt pics please
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thanks :)


i dont have kik..
install it :3
ya make one and post more ffs
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well ok.. give me a moment
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kwik thread will die :/

It won't let me upload my webms on /b/

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1 MB, 2448x3248
too lazy~
show us your computer set up?
where are you from?
lol, small, really?
any traps or sissies left in this dying bread ?
File: 2016-06-12-08-23-25.jpg (115 KB, 720x1280) Image search: [Google]
115 KB, 720x1280
File: 2016-06-12-06-31-46.jpg (362 KB, 720x1280) Image search: [Google]
362 KB, 720x1280
Louisiana ((;
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