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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 208
Thread images: 151
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He's at it again.
I was there 2014. Would have gone to a few music festivals too. Hurricane was probably my favorite, first one I went to over there. Would have gone to Gamescom too but my host family took me on a trip to Italy instead.
>every thread
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..and stuff
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Damn right.

Yes, and?
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>High res is my fetish.
If you like that try to throw some art into waifu2x over here

It can do pretty amazing things. Alex was talking about it few days ago and introduced me to it. He's using it on his eGPU, I've used the demo service for a few pics now and it turned out pretty good
Facialbro here on ma phone
Goddamn my libido today
My toughts strayed to a naughty place so im back
I may check it out, but I'm too lazy to actually do anything with it. Thanks though!
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105 l100.jpg
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Am I doing this right?
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>You're also an abject failure of a human being
That's exactly what I'm striving for every day fam.
You've got some good taste and music, my nigger.
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§ (594).jpg
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>all these people getting to go to fun things
>I live in Middle Earth and can't afford a fursuit
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I love you
does anyone have skype ? got to go, add me if you want :) dcxskipper
I'm getting really tired.
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Noice mate.
Which part of Middle Earth? I'm up in Whangas.
How's it going s/fur?
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>I was there 2014.
Neat! It's 800km or so away from me but it may totally be worth it. I'm just a bit afraid that it may be cringy as fuck since fur fandom apparently is really fucking different outside of /b/ but I need to see that myself. Even if it's cringy, maybe I'll fit right in who knows.

>but my host family took me on a trip to Italy instead.
I've been to Italy a few times, but didn't like it too much. Maybe I did the wrong things or didn't plan enough I dunno. It's just so ...italian I don't like that.
Been to the US a few times (not in the last 10 years tho), and liked it there as well. I only was in Illinois and Florida tho, and Canada for the Falls. Everything's so huge, that's the thing that stuck with me the most. And guns in Wal-mart, a weird sight for a German.
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§ (30).jpg
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>using slang for a Maori name
It's a 15-letter alphabet, there's probably another place name that has the same abbreviation.
Pretty gud
Tired as fuck, probably going to go to bed in a minute. You?
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I tried it, bookmarked.
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Yeah I only used it on some very small pics I had and really liked. I won't use it often either.
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>Am I doing this right?
Mein Neger
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Welp, I've got a raft of shit I should get done today. Talk to ya'll later
als ob die dort waffen kaufen können?
Oh shit, you posted posted the necro pic, topkek. I ended up deleting it and moving it to another folder because I was certain no one else would want to see it.
The dicks ratio seems alright so im ejoying it
Not like yesterday when it turned all h/fur for a while
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Later dies
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>posted posted
Fuckin hell, I really need to sleep.
It can be pretty spergy but the majority at cons are pretty decent. Only been to LA in the states, Hollywood Boulevard is honestly the dodgiest place I've ever been. Poverty ridden parts of Athens at night didn't even compare to it during the day.
Up in Whangas is whangarei. Down in whangas in Whanganui. Surprised you don't know this.
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Don't have skype naw
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Baowman checking in.png
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B-but then who will i cum for? ;3
Nah jk fam do as u please
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§ (91).jpg
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>find another person from same country in these threads
>northenmost city
Eh, been dealing with some relationship crap but I'll get over it. Just gotta do my thing and keep distracted!
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>How's it going s/fur?
Pretty fuzzy
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MIt dem passenden Schein kann man das machen klar. Die kann man natürlich nicht einfach so greifen, aber sie sind da hinter glas neben den anderen Sachen
Maybe grill
Moving it to another folder as in I went to the artists FA, and saved it in that folder rather than the folder I post everything from, but deleted it from the main folder.

Yeah, I'm starting to lose it now.
Definitely grill.
ow thats sad :( hey how do i even reply here ? my friend showed me 4chan ealier today but didnt tell me how it works
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Later dude!
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At least it's not a nz general. Those are full of fuckwits.
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I... don't know if you're trolling or not, but just click on the "reply to thread" button at the top or bottom of the page.
lol click the number of the person you want to reply to
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'least it's statistically improbable that the day is gonna get any worse from now on.
I'll miss that HD booty but sleep is more important than fapping
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>Oh shit, you posted posted the necro pic, topkek. I ended up deleting it and moving it to another folder because I was certain no one else would want to see it.
Lel you know I'm a twisted fuck, I like it a lot. Thanks for posting it back then and please keep posting something weirder once in a while, I really appreciate it. I even may have (soft) gore growing on me, I like biting and scratching while fucking already.
Well I mean, you're mew, so you came in mewing. I'm mous. Not quite a maus, so I posted an E-75 instead.

I'm trying to edit a picture of jensca onto a WW2 era German vehicle ATM. If it works I"ll post.

Taken, unfortunately.

Thanks. I try.
wie nice :D he hosch du skype ? i woas ne amol wie i da zruck schrieb x) würd jo bilder posten aba i hon nix ufam handy haha :P
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§ (423).jpg
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No one down in the south of the North Island there either!
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>biting and scratching

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How far south. Wellington?
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>Only been to LA in the states
Ah I got that wrong, I thought you actually were from the US. Yeah I've only heard very bad things about Hollywood. I try to not do the most touristy shit either (tho I had to see the Niagara Falls).
oh thank you :D i really didnt know i only knew how to post x) thanks to the other one too !
Nah, fuck that, Weiss is here now.

Hey Weiss, how are you?

>I even may have (soft) gore growing on me, I like biting and scratching while fucking already.
Ayy, that's mah nigga. How 'bout this? Too much?

You mah nigga, too.
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I like this!
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§ (554).jpg
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Armageddon was shit this year, the fursuits were cool though.
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Woke up to it on page 10 and wasn't sure if there's a reliable archive going again yet (that's automatically used by 4ChanX). Basically, derp savebump.

Also rumpbump
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Yes grill
Do it, brah.
Ayy lmoa
and for a facialbro thats to much

Also waddup weiss?
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Well, day started off as usual, but when i got home from gym my phone was basically exploding. Turns out my older brother is hospitalized with an infection in this... Whats that called in english now... Appendix? So yeah. Kinda coloured the mood of the rest of the day.

Hows you man?
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Nah, kiwi bro. Also what's the deal with the Auckland-New Zealand brand that's over there. It's like fake outdoors gear or some shit right?
Mate of mine went down in her incomplete fursuit. Some kind of dragon thing I think.
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New to 4chan and already in fur threads? Wow you managed to dodge all the traps and cock rate?
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Good! :D

>You mah nigga
B) I tryin' my best
Dats some fine booty right there
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§ (399).jpg
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Think I saw something of the sort, but it looked like a full suit to me.
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Are you seriously from Bavaria? Even for me (and am German) Bavarians are pretty weird and like a subspecies or something.
Appendicitis? Fuck, that's not good. I hope everything works out well, and I hope you feel better.

I am very tired, but I don't feel like sleeping. Can barely type anymore.
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Nah she had gloves, head and maybe the feet. Probably wore a homestuck shirt or something knowing her.
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Hey man!

>statistically improbable
That may be true but statistics may fuck you over with their numbers and shit. Don't trust them. They lie.
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I'm in love
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§ (274).png
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Might have seen her, might have not.
By the way, is there a mutual group lots of the fursuiters are in?
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i know right!
When I was there I couldn't understand the Bravarian dialect. But I learned and spoke sachs-deutch or however it's spelt.
Not that I'm aware of I'm afraid. Not any for NZ at least.
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>How 'bout this? Too much?
Not to much nope, I actually like it. I like how the eyes come out and stuff. I'm new to that kinda thing and that's about where my limit is right meow. Lol we all would end up in a closed mental health facility if someone knew what we like, I guess.
i am from austria (österreich) if that is what you mean :D and my dialect is not even the worst x3
I'd milk her. For hours on end.
Id milk if she milks back ;3
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Maybe you should give that sleep thing another bash.

Well i have hope for once, cause man... Having trouble to see how this could go any further south.
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Make bumps great again!

>if there's a reliable archive going again yet
Don't think so no.
I think it's the hair. Such a shame emo doesn't seem to be a thing anymore
well it was the first thread i saw when i went to 4chan :D i saw the other threads now, too XD there is cool art here :)
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You and me both

Correct answer
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>Lol we all would end up in a closed mental health facility if someone knew what we like, I guess.
You should hear about Alex. He's a legit pedo and necrophile. I don't judge people for what they like, no matter what it is, and it makes for some very interesting conversation when talking about morality and ethics and all that. Some of the best conversations I've had here.

Yeah, I probably should.
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Hurrah for tits and ass : D
And not to forget pawjobs
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>Such a shame emo doesn't seem to be a thing anymore
Totally! She's ridiculously cute
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I hope it goes well, and that you sleep well. Take care of yourself.
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§ (583).jpg
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I had such hopes that I could find other people with mutual interests, not necessarily even furries!
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>Insert cheesy comment on how I'll milk myself later
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Goodnight love
I'll do a bit of research, and ask around. I should be able to find at least something.

Anywho time for me to crash. Got an appointment with WINZ and an appointment with employment relations to fuck over my retard ex boss.
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>i am from austria (österreich) if that is what you mean :D and my dialect is not even the worst x3
Oh yeah now that you point it out that makes more sense. I've only ever been to Zürich i Austria so I don't know how bad Dialects can get but I had not too much trouble understanding people there.
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Alright, I guess I'll sleep then. Later.
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>Implying we all won't
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Click on the catalog and see how many cocks you dodged! I'm not convinced this isn't bait but I'll bite.
G'Night Dash. See ya later
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> (cute and cuddly) > (all else)
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§ (432).png
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Same for me, goodnight!
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Later dood, hope you can sleep well!
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sleep well anonymoose
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Simple enough, depending on how much of an edgelord you want to be about it.

Like whatever the hell you like, as long as you don't touch
Somebody might as well make use of the meat, they're just going to bury it in a box or fry it anyway
>He's a legit pedo and necrophile. I don't judge people for what they like, no matter what it is,
Yeah me neither, I don't judge. And while I don't share these two fetishes I get them, I think.
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schwitzerdütsch is the worst :D not even we can understand them and they are our neighbours
A non herm artica? What is this black magic? Or is her peen hidden behind his?
I think it's the side fringe (bangs) and heavy eye make up, along with the cute piercings and clothes
My weakspot
Ur making me cum<3
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Gn8 dudes!
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>fry it anyway
That sounds pretty delicious
My dick can only get so hard.
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i dont know where that is but thats ok anyway :D i am really new atleast to 4chan if thats what you mean ? :)
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Heil awoo.
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where do you find theese comics?
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Try >>>/b/catalog newfriend, it'l list all threads currently on /b/
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Muh peen can only handle so much
Cummy paws?
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Ive got the cum now we just need the paws
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Straight to the paw folder


I kid, I like the puns
oh :D the s fur thread was the first for me to show again:)
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Doesn't matter what we eat, we're eating *something* dead. Only problem I have with eating people is prion diseases and possibly other contaminants... morally, meat is meat to me. If we're lost in the desert and starving and I don't want to fuck you bad enough to risk dying, you better believe I'm going to kill you and eat you. Makes me wonder if that's still a concern when it comes to using people as fertilizer. There has to be something more useful we can do with corpses than allocating permanently wasted space to them
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>I kid, I like the puns
I know you want them, quads NEVER lie >>688495555
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People don't know how to let things go, especially when it comes to relatives. Cremation and the spreading of their ashes is a step in the right direction I think.
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hey guys i have really got to go now sorry ! thanks for the great art :3 again if someone has skype add me ! :D dcxskipper - maybe there are german speaking furs too ? :)
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>the s fur thread was the first for me to show again
Yeh, we sometimes post a lot of stuff so it's on page 1 a lot. So you are not actually a furry? Do you even like what you see here?
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Poor Mous
Aight nexst pawjob pic im creamin cant hold back annymo
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octamous murry jane.jpg
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13579 I can't even right now.
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All I could find on short notice that wasn't gay.
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Yeah I share that opinion. I'd eat the fuck out of you as well. I'd love to try human sometimes, but it's not like you could just buy it in the supermarket. But if someone volunteered and gave me a piece of them I'd gladly eat it. It has to be really delicious. And judging from reports of people who witnessed humans burning in some fire, they said it smelled like BBQ. Sure, why wouldn't it..
Ty based anon<3
I'd love some cummy paws on a sexy emo fur girl
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Oh yeah I got this
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>Cremation and the spreading of their ashes is a step in the right direction I think.
Yeh, I've done the same thing with my father. It's nice, and also I don't have to look after a physical grave with stones and all. I'm agnostic so I don't want all that christian fuzz, cremation with spreading is the way to go for me whenever someone is kill. Grandma died few weeks ago, she's now laying on top of dad. Lewd and disturbing, but nice
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Fuck yeah!
i am one i like the art alot :D and i would also go to a fandom but there are none near me XD anyways im not very experienced in that whole fandom stuff but i look for people to play with :) guess that will be the last time we chat since everyone here is random :P
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I second that, I need dis
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>draws knot
>not knotted
>*sad face*
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[sexytime intensifies].webm
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just a reminder.

I have not eat human yet, but if I needed to I'd crush someone's skull and then very graciously cook would I could.

These are all hot as fuck thanks for the great nut bros
Imma get back to sleeping tho
Facialbro out
post cool memes
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Well fur threads are a lot different than other threads on /b/, and most of us actually are regulars spending much of their precious lifetime on here. You'll get that after exploring the other parts of /b/, it's quite a contrast.

So if you come here sometimes I'm sure we'll meet again.
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what is the dark red dog girls name?
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If it's my choice when someone dies I'll probably go with cremation. It's cheaper and doesn't require upkeep.
>Agnostic... christian fuzz
I get that

Later bro!

You just made my day :)
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Yeah I wonder where the best human cuts would be, gonna need a whole human to try all parts of it. I'd be totally in for that. There should be a possibility for people to give their bodies to that kinda thing after death. Well, if they died without relevant diseases I don't want to get sick.

Only downside to this is probably that the meat won't be very tender because people tend to die pretty old and stuff. Not the best meat anymore, and doesn't look that delicious on a grill I guess, but I'd be in nonetheless
it would be cool but how am I supposed to recognise anyone here while all being anonymous ? :D got my skype written up somewhere but i have a question : is no one meeting here people or adding them? it looks like i was the only one doing so XD
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Glad you had fun in the creamery /b/uddy
Zoe. If you post them there's often a troll
>Muh s/fur, no cub please!
She's supposed to be 16 and some people just have too much time on their hands I gues
I'd assume it's the same as with animals... for the most part, the best cuts are the ones that avoid heavily-working muscle. Ribs, face, back, neck. I don't think you'd find anything like a bird's breast meat in a person because they're totally different kinds of muscle (nothing in a human is meant to move dozens of times per second)
>is no one meeting here people or adding them? it looks like i was the only one doing so
Nope, not really. But you should really lurk moar in other threads to see how /b/ actually works. As said before, fur is vastly different. You'll have to see that for your yourself, impossible to explain. At least for me
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