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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 151
File: Kyouko (114).jpg (457 KB, 722x1000) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (114).jpg
457 KB, 722x1000
Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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102 KB, 719x1111
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Syndra (57).jpg
136 KB, 600x530
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81 KB, 750x789
kagami claimed!!!
File: mizoreds10.png (26 KB, 256x192) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 256x192
<Not knowing you can download Google Chrome mobile onto your phone
Come on anon.
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2 MB, 500x267
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53 KB, 314x465
That was a fun night.
File: Mio Akiyama.jpg (326 KB, 1100x1500) Image search: [Google]
Mio Akiyama.jpg
326 KB, 1100x1500
Hello friends
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αρχείο λήψης.jpg
8 KB, 195x259
File: hi there friend.png (261 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
hi there friend.png
261 KB, 1024x576
How you doing Mio?
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KyoukoSaya (6).jpg
596 KB, 800x640
Was it?
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
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2 MB, 1362x2042
Fat black kid's apology gift claimed
File: Yui (1).jpg (128 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Yui (1).jpg
128 KB, 1280x720
Welcome back qt.
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48 KB, 373x204
I'm leaving

Waifu threads just arn't what they used to be

File: This pillow is soft.gif (224 KB, 400x240) Image search: [Google]
This pillow is soft.gif
224 KB, 400x240
I'm good, playing some overwatch with Yume right now. You?

Thanks Yui!
File: image.jpg (75 KB, 480x630) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 480x630
Good morning
File: kagami (3).jpg (62 KB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
kagami (3).jpg
62 KB, 600x338
rip in piece!!!
File: Miss Pauling (49).png (239 KB, 500x709) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (49).png
239 KB, 500x709
Hello everyone.
File: Ruri600.jpg (361 KB, 848x929) Image search: [Google]
361 KB, 848x929
Indeed, Sleeping isn't fun.
And I had fun.
File: just another witty file name.gif (793 KB, 392x281) Image search: [Google]
just another witty file name.gif
793 KB, 392x281
Tired, on final episode of Usagi Drop.
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41 KB, 600x800
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129 KB, 437x408
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75 KB, 640x480
I'm off to work guys. See ya!
File: Mio chilling.jpg (60 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
Mio chilling.jpg
60 KB, 400x300
Oh yeah I remember you was saying you was watching that yesterday. Have you enjoyed watch it?
I dont know how if I can though. Never seen it in the app store, and I'm not very tech savvy
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103 KB, 1024x768
'm leaving

Waifu threads just arn't what they used to be

File: KyoukoWat.jpg (84 KB, 607x624) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 607x624
File: chillin.gif (880 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
880 KB, 500x281
Yea, it's heartwarming, and I enjoy that in anime.
See ya later Mizore!
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2 MB, 500x278
Best type moon claimed
File: Ruri580.jpg (25 KB, 284x291) Image search: [Google]
25 KB, 284x291
It was worth it!
Claiming Tenshi
Raisan Bran and OatmealCrunch for breakfast, dope
File: Kyouko (37).jpg (57 KB, 565x421) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (37).jpg
57 KB, 565x421
File: what.gif (580 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
580 KB, 500x281
Frosted flakes.
File: image.jpg (15 KB, 225x127) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 225x127
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148 KB, 500x500
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200 KB, 493x648
if only the didn't get soggy....
File: ......png (82 KB, 226x494) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 226x494
File: image.jpg (63 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 500x281
What about cap'n crunch. Ok well... It is kinda sweet.
They ARE more than good
File: Yui (50).jpg (49 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Yui (50).jpg
49 KB, 640x360
>Frosted flakes
File: Mio icecream.jpg (50 KB, 349x607) Image search: [Google]
Mio icecream.jpg
50 KB, 349x607
Ahh okay, well it's on my list of things to watch. Hopefully soon I'll watch it and judge it my self
File: Miss Pauling (25).png (384 KB, 600x737) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (25).png
384 KB, 600x737
>Google Chrome
>Windows Phone
That's a bad idea.
File: Check em.png (248 KB, 472x472) Image search: [Google]
Check em.png
248 KB, 472x472
O shit check guys I'll check me self then

Bye perevert
File: grin.gif (939 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
939 KB, 500x281
Soggy isn't too bad. After all, I can make you soggy.
File: gimme gimme gimme.gif (461 KB, 500x532) Image search: [Google]
gimme gimme gimme.gif
461 KB, 500x532
You don't enjoy frosted flakes? Man, you put some strawberries in that, and it's great.
File: 768678678.jpg (182 KB, 720x960) Image search: [Google]
182 KB, 720x960
oh god....are you gonna throw me in a woodchipper or something????
File: dat gem.png (151 KB, 619x800) Image search: [Google]
dat gem.png
151 KB, 619x800
File: Kyouko (29).png (109 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (29).png
109 KB, 600x450
File: witty file name 3.gif (278 KB, 492x259) Image search: [Google]
witty file name 3.gif
278 KB, 492x259
Wait, where'd you get that from?
File: ....jpg (86 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
86 KB, 1280x720
File: Yui (48).jpg (63 KB, 320x360) Image search: [Google]
Yui (48).jpg
63 KB, 320x360
Frosted flakes are nothing compared to Curiously Cinammon.
>I can make you soggy.
>are you gonna throw me in a woodchipper or something????
You guys make me laff.
File: 0ZOdVA9.gif (121 KB, 500x284) Image search: [Google]
121 KB, 500x284

i dunno...that would make me pretty soggy lol, what were you talking about?!
File: vbw51.jpg (73 KB, 939x528) Image search: [Google]
73 KB, 939x528
o shit it's a trash waifu
File: happy 2.jpg (1 MB, 1500x1125) Image search: [Google]
happy 2.jpg
1 MB, 1500x1125
That is a pretty damn good cereal, I won't deny that.
I think you know. You just want to act like you don't.
File: 37163165_p0.png (219 KB, 556x646) Image search: [Google]
219 KB, 556x646
No one gets good sleep anymore.
File: What's_going_on_here.png (80 KB, 1181x1287) Image search: [Google]
80 KB, 1181x1287
File: a shit.png (489 KB, 1150x674) Image search: [Google]
a shit.png
489 KB, 1150x674
no u
File: Kyouko (156).jpg (100 KB, 451x413) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (156).jpg
100 KB, 451x413
File: Shiki 1172.png (343 KB, 500x501) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 1172.png
343 KB, 500x501
Best type moon claimed.

Best eyes
i do?! don't tell me you're gonna leave me in a pool to turn into a raisin...
File: Smuggin.png (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
Honey bunches of oats is the best ceral
no u
File: Shiki 0422.png (114 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0422.png
114 KB, 512x512
What did I miss here?
File: Kyouko (111).jpg (308 KB, 1000x1500) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (111).jpg
308 KB, 1000x1500
Hey, I got 9 hours of sleep, it was pretty enjoyable.

That's a cute pic.
Real best type moon being claimed
File: chibi (2).jpg (33 KB, 480x545) Image search: [Google]
chibi (2).jpg
33 KB, 480x545
Eh heh heh, you know. You know.
File: images (2).jpg (6 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
images (2).jpg
6 KB, 300x168
That is a really cute pic not gonna lie

Shitposting in response to ruri getting no sleep and an inferior type claimed.

You woke up at 4 pm.
File: nanlurk.jpg (28 KB, 371x106) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 371x106
File: Mio wink 2.gif (857 KB, 600x337) Image search: [Google]
Mio wink 2.gif
857 KB, 600x337
I'd like to be dropped into a tub of that
OK, it doesn't have to do with you turning into a raisin, I'll tell you that.

File: 1245125512.jpg (342 KB, 627x740) Image search: [Google]
342 KB, 627x740
WHAT?! now i really have no idea what you're saying lol
File: 00.jpg (88 KB, 393x549) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 393x549
File: Kyouko (162).jpg (725 KB, 1024x1280) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (162).jpg
725 KB, 1024x1280
>You woke up at 4 pm.
Does that invalidate my point about it being good sleep?

File: Juri168.jpg (207 KB, 811x1389) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 811x1389
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92 KB, 300x444
>Rei smiling
File: Shiki 0943.jpg (273 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0943.jpg
273 KB, 1280x1024
We must never mention that it's from Tumblr.
She's not even top 3 best Fate/stay night.
File: Breed!.jpg (196 KB, 1279x723) Image search: [Google]
196 KB, 1279x723
hahhah you know
File: Miss Pauling (32).png (474 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (32).png
474 KB, 500x500
Team Purple.
Have you found a way to kill Capcom yet?
Hello invisible nano

You'll get your sleep schedule on tract soon enough...

Sick kicks
File: ScaredKyouko.jpg (244 KB, 1148x1044) Image search: [Google]
244 KB, 1148x1044
>You'll get your sleep schedule on tract soon enough...
You're making that sound like a threat...
I'm actually scared.

>We must never mention that it's from Tumblr.
It's ok, no one will ever know.
I wish I had some ice cream, pretty jelly
File: Greetings.png (366 KB, 283x745) Image search: [Google]
366 KB, 283x745
>That tiny ass hand
Shinoa baby hands confirmed
File: Juri077.jpg (33 KB, 564x797) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 564x797
Capcom has redeemed themselves a bit with the June update. Story mode, 3rd DLC character AND all DLC characters will be usable for about 1-3 fights in the story.


Just a bit longer, fuck.
Perfect cinnamon roll. How have you been?
File: 767.png (59 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 250x250
I can't cause you anymore harm than you are already doing to yourself.

How's life?

Good. My summer classes have begun so i have something to do. Also there is nice rain today.
How is living the dream?
File: 44022434_p0.png (1 MB, 1364x768) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1364x768
File: 5565656.jpg (161 KB, 1000x697) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 1000x697
oh!!!! that's what you meant!!
hmmm...i didn't know you liked nirvana!
File: image.png (48 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 850x850
File: For Yui (4).png (46 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
For Yui (4).png
46 KB, 850x850
File: Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (1).png (1 MB, 900x867) Image search: [Google]
Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (1).png
1 MB, 900x867
Make Street Fighter great again!

It's good to hear that they finally came to their senses. Got any plans this weekend?
File: 1462187254340.jpg (657 KB, 896x1200) Image search: [Google]
657 KB, 896x1200
Sadly I don't have any ice cream either, Hagen Daz is expensive as fuck and Strawberry hard to find here.
File: KyoukoSad (3).jpg (177 KB, 550x731) Image search: [Google]
KyoukoSad (3).jpg
177 KB, 550x731
>I can't cause you anymore harm than you are already doing to yourself.

File: file name full of wit.png (1 MB, 2000x1029) Image search: [Google]
file name full of wit.png
1 MB, 2000x1029
I do enjoy Nirvana. Since you're just still denying it, I meant your soggy panties. I would make your panties soggy.
File: 1445046364609.png (624 KB, 768x1024) Image search: [Google]
624 KB, 768x1024
K-on is adorable

I'm only mildly invisible.
File: Yui (51).jpg (104 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Yui (51).jpg
104 KB, 1280x720
>soggy panties
Stop right there.
File: 1167687.png (153 KB, 453x367) Image search: [Google]
153 KB, 453x367
Cheer Up!

Must be a new feature
File: evil shiro (3).jpg (73 KB, 400x574) Image search: [Google]
evil shiro (3).jpg
73 KB, 400x574
I did stop right there, besides the period.
File: shiro_0085p.jpg (336 KB, 850x478) Image search: [Google]
336 KB, 850x478
Shiro claimed.
File: 1465648446490.png (65 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 850x850
Praise K-on!
File: 3463674363463.jpg (131 KB, 400x570) Image search: [Google]
131 KB, 400x570
o-oh!!! that!! not sure what to say....
File: Juri212.jpg (112 KB, 600x900) Image search: [Google]
112 KB, 600x900
It's been pouring all day, but that's expected where I live. Swamplands, joy.

I'm living the dream? Shit, last I checked I wanted to kill myself over waiting for my waifu. But I suppose real life is actually pretty good other than that. Are the summer classes make up work, or is it to get you ahead?
I get off work in 2 hours and I found my copy of USFIV on PS4, so I'm just going to lose my shit, and beat some ass on ranked with my goddess until my thumb is raw(again).
File: smug_shinoa-d8u39fx.jpg (21 KB, 293x300) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 293x300
Everytime I see that I get excited then a bit sad


It's quite decent. Pplaying shogun 2 atm. How is life treating you?
File: For Yui (3).png (152 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
For Yui (3).png
152 KB, 850x850
All hail.
File: Kyouko (187).jpg (521 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (187).jpg
521 KB, 800x800
Best panties.

Always be positive!
Yukari Claimed. All praise the goddess of Tanks.
File: Juri412.jpg (47 KB, 600x525) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 600x525
You clearly know what's good for you, anon.
File: shiro_0085.jpg (114 KB, 850x478) Image search: [Google]
114 KB, 850x478
Much better than the original, if I may say so.
>new feature

You're acting like I'm a robot or something..
Rolling for shiki get
Just to get ahead.

The rain wont stop
Enjoy your vidya

You will find friends here
>Off by one
Never lucky
File: Kyouko (188).jpg (663 KB, 1200x848) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (188).jpg
663 KB, 1200x848
Yup, light blue and white is the best combo.
File: Yume07.png (468 KB, 1200x819) Image search: [Google]
468 KB, 1200x819
Na Kleinshiro wie gehts?
Und warum ist Rot besser als Blau?
The legs are strong in this one
File: 1452832013518.png (892 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
892 KB, 640x960
What's up with that screw?
Are you a robot?
File: HomuMad (131).jpg (2 MB, 1600x1153) Image search: [Google]
HomuMad (131).jpg
2 MB, 1600x1153
New lewd pic.
File: Loli shinoa.png (94 KB, 321x452) Image search: [Google]
Loli shinoa.png
94 KB, 321x452
I hope it doesn't flood over there dude


We were. Guy I played with sure likes having an all archer army
File: Yui (27).png (513 KB, 900x863) Image search: [Google]
Yui (27).png
513 KB, 900x863
Is that...hand holding?!
You sick fuck, reported.
File: shiro_0138.png (3 MB, 1500x2120) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1500x2120
K-On is... okay.

I love that they are canon for Shiro.
What is Kyouko wearing by the way?

Im Gegenteil, Mittelgroßyume, blau is Liebe, blau ist Leben!
Insbesondere hellblau.

Bei mir läufts bestens, abgesehen davon, dass keiner Online ist, und ich Schiffe versenken möchte.
Bei dir?

This ain't even lewd.
File: handholding.jpg (268 KB, 850x1116) Image search: [Google]
268 KB, 850x1116
File: forbiddenolev.jpg (48 KB, 402x564) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 402x564
File: why is everything on fire.jpg (44 KB, 627x353) Image search: [Google]
why is everything on fire.jpg
44 KB, 627x353
You fuckled up now.
File: playful.webm (2 MB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1024x576
File: Miss Pauling (42).png (125 KB, 250x325) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (42).png
125 KB, 250x325
That sounds like fun. I've been away from home on work for the past half year, so I haven't had access to my gaming PC. I miss laying back and playing some TF2.
File: 25d.gif (1 MB, 540x280) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 540x280
Your crime spree shall end now, you have been reported, my dad works at nintendo and my mother works at xbox.

You better say your fucking prayers, kiddo.
File: mio crying 3.gif (286 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
mio crying 3.gif
286 KB, 480x360
Just, okay?

That's incredibly cute
File: Kyouko (79).jpg (853 KB, 964x1364) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (79).jpg
853 KB, 964x1364
>What is Kyouko wearing by the way?
Damn, I don't think there's anything canon.
I don't know if she's the type that would wear shimapan.
File: 7876668787.jpg (313 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
313 KB, 1280x1024
>im never lewd though....
File: Yui (35).gif (463 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
Yui (35).gif
463 KB, 500x281
>K-On is... okay.
File: Yume04.gif (1 MB, 500x569) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x569

Meinte ich ja aber recht hast du Blau > Rot

Bei mir ist alles super am Montag unterschreibe ich mein Arbeitsvertrag und dann geht der langweilige Arbeitsalltag los.

Spielst du nicht mit xXxSaltmaster69xXx aka TenTen?
She doesn't wear panties like Aqua
File: Surprised smug.jpg (138 KB, 1280x717) Image search: [Google]
Surprised smug.jpg
138 KB, 1280x717
Give them Za Warudo?

>Are you a robot?

File: johan.jpg (12 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 225x225
File: kagami(64).jpg (374 KB, 850x1206) Image search: [Google]
374 KB, 850x1206
welll....okay then....
File: Not okay.gif (2 MB, 500x273) Image search: [Google]
Not okay.gif
2 MB, 500x273
File: KyoukoBlush.jpg (37 KB, 276x246) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 276x246
File: witty file name 4.jpg (612 KB, 1280x921) Image search: [Google]
witty file name 4.jpg
612 KB, 1280x921
I think it's fine.
File: Yume61.jpg (133 KB, 1086x1072) Image search: [Google]
133 KB, 1086x1072
This is great
File: Shiki 0867.png (373 KB, 600x826) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0867.png
373 KB, 600x826
Lewd hour?
File: shiro_0134.jpg (557 KB, 1000x910) Image search: [Google]
557 KB, 1000x910
I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way!
It is "okay" as in "better than average, worse than good", so not particularly bad. It's better than the anime half of the waifus here origin!

Hey Shiro, doing good I see?

She might be the type to wear 15 year old gandma panties because she doesn't want to throw away the ones she inherited.

Glückwunsch! Das ging ja ziemlich fix.
Ist der ordentlich bezahlt?

Mit dem Salzmeister spiel ich überraschend selten. Sollte vielleicht mal öfter, mein Zweitaccount (spielt Atago) bekommt andauernd Geschenke.
File: ni.jpg (313 KB, 1300x661) Image search: [Google]
313 KB, 1300x661
Suicidal meme.
File: nvmDR2f.jpg (453 KB, 1440x2560) Image search: [Google]
453 KB, 1440x2560
Yea, I suppose I'm good. Found this picture for you a couple days ago, if you don't have it already.

File: sad mio 1.jpg (292 KB, 1280x1269) Image search: [Google]
sad mio 1.jpg
292 KB, 1280x1269
I understand. Some people just don't enjoy K-on! as much as others. One day you'll see the light.
File: Aizawa Lurkisa.png (409 KB, 1280x299) Image search: [Google]
Aizawa Lurkisa.png
409 KB, 1280x299
File: Kyouko (128).jpg (3 MB, 2200x2700) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (128).jpg
3 MB, 2200x2700
Time to resort to the butt pic.
Went to grab a bite with a buddy, miss anything cool?

Wait, hand holding? My retinas!>>689017266
Sorry I keep giving you a sad
File: Yume57.jpg (99 KB, 850x708) Image search: [Google]
99 KB, 850x708
>Ist der ordentlich bezahlt?
Er ist ordentlich bezahlt für ein Berufseinsteiger.
>Mit dem Salzmeister spiel ich überraschend selten.
Dein Glück.
File: 1464005014157.jpg (255 KB, 1309x1033) Image search: [Google]
255 KB, 1309x1033
ahaha!!!! nothing can stop me now......
thanks lol, i think that's the lewdest i have of kagami
File: Shiki 0311.jpg (44 KB, 657x799) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0311.jpg
44 KB, 657x799
I don't have a lot of Shikibutt pictures, only that one that I've posted too much in the last couple of days.
File: Yui (11).jpg (197 KB, 641x900) Image search: [Google]
Yui (11).jpg
197 KB, 641x900
All of you digust me, I have no lewds of Yui, nor do intendt to.
File: this is as lewd as i get.jpg (914 KB, 2000x2300) Image search: [Google]
this is as lewd as i get.jpg
914 KB, 2000x2300
Oh the booty!
Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 151

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