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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 135
File: Kyouko (129).jpg (483 KB, 900x1776) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (129).jpg
483 KB, 900x1776
Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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my one and only angel.jpg
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I'm going to go take a shower now, see y'all in a bit.
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Tenryuu 78.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
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oh, no im not a pilot, im the eyes and ears of the pilot, chinooks are biggish, so they need people to tell them where they're at
i have's really not fun...
but i was in training for 20 weeks to have my mos
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Was my bedtime 2 hours ago. Was almost asleep till my grandma made me go to the store. Ended up getting gas while I was out so that made my trip even longer. Now I'm just sitting here blasting some calming music on my speakers and shaking the garage in the process. Night shifts you say?

Karen, you know who I am! Think about it for a second!
And I'm decently versed in lore up till the end of cataclysm. Old gods and old Ashbringer lore were my specialty though.
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
326 KB, 1100x1500

Chilling Mio
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See ya later Shiro.
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Shiki 0500.jpg
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Best type moon claimed
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Smallest Image on 4Chan.png
2 MB, 5000x5000
I understand that large breasts aren't for everyone. Different strokes for different folks. But there are a lot of misconceptions about anatomy, because porn.
Big tit lolis are just dwarves.
I fucking hate dwarves
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Snek a best.
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Luna Lovegood Anime.jpg
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Luna is better than megumin
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mandatory uta claim
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Homura (93).jpg
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Fake girl?
I really can't memorize the features.


Bun bro!
She looks like she put her head under a lawnmower and finished it off with a couple of scrunchies. Who is that?
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Snek is best monster grill
>Sorry Holstaur
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>inb4 Galko sends that egg video
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You mispelled slime
>Gee I wonder who is behind this post.
that's a nice song
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1 MB, 1280x738
Bun bro.

>image search

I agree.

>part 2
File: Miss Pauling (31).jpg (222 KB, 841x504) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (31).jpg
222 KB, 841x504
I have to agree. The concept of a loli is a young, small, underdeveloped girl. The second you give them a mature attitude, unrealistically large breasts for such a small frame and a bubble butt, they're no longer a loli but an oddly proportioned, genetically inept freak of nature.
Hey guys, sleep well? Have a good morning?
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>Gee i wonder who's behind this post
File: Distressed Karen 36.jpg (70 KB, 780x520) Image search: [Google]
Distressed Karen 36.jpg
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I'm sorry I missed the reply desu.
>desk picture
what's a mos?

Did you fall asleep after attempt 2 yesterday?
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That's just hurtful. ;~;
But yes.
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>part 2
Ok now I'm excited
Yeah true there are

It's not just dwarves, I fucking hate all sorts of midgets.

I've hated them for as long as I can remember, but I don't know why.
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Neutral Karen 30.jpg
146 KB, 850x680
Kagami meant to put this picture for you lol
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Sort of.

Yeah, pretty much.

It's completely unrelated to eggs.
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Aryan masterrace
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lol, it's a code for my job, for me it's a 15u code
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you sir, have a very good waifu.
File: Nazi Karen 2.jpg (87 KB, 468x305) Image search: [Google]
Nazi Karen 2.jpg
87 KB, 468x305
Sorry! That's your nickname.
I'll remember the eye color though.

How was today? Uneventful?
Also can you post your regular ohayo without the hand or vietnam flashbacks
I want to edit stuff
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Syndra (33).png
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I'm disappointed now
File: Idea Karen 12.jpg (36 KB, 304x398) Image search: [Google]
Idea Karen 12.jpg
36 KB, 304x398
Ah okay desu
So you won't be able to talk to anyone for the next week? Super sekrit?
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It pretty much just started, uneventful so far.

Watch it.
>part 1

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You'll the eye color? Are you sure that's an accurate way to do it?
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Miss Pauling (52).jpg
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I'll have to disagree, there's something much more appealing... okay... erotic about having Holstaur as a waifu.

Also, dem digigrade legs.
You hang in there, champ.
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>inb4 'nice feet' comments.
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Feets are fucking gross.
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>>687829370 gonna be miserable...but i guess it's only a week right?
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>2 years worth of semen
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very angry.jpg
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I have returned from my shower.
If only Asuna was from a better than mediocre anime.
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your welcome, here have a song.
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2 MB, 320x180

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Surprised Karen 20.jpg
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No work today?

yes desu, when your memory is as unstable as mine there has to be certain triggers. Markers maybe you would call them. I draw a line on my finger to remind me to look at my arm where I probably have something written.
Like in those movies where someone's memory has been wiped, they see something then it all comes flooding back.

>If you're posting images you're not lurking
come on now

>Feets are fucking gross.
Always knew you were a filthy normie pleb

But when you come back you can tell us all about your awesome adventures, yes?

Welcome back Shiro

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Good man.
Truer words have never been spoken.
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I'm not a normie, I just happen not to be a peasant.
fucking nice feet!
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yeah, i can, i have a feeling it's not gonna be that exciting though lol
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Distressed Karen 31.jpg
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75 KB, 400x387
Eww gross
What is this furry shit?
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Vigil - 20.png
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Lord Dio declares it to be so.
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Nice feet!
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Akiko late claim
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>liking feet
>liking traps
Karen = mega degenerate lol
Please don't take this as an offense, but are you rather new to these threads? 23.jpg has been posted in here for a while.
Dio is a pleb
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But Snek is a cute.
>I'll be fine

I don't work on weekends, and I have next week off.
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Milinda claim.
Heard someone was looking for me?
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Most people would go for the double ahego rather than the eyes though...
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>Rattle rattle

copy cat.
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Dio mah nigga
File: Agitated Karen 18.png (106 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 18.png
106 KB, 850x850
Yeah these are totally real

Look what I made >>687828142

Yeah well you're a nigger
File: KyoukoSmug (3).jpg (52 KB, 1440x810) Image search: [Google]
KyoukoSmug (3).jpg
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I like Dio, but he has pleb taste.
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>Having children
>Perfect world
Pick one.
Jesus, Satan, Calm down
Also i know the meme but i really hate furfags
File: file name full of wit.png (1 MB, 2000x1029) Image search: [Google]
file name full of wit.png
1 MB, 2000x1029
You enjoy feet? Eh, I honestly don't care, pointless to judge others on their fetishes.
Choose one.
How you holding up Galks?
Me. Are you sure you won't be able to talk to us for that entire month?
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993 KB, 500x500
ayy who this

I'm 100% aware
File: Miss Pauling (8).png (1 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Miss Pauling (8).png
1 MB, 1920x1080
Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop the clock!
It's just another part of the female form, what's not to like? I love legs, but how would a nice pair of legs look without a nice pair of feet attached? Like a double amputee and unnatural.
Of course to a peasant who's satisfied with trash, it would make sense that my refined taste would be looked upon as "pleb taste"
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This world is dull.
*emi cries*
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oh vigil
i've been meaning to ask.
how do we distinguish our society
as we have a führer (tenryuu) and i see you as a knight or a lord.
so who would be what?
and how would people get titles? (this has been on my mind for a long time now)
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Oh,master Vigil.
tell me your secret.
Why do you prefer to be single,and not in a relationship?
File: Kyouko (86).jpg (168 KB, 600x814) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (86).jpg
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It's ok, I still like you.

You probably have good taste in different things.


Miss Pauling speaks true words.
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Saved famalam.
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evening dress-1.png
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I've been fist fighting gravity since the day I learned how to breathe
It's not about completion of the body, but rather about where you focus your lust.

The legs are a gateway to the glorious Pussy, while the feets are to be used to walk over disgusting pigs, Only a person with an inferiority complex would have a love for feets.
File: Happy Karen 90.jpg (100 KB, 630x400) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 90.jpg
100 KB, 630x400
I like almost everything desu
I think it stops at heavy scat and guro to the point where you can't tell it's a female anymore.

And I know I'm a mega degenerate
ay nig

It looks so perfect
Also post (34) for research purposes

Ms. P must stand for Patrician! Those are some fine tastes you have.

I know what I need to make now
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75 KB, 210x221

I don't want to miss the chaos is going to happen as I may live.
Never tought of suicide, worst ideea.
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Syndra (5).gif
344 KB, 343x481
So how many times have you been hit?
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Shiki 0484.jpg
299 KB, 791x840
I recognise that uniform
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286 KB, 480x360
No Mio in that picture
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2 MB, 1920x1080
I's me nig
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dress 1.jpg
322 KB, 1024x1559
I gotta leave now guys.
Sorry I won't be able to see your reply Milinda, I wish you well friend.
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Fine, I guess.
File: fran.png (244 KB, 617x506) Image search: [Google]
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Constantly, that's how gravity works

Hope you feel better than fine soon, my bro
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oh dang
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Chibi Karen 34.png
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Feet are very sensitive though. And they shouldn't be dirty in the first place, who walks around outside without any shoes on?

Bye bye shiro

Why does that picture look like someone sat on it?

You don't seem fine mister
what are you gonna do for the rest of the day?
File: Kyouko (34).jpg (400 KB, 850x1044) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (34).jpg
400 KB, 850x1044
>Also post (34) for research purposes


I don't know if it's a reference to that uniform, might be though.
I guess it looks fairly similar.
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377 KB, 1280x722
I dont know friend. I hope I can. It all depends on if I can get a signal.

See you friend. Thanks so much :)
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>who walks around outside without any shoes on?
Hobbits you bigot.
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955 KB, 1920x1080
Well at least you're acknowledging it
It's all good then

Ayy I gotchu my boy

If you look closely there's someone's hair on the side of it ;)

This and feet are in no way shape or form designed to be used for the abomination that is the footjob. It's just clumsy.
Granted tits aren't either, but you're supposed to use hands to help with that.

Are you a god damn wench or something you fucking peasant?
It's a bag of rice
File: after surgery.png (231 KB, 290x785) Image search: [Google]
after surgery.png
231 KB, 290x785
As far as the feet discussion goes. Let people be into whatever, as long as it isn't scat. Fucking nasty
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Shiki 0771.png
131 KB, 897x844
Could be a generic design in japan or something and the skirt doesn't mix.
File: Nazi Karen 1.jpg (127 KB, 1106x649) Image search: [Google]
Nazi Karen 1.jpg
127 KB, 1106x649
Photoshop is fun yo!

What is that cat thing anyway?

Where are you going for a month?

check your species privilege ok shitlord????
dont talk to me again pls

What does one have to do with the other desu

File: Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (1).png (867 KB, 810x780) Image search: [Google]
Miss_Pauling_x_Juri (1).png
867 KB, 810x780
I'm talking about thighs to ankles, including the calves. Every part of the leg but the foot
If I'm not mistaken Emi's legs end right under the knees.
But it's technically true, Emi has the WORST feet in the world. They're rotting at the bottom of some medical waste dumpster.
Yes, because the only part of a women's body I should find attractive is the pussy, the rest is just disgusting. And focus? I'm sure everyone out there who likes women's feet likes women's breasts and asses as well. The entirety of the female body is a temple, and one of the most intimate ways to worship that temple is to worship the very body part they use to tread this world.
High 5.
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Homura (8).jpg
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>What is that cat thing anyway?
The cutest thing in the universe.
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I was simply talking about the legs, calm down bruv.

I love titties.

Hell if I know, I was just trying too hard on calling you a woman.
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I agree with you that's fucking disgusting
Alrhough i guess I shouldn't be talking considering I think ass to mouth is hot as nasty as it really is
File: Kyouko (3).png (56 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (3).png
56 KB, 500x500
>What is that cat thing anyway?
That's Kyubey.
You should really watch Madoka, kek.

>The cutest thing in the universe.
Well, I mean, it is pretty cute.
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107 KB, 900x863
>I think ass to mouth is hot
Actually threw up a little.
File: but_you_do_surgery_every_day.png (22 KB, 170x164) Image search: [Google]
22 KB, 170x164
Well, if they clean themselves, and use an enema, there shouldn't be any shit there.

I'd still be to scared to though
File: stop.png (1 MB, 716x1113) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 716x1113
>ass to mouth
File: xover-cheap-wish.jpg (1 MB, 1754x1240) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1754x1240
kyubey is pretty cute, but there's something about him...
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what does that make loli feet?
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mio yes.jpg
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Scat, a pretty shitty fetish
File: Cheering Karen 24.jpg (202 KB, 500x570) Image search: [Google]
Cheering Karen 24.jpg
202 KB, 500x570
at this point I'm just asking to see what pictures you post kek

kek well I don't know how to say it properly either but >>687832455 did it perfectly desu
>one of the most intimate ways to worship that temple is to worship the very body part they use to tread this world.

yui I never thought you would be such a pleb I swear to god

Why is everyone so mean to the cat?

ass to mouth is pretty hot, also light scat is nice. Just because you're degrading the woman into something that's shitting itself on camera.
When they're smearing it on each other and eating literal human waste is where I draw the line desu.
File: Vigil - 175.jpg (119 KB, 787x640) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 175.jpg
119 KB, 787x640
On the contrary. Dio is a connoisseur.

Interesting question, although you might be disappointed as I have not given this much thought. So far I have used Nazi Party political rankings. Führer, which I applied to Tenryuu because he created this Reich and assumed a leadership position, for a while anyways.

The only other ranking I have given is Reichsleiter, which I applied to Shiki, though it is more of a fitting nickname because he stands as the second consistent poster in these threads.
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230 KB, 1280x720

Probably nothing.
File: dude exactly lmao.jpg (49 KB, 373x353) Image search: [Google]
dude exactly lmao.jpg
49 KB, 373x353
das a good one
>what does that make loli feet?
fukkin sexxxy
File: 2691.gif (1022 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
1022 KB, 500x281
Just like the rest of the loli

"Fucking disgusting gross shit what the fuck get this pedo shit out of here you cuntbag kill yourself I fucking hate you so much."
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Fort Irwin, California.

Alright everyone. The time has come. Im going to miss every single one of you. If you need anything at all please message me on Steam. If you dont have me added, ask Shinoa or Maki. They can help you. I will be back as soon as I can.
Milinda, signing off.
File: Tatsumaki (103).jpg (60 KB, 362x346) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (103).jpg
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I have done ass to mouth.

And let's just say I wasn't the one licking any bums.
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Big words coming from you.
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HomuMad (116).jpg
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Almost as cute as Sakamoto.

I think it's the VA.

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Determined Karen 11.png
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Does not match up.
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161 KB, 1280x720
Bye Milinda, good luck.
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I just nearly shat myself laughing

No prob Galko, did you get a prescription for the insomnia?

Oh my
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2 MB, 1920x1080
>Ass to mouth
I like butts but come on Moogs
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ouch....that hurts!!
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That's probably going to be one long month. Take care.

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231 KB, 542x571
I always instantly think that it's Maaya Sakamoto; Shiki's VA.
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