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Waifu thread The rules are very simple: >Claim your waifu/husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 151
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Waifu thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Have fun!
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spooky dracula.jpg
262 KB, 904x943
Still here.
File: chen not a furry1231231aweaweaw.jpg (146 KB, 850x900) Image search: [Google]
chen not a furry1231231aweaweaw.jpg
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>Put some fucking pants on edition
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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
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Akiko best girl claimed
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Shiki 0872.jpg
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Best type moon claimed
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but i have a towel on....does that count?
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But Emi is best girl.
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Lol 69
>best goat claim
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SSmile Lain.png
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Tenryuu 26.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

What are you guys listening atm?
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no, you are dio 2.0
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Vigil - 300.jpg
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Peter Lorre 238.gif
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Miho claimed

If only i could talk edition.
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Syndra (18).png
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Silence because Graff just left.

oh and this
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So long as you're not in public.
Those not trips state otherwise
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Tatsumaki (187).png
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Sorry I asumed that you have neither been to Germany nor speak the language above school level, under those circumstances calling yourself half German can't be taken seriously
Please correct me if I made any wrong assumption about you
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Shiro claimed.

Ich weis doch was dir gefällt.

I have Tenryuu believe that so he won't find me when he's trying to strangle me.

>half german
What a weird way to spell Rassenschande
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Hello milk
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>calls him furry
>doesn't call me furry
You biased scum
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Hello giant.
mmm i can speak enough german to get around, i've only been too nürmberg because that's where my mom is from, and i love german history and culture, but im just a huge history junkie
it's a common assumption to make, a lot of americans lose ways with their past and where they came from....
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let me pat the cat
hey its kyouko
hey its them
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Excited Lain.png
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You don't even deserve recognition
>Waifu switching
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You misspelled Nürnberg though.
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>still biased scum
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The gets have spoken
Akiko best girl
you're right, sorry...fucking sleep is not too common these days
Sometimes I just stay and wonder
How can someone be so edgy?
Es lässt bisher nichts darauf schließen, ich möchte aber auf der sicheren Seite sein:
Sind sie Bayer, Ossi oder normal deutsch?

I am not even Syndra
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1 MB, 1000x1185
You can't prove anything
Im only tall cause of all that milk you gave me.
File: Syndra (61).jpg (132 KB, 792x594) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (61).jpg
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Sandnigger bait.
also this >>686961257
No, fuck off.
File: this is as lewd as i get.jpg (914 KB, 2000x2300) Image search: [Google]
this is as lewd as i get.jpg
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Emi is best girl, not many can deny it, not even you.
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>doesn't change the fact Syndra is biased scum
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Tenryuu 83.jpg
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>but i'm actually not surprised

Naja, in Sachsen üben die Nazis schon fleißig in Opas alter Elektriker-Uniform. Nur echt mit den 2 Blitzen.

Er ist Süddeutsch, aber kein Bayer. Der Süden ist aber immer noch Müll.
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>My waifu is the best
>No mine
>no me
>no u!
You're all wrong. Get your dick out of your hand and realise your waifu is nothing more than attractive, if not shit.
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How is Syndra biased?
My innocent precious little waifu.
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1 MB, 980x1170
Guess who.

Nice to see so many beautiful anons.
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>Also I tried
>broke the noose
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
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Syndra is biased towards goats
Called other guy a furry
But not the guy with the goat waifu
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I swear it sounded like they had sampled Sister's noise around the 1 minutes mark.
Are you longing for her attention so Bad? You could just Start Posting Yume and talk to Syndra if abuse is what you wish for
>With all his waifu switching he might actually do that


Btw ist Yume echt Ossi?

Hasn't been funnybthe first time didn't get any more now...
Shut up already
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Tu tu ru.jpg
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Ja stimmt wohl, der Süden bekommt nix gebacken und liegt dem leistungsstarken Norden und seiner boomenden Wirtschaft auf der Tasche. Ich schäme mich ganz doll.
Gibt es hier unten überhaupt Industrie?
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hey tsuzu....
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310 KB, 600x835
Oh you're still alive then!

Hey it's Yume.
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It means prejudice
And Syndra is being prejudice to goat waifu
Out of context, yeah, if you look further back, you'll know she's all right in the head
How's life buddy?
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Hey Tsuyu
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I'd like to see you make me, schwein
Shut up already
File: Yume08.jpg (32 KB, 454x600) Image search: [Google]
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i didn't even try that you are not him but them
>oh fuck I did it
>Elektriker-Uniform. Nur echt mit den 2 Blitzen
Beste Nachricht heute
>best tights in sights
It's been a long time!
how are you doing?
Shut up already
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She is dead
mugi chan my wifu
Das hat Tenten behauptet, war aber von ihm zu erwarten
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>i didn't even try that you are not him but them
>>oh fuck I did it
You lost me
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Syndra (72).jpg
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That's a Mugiposter alright.
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Why don't you make me, cochon!
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Your next
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>i didn't even try that you are not him but them`
Am I that retarded?
>inb4 syndra saying yes>>686963014
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Für das Land der Reinen . Der heilige und unbefleckt . Nur ein Scherz , US- Amerikas ist eine schreckliche , schreckliche korrupte Ort, der Reinigung der Schweine verdienen.
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I didn't pick my waifu because i find her attractive?
Do i win or lose?
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87 KB, 332x263
What does cochon mean?
File: Tenryuu 57.png (585 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 57.png
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Zwar kein tiefster Ossi (er ist ja kein Sachse), aber ja. Ich weiß, er ist nur noch halb so viel wert und hat keine Ehre mehr, aber er reist mit seinem Onkel durch Deutschland um den Avatar zu fangen und damit beim Feuerlord seine Ehre und seinen Status wiederherzustellen.

Nur so unwichtige Sachen wie IT, Cloud-Startups, nen See und ein paar andere steinzeitliche Gewerbe. Und natürlich diese mittelalterliche Patentamt.

Oh fuck, er ist wieder da.
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Nice to see you, Kagami!
How are things?

Still alive is a good label.
Glad to see you, too, Kyouko.

Umm, strange and unavoidable, I guess.

Hello Amatsukaze.
It's Tsuzu, though.
Tsuyu is someone else.

Hallo Yume!

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87 KB, 480x270
its the same shitposters. every. fucking. time

What is so damn difficult about learning te fucking difference? Any time someone does this sort of shit, I automatically assume they're an uneducated high schooler and it makes me sad.

I learned this shit in grade school.
Well yes that's the idea of a circlejerk.
Still lose.
You're on 4chans /b/ in a waifu claim thread.
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Vielleicht spielt er auch auf den erbärmlich hässlichen Schwarzwald oder den abstoßenden Bodensee an.

Nice try, google translate.
not too about with you?? how have you been?
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File: Syndra (83).jpg (106 KB, 480x536) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (83).jpg
106 KB, 480x536
Touch the cow
Do it now
Stark angefangen und noch stärker nachgelassen.
War das Syndra oder die Ziege?
>please identify so I can make fun of you for being subhuman
File: ginsei_by_13thaisha-d37r15f.png (192 KB, 600x700) Image search: [Google]
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Ginsei from kobato, is the best choice.
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First to notice, good eye as usual, Syndra

Indeed, bestbro.
Pig, in french
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Damn. You're right.
Oops, sorry for the mistake, I got used to writing tsuyu..
How are ya?
File: Yuuki.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
That's not nice

File: shiro_0072.jpg (126 KB, 471x600) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 471x600
Ich glaube irgendwo im Süden schraubt auch noch einer an Autos rum, aber sicher bin ich mir nicht.

Well, obviously. Wanna join?
File: yuno.jpg (442 KB, 600x1116) Image search: [Google]
442 KB, 600x1116
Yuno forever.

File: masterofdeception.gif (1 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 320x240
You were expecting someone shit.

But it was me, Best Bastard!
Damn straight I am.
I'm sorry I missed you
Magst du mir noch erzählen warum Yume manchmal so schreibt wie du redest und warum du überhaupt so redest?
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Pet the cat
Do it stat
How have you been?
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115 KB, 395x388
I used my old claiming pic on purpose, don't worry.
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Syndra (115).jpg
128 KB, 800x1200

Fucking hell, one time i need one of the krauts hey arent here.

Thank you.
What are you up to?
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Not like she would let you claim someone else anyway.
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Ja, aber mit Telegram hat's noch nicht richtig geklappt.

I'm not really sure; but I've not been doing bad. It was somewhere within the average range..
Is it something you want to talk about? We can talk on Skype, too.


Could be better I guess, but I'm doing okay.
Yourself? Also, I forgot who you were previously, just remember that I should know...
Amatsukaze a cute, though. Have her plastic, too.
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That just makes it even worse, but enough wallowing in failure, how you've been?
i think it's something we should talk about....if you don't mind, but skype is good
Thanks, I got you with one in russian- svinya
Eh, as long as it's interesting or you make it to be, then it's all good.
Any other amazing discoveries you want to show us, Jonesy?
Hey Cagami, how's it going?
File: New style.png (148 KB, 460x640) Image search: [Google]
New style.png
148 KB, 460x640
Es gibt da doch diese schöne Hotel am Obersalzberg...

Was war nochmal dieses BMW? Belgische Motoren Werkstatt?

Ich könnte auch wie ein behinderter Plattdeutsch schreiben, aber ich unterlasse es mal. Aber was meinst du eigentlich damit?

Lass mich raten, der Link funzt nicht.
File: Toriel12.png (67 KB, 479x477) Image search: [Google]
67 KB, 479x477
I am goat
You're cow
Who will win?
>Shiro wird patriotisch
Verkauf dich nicht über Wert wir sitzen alle hinter den NRW-Städtern
Bin btw keiner, neutrales Niedersachsen

Somewhat surprised, you should find someone to properly translate your German shitposting
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Playing Rocket League. You?
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Pretty bad. I have a lot on my mind now. The stress is affecting me seriously and I can't do anything about it.

I wish I could say I'm okay as usual, but I'm not. Too many things to worry about lately.

I still have the best lower legs
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765 KB, 1300x700
>Btw ist Yume echt Ossi?
Na wie gehts wie stehts?
>Es gibt da doch diese schöne Hotel am Obersalzberg...
Deine wahre Heimat wa?
>Strong Start even stronger decline.
>Was that Syndra or the goat?
I'm doing alright, could be better too
I was previously Megumin
You have some? I wish I had, I lack the funds for the moment
File: Sweater.jpg (63 KB, 540x720) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 540x720
You wanna talk about it? I'm always here for you man.
You'd think google translate would have its shit together by now.

You'd also think I'd have my shit together by now...

Both are expectedly a mess.
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File: Tenryuu 67.png (1 MB, 1536x1152) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 67.png
1 MB, 1536x1152

Eher nicht, meine Familie hat sich schon seit dem 12. Jahrhundert eher im Norden Deutschlands aufgehalten.
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850 KB, 500x227
Nyarko claimed
Lol no wonder Tenryuu spricht Duestch
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Why would I want anyone else?
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1 MB, 1000x1372
I know the feeling, got an exam tomorrow and a clusterfuck of a project in the next month. And to top it off I'm not sure if I'm still a bit sick from yesterday or it's just my mind playing tricks.

If you need any help or to talk you know where to reach me.
You dont have any lower legs

Your legs are lies

You're a FAKE

Hey everyone, this guys a big fat PHONY
> Aber was meinst du eigentlich damit?
Du sagst immer irgendwelche Sachen die du Wort für Wort ausm deutschen übersetzt, bist hyperaktiv und umgibst dich mit Nazi Parolen (letzteres sollte nur als Beobachtung, nicht als Kritik aufgefasst werden)
Und Yume wirkt so wenn er schreibt, du nur wenn du sprichst
If I would yell "YOU COW!" in a mean manner to your waifu, how would you react? I was always curious to ask.
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Ja, aber Hamakaze hat sich schon drum gekümmert.

Naja, könnte besser sein.

Oh, yeah, I remembered it when someone mentioned it in telegram! I have quite a few anime figures.
But only a few KanColle so far.
An animal would not be able to tell the difference. It is an animal.

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Super serious Tenryuu.jpg
293 KB, 540x960
>Du sagst immer irgendwelche Sachen die du Wort für Wort ausm deutschen übersetzt
Das fasse ich mal als Kompliment auf

>bist hyperaktiv

>und umgibst dich mit Nazi Parolen
Naja, politische Korrekheit, welche mir aufgezwungen wird, ist auch Müll. Und jeder ist irgendwo ein wenig Rechts.

>Und Yume wirkt so wenn er schreibt, du nur wenn du sprichst
Naja, Ironie und Zynismus kann man nicht sooo gut in Text fassen.

Naja, das sieht man ja wie sehr du in der Gruppe bist.
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Purple haired elf loli!
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a a a a a a a a

((hey everyone))
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Syndra (57).jpg
136 KB, 600x530
Playing WoWs and listening to Miho rage about range.
No. Fuck off.
Thank you.
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272 KB, 500x609
Because at some point she will probably murder both of you.

Stimmt, ich hab gehört die Neujahrsfeiern in Köln sind der Hit.
Btw, wo ist die Waifu? So kann das nicht weitergehen!
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Don't really want to talk about it, I get stressed with this issue. I'll just say that the army needs doctors and I have the application papers next to me.
I'm playing World of Warships to relax, quite ironic. Also, sorry if I'm not "happy Emi" today, I don't feel like talking too much.

I have exams to do too. They are like a black cloud looming over me. They are not helping my situation (read above)

>Nice reference though
So whoever claimed that Cow waifu is animal? You should learn how to read if that is not what you meant.
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46 KB, 640x427
let me hug your legs!
wer bist du überhaupt?
Wirst du es überleben und wieder öfters hier sein?
>Stimmt, ich hab gehört die Neujahrsfeiern in Köln sind der Hit
Ne ab jetzt werden sie immer langweiliger
Stop telling me how to shit post.
What are you, some sort of shit post nazi?
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Ah alright, nah man we all go through stuff like this, I just wanna help if I can.
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That is fine anon. I lack the courage to an hero, so it would be really sweet if she killed us both. I would die happy.
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fun fun fun in the fluffy chair
flame up the herb
woof down the beer
I'll probably get some figures once I get my own place, unfortunately being a a firefighter doesn't pay the bills
I've come to a point in life where I project my irl problems online. Literally everything that is not taken seriously or portrayed as goofy makes me fucking mad.
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1 MB, 360x202
Pink haired psychopathic yandere!

Lol why is he raging about it
wattf it doesnt? I thought state jobs paid decently.
Unless you live beyond your means
That's unfortunate. Stop being a short dicked angry fat fedora tipping neckbeard
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Syndra (33).png
893 KB, 1024x1292
Not enough range to hit anything and gain points.
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Trust me bestbro, you help me a lot. I appreciate your concern. <3
Do whatever you feel is right to pursue your dreams.

[spoiler]And try not to lose your legs[/spoiler]

> Also, sorry if I'm not "happy Emi" today, I don't feel like talking too much.
That's perfectly fine, we all have our days when life decides to be a bitch.
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Cute smile full of life tinkerbell!
>short dicked
>fedora tipping neckbeard
You forgot to throw in there autism and mom joke kid.
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>yanderechan is still better
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Aufdringlich? Mitteilungsbedürftig?
Von den paar Tagen die ich dich im ts erlebt habe war das fast der einzige Eindruck den ich vom ts hatte

>Naja, Ironie und Zynismus kann man nicht sooo gut in Text fassen.
Du wirkst sehr viel anders in Schriftform

>Thank you.
I should Start counting this shit Syndra is treating me far too nice for comfort

Versuch 23 das Captcha zu laden un innerhalb von 2 Minuten ein Bild hochzuladen

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You love me don't hide your love!
>]And try not to lose your legs
don't lose legs!
they are the best part!
ah schon gewundert
du hast dich aber auch schon eine weile nicht mehr sehen lassen
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Syndra (41).jpg
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Is that a problem~?
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Can you teach me German, sensei?
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Losing my legs wouldn't look good on me, I'm not a cute girl.
Thanks for the advice Shiki, I'm truly grateful
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Which Yuno is this?
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I thought so too..
They fooled me!
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Naja, ist ja nicht so, als ob es dieses Jahr weniger werden.

I'm glad to hear you're so in sync :).
But what if she cuts of your legs and donger so you can never run away or cheat?

Dubs decides if i am Cirno
> du hast dich aber auch schon eine weile nicht mehr sehen lassen
Ich bin eigentlich von Sonntag bis Donnerstag Nachmittags da...

It has never been

>Das hatten wir schonmal
Yes become Cirno
Just do it!
Dann sind wir jetzt Doppelfreunde!
Do it baka!
Dubs says he does it
Glad to help.
Reroll m8
I don't like to be around the waifu switching kind, pls go back to wherever you came from

Dubs and goat has to kill himself
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Who could this be.jpg
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What happend to /waifu/?
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Cute smile full of bloodlust and love for Yuuki!
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The most loyal one. I love Yuno not just as "hurr durr i have a waifu guys" but I hope to be reborn within her universe.
She wouldn't do that. That is misconception created by memers. She is really lovely being who suffered a lot from disgusting humans. I want to cuddle her for eternity but I'm still not sure I could cure all the pain. I relate with her so much.
Fuck you
Full of fail right now. I think it's time for me to mosey on out of here for a while.

Have fun with the cancer
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>Losing my legs wouldn't look good on me, I'm not a cute girl.
That's the spirit
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Check em Lain.png
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Vigil - 10.jpg
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>love for Yuuki!
I am nice to you yet you always stab me with something. Perhaps you think I like getting stabbed because of my waifu choice?
But anonymous shitposter, you are the cancer
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Goat is was just costume lol
Facade you can say
Well that was a good ride
I atone for my heresy
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Syndra (45).jpg
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