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Waifu Thread! >claim >discuss >DONT SHARE >minimal

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
File: look at this.gif (442 KB, 448x243) Image search: [Google]
look at this.gif
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Waifu Thread!

>minimal e/rp
>don'tn't be overly sexual
>drink plenty of water
>i am not moot
File: Nishikino Maki (1).png (463 KB, 714x1200) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (1).png
463 KB, 714x1200
Britfag Maki claim

ayo doppel. I'm alright, tired but better than the past few days. You?
I know, it's why I've been listening to it for hours now!
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hands up.jpg
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I drank some bourbon. Does that count?
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1 MB, 1400x1000
smoker091 add me ^^ Just say who you are that I know who is adding me

Not using discord really, but I think you can add me with Fail#9455 there.

Posting it here again.

>Fubuki claimed
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Noire (3).png
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>Gamindustri best cosplay girl claimed

Ohayou Kouhai, slept well?
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Homura (36).png
1 MB, 720x1080
Based Tyrone is based.
>At first the 'shipping' started as something small, now the whole thread is going into it.
Seems like a thread activity now more than anything else.
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Kotori (75).jpg
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>EXPLOSION claimed
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>in that outfit of course it does
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Nishikino Maki (379).jpg
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Hello senpai. I slept alright, still super fucking tired. Hoping you weren't lewd after I left last night.

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finger 1.jpg
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he has a cool accent
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Dick is hard. Claimed.
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Guys how do I get a waifu
I have never felt partial towards a 2D girl before (at least not in recent memory)
You all make it seem nice
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You can tell me your skype if you want
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Homura (37).jpg
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It's mostly at this time of the day, perhaps we need to gather the oldfags and Ten again to make a rule against it like it happened with RP/ERP rules.
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People seem to be really into shipping tho
Who is Kagami
Are you recommending a waifu to me?
oh I thought you were kagami, he's nice and a skeleton
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Noire (162).jpg
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No i wasn't, don't worry <3

Heyo NepNep~
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Vigil - 53.png
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It's not that depraved.
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Nice double dubs. Also quack.

Sup fam, how are ya
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Homura (22).jpg
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Sure, but the thread is to claim a waifu and discuss. Discuss is a large word that can involve many themes but crafting meaningless online relationships like these in the blink of an eye just to spam things like '<3' ain't one.

I'm conflicted in this too because I've been part of the circlejerk and if people are having fun who am I to stop them for such a petty reason?

I guess, but was that the only reason for you to frown RP?
Emergency brb. I'll be back in an hour or two

uh oh :o
stay safe ;-;

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Maybe we can try a containment telegram channel for shipping related activities
my reasoning for this is that since the waifu telegram started the thread slowed down lots
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Correct me if I am wrong, but there is a difference between RP'ing and 'shipping'

To me 'shipping' shouldn't be really forced into the meme it's become. I always thought of it as two anons sharing a strong bond, like I said last thread.
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face 1.jpg
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ive never been on a boat but they seem fun :O
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I aggree on that one. thread would be useless if everone uses telegram
Good. Glad I can tame the beast a little at least~ <3

I'm good, hope everything is okay

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no the thread would remove the more cancerous parts related to shipping while hopefully fostering more animu related discussions
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8353 She was a huge whore..
I have finally decided to release it.

Mirror :!i04y1bZa!A4yGbHGZdPelSib8Cye87PVKv8Av5XSBt2Lp3gYrQZo
For most it appeared to be, but probably not solely the reason.

The shipping is just a thread activity. I don't find much of a problem with it, though I do enjoy watching their ships sink.
>watching ships sink
i know what you mean its very interesting to see how many people seem to take them seriously lol
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the fuck.png
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Holy shit
What, you never seen a FemPyro?
pyro is a boy tho
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Turkish waifus anyone?
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Hakan's wife claimed
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i claim big b0ss
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Heeeyyyy everybody, guess who's awake for that daily nyanpasu

How goes it?
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Hey roger, today is a special day ^-^ how are you?
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i dont want to die.gif
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all is ded
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Pirate hat Shiro claimed.

Hey disgusting evangelion, how's it going?

Now niggers are even stealing waifus? What is sacred anymore!?
ive been black my whole life, i will cut you >:(

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Oh man, what's going on today? Tell me, I gotta know.

That's every day anon
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a little sleepy
but naps are NOT okay
>nothing is sacred
Sup Renge! How's it goin?
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face 8.jpg
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With the mouth so open...
The schwanz is ready! Aaahhhh! ^,^
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I don't know what to do
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i'm happy.jpg
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Sleep well Renge?
Go back to sleep.
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Homura (5).jpg
2 MB, 1300x1700
I like the idea and I'm pretty sure not everyone will simply stick to TG. Personally I love the image board format for this.

That's pretty savage, enjoying seeing someone's strong bond get destroyed. But as someone who is documenting all this I guess it's interesting and since the ships are weak their sinking won't be causing damage either.

Meh. If you really want to try one shouldn't be too hard right now.

There is and again I will say that I might be getting overly salty with this due to personal reasons.
>I always thought of it as two anons sharing a strong bond, like I said last thread.
Nowadays seems like the ship comes first and only after that the anons try to form a strong bond... or not.

But I might be having one of my bipolarity cases, QQing and causing a bad mood for no reason so I guess it's better I leave for a while.
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3 MB, 944x1200
but you can image faster
>without a 4mb limit
on telegram! no more having to shrink images and gifs
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Play vidya, read a book, watch anime, go outside and walk, clean your room, work out, play solitaire, have a good wank, drink bleach
The options are endless

That is horrifying

Morning Makoto! I'm doing well, still a bit sleepy though. You?

Shiro! Yes, I slept well. How have you been?
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Ayy claimed
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crying konata.jpg
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its my birthday ;-;
just do it
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Vigil - 137.png
2 MB, 1390x1312
It's even better if they're the slightest bit sad over it. The "shipmaster" put them together based on them having a decent conversation, or they were on both sides of the "these_two_will_get_married" picture.

Of course they're going to crash.

They only think that the bond is strong. Which is why I enjoy seeing them die.
new rule
>no brown people
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Well, computer just decided to restart. And now Im bored.
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272 KB, 500x609
No surprise, black people tend to be violent.

Feeling great after my nap. I'm about to play some WoWs.

How's it going, akai?
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>Nowadays seems like the ship comes first and only after that the anons try to form a strong bond... or not.

You're exactly right.
It's like a bridge. You don't know how strong it is until you test it, it may look good on the outside, but when it takes the smallest load, it crumbles and kills the elderly couple having a picnic.

But again you have a point. People jump into these things like crazy, not really knowing whats going on, sure they might not be serious but sometimes I can't even tell if they're just role playing or they are actually hurt when they're 'ship' fucking explodes.
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hey renge
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2 MB, 422x409
How bizarre, it was dad's 50th and NY Tomoko's 18th yesterday. But happy birthday man! How old are you now, if I may ask? I hope you have a good one.

I thought naps were a bad idea.
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file name full of wit.png
1 MB, 2000x1029
Going to bed some time soon. I've been playing Katawa Shoujo for most of night, plan on doing all routes.
Read above. How have you been?
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821 KB, 1920x1080
that's a pretty good idea

>read a book
>go outside
>work out
youre killing me
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2 MB, 500x281
you could keep fucking up dragons!
have fun in wow!
I guess some people cant seperate the fiction from reality. I have a ship. I dont care if it sinks. I dont care if it floats. I play along and dont really acknowledge it, seeing it as a harmless bit of fun. Especially when my 'shipmate' has a life outside /waifu/ like I do.
>playing KS
I saw.
Here again.

>I ate too much pizza
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Tenryuu 156.jpg
102 KB, 850x660
Tenryuu claimed

Moin, was geht?
Du musst mir mal nen Gefallen tun
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>no mention of drink bleach
Clearly I'm not killing you that badly

Oh nice, which have you played so far? I honestly enjoyed all of them but Emi will forever be best girl in my heart.

Hey there Sachi, how's it going?
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Or I could keep playing on my Leaf Green named by the thread (Shiro).
Feeling a bit more tired than earlier, so probably best that I take Rory's advice and not go to the meet. Trying to upload a video to YouTube and Jesus Christ this upload speed is atrocious.
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face 5.jpg
11 KB, 254x198
its actually konatas birthday i should say >.<
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2 MB, 1415x1989
Oh! Uh... okay then, sure!

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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume

Did I miss anything?
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7 KB, 500x540
omg what was your starter?
but for real nigga you need some tums?
>i got you homie
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id rather drink bleach than go outside :^)
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211 KB, 313x503

>The whole lot

Nah, I just need to nap it off

We got a telegram group chat now
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2 MB, 500x376
>naps are the work of satan
you should fap it off
One can never eat too much pizza. Unless you eat it all. In which case you have eaten just enough pizza.
Not a lot. Vigil and Orange are having a chat about shipping.
Charmander named BITCHWHORE. Its Rory vs Dio for the championship when I get there. At Lavender with a lvl 43 Zard.

>captcha is a street sign for Condom
>max keks
File: Vigil - 55.jpg (172 KB, 425x600) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 55.jpg
172 KB, 425x600
We've had it for a while. Now we just have a new one.
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409 KB, 640x360
another one?
ok sounds cool
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mandatory cc claim

im a bit late ain i

sorry i just woke up
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Yeah, not really feeling up to it.

But I feel like I'm about to explode...
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480 KB, 500x383
That looks like a box cutter

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52 KB, 1280x720
What meet is this, exactly?

How's that hiki life? :^)))

I've been duped. You gotta specify these things my dude. Renge's isn't for another couple months.
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smile 2.jpg
2 MB, 6016x4000
Just now starting playing it, doing the Emi route first. I suppose I plan to do Hanako after that, then Lilly, Rin, and finally Shizune.
Congrats I suppose. By the way, get discord so we can talk off of waifu, can't get telegram.
Why not do both? At least you accomplish more than one thing.
Pain is weakness leaving the body!
>because what is the town you live near famous for
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2 MB, 500x500
i'm sorry about your loss
itl fuk u up m8y
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305 KB, 610x340
Naps are never a bad idea. Don't listen to the communist propaganda!

Killing some time before the game tonight.
Katawa Shoujo failed to entertain me, dropped it after half an hour. But I guess the whole visual novel stuff just isn't for me. I didn't even enjoy Neko Para, which is undoubtedly the best of the genre.

WoWs, with an S, as in WarshipS.

Klar mach ich dir Beinbehaarung auf die Bilder, gib mir 5 min.
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50 KB, 640x480
it's pretty good 8^)))

That's a good question actually
File: 66ec0c92b84c31cfaca62f49f1fe6d31.jpg (381 KB, 1480x2070) Image search: [Google]
381 KB, 1480x2070
Already have it

>send the details fam

>Katawa Shoujo failed to entertain me
>dropped it after half an hour

Eye-twitching ensues
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thats a lot of cheese
the video was pretty specific ;-; me birthday is later this year :o
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You called?
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495 KB, 600x800
Your eye is probably just twitching because the bacon you placed on top of it is dripping grease.
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chibi (3).png
590 KB, 850x1100
I believe #6094 should work.
What game may I ask?
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39 KB, 640x362

Why me
Best type moon claimed
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Anna claimed
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pretty good, just had lunch and now im just chilling
what about you?
Cirno claimed
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61 KB, 500x746
I need your Discord tag too
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Syndra (11).jpg
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>waking up at 2pm
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I believe it's Subway Orgy.
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kagami claimed
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>jizz on hand

why are we counting zero's when we could be counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums

yea... i do this often
and its half 2 rn (where i am atleast)
File: hands up 2.png (198 KB, 414x435) Image search: [Google]
hands up 2.png
198 KB, 414x435
good morning ^-^
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It's gogurt you retard
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83 KB, 582x600
brit-fag here
we dont have such a thing
please do explain what it is
I don't see a problem with that, I did at 3 pm.

It's been a while since I've heard that song.
If I ever get terminally ill I'll play this song 24/7
File: 1445964413020.jpg (2 MB, 3400x2400) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3400x2400
Bro it's gogurt

Got it

Goooood morning!
File: 2016-05-28-04-05-51--756461133.jpg (13 KB, 259x194) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 259x194
Yogurt in tube
Lol dude. Everytime I go to a Waifu Thread you are there.
There can be only one.
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morning konata!!! how's it goin??
good morning to you too!!!! is your day going good?? even if it's night there lol
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Tenryuu chibi 22.jpg
74 KB, 700x800
Eigentlich wäre es super wenn du in dem E-Mail fach guckst, mit welchem Atago's WoWs Acc verknüpft ist. Da sollte eine E-Mail von WG sein für ein Geschenk. Einmal dieses Annehmen, ist ein Geschenk für Atago.
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1 MB, 1680x1050
ah, why would anyone want that?
seems messy
ill take my yogurt in a tub thank you very much

gotta love overkill

they have that ac/dc vibe to them
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Not messy
Justs shoots into your mouth
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and on your hands
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yeah maybe i should just go back to bed
I did it as joke
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124 KB, 500x648
Well, I should be asleep by now

>I don't know why I'm not

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I believe the vibe is coming from the vocalist's voice, pretty similar.
Change of genre though.
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donut house 2.jpg
19 KB, 500x375
it's going good, im still kinda sleepy ;-;
i just played lol with 3 bots on our team so we all went mid, it was no bueno ;-;
hop into my bed :)
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>hop into my bed
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182 KB, 720x960
go to sleep silly!!! get some rest
hahahaa!!!! that sounds hillarious, did ya win anyways???
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Vigil - 66.jpg
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>Is Vigil giving free uprez's
I'm sorry?
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Kyouko claimed.

I wanted to wake up a bit earlier than 3:40PM, oh well.
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fuck, i really am a dunce

i heard of the prodigy before
never listened to them, from what your showing me, they are pretty good
(cant think of something good to give back so enjoy having nothing from me)
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donut house.jpg
28 KB, 500x500
we did not ;-; my teammate and I started to just taunt at the base though while we got rekt so that was fun :o
morning cococococo
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The Day Is My Enemy album is a lot different from their earlier stuff, and I believe you've heard some of their stuff before.
Mostly because this song was in so damn many trailers including Crysis 2 multiplayer trailer.
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lol, who were you playing????
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Nishikino Maki (326).jpg
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Not surprising considering I have no life.
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Can't kill something which has no life.
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>late claim
File: face 9.jpg (83 KB, 659x515) Image search: [Google]
face 9.jpg
83 KB, 659x515
anna banana, she has cute taunts ;-;
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54 KB, 600x600
Why hello there.

>What's a qt like you doing this late?
File: Tenryuu 125.jpg (700 KB, 1317x2266) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 125.jpg
700 KB, 1317x2266
I really hate the person who spread the thermal paste on my laptop.
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File: kagami (14).jpg (32 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
kagami (14).jpg
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watsup amatsu?? how goes it??
File: Weird-Megumin01.jpg (562 KB, 1029x1955) Image search: [Google]
562 KB, 1029x1955
Heya Amatsu
File: o shit fam u caught me laffin'.jpg (18 KB, 662x460) Image search: [Google]
o shit fam u caught me laffin'.jpg
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aww shieeet fam how u been girl let me get yo moms number
File: Life before bombs.jpg (63 KB, 640x720) Image search: [Google]
Life before bombs.jpg
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The factory worker or aftermarket?
File: images.png (8 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 225x225
U did it
You tried to fap with it
>obligatory REEEEEEEEE
Hey Konata, how are you?
Her Hanako~
I just woke up and didn't want to wait fpw next bread! How are you doing?>>686595299
Hey Kagami, I just woke to a cute spam on telegram, so I woke up happy kek
How are ya?
Heya Megu, hpw's life treating ya?
File: Nishikino Maki (90).png (830 KB, 800x1118) Image search: [Google]
Nishikino Maki (90).png
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Kek, that's what I tell myself at least

i am good, enjoying the weekend B)

File: Tenryuu smiling 16.jpg (276 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu smiling 16.jpg
276 KB, 500x500
factory worker
It's the worst thermal paste i saw. Everything's crusty and difficult to remove. But hey, at least i can use normal SSDs in my Laptop. And i can replace the CPU.
File: Megugif.gif (433 KB, 400x225) Image search: [Google]
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Pretty good i guess. Well nothing bad happened. It's kinda boring
File: 6 foot robot fists old man.png (549 KB, 797x606) Image search: [Google]
6 foot robot fists old man.png
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>decide to finally watch evangelion
>end up watching first 6 episodes in a row
So what's everyone else up to?
sounds nice lol
im doin alright!! you got anything goin on today???
That's the way to go.

I've never really bothered playing around with my laptop, then again I don't really ever use it.
Newfag alert
>cute outfit
That's nice!
Boring is good news for me, means there's no fire~
Same as usual!
As long as there's no fucking car accident or fire today, got nothing~

I actually read on /g/ that cum works great as thermal paste.


Champions League final
Madrid vs Madrid
I think Madrid will win this one

Lost both games of ranked tonight!

>almost makes me want to kms actually

Well, I died and came back with pizza.

>The usual

That's no thermal paste, anon
It is time for me to go to bed. I wish you all warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu. Add me on steam:

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