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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151
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What is this? KFC?
is this the waifu claim thread? am i in the right one this time?
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Is that NZ furry I was talking with a couple nights ago here?
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with all these chickens it just might be
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i guess you turned a sfur into a anythingfur
here's some finger on squirrel action
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stop posting terrible shit
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I like sharks. And it's not rape if you enjoy it.
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Looks like I'm serving up more chicken.
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stop posting in general
please fucking do blaziken is my fave
you started

also i'm going to bed now, here's some kekkles for good night

never stop doing what you do
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You can't just let this happen. You and shark fag are the reason we'll have 2 g/fur threads by the end of the year.

Hey! No fingering of squirrels, that's just nuts.

Not a problem.
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>can't rape the willing
while this is true it can be still unsettling when you see a wolf pack of them in the dark corner of the bar.
nvm i actually need to post this before leaving, it'd be unfair
i wish i was the squirrel and that butt stretching didnt hurt, also lol.
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Maybe if you're a bitch.
Don't forget the custody papers in the attaché case.
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Stop posting. Landwhales are disgusting.
Hm. Every time I take a deep breath while I'm lying down, I hear/feel a bunch of crackling in my sternum/sides. Is this how I die?
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lets keep the chicken fresh
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nah i post good shit
you post autism
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That one had a cute face. Still better than fucking a fish.
What do y'all think of Zootopia? Do you want to fuck a character in it?
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I'd fuck a fish 10 million times before I ever fuck a whale. And that counts in real life, too.
Oh hey, I fixed that one a while back.
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>posting in a furry thread being not-autistic

ok fuck ctrl w after this
Alright, hope you don't mind Chicken Breasts with some sides.
Man I downloaded it, but the fucking file was corrupt, so I got a different version. Didn't have time to watch it though, started playing Diablo 2 with my bro
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I never got a chance to see it. Also, I tend to avoid sexualizing characters from things I care about. Thank god I'll never get into 2hu. Them doujins.
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How about anthro whale
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I don't know who you are, but you're really annoying. I'm nice to even the most annoying people here, but you've made a pretty bad first impression.
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No. Dolphins are better.
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>if you're a bitch
say whatever man, i know what happens if your guard is down for even 1 second.
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That's because you're gay. Fish is urban youth slang for homosexual. But you knew that, sharkfucker.
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>chicken and sides
dont mind at all, and some of those sides look mighty fine
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>implying I wouldn't do it in purpose
I'd kill to fuck a shark. To have those claws and teeth digging into my skin while fucking her hard... glorious.

>Fish is urban youth slang for homosexual
I what third world country, Australia? Certainly not anywhere I grew up. I've literally never heard that before.
don't reply to me
yea this
who the fuck is this guy and why does he feel the need to be a namefag
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2 more sides.
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you say that like its a bad thing, which it isn't
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No idea. He showed up last thread and starting acting like a fag, so I told him to leave, but he just kept acting autistic. I may filter him if he doesn't stop being retarded.
>tfw namesync is one of the reasons these threads are shit now
No, it isn't. There have been namefags since the inception of 4chan, don't talk like you're an oldfag.
Is that blood? Fucking hot.
already filtered
he's one of "those" guys
who just sprays autism everywhere
what he said>>688781236
>id kill to fuck a shark
>fuck a shark
>a shark
a single shark, yeah. but when they group up is when they're more dangerous.
I was lucky enough that when I wasn't paying attention, they thought it would take only 2 to bring me down. They underestimated.
Which in hindsight might be bad, instead of 2 next time it might be like 5 or something.
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Any namefagging was easily ignored before ns, and few people namefagged for the sake of it. Filtering doesn't make the threads any better, just hides the shit from one's own view.
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>delphox is a good side
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You're thinking about this way too much, bro.

Ok, faggot. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
threads were always fucking shit.
don't pretend they weren't. now there are a lot of newfags installing NS for no reason but filtering solves that problem. and then the threads are back to being as shit as they always were
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Also the namefags were generally better people, friendly and helpful.
Sorry about this anon, getting tired, here's your last serving of Chicken Breasts.
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Kek, no they weren't. Again, talking like you know what you're talking about when you don't. And I'd like to think that I'm the main person around here who helps out the newfags, and tells them about NS.
What's wrong with delphox?
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dont' worry, its been a good run. and i have plenty more
these threads have always been shit and they always will be
>half full of "muh secret club" elitists
>half full of socially inept retards arguing about stupid shit
on the brightside though
at least its not a gfur thread where only maybe 5 porn pics are posted per thread
So you're saying you fought off 2 sharks? That's pretty badass
>thinking about this way too much
meh, having a wild imagination that bleeds into fatasies every now and then can produce wild results.
Threads were better than this at least.

Prime example of unwarranted self-importance right here, direct result of the ns shit.
I sincerely hate furfags
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I see that.
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Alright, then. Although, I guess I can toss one more for tonight with a side.
You'd be wrong. You're more of a cunt than you realize. I don't even have NS, but I can feel it from here.
But that's better than the occasional old man dong spamfests of last year.
It's very nice of you sharing your honest opinion.
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Okay. But you're wrong. Ask anyone here, I'm probably one of the nicest namefags around, but I have little tolerance for stupidity.
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>tells them about NS.
you need to stop doing that
exactly this
fur was never good. people were just too new to realize it was shit all along
no they weren't
its always been sad and autistic and full of boring shallow conversation
oh you want old man dongs? okay
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>And I'd like to think that I'm the main person around here who helps out the newfags, and tells them about NS.
maybe you should stop doing that
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Circlejerks are always going to be prevalent on the internet, which is why you have to infiltrate them. Learn their mannerisms, and then use them to blend in, gain their trust and eventually annihilate them from the inside
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y tho?
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Anons are terrible people.
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I don't blame you. Look at this fag >>688782736
and this shit right here. >>688782747
Better believe it, motherfucker.
>being an attention whore on an anonymous image board
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Exactly. When they come around and make a name, it means I can filter them.
it was more luck than anything, they had the element of surprise but fucked up their initial actions. that and they were weaker.
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because if they cant figure it out themselves they are too fucking retarded to post here anyway
make anything neat lately
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Eh, I guess that's true.
Nah I'm a lazy fucker
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I did a do(Harpo).png
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and hey, it can be fun most of the time
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I only just realized that my NS wasn't working
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Fuck, I jinxed it.

That's enough. We've learned our lesson. Call off the strike.
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I didnt want to embarrass you.
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ITT: everyone's retarded and they don't even know it

Not even me, and I'm retarded
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>Show by Rock
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Confirmed for homosexual with 0 sense of rhythm.
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These newfags give up really easily.
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I'd snuggle that dad

Would you?
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Eat a dick, dickposter. CAPPED.
Butts:1 Dicks:0
The New York Butts win again, ladies and gentlemen
Welp, guess my ex spread MY nudes.
Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151

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